God and Music

process B in this case would be quizzing object A about knowledge in the future

Incorrect, but you're getting closer. Quizzing a supposed omniscient entity about the future does not determine omniscience as it might know the future but not know whats going on now or what went on in the past.

perhaps we should clear up the nature of testing omniscience first

It's cleared up, you know as well as everyone that to test omniscience one must be omniscient. Your stubborn attitude merely prevents you from admitting it as being the case.

if it is revealed to one what they will know in the future, how does that make them omniscient?

I'm saying that if a being gives you the ability to see everything, (past, present and future.. why do you think only the future is an aspect?), then you would, at that time, be omniscient as well.

lol - did your mother ever tell you to chew your food properly before you swallow?

Its relevance?

She also told me that if I make a wish and blow out my birthday candles, the wish will come true.

What was your point?

Its not clear how knowing what I will have for breakfast tomorrow makes me aware of what all the living entities in the universe will be having for breakfast tomorrow

Indeed. It's also not clear why you made this statement.

erm - did you have a point or are you satisfied to blather?

erm - is there a point in making points when you don't even understand them? I did note you like pictures, perhaps I should draw you some.

actually pure devotion to god is very clearly defined, including various symptoms,levels, points of progress, etc - Actually its the point of Bhagavad-gita

It seemingly differs from book to book.

if I observe you or I hear news of your activities ands its clear that you are fumbling about in a state of non-omniscience, there's no need for viewing you as a worshippable object

Of what value is your claim to 'fumbling about' when you're not qualified, (i.e you don't show me pure devotion)?

and 30 posts later you are still reluctant to admit the distinction between practice (ie tests) and valuations (ie truth)

Umm.. What? Where? Lol.

the first being that if a person is alive and apparently "normal" by all means, its not clear how they could be catagorized a "ghost",

Wow, still missing the point. I feel inclined to chalk it up to language barrier.

Everything is so black and white with you.. If I ask what tests were ever conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people, you'll harp on about my wife, your grandfather, the shopkeeper up the road while ignoring every other possibility - such as "ghosts" being a hallucination.

So.. what tests were ever conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people as opposed to say.. hallucination?

Everyone else I've ever spoken to understand the question. Try really hard.

the same as any test in any field of advanced knowledge - carried out by qualified persons - who else?

Language barrier apparent. I didn't ask "who", I asked "what". Try again.

What test has ever been conducted that has shown there is a 'soul'?

given their qualifications

What qualifications? Oh wait, this is where you tell me these people are qualified to assert that gods/souls etc exist because these people have slightly less jealousy or anger than some other people. Lol, what utter tosh.

which aspect do you think "test" falls under?

Where does your question even come into the discussion? Are you trying to evade the actual conversation?

there is a special advantage that lies in one of them - can you guess which one?

Patient dies after operation to wrong side of head:

Jab mistake patient dies:

Etc etc.

I am sure that if you took a step inside any Krsna temple these questions can be answered

It's possible but there aren't any near me. How about you just tell me what you saw? Am I asking you to give me a kidney? No.
process B in this case would be quizzing object A about knowledge in the future

Incorrect, but you're getting closer. Quizzing a supposed omniscient entity about the future does not determine omniscience as it might know the future but not know whats going on now or what went on in the past.
I thought you had chucked those two questions out the window because the said entity could be "reading your mind" or whatever - but if you want to throw them back in you could also ask those q's too

if it is revealed to one what they will know in the future, how does that make them omniscient?

I'm saying that if a being gives you the ability to see everything, (past, present and future.. why do you think only the future is an aspect?), then you would, at that time, be omniscient as well.
then you are saying something different than me (see bold vs your italics)

Its not clear how knowing what I will have for breakfast tomorrow makes me aware of what all the living entities in the universe will be having for breakfast tomorrow

Indeed. It's also not clear why you made this statement.
you are talking about all knowledge in the future - I am talking about a small part of such knowledge (a single person determining what will occur to them in the future) - as a means of testing omniscience

erm - did you have a point or are you satisfied to blather?

erm - is there a point in making points when you don't even understand them?

