God and the Devil


Speaker of my truth
Valued Senior Member
As Zarathustra taught, there is only one God, and he is Light. Fire is the only element that can change matter in such a way that life can be created.

The endless Universe, there cant be an end to it if you think about it, there is no such thing as the end of the Universe. Because if you get to the end, you can always go farther.

This endless Universe is full of stars that are like our Son, whos light have encouraged life on this planet. It is kind of weird to think we are the only planet with life in the Universe...

Ok so we evolved from monkeys, imagine if mankind survives, and in a couple of million years how we are going to evolve into a more intelligent being, lets call it "future-human".
The "future-human" (or any more-evolved being) would look at humans the same as we look at monkeys, and would have a better understanding of the Universe than humans, the same way we have a better understanding than monkeys.

This being said, how can a human mind in this precarious form understand the mystery of the Universe?
The answer is we cannot, we as humans are not destined to understand what the Universe and infinity is, like eternal in time.
That is the reason we created the Word "God", in order to put into a word, the definition of the auto-generated Universe that was never generated because it has always existed.

Like the Macro-Cosmos Im talking about, there is also Micro-Cosmos (each one of us). Meaning all the mysteries of the Universe are represented in our souls.
Is the way we explain life, the life within us, that energy that keep us alive and our heart beating, is our Soul.

Our souls (Micro-Cosmos) are eternal, like the Universe (Macro-Cosmos). And we are set upon this material realm, in order to manifest this energy into a temporary matter.

This doesnt change the fact that life is created with the help of Light, not darkness. Because in the darkness of the Universe, where there is no Sun, there is also no life.

So how do we explain this? Human invented the word "God", in order to put into our precary words the Mystery that we cannot understand. But this doesnt mean that this mystery doesnt exist, the mystery that makes us alive, and many Masters have come to this Realm to teach us.

Nothing changes the fact that there is Light or Darkness, there is Life or Death, there is Love or Hate; there is the good mentality or the bad mentality, destruction or creation.

We can choose the good mentality, performing good deeds, having good thoughts and speaking good words; by this, we generate Light (therefore the term "Enlightened"), Love, Creation, Life.
Or we choose the bad mentality, generating Darkness, Hate, Destruction, Death.

This mystery, we call it God and the Devil.
Can one survive without darkness, sleep, bads, devils etc.?

Instead of God and the Devil, it can/should be Angels>>>GOD<<<Devils. It may be possible that, currently, we may be so much overlaoaded by devils/bad, angel part can't be attained.
Can one survive without darkness, sleep, bads, devils etc.?

Instead of God and the Devil, it can/should be Angels>>>GOD<<<Devils. It may be possible that, currently, we may be so much overlaoaded by devils/bad, angel part can't be attained.

Hi there my friend, it seems you have yourself a point with the whole "need for evil" argument. And it is true what you say, there is no day without night. This is implicit in the Universal Law of Duality, that we encounter in all creation.

The thing is, there is no life in the darkness. Life can only grow with the help of fire; it is said that God´s love, we see as fire.

So we have free will to choose between the Light and the Darkness, Good and Evil; in our every action, every word.

Like Buddha said:
"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."

This is because one word that brings peace, spreads the fire ammong people, to the extent of causing a forest fire.
In the other hand, there is the evil words of a being we call Hitler, that bring war to Earth, and spreads darkness ammong the heart of men to the extend were they can no longer see any light.

So my point is that we have a God given right to choose between spreading the light, or spreading darkness. It seems we can contribute to life or we can contribute to death.
no we didnt, :rolleyes: we share common ancestor with apes, we evolved from homo neanderthalis.

M*W: I understand we share a common ancestor, but I was under the impression that it wasn't homo neanderthalis. They branched off like a cousin or something. I don't pretend to be an expert on this, but I've always found it to be interesting. Whatever we descended from, it was closer to the trunk of the tree than a branch.
Hi there my friend, it seems you have yourself a point with the whole "need for evil" argument. And it is true what you say, there is no day without night. This is implicit in the Universal Law of Duality, that we encounter in all creation.

The thing is, there is no life in the darkness. Life can only grow with the help of fire; it is said that God´s love, we see as fire.

So we have free will to choose between the Light and the Darkness, Good and Evil; in our every action, every word.

Like Buddha said:
"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."

