God believes in capital punishment for young children

§outh§tar said:
Morality can't be applied to God, since He is infinite. That would be a) unfair and b) impossible and c) illogical.

So he is a kind of "do as I say not as I do" guy?
Yo dudies,

Face it dudes. You have no honest and justifiable argument against the immoral act that God condoned. It is called "murder". In this instance God is the judge, jury, defense, witness and executioner. There are no mitigating circumstance. This act of god was barbaric. He could have changed the outcome in infinite omnipotent alternate ways. The rest of the OT falls similarly short of present day moral norms. Ask yourself the question. If you were god in this situation, what would You have done? Can you not feel the weight of the manacles holding you down?

Would anyone here grab babies and smash their skulls?

You misunderstand. Babylon had been doing this exact thing to Israel. david was asking God to do to them, as they did to Israel.

if god created him than he is perfect,
perfect god cannot create imperfection

Yes, God created some thing perfect, but allowed it the potential to be imperfect.

but but god killed them, not for killing anyone just for jeering

Yes because for God, mocking his name is the same is killing some one. Therefore, same punishment.

A. Unfair because we are not sovereign and perfect as God is.
B. Impossible because , We do not understand God, and
C.Illogical because we do not see things as God sees them

If god is perfect and superior to us would he really get so bent out of shape about some stupid peoples comments as to need to kill them? So god is morally inferior to say Martin Luther King or Mahatma Ghandi then! Very impressive deity you have there

When a mesquito bites you, it doesn't really hurt. it is more irritating than painful. So why swat with intent to kill, at the mosquito? Because it is bothersome and you don't want to deal with it. God definition of moral, and human's defintition of moral are two very seperate things.