God and the Devil

We killed them, it's kinda obvious. "They are different! Let's get them!" is written all over the history books. The only thing that remains of them is the unfortunate decendents of rape victims.

M*W: Interesting theory. I've always been interested in anthropology, but I'm no expert by any means. I'm confused about your statement, "the only thing that remains of them is the unfortunate decendents of rape victims." Why would this be true? Please explain. If that were true, survival of the fittest would not necessarily be true, assuming that the weaker ones couldn't protect themselves from the rape, and what kind of 'creature' would want to 'rape' a woman? That would preclude what I'd call the 'fittest.' Again, I'm no anthropologist.

Do you believe that we killed them off out of out being more fit that them? We were probably smarter, true, and maybe abler than them. I personally tend to think we bred with them and that's why they seemed to die out.

I've read other theories, too. That homo neanderthalis died out due to an autoimmune disease caused by their changing diet. Any comments on this? I think it might have had something to do with adding protein to their diet which may have altered their blood type over a long period of time. I don't know.

However, your statement about them surviving because of rape is one I haven't heard. Can you please explain more about this? Thanks.
M*W: Interesting theory. I've always been interested in anthropology, but I'm no expert by any means. I'm confused about your statement, "the only thing that remains of them is the unfortunate decendents of rape victims." Why would this be true? Please explain. If that were true, survival of the fittest would not necessarily be true, assuming that the weaker ones couldn't protect themselves from the rape, and what kind of 'creature' would want to 'rape' a woman? That would preclude what I'd call the 'fittest.' Again, I'm no anthropologist.

Do you believe that we killed them off out of out being more fit that them? We were probably smarter, true, and maybe abler than them. I personally tend to think we bred with them and that's why they seemed to die out.

I've read other theories, too. That homo neanderthalis died out due to an autoimmune disease caused by their changing diet. Any comments on this? I think it might have had something to do with adding protein to their diet which may have altered their blood type over a long period of time. I don't know.

However, your statement about them surviving because of rape is one I haven't heard. Can you please explain more about this? Thanks.

Well It's not really "survival of the fittest". It's survival of the most adaptable.

The Neanderthals were probably stronger, possiblysmarter(in some ways) however most definitely not, more adapatable.

I've got and open mind on it, perhaps we lived relatively peacefully with them, I doubt it.

My reference to "rape" is I suggest the possibility of homo Sapian Sapians doing their usual "deed" upon the vanquished that they have throughout their history. Of course no smoking gun "evidence" has survived 20000 years. I'm going by our track record alone. I suggest it is possible there was interbreeding - perhaps on the fringes of a bell curve stat - even consentual(people do animal sex now - why not?). I could be wrong about the possibility of offspring, pretty sure I read it somewhere...

I do doubt the "diet" theory, they were doing pretty good at the height of the ice age.
Well It's not really "survival of the fittest". It's survival of the most adaptable.

The Neanderthals were probably stronger, possiblysmarter(in some ways) however most definitely not, more adapatable.

I've got and open mind on it, perhaps we lived relatively peacefully with them, I doubt it.

My reference to "rape" is I suggest the possibility of homo Sapian Sapians doing their usual "deed" upon the vanquished that they have throughout their history. Of course no smoking gun "evidence" has survived 20000 years. I'm going by our track record alone. I suggest it is possible there was interbreeding - perhaps on the fringes of a bell curve stat - even consentual(people do animal sex now - why not?). I could be wrong about the possibility of offspring, pretty sure I read it somewhere...

I do doubt the "diet" theory, they were doing pretty good at the height of the ice age.

M*W: Oh, for god's sake! Don't even mention anything about the ice age!!!

I've read that Neanderthal babies had larger heads, so giving birth was more difficult than for other animals. I think the brain enlarged with the addition of protein to their diet. I think I read that somewhere. The autoimmune theory was on Discovery Channel years ago. By adding protein to their diet, somehow it caused their blood-type to change, but in doing so, they died out or rather didn't survive or adapt well to new circumstances.

No doubt Cro-Magnon saw the Neanderthal ladies and found them to be somewhat fair of hairy face and bred with them. I understand the possibility of 'rape,' because 'rape' has gone on since the beginning of time. In the case of the Neanderthal ladies and the Cro-Magnon gents, that would be 'marrying up' for the womenfolk.

Let's assume this was the case. The Neanderthal's genes apparently assimilated well with Cro-Magnon's. Did the offspring of these parents become Cro-Magnon or another breed? I thought since they assimilated well, they blended in with Cro-Magnon. Have you learned otherwise? If that was the case, we would be descended from Neanderthals.

Interesting subject.
I believe this Neanderthal discussion should go to the "Science" category or somewere else.