This is because one word that brings peace, spreads the fire ammong people, to the extent of causing a forest fire.
In the other hand, there is the evil words of a being we call Hitler, that bring war to Earth, and spreads darkness ammong the heart of men to the extend were they can no longer see any light.

So my point is that we have a God given right to choose between spreading the light, or spreading darkness. It seems we can contribute to life or we can contribute to death.

Probably, life may also not grow normally without darkness. The correct justification can be a balance between light and dark, good and bad, angels and devils..such balance or a perfect homeostatis can be GOD a straight line in mid of a wave. God only created opposing forces, meant to balance each other, when any force is going towards excess. Look;

Angels/good(Imbalance)>>>>GOD/Balance<<<<<Devils/bad(imbalance)=Good deed or love towards god

Angels/good(Imbalance)<<<<GOD/Balance>>>>>Devils/bad(imbalance)= Bad deed or hate

When imbalances tends to move towards God/balance, it is good deed and when balance tends to move towards imbalance it is bad ded/sin?
Although you may have a good reasoning to this dualist balance between good and evil. According to what I believe, you placed God in a wrong place in the equation.

GOD -> Angels/good/light/love>>>>Balance Point<<<<<Devils/bad/darkness/hate <- Matter/Ego
Although you may have a good reasoning to this dualist balance between good and evil. According to what I believe, you placed God in a wrong place in the equation.

GOD -> Angels/good/light/love>>>>Balance Point<<<<<Devils/bad/darkness/hate <- Matter/Ego


Who created devils?
M*W: I understand we share a common ancestor, but I was under the impression that it wasn't homo neanderthalis. They branched off like a cousin or something. I don't pretend to be an expert on this, but I've always found it to be interesting. Whatever we descended from, it was closer to the trunk of the tree than a branch.

Actually, Neanderthals (as I heard it) was inevitably proven incorrect.

M*W: I understand we share a common ancestor, but I was under the impression that it wasn't homo neanderthalis. They branched off like a cousin or something. I don't pretend to be an expert on this, but I've always found it to be interesting. Whatever we descended from, it was closer to the trunk of the tree than a branch.
MW's right. Neaderthals were wiped out by us. We didn't evolve from them. We killed them. They were around for a long time, before homo sapiens. Then homo sapiens showed up, we were both around for a little while, then...no more neaderthals.
There are at least two main lines of thought among paleoanthropologists. One is that H. sapiens and H. neanderthalis are separate lines and species and the former out-competed the latter, forcing their extinction. A second is that there existed H. neanderthalis which was not a completely separate species, but, rather an intra-species isolate that was re-absorbed back into the H. sapiens genome when archaic humans migrated into Europe at around 40-26 million years ago (these figures are off the top of my head and are probably not exact).

Both hypotheses have their own camps, and I'm back and forth between them, depending on the evidence of the day. The first is generally called the Replacement Theory and the second is usually referred to as the Multiregionalist Theory. I've written on the topic elsewhere if anyone is truly interested.

Who created devils?

I am not an ultimate source of information, but I can tell you what I believe, and I won´t lie to you. Anyone can feel free to debate this point of views, and discredit them as they like:

Ok God is what we humans call the creator, and he works through light.
Also, we call the lack of light, darkness.

This phenomenon, reflected upon our souls, is what we perceive as love and hate. I believe this, because hate only damages the person who hates, and not the person being hated. On the contrary, love makes the person who loves obtain divine wisdom, and the right to spread the wisdom ammong others, so they learn how to love as well. If you see this simply: love creates, hate destroys.

So, God creates angels, with love, in order to create. The thing is, because of dualism, there has to be the lack of light, and therefore, destruction.

You may say: Why did God create hate and/or darkness????
I say to you, God created love, but love cannot be imposed, it has to be voluntary. We have the option to choose hate, for the very same reason love exists, and it is because we have to choose it by free will.
God does not impose love on us, because then, it wouldn´t be love.

Who created demons? We do, with our actions, and thoughts.
What we humans perceive as Demons, are temporary manifestations of a great hate (created by humans), trapped in the doors of time. And this can be fought with love, like Jesus did and tought.

So I say:
GOD -> Angels/good/light/love>>>>Balance Point<<<<<Devils/bad/darkness/hate <- Matter/Ego

But we humans have both sides, we have to choose, or we can be impartial, and let things be.

We have a soul, that comes from the light, from God. But we are also animals, matter, with an Ego, sometimes a really big one.

