God and the Stone


Registered Senior Member
Ive always wondered how the Christians on these forums answer to the old question " can God create a stone thats to heavy for him to lift?"

even if this has been discused here before, give me a refference or just sum up what the general conclusion was. thx
Yes he can because he is omnipotent.
No he can't because he is omnipotent.

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
If God exists... He, or it, exists outside our universe...
and as creator, applied all the energy of our universe...

so no... Nothing can be made which is to heavy for God..(in our space)

but that does not include things outside our universe....
beyondtimeandspace said:
My answer, as a Christian: No, and this has no bearing on the omnipotence of God.

Your saying that God isnt omnipotent.. if he cant do something than he isnt God because a God could do absolutley anything, hence the word God

Mosheh Thezion said:
so no... Nothing can be made which is to heavy for God..(in our space)

but that does not include things outside our universe....

why do i get the impression that you completley missed the point. if he couldnt create something ,at all, (no matter where he was) than he is not omnipotent.

and if he could infact create a stone to heavy for him to lift, wheter in or outside the universe, then that stone is in a sense more powerfull than he is and therefore he is not omnipotent
Please refer to the post made by Cris:

"The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true."

To ask the question "Can God create a rock that is too heavy for Himself to lift?" leads to a logical inconsistency. The question itself doesn't make sense. God can't do it, not because He isn't omnipotent, but because it isn't something that can be done. More specifically, it isn't a possible action. If it isn't a possible action, then it isn't an action, hence, it isn't something that can be done. To put it another way, you're asking God to do something for which there is no doing. You're asking God to do nothing. No, God can't do "nothing" as understood as Him doing something. Again, logical inconsistency. Only logical possibilities are possible, because only logical possibilities are possibly real. It's like asking, can a square circle exist? Well, "square circle" denotes no meaning. You might try to alter the idea itself and make it logical, but then you're actually talking about something other than a square circle. Logical impossibilities are meaningless. So the real question isn't "Can God make a rock bigger than He can lift?" the real question is "Can God perform logical impossibilities?" The answer to which is no, not because He isn't omnipotent, but because logical impossibilities are meaningless.

As I said, "No, and this has no bearing on God's omnipotence."
Why is it necessary for God to be omnipotent? Even slightly less than omnipotent is still impressive. In the bible, he can't seem to make people believe in them, preferring to destroy them for their disbelief instead.
beyondtimeandspace said:
My answer, as a Christian: No

I am quite sure some scientist could make a stone so heavy, that he could not lift it - and now you tell me , as a christian, that god can not do the same...

God must be really old and impotent these days .....

Science versus god: 1:0
Sure, a scientist could, because he's human and operates according to physical laws. God is neither human, nor is God bounded to the same physical limitations.
we can never know anything about what is outside our universe...

therefore.. the entire arguement is a waste of breath... even if interesting...

Quote moshe:
"If God exists... He, or it, exists outside our universe..."

* Says who?
Was man around when god "created" the world - some must have been there to record it in the bible - otherwise it is only hearsay information from god ......

the bible was written by man and therefore only as reliable as man ......
we all know how reliable man are .....
The main problem reside in the 1500 year old interpretation of Genesis...

where in Verse 2... it says. the earth was void and without form....

it doesnt say it existed... it literally says.. it didnt exist...

it only came into existance in verse 9......

thats the problem... we need to reinterpret Genesis... gesh.

Can God make a stone thats too heavy to lift? How stupid is that question. Heaven doesnt have the same phisical laws as Earth does.
spidergoat said:
In the bible, he can't seem to make people believe in them, preferring to destroy them for their disbelief instead.

If he had wanted us to believe in him, he wouldn't have given us free will. What he "wants" is that we choose to believe in him by our own free will. He couldn't just MAKE us believe in him since that would take away our free will.

Lord Insane said:
Was man around when god "created" the world - some must have been there to record it in the bible - otherwise it is only hearsay information from god ......

God told Moses how he created the world, then Moses wrote it down. The real self of man-- God-- has always existed.

stretched said:
Did God set of the Big Bang from where?

There was no Big Bang.
there are somethings god (ofthe christians) cannot do; ex. cannot lie, cannot be unfaithful to his people...