I did note you like pictures, perhaps I should draw you some.
another opportunity to clarify yourself loses out to other delights ....

actually pure devotion to god is very clearly defined, including various symptoms,levels, points of progress, etc - Actually its the point of Bhagavad-gita

It seemingly differs from book to book.
what are such differences you are alluding to?

if I observe you or I hear news of your activities ands its clear that you are fumbling about in a state of non-omniscience, there's no need for viewing you as a worshippable object

Of what value is your claim to 'fumbling about' when you're not qualified, (i.e you don't show me pure devotion)?
we're not talking about the practice (pure devotion) - we are talking about the theory (omniscience) - the issue being whether you meet the criteria of the theory to warrant me applying the practice - so if you are fumbling about in your daily affairs in a state of non-omniscience, i could put 2 and 2 together and save myself some time

and 30 posts later you are still reluctant to admit the distinction between practice (ie tests) and valuations (ie truth)

Umm.. What? Where? Lol.
try the above

the first being that if a person is alive and apparently "normal" by all means, its not clear how they could be catagorized a "ghost",

Wow, still missing the point. I feel inclined to chalk it up to language barrier.

Everything is so black and white with you.. If I ask what tests were ever conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people, you'll harp on about my wife, your grandfather, the shopkeeper up the road while ignoring every other possibility - such as "ghosts" being a hallucination.

this all started by you asserting something along the lines that there is no theoretical foundation or standard definition for a ghost - regardless of whether you determine ghosts as factual or hallucinations, there obviously is - the evidence is that you wouldn't regard your wife or the shop keeper as a ghost unless they displayed something out of the ordinary (whether that out of the ordinariness is factual or a hallucination is not the issue here)
So.. what tests were ever conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people as opposed to say.. hallucination?

Everyone else I've ever spoken to understand the question. Try really hard.
probably because you have dazzled them with your ability to speedily change topics

the same as any test in any field of advanced knowledge - carried out by qualified persons - who else?

Language barrier apparent. I didn't ask "who", I asked "what". Try again.

What test has ever been conducted that has shown there is a 'soul'?
the examination of dead people in comparison to living people

given their qualifications

What qualifications? Oh wait, this is where you tell me these people are qualified to assert that gods/souls etc exist because these people have slightly less jealousy or anger than some other people. Lol, what utter tosh.
the perception of such things is done through the medium of consciousness, and a prerequisite is that consciousness is free from impure influences (lust,wrath, envy, etc) - you might deem such things as unnecessary, but then given the state of your consciousness, its obvious your interests lie in other areas

which aspect do you think "test" falls under?

Where does your question even come into the discussion? Are you trying to evade the actual conversation?
you are saying that the test offered in the Bhagavad gita is a story and is therefore not true - this is quite strange since assertions of truth come at the platform of practice - hence my repeated request (and your repeated stalling) what aspect of knowledge (theory, practice or conclusion) do you think "test" comes under ....

there is a special advantage that lies in one of them - can you guess which one?

Patient dies after operation to wrong side of head:

Jab mistake patient dies:

Etc etc.
lol - I take it you don't believe in doctors either huh

I am sure that if you took a step inside any Krsna temple these questions can be answered

It's possible but there aren't any near me. How about you just tell me what you saw? Am I asking you to give me a kidney? No.
look on the net I guess
I thought you had chucked those two questions out the window...

Hello? Do you now understand and recognise that being able to see the future is not confirmation that a being is omniscient? Yes/no/maybe? If so kindly retract your statement that quizzing this entity about events concerning the future is a test of omniscience. It is not.

As for 'reading your mind', it is part of the same point - (one cannot test omniscience without being omniscient). If for instance you get me to do your version of a test, (show you everything in the future), and I do so- you cannot establish that anything contained within that vision is accurate until and unless you go through it. The same goes for if I showed you everything from the past - unless you were there and saw it all happen - ergo you need to be omniscient. You can never establish that the things you see are valid unless you too are omniscient.

As you're not omniscient you can't safely make any claim to any other entity being omniscient. That's the way it goes. If you think otherwise then offer an explanation - or, if it suits you better, just keep chatting irrelevant horse turd.

you are talking about all knowledge in the future - I am talking about a small part of such knowledge (a single person determining what will occur to them in the future) - as a means of testing omniscience

So.. If I happen to know what you're going to have for breakfast tomorrow it means I'm omniscient? Do me a lemon.