So we ourselves, have the the rules of the divine balance inside us, that is the reason why Buddhists, Hindus and many teach meditation. Because the balance in inside us, although it is very difficult to perceive.

I don´t know if I express myself crearly, but if not, just let me know and I´ll try to explain better next time :)

Peace my friend
I am not an ultimate source of information, but I can tell you what I believe, and I won´t lie to you. Anyone can feel free to debate this point of views, and discredit them as they like:

Ok God is what we humans call the creator, and he works through light.
Also, we call the lack of light, darkness.

This phenomenon, reflected upon our souls, is what we perceive as love and hate. I believe this, because hate only damages the person who hates, and not the person being hated. On the contrary, love makes the person who loves obtain divine wisdom, and the right to spread the wisdom ammong others, so they learn how to love as well. If you see this simply: love creates, hate destroys.

So, God creates angels, with love, in order to create. The thing is, because of dualism, there has to be the lack of light, and therefore, destruction.

You may say: Why did God create hate and/or darkness????
I say to you, God created love, but love cannot be imposed, it has to be voluntary. We have the option to choose hate, for the very same reason love exists, and it is because we have to choose it by free will.
God does not impose love on us, because then, it wouldn´t be love.

Who created demons? We do, with our actions, and thoughts.
What we humans perceive as Demons, are temporary manifestations of a great hate (created by humans), trapped in the doors of time. And this can be fought with love, like Jesus did and tought.

So I say:
GOD -> Angels/good/light/love>>>>Balance Point<<<<<Devils/bad/darkness/hate <- Matter/Ego

But we humans have both sides, we have to choose, or we can be impartial, and let things be.

We have a soul, that comes from the light, from God. But we are also animals, matter, with an Ego, sometimes a really big one.

So we ourselves, have the the rules of the divine balance inside us, that is the reason why Buddhists, Hindus and many teach meditation. Because the balance in inside us, although it is very difficult to perceive.

I don´t know if I express myself crearly, but if not, just let me know and I´ll try to explain better next time :)

Peace my friend

Though nicely explained with pure heart, I want to furthur know, what GOD has not created in above and how in view of HIS omnipotence? If HE has not created few things/darkness/hate or devil, how can we say HE is omnipotent and omnipresent. Is HE not present in darkness,hate, devil or bad deeds?
As Zarathustra taught, there is only one God, and he is Light. Fire is the only element that can change matter in such a way that life can be created.

The endless Universe, there cant be an end to it if you think about it, there is no such thing as the end of the Universe. Because if you get to the end, you can always go farther.

This endless Universe is full of stars that are like our Son, whos light have encouraged life on this planet. It is kind of weird to think we are the only planet with life in the Universe...

Ok so we evolved from monkeys, imagine if mankind survives, and in a couple of million years how we are going to evolve into a more intelligent being, lets call it "future-human".
The "future-human" (or any more-evolved being) would look at humans the same as we look at monkeys, and would have a better understanding of the Universe than humans, the same way we have a better understanding than monkeys.

This being said, how can a human mind in this precarious form understand the mystery of the Universe?
The answer is we cannot, we as humans are not destined to understand what the Universe and infinity is, like eternal in time.
That is the reason we created the Word "God", in order to put into a word, the definition of the auto-generated Universe that was never generated because it has always existed.

Like the Macro-Cosmos Im talking about, there is also Micro-Cosmos (each one of us). Meaning all the mysteries of the Universe are represented in our souls.
Is the way we explain life, the life within us, that energy that keep us alive and our heart beating, is our Soul.

Our souls (Micro-Cosmos) are eternal, like the Universe (Macro-Cosmos). And we are set upon this material realm, in order to manifest this energy into a temporary matter.

This doesnt change the fact that life is created with the help of Light, not darkness. Because in the darkness of the Universe, where there is no Sun, there is also no life.

So how do we explain this? Human invented the word "God", in order to put into our precary words the Mystery that we cannot understand. But this doesnt mean that this mystery doesnt exist, the mystery that makes us alive, and many Masters have come to this Realm to teach us.

Nothing changes the fact that there is Light or Darkness, there is Life or Death, there is Love or Hate; there is the good mentality or the bad mentality, destruction or creation.