But as this is in a "Religion" thread I will address evolution from a religious point of view.

I believe religion and science should go hand by hand, because everytime we discover something about nature, we are actually discovering something new about our environment.

Although God can never be explained from a science perspective, it is because our science is still in diapers, we are just above to neanderthals in evolution, and we are going to become higher beings (evolutionary speaking) in many years to come if mankind survives.

How is evolution be explained from a religious perspective?

As we have seen, evolution works slowly, so slow, we cannot see how is affecting our lifes, and how we are contributing to evolution. our souls are eternal, but they can either grow in energy, or decrease its strenght.

If in our short lifes, we identify ourselves with this life-energy, we can control it in a positive or negative way. We can aid our soul to evolve either positively or negatively, as I see it.
As I previously stated, we have all the principles of the universe, implicit in our very souls. That is why we sleep... That is why we naturally hate... and that is why we naturally love...

So, it is a matter of choice, you can choose your soul to be darkness and destruction, or you can choose to go to the light...

I personally prefer the Good Mentality, and believe the Bad Mentality is not a reason for punishment, but is a consequence of ignorance.

If we are on hudge burden of carry forward bad karmas currently that all our good deeds can't reverse it, following goods can only be most appropriate, but when we can be overburdened by good karmas, opposite can also be true.
If we are on hudge burden of carry forward bad karmas currently that all our good deeds can't reverse it, following goods can only be most appropriate, but when we can be overburdened by good karmas, opposite can also be true.

Yes, our goal is to accept our karmas, as they come, but for example:
"A group of innocent people are being abused by a big gang, and there is something you can do to stop it. Would you do it, save the people, but you are possibly going to get harmed???"

There is an example on how you can do a good deed, if you choose not to, you are already taking a position, and you are going against nature. That is an example of how a good man do nothing, and evil triumphs. If you choose to do it, then I believe, you pay for your past bad karmas, by bringing love to others, in the cost of your own suffering.
M*W: There's no god, so there is no being that can be omnipotent and omnipresent. That's just a description of the god that doesn't exist.

When you deny God, you are only telling us something about yourself. You are afraid of change, beacause if God exists, then you cannot continue being who you are. So you are afraid of that, and you deny God, but when you do this, no change will come to you, and you will always stay the same.

So, you want for God to not exist, so you can justify your actions. But if God exists, you have problems, because you cannot continue being yourself, you would change.

God is an inner-experience, if you deny Him, you are only denying your inner-experience, and you will never know God, and you will only prove yourself right, because you never experienced.

If others have experienced, they cannot prove it to you. But they know is truth.

So why do you come to every post, trying to convince people that God doesn´t exist? Because you are not happy with what you believe in. If you would seriously think that God doesn´t exist, you would just ignore the fact that some people say he does, and it wouldn´t have an impact in you. But it disturbs you, the fact that God may exist, and you are doing nothing about it.
When you deny God, you are only telling us something about yourself.

M*W: I just answered your post in another thread, and it was quite lengthy, so I won't repeat the same thing here.

I deny the existence of a god. That is what I am telling you about myself. What else do you need to know?

You are afraid of change, beacause if God exists, then you cannot continue being who you are.

M*W: I am not afraid of change. I went from being a christian to being an atheist. If that's not change, I don't know what is. God doesn't exist, and I am who I am.

So you are afraid of that, and you deny God, but when you do this, no change will come to you, and you will always stay the same.

M*W: I'm not afraid of change. God existed in my life at one time, but now I know belief in a god is a lie. I am happy who I am, and I am not looking to change. I've already changed. I always plan to be an atheist.

So, you want for God to not exist, so you can justify your actions. But if God exists, you have problems, because you cannot continue being yourself, you would change.

M*W: A god not existing has nothing to do with me. I have no problems continuing to be myself. The non-existence of a god does not affect me.

God is an inner-experience, if you deny Him, you are only denying your inner-experience, and you will never know God, and you will only prove yourself right, because you never experienced.

M*W: The absence of a god does not affect my 'inner experience.' There is no god to know. You talk in circles.

If others have experienced, they cannot prove it to you. But they know is truth.

M*W: Others may think they have experienced a god, just like I thought I was experiencing god without proof. All it is is self-deception. That's not a good thing.

So why do you come to every post, trying to convince people that God doesn´t exist?

M*W: Why, does this bother you? You are telling something about yourself. What are you afraid of? As I've said before, it is not possible to convert someone to atheism. Embracing atheism is an 'inner experience.' It can take years to come to this understanding. All I do is teach. If someone wants to believe, then that's fine, but I cannot coerce or force something to understand there is no god. I can only say 'no god exists,' but those who read what I have to say must deal with this in their own mind and experiences.