The reason I'm talking about all knowledge is because that's what makes a being omniscient. Why are you talking about your breakfast tomorrow lol?

what are such differences you are alluding to?

It's amusing isn't it.. You can't even take the time to explain to me what this entity looked like and yet expect me to compile a list from dozens of different ancient texts when you're apparently just as capable of doing it yourself as I am. Why the double standards? You said: "step into a krishna temple", I say: "read other texts". Is that sufficient? Why do I get the feeling that the answer will be 'no' but you still wont take the effort of explaining to me what you saw?

However, just as 1 thing before you go off and do some personal study on the matter: Animal sacrifice/human sacrifice. These were demanded by some gods as a sign of purde devotion and not by others - ergo a difference.

we're not talking about the practice (pure devotion) - we are talking about the theory (omniscience) - the issue being whether you meet the criteria of the theory to warrant me applying the practice

Oh I see... So therefore by your own statement, until such time when this god of yours shows me it's omniscient, I shouldn't worship it.

Way to go lg, you just shot yourself and your god in the foot.

this all started by you asserting something along the lines that there is no theoretical foundation or standard definition for a ghost

This all started with me asking you what tests have ever been conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people. You still fail to answer.

probably because you have dazzled them with your ability to speedily change topics

Right lol, clearly not as gifted as your ability to avoid answering a question. One more time for the dense:

"What tests were ever conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people"?

the examination of dead people in comparison to living people

Maybe you misunderstood the question. Let me try again:

"What test has ever been conducted that has shown there is a 'soul'?"

the perception of such things is done through the medium of consciousness

As opposed to unconsciousness? What are you telling me here?

you are saying that the test offered in the Bhagavad gita is a story and is therefore not true

Incorrect. Language barrier? I didn't say the story wasn't true, I said it's a story - not a test. It is about a specific ancient person, (arjuna), and his adventures. It's basically the same as you saying LotR is a test of the existence of Sauron. It isn't.

lol - I take it you don't believe in doctors either huh

Sure I do, but then most of my ailments I tend to fix at home - unqualified though I might be.

look on the net I guess

Ok... http://www.capricornslair.com/krishnastatues.html

It's a dude playing a flute like I said - and he's blue. So when I asked if you saw a blue boy playing a flute, I was right?

If not, clearly the internet isn't the right place to be looking. Tell you what, I've got one hell of a good idea!! How about you tell me exactly what you saw.. Can you understand how simple that would be?
I thought you had chucked those two questions out the window...

Hello? Do you now understand and recognise that being able to see the future is not confirmation that a being is omniscient? Yes/no/maybe?
if i answer according to the information you have posted to date, no
If so kindly retract your statement that quizzing this entity about events concerning the future is a test of omniscience. It is not.
erm, why not?
As for 'reading your mind', it is part of the same point - (one cannot test omniscience without being omniscient). If for instance you get me to do your version of a test, (show you everything in the future), and I do so- you cannot establish that anything contained within that vision is accurate until and unless you go through it.
if however I ask the question at a point when I don't know the answer, it doesn't matter whether you read my mind or not .... unless of course I am omniscient -lol

in short omniscience means full knowledge in past, present and future

you are talking about all knowledge in the future - I am talking about a small part of such knowledge (a single person determining what will occur to them in the future) - as a means of testing omniscience

So.. If I happen to know what you're going to have for breakfast tomorrow it means I'm omniscient? Do me a lemon.
well, since you can't answer it, I guess we can write you off as being omniscient (but hardly a surprise since you couldn't even answer to me what's happened in the past or present
The reason I'm talking about all knowledge is because that's what makes a being omniscient. Why are you talking about your breakfast tomorrow lol?
so if you claim to have all such knowledge and can't produce even a drop of it, I guess we can write you off the list

what are such differences you are alluding to?

