God and the Devil are real - here is proof 100%


(¨*·.¸ PΛRΛDIGM ¸.·*¨)
Registered Senior Member



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So where is the proof? A collection of random images does'nt prove anything except a humans abilty to infer something. Just as this post is doing. Does your god know all about photograpy then? He controlled the camera that took the pics of the smoke and stuff at just the moment that a ball of smoke/ dust/ debris whatever formed into a vague face. Well if he did then your god is a real bastard then, appearing live onstage at 9/11 with satan. Sorry, its all bollox to me.
Yeah, those pictures might prove satan and God for him who has understanding. Satan is the law of this world, so his face can be seen in many places, especially in places where evil is, like in the face of Hitler.


Here are some other interesting cloud formations. These are two seperate images they are not the same.
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yesterday I saw a pig fly, whist I was having lunch with my elfen friends, at a local inn, later I saw it again as we rode off on our unicorns, my friends said I must of been seeing
things, I think they may have been right.
"twilight zone time"

This is an actual Hubble image of the Carina Nebula. Is this the Universe giving us the finger? I thought you atheists would enjoy this. :D
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Didn't the christians try an audio version of this with Judas Priest back in the 70's
(subliminal messages to worship the devil when records played in reverse)
This is an actual Hubble image of the Carina Nebula. Is this the Universe giving us the finger? I thought you atheists would enjoy this.

Heh, funny.

As for pictorial signs of the God and Devil, can I take a picture of my stucco ceiling and point to the many things I can find in it too? ;)

- N
Prester John said:
Didn't the christians try an audio version of this with Judas Priest back in the 70's
(subliminal messages to worship the devil when records played in reverse)

According to the late great Bill Hicks, if you listen to your albums backwards, you are satan :D
PΛRΛDIGM®, gimme whatever ye'r smoking. Ye'r using it irresponsibly, and it should give me a great high judging from what it's done for you. :D
Mind you, there are lunatics like this all over the world who are more than willing to share that lunacy with the world. Look at the picture of mary in some cheese on toast that sold for thousands on ebay, or the latest - which is like a picture of jesus in a crisp or something.

I guess that's how god 'gives signs' these days. No large pillars of smoke or burning bushes, but faces in clouds and pancakes. I'm not sure who's the bigger lunatic, him or them.
what all that stuff above SHOULD communicate is not Gods and Devils thus excacerbating 'our' already divided conflictual ways of perceiving and understanding....BUT rather showing us our imaginative creative capacities....there's a word for it i've forgotten right now...ie., say when you are looking at a rock and see a face, or look at a mossy wall, etc and see all kinds of forms.....visual artists are very familiar with it
this is what probably happens in theeeeee
Imaginal Realm where people create their own belief images....i want MINe to be horny faeries.....who yeah...hehe
It is nice how we allow such perceptions of features though, mind you I would have asocciated such an act as creating such a possibility of perception.

that was a horrible day.... :mad:
Gambit Star said:
It is nice how we allow such perceptions of features though, mind you I would have asocciated such an act as creating such a possibility of perception.

that was a horrible day.... :mad:

It certainly was. The violence of the images. the actualness of it. knowing there were people in the building. seeing them jump out. all in sharp focus on the clearest bright day none of us will ever forget it. And of course we will see images of hell in the amorphous tentacles of smoke cause it WAs evil. like we may see joyus images in the tentacles of mist in some amazing woods, etc

But what we HAVEn@T been shown is what the Americans and Uk etc have done ACTUALLY in Iraq in so much detail. That is kept hidden. yet far more people have been killed there. including children and babies. Yet the pople who have spoken about THAt experience sound callous and indifferent. Am just noting this

Back to the subject of the thread though. As we see 'evil' and 'good' in amorphous, smoke and walls and rocks etc. so it will be when we look at manifeested reality per se. some people, for example, who are racist will look at a person who is non-white and SEE their expected vision, due to their fear

i am also understanding the Imaginal Realm to also be like this. By Imaginal Realm i mean the imaginative state people report about in NDEs, OBEs, hallucinogenic trips, etc. Whereby what you envision is a reflection of your state of being at the time
So, eg., the chrisitan with his belief in good angels and bad devils will experience that....whereas say a pagan Celt may experience faeries which were more ambiguous, being a combination of good and bad, just like humans, and animals, and Nature actually. That's why i prefer the latter. it's more real
Yorda said:
Yeah, those pictures might prove satan and God for him who has understanding. Satan is the law of this world, so his face can be seen in many places, especially in places where evil is, like in the face of Hitler.
Ironically one of the very few authentically evil men of whom you could objectively say was ugly.