God as One

What does this have to do with neurotheology? Insofar as God is
generally defined as the Prime Mover or first principle of reality,
God is by definition real, and thus a part of the real universe. And
because this first principle is by definition primary — because there
is by definition no preexisting reality to contain it — reality cannot
properly include it. So the real universe must coincide with God;
scientific knowledge is theological knowledge, and science a form of
theology. It follows that our ability to use science to better the
plight of our species - our capacity to know God and to help others
know God — is part of what makes us "special". And where true science
is a key ingredient of our claim to metaphysical distinctiveness, our
place in the hierarchy of being cannot be threatened by science done
thoroughly, correctly, and without a priori restrictions on our role
in the scheme of things.

But what is that role? Where does humanity fit into the scheme even
now being revealed to us by science.. .we, who have lately found
ourselves reduced to the wearing of metaphysical sackcloth? It turns
out that in a certain precise sense, we are microsms, images of the
universe within the universe. And because of the symmetric connection
between source and image, cosmos and microcosm, we function as agents
through whom the universe realizes its being. We are its children and
heirs, poised on the threshold of adulthood and charged with shaping
Destiny itself, with helping the living universe choose its form and
content from a background of undifferentiated potential. Though eons
removed from the moment of creation, we actively retrodict it, sending
the power of our minds back through time to help the Prime Mover, our
parent and provider, selfcreatively embody the universe we inhabit.

On the Perils of Metaphysical Skysurfing without a Parachute.
Christianity may be false but at least one religion is true. Islam would lay claim to theirs as the only true religion.

Islam has no more validity of being true than any other religion, regardless of who lays claim. The only valid religion is the one that can produce the god that is claimed to exist within that religion.
Everyone who becomes a believer in a god has to first believe what people tell them. Unless you formulated the concept without any human intervention, this is an irrevocable fact. Human beings are sinners last time I checked. Therefore to become a believer in a god, a sinner must first believe a sinner. Anybody who preaches, teaches, or participates in the name of their religion is also a sinner. The religions are sustained by sinners, the truth is maintained by sinners, does that make you feel comfortable in your belief?

Since we all have been labelled sinners then by their own nature, god religions have told us that no one can be trusted, that would include their own members all the way from top to bottom.
Christianity may be false but at least one religion is true. Islam would lay claim to theirs as the only true religion.

As long we embrace religion and not to serve God we will be fighting each other . Lets stop this nonsense my religion is better the your religion , and start to practice the guidance on how serve God and be nice to human.
Everyone who becomes a believer in a god has to first believe what people tell them. Unless you formulated the concept without any human intervention, this is an irrevocable fact. Human beings are sinners last time I checked. Therefore to become a believer in a god, a sinner must first believe a sinner. Anybody who preaches, teaches, or participates in the name of their religion is also a sinner. The religions are sustained by sinners, the truth is maintained by sinners, does that make you feel comfortable in your belief?

Since we all have been labelled sinners then by their own nature, god religions have told us that no one can be trusted, that would include their own members all the way from top to bottom.

I don't have a problem admitting that I am a sinner, ( sin is a transgression against who ever I have transgressed ) Now if I ask for forgiveness then my transgression should be washed away. So according to your analysis were does leave me ?
Preaching is not allowed on the site. It's a bannable offense, IIRC.
I don't have a problem admitting that I am a sinner, ( sin is a transgression against who ever I have transgressed ) Now if I ask for forgiveness then my transgression should be washed away. So according to your analysis were does leave me ?
That is not preaching IMO. You are just expressing your belief.
Post #21 is preaching/evangelizing.

And post #20

Stating "I believe..." is fine but when it starts to sound like a Sunday school lesson or a Deacon preaching from the pulpit addressing his congregation, that's considered "preaching." I don't care for it, either. :/
Islam has no more validity of being true than any other religion, regardless of who lays claim. The only valid religion is the one that can produce the god that is claimed to exist within that religion.
^^^That is preaching of the worst type possible.
Post #21 is preaching/evangelizing.