It's amusing isn't it.. You can't even take the time to explain to me what this entity looked like and yet expect me to compile a list from dozens of different ancient texts when you're apparently just as capable of doing it yourself as I am. Why the double standards? You said: "step into a krishna temple", I say: "read other texts". Is that sufficient? Why do I get the feeling that the answer will be 'no' but you still wont take the effort of explaining to me what you saw?
if a person says "A is different from B"I would expect them to be able to explain it (even saying take a look at "B" and see for yourself would be sufficient)

However, just as 1 thing before you go off and do some personal study on the matter: Animal sacrifice/human sacrifice. These were demanded by some gods as a sign of purde devotion and not by others - ergo a difference.[/QUOTE

so how does this fall under "including various symptoms,levels, points of progress" - i guess to proceed further you will have to determine an actual religious definition as opposed to some sort of funny idea you picked up from a tarzan movie

we're not talking about the practice (pure devotion) - we are talking about the theory (omniscience) - the issue being whether you meet the criteria of the theory to warrant me applying the practice

Oh I see... So therefore by your own statement, until such time when this god of yours shows me it's omniscient, I shouldn't worship it.

Way to go lg, you just shot yourself and your god in the foot.
until you come to the point of hearing about god's activities its not clear why one adopt such worship

this all started by you asserting something along the lines that there is no theoretical foundation or standard definition for a ghost

This all started with me asking you what tests have ever been conducted to show that the phenomenon known as ghosts are actually dead people. You still fail to answer.
no that came after - check the post history and see for yourself

the examination of dead people in comparison to living people

Maybe you misunderstood the question. Let me try again:

"What test has ever been conducted that has shown there is a 'soul'?"
maybe I should repeat the answer again in bold colours , just so it will be easier to locate when you inevitably change the topic to what is the test advocated for verifying godzilla or something

the examination of dead people in comparison to living people

the perception of such things is done through the medium of consciousness

As opposed to unconsciousness? What are you telling me here?
consciousness is of different levels - the lowest being that I exist in relation to this body (and thus the humble service of lust, wrath, avarice etc seem like the path of progress)

you are saying that the test offered in the Bhagavad gita is a story and is therefore not true

Incorrect. Language barrier? I didn't say the story wasn't true, I said it's a story - not a test. It is about a specific ancient person, (arjuna), and his adventures. It's basically the same as you saying LotR is a test of the existence of Sauron. It isn't.
I know how much you just love to talk about hobbits, leprechauns and star trek, but can you put aside these very important topics and tell me what part of knowledge "test" falls under - theory, practice or conclusion - then we can begin to answer issues relating to truth

lol - I take it you don't believe in doctors either huh

Sure I do, but then most of my ailments I tend to fix at home - unqualified though I might be.
like broken bones
blood clots between the brain and skull
scrotal hernias

look on the net I guess

Ok... http://www.capricornslair.com/krishnastatues.html

It's a dude playing a flute like I said - and he's blue. So when I asked if you saw a blue boy playing a flute, I was right?
I never said that it wasn't these things
I said that it was more than these things

much like there is more to an elephant than simply being big and having 4 legs
If not, clearly the internet isn't the right place to be looking. Tell you what, I've got one hell of a good idea!! How about you tell me exactly what you saw.. Can you understand how simple that would be?
as I said before, it requires a bit more on your side (in other words if you want to remain something like an obnoxious high school drop out on the look out for every opportune moment to plaster his physics professor in ad homs, progress will be tedious)
if i answer according to the information you have posted to date, no

So you do actually think that one can confirm omniscience simply by quizzing an entity about the future? :bugeye:

erm, why not?

Well, one need only look at your next statement: "in short omniscience means full knowledge in past, present and future"

While I'm not advising that you spend much time listening to yourself, (it's a harmful notion), in this instance you've actually made a valid statement. How can one test omniscience while only testing one of 3 essential components?

if however I ask the question at a point when I don't know the answer, it doesn't matter whether you read my mind or not .... unless of course I am omniscient -lol

Two valid points in a row, I am impressed. As I have stated continuously for dozens of posts - one cannot test omniscience unless one is omniscient. This descends the claim of omniscience into worthlessness.

well, since you can't answer it, I guess we can write you off as being omniscient (but hardly a surprise since you couldn't even answer to me what's happened in the past or present

Explain to me how being omniscient means one must give you the correct answer if you refuse to do as they say, (i.e show me pure devotion)? This of course is exactly what you have been spouting with concerns to your god - while contradicting that to tell me that I shouldn't even consider worship of this entity before it has shown me it is omniscient etc - which is where a distinct problem arises. One should not therefore ever believe in or worship a god until it comes to them. This goes against every argument I've ever seen you make on this forum.

so if you claim to have all such knowledge and can't produce even a drop of it, I guess we can write you off the list