We can choose the good mentality, performing good deeds, having good thoughts and speaking good words; by this, we generate Light (therefore the term "Enlightened"), Love, Creation, Life.
Or we choose the bad mentality, generating Darkness, Hate, Destruction, Death.

This mystery, we call it God and the Devil.

Been reading Neitz huh? Good boy...
There are at least two main lines of thought among paleoanthropologists. One is that H. sapiens and H. neanderthalis are separate lines and species and the former out-competed the latter, forcing their extinction. A second is that there existed H. neanderthalis which was not a completely separate species, but, rather an intra-species isolate that was re-absorbed back into the H. sapiens genome when archaic humans migrated into Europe at around 40-26 million years ago (these figures are off the top of my head and are probably not exact).

Both hypotheses have their own camps, and I'm back and forth between them, depending on the evidence of the day. The first is generally called the Replacement Theory and the second is usually referred to as the Multiregionalist Theory. I've written on the topic elsewhere if anyone is truly interested.

We killed them, it's kinda obvious. "They are different! Let's get them!" is written all over the history books. The only thing that remains of them is the unfortunate decendents of rape victims.
Though nicely explained with pure heart, I want to furthur know, what GOD has not created in above and how in view of HIS omnipotence? If HE has not created few things/darkness/hate or devil, how can we say HE is omnipotent and omnipresent. Is HE not present in darkness,hate, devil or bad deeds?

Well, yeah, from that perspective, God had to create hate in order for love to exist. As Osho said: "love and hate are two sides of the same coin".

The thing is, God only works through light, and light can appear in the dark, like a thief entering a house at night...
The New Testament is most emphatic on this:
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2Pet.3:10).

You may wonder how the day of the Lord can come in the night, but as is written in Amos 5:20: "Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?".

Another quote which is "outside the canon" is the gospel according to Thomas:" [...] if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming, they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house (their domain) and steal their possessions. As for you, then, be on guard against the world. [...] When the crop ripened, he came quickly carrying a sickle and harvested it. " (verse 21)

Maybe, is just a matter of perspective. I don´t look at your whole balance thing with entire denial, but I would rather live in the light, than in the darkness. And in the Bible, as well as Buddhism and other religions, if you spread the light, you will be unified with God, with the Atman, with the inner most self.

As all the enlightened beings have gone "into the light", sitting in the right hand of God.

I don´t believe ALL religions are wrong about this, God is Light, God is Life. There is nothing in the darkness... If you go to a place in the Universe, were only darkness resides, you will find no life...
Well, yeah, from that perspective, God had to create hate in order for love to exist. As Osho said: "love and hate are two sides of the same coin".

The thing is, God only works through light, and light can appear in the dark, like a thief entering a house at night...

You may interpret it as light and no light. HE may work by light, still we can't say dark due to no light is not created thing.
The New Testament is most emphatic on this:
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2Pet.3:10).

You may wonder how the day of the Lord can come in the night, but as is written in Amos 5:20: "Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?".

Another quote which is "outside the canon" is the gospel according to Thomas:" [...] if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming, they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house (their domain) and steal their possessions. As for you, then, be on guard against the world. [...] When the crop ripened, he came quickly carrying a sickle and harvested it. " (verse 21)

There can be one basic knowledge/telling. Other can be at gross level. If at gross level, if all our good deed(punya) can't nulify previous hugde debt of sins, there can't be nett carry forward of good deeds. So, in english dict., which is not basic language, there is no antonym of sin, whereas punya is there in sanskrit, basic language, probably nett punya existed when this word is introduced.

Maybe, is just a matter of perspective. I don´t look at your whole balance thing with entire denial, but I would rather live in the light, than in the darkness. And in the Bible, as well as Buddhism and other religions, if you spread the light, you will be unified with God, with the Atman, with the inner most self.

As all the enlightened beings have gone "into the light", sitting in the right hand of God.

I don´t believe ALL religions are wrong about this, God is Light, God is Life. There is nothing in the darkness... If you go to a place in the Universe, were only darkness resides, you will find no life...

Again, you can't live without sleep. Can you?
As I previously stated, we have all the principles of the universe, implicit in our very souls. That is why we sleep... That is why we naturally hate... and that is why we naturally love...

So, it is a matter of choice, you can choose your soul to be darkness and destruction, or you can choose to go to the light...

I personally prefer the Good Mentality, and believe the Bad Mentality is not a reason for punishment, but is a consequence of ignorance.