And post #20

Stating "I believe..." is fine but when it starts to sound like a Sunday school lesson or a Deacon preaching from the pulpit addressing his congregation, that's considered "preaching." I don't care for it, either. :/
We should go and see what the rules state. It might be worth it for me too for some of what I say must come close to preaching. Especially when I bring down Hellfire on my enemies.
We should go and see what the rules state. It might be worth it for me too for some of what I say must come close to preaching. Especially when I bring down Hellfire on my enemies.

Do you really believe in a fiery place where "unrepentant sinners" will be sent for all eternity?
I never believed that, ever. That there is this mystical "Hades" ruling the underworld where people will be "writhing" in pain.
The Bible is a book of fear designed by early church clergy to control the masses.
There is some beauty within it, but it's largely designed to instill fear and control.


Edit to add; I don't have to find the rules. If you wouldn't preach like this at your employer, then don't do it here. That's how I view it. When in doubt, ask yourself if you would "preach" in a similar way at your place of employment.
.... Anyway!

Edit to add; I don't have to find the rules. If you wouldn't preach like this at your employer, then don't do it here. That's how I view it. When in doubt, ask yourself if you would "preach" in a similar way at your place of employment.
It's a fact most people would not mention religion at work. What I tell them at work is to read the Beautiful Christian Song thread and they went on and saw the song about Dinah Moe Humm. That was quite educational for them!
Do you really believe in a fiery place where "unrepentant sinners" will be sent for all eternity?
I never believed that, ever. That there is this mystical "Hades" ruling the underworld where people will be "writhing" in pain.
The Bible is a book of fear designed by early church clergy to control the masses.
There is some beauty within it, but it's largely designed to instill fear and control.


Edit to add; I don't have to find the rules. If you wouldn't preach like this at your employer, then don't do it here. That's how I view it. When in doubt, ask yourself if you would "preach" in a similar way at your place of employment.

Hall can be if you get into eternity , and you can have a long time to have remorse for not living the proper way . I hear this from Inmates sentenced for life who regret for what thy have done during their young life which lead them for life sentence . that is a hell also.
It's a fact most people would not mention religion at work. What I tell them at work is to read the Beautiful Christian Song thread and they went on and saw the song about Dinah Moe Humm. That was quite educational for them!

Haha oops! :D

This site is pretty welcoming and hospitable to faith discussions, but preaching is a different thing.

Hall can be if you get into eternity , and you can have a long time to have remorse for not living the proper way . I hear this from Inmates sentenced for life who regret for what thy have done during their young life which lead them for life sentence . that is a hell also.

Your support is much needed there. :eek:
Christian Muslim Jew, Hindy Zoroastra, Ameican indian , God is the same God there is no other God then the creator of man and formed the earth.
One of those is polytheistic. One of them is duotheistic. And the last one isn't a single religious tradition that you can generalise a theology from.
You're blowing smoke out your ass.

Everyone who becomes a believer in a god has to first believe what people tell them. Unless you formulated the concept without any human intervention, this is an irrevocable fact.
Yes, and plenty of people believe in deity largely through religious or mystical experiences.

Human beings are sinners last time I checked.
"Checked" where? Some book put down by a couple of old men?
Yes, and plenty of people believe in deity largely through religious or mystical experiences.
"Checked" where? Some book put down by a couple of old men?

If you can find us one person who formulated a god belief without ever hearing the word "god" or a reasonable facsimile prior to their experiences then please share it with us. I have no doubt that at some time in the past at least one person was able to do it.

'Last time I checked' is in reference to a sermon I heard at a local Christian church only 2 months ago. Often, because of what I do, I find myself in a situation where I sit down with the flock and listen to what's being preached. I've actually heard it countless times so unless I misunderstood what you're saying then I would consider this a reasonable check on my part.
If you can find us one person who formulated a god belief without ever hearing the word "god" or a reasonable facsimile prior to their experiences then please share it with us. I have no doubt that at some time in the past at least one person was able to do it.

'Last time I checked' is in reference to a sermon I heard at a local Christian church only 2 months ago. Often, because of what I do, I find myself in a situation where I sit down with the flock and listen to what's being preached. I've actually heard it countless times so unless I misunderstood what you're saying then I would consider this a reasonable check on my part.
Someone had to be the first. Go back far enough down the evolutionary scale where did it begin? Once it started, now try and stop it?