Because you are not happy with what you believe in.

M*W: I am very happy with what I believe or not believe. How do you think you can get into my mind? You can't.

If you would seriously think that God doesn´t exist, you would just ignore the fact that some people say he does, and it wouldn´t have an impact in you.

M*W: It doesn't impact me in anyway except that I feel sorry for their self-delusion. Then they get together with others of like mind, and I feel sorry for their mass-delusion. Feeling sorry for them doesn't help them, so I try to bring it to their attention that there is no god. Saying a god exists does not make it so, but like you said, it is an inner experience. Even so, an inner experience does not make it so. Again, that is self-delusion.

But it disturbs you, the fact that God may exist, and you are doing nothing about it.

M*W: I am not disturbed that a god might exist, because I know it doesn't. I know that this god exists only in one's inner experience. It is not real.
There are a thousand arguments to say God is not real, it doesn´t mean you don´t have life inside you.
You can choose to not believe, and you will only prove yourself right. but you won´t prove others wrong, never. This is easy, saying: "God doesn´t exist, so I only follow myself". By knowing yourself, you can know the kingdom of heaven.
Maybe my friend, maybe you are in the right path, and you will get to know the realm of God. Life works in misterious ways.
There are a thousand arguments to say God is not real, it doesn´t mean you don´t have life inside you.

M*W: Having life inside of you does not require a god.

You can choose to not believe, and you will only prove yourself right. but you won´t prove others wrong, never.

M*W: Utter, senseless BS. As I have already told you twice today, realizing there is no god is a personal revelation that may take years and years. You have an idea in your head that you cannot see around.

This is easy, saying: "God doesn´t exist, so I only follow myself". By knowing yourself, you can know the kingdom of heaven.

M*W: More senseless BS. I have already known about the kingdom of heaven, but now I know it doesn't exist. You can believe anything you want to believe, but don't tell me how I can find heaven. It doesn't exist. You're delusional.

Maybe my friend, maybe you are in the right path, and you will get to know the realm of God. Life works in misterious ways.

M*W: The "right path" doesn't mean that a delusionary god has to be at the end of that path. There are no mysteries to life.
Listen to you Med Woman, you are all upset, saying everything is BS, why are you so upset?
You may think that the reason you are upset, is because of people like me. But you would be fooling only yourself. Only you can get to know the reason why you are upset by this, but I can tell, is no coincidence with this being a thread about "God and the Devil".
You don´t see me putting hate words in here, I am peaceful, I don´t care if you tell me that there is no God, but for some reason, you get upset when I say that there is a God.

You say you don´t believe in God, but only have arguments about a religious belief system, but not one argument about God except "there is no proof".

Well, the only proof I can give you, is inside you my friend, and you will never find it, unless you seek for it.

Peace be with you
Listen to you Med Woman, you are all upset, saying everything is BS, why are you so upset? You may think that the reason you are upset, is because of people like me. But you would be fooling only yourself. Only you can get to know the reason why you are upset by this, but I can tell, is no coincidence with this being a thread about "God and the Devil". You don´t see me putting hate words in here, I am peaceful, I don´t care if you tell me that there is no God, but for some reason, you get upset when I say that there is a God.

M*W: I'm not upset. I am impatient with hard-headed people like you. You don't listen, in fact, you preach. I am tired of answering your posts.

You say you don´t believe in God, but only have arguments about a religious belief system, but not one argument about God except "there is no proof".

M*W: This is redundant and going nowhere.

Well, the only proof I can give you, is inside you my friend, and you will never find it, unless you seek for it.

M*W: Again, you don't know what is inside of me. I have sought and I have found what I was looking for. Your inner wisdom is not my inner wisdom. Case closed.
M*W: I'm not upset. I am impatient with hard-headed people like you. You don't listen, in fact, you preach. I am tired of answering your posts..

I said this was going to happen, you get impatient because of people like me. You should look into yourself Med-Woman, and realize your impatience does not come from me, but from inside you.

I preach the existence of God, you preach the non-existance of God. You claim I don´t listen, and you don´t listen either, so were are we? Exchanging meaningless words.
I said this was going to happen, you get impatient because of people like me. You should look into yourself Med-Woman, and realize your impatience does not come from me, but from inside you.

I preach the existence of God, you preach the non-existance of God. You claim I don´t listen, and you don´t listen either, so were are we? Exchanging meaningless words.

M*W: I don't preach. You preach, and you're breaking the rules. No preaching allowed! Heed it.
M*W: I don't preach. You preach, and you're breaking the rules. No preaching allowed! Heed it.

You are preaching the non-existence of God, the same as I am preaching the existence of God. You shouldn´t throw stones if you live in a glass house my friend.