You will get the answers once you show me pure devotion.

if a person says "A is different from B"I would expect them to be able to explain it

Interesting of course, but nobody said A is different to B. You made a claim that you had seen god. I asked what he looked like. You said a statue and then threw a hissy fit when I gave you what a specific statue looks like. The only person here that can explain what they saw is the one that saw it - ergo you. You can say "look at some more statues", but that wont get anyone anywhere very fast.

i guess to proceed further you will have to determine an actual religious definition as opposed to some sort of funny idea you picked up from a tarzan movie

If you think animal/human sacrifice is restricted to Tarzan films then you're seriously more uneducated than I give you credit for.

until you come to the point of hearing about god's activities its not clear why one adopt such worship

Right, now you've changed it, (I understand why - gods probably don't like being stabbed in the back).

Needless to say I have heard of the claimed activities and characteristics of many gods - universal creation, omnisience etc etc. To test the latter, one must also be omniscient. As a result of that the claim to omniscience is worthless.

this all started by you asserting something along the lines that there is no theoretical foundation or standard definition for a ghost

Actually no. My first mention of ghosts was:

"'dead person' is a given for a ghost - and yet how is that tested? Same goes for gods.. How is omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence tested? The only logical answer is that you can only test omniscience etc if you're omniscient.

You see a ghost - you label it a dead guy that's walking around. The phenomena could be one of a million things - the assertion of one is meaningless until you can test it, (you agree to this)."

Kindly show me where in that statement there is any indication that I am saying there is no standard definition for 'ghost' when the opposite is in fact the very first thing I mention? "dead person is a given".

The question in there - which you still haven't answered is how is it tested? How has it ever been tested?


maybe I should repeat the answer again in bold colours , just so it will be easier to locate when you inevitably change the topic to what is the test advocated for verifying godzilla or something

Pointless little rant that doesn't actually aid anything in this discussion, but ok.

the examination of dead people in comparison to living people

And that has tested the existence of a soul how?

I know how much you just love to talk about hobbits, leprechauns and star trek, but can you put aside these very important topics and tell me what part of knowledge "test" falls under - theory, practice or conclusion - then we can begin to answer issues relating to truth

When I work out what its relevance is in this discussion, sure. Problem is I know how you like to get all irrelevant on me. I am trying to prevent that. Of course I will be fair, so once you answer the questions I have been asking for the past 30 posts I shall answer yours, relevant or not.

like broken bones
blood clots between the brain and skull
scrotal hernias

Colds, wounds, headaches, etc etc. According to you I am unqualified and therefore can't be of any help to myself when I suffer such things.

I never said that it wasn't these things
I said that it was more than these things

You haven't said anything other than "look at a statue". Look, this could have been done and dusted 20 posts ago.. I don't get why you're being such a twonk, it's not like I am asking you to donate a kidney. Just tell me what you saw exactly.

as I said before, it requires a bit more on your side

It requires more on my side for you to tell me what you saw? Roflmfao.

if i answer according to the information you have posted to date, no

So you do actually think that one can confirm omniscience simply by quizzing an entity about the future?
you can also quiz it about the past and present too

erm, why not?

Well, one need only look at your next statement: "in short omniscience means full knowledge in past, present and future"

While I'm not advising that you spend much time listening to yourself, (it's a harmful notion), in this instance you've actually made a valid statement. How can one test omniscience while only testing one of 3 essential components?
well, if you are in favour of the notion of reading past statements, you might recall that you refused to accept inquiries into the past and present, since Xenu or something can read people's minds and is not really omnisicient

if however I ask the question at a point when I don't know the answer, it doesn't matter whether you read my mind or not .... unless of course I am omniscient -lol

Two valid points in a row, I am impressed. As I have stated continuously for dozens of posts - one cannot test omniscience unless one is omniscient. This descends the claim of omniscience into worthlessness.
so now what you need are a few premises to support your statement rather than a few value statements about those who oppose it

well, since you can't answer it, I guess we can write you off as being omniscient (but hardly a surprise since you couldn't even answer to me what's happened in the past or present

Explain to me how being omniscient means one must give you the correct answer if you refuse to do as they say, (i.e show me pure devotion)?
therefore we have scripture to give us some understanding on the nature of god
This of course is exactly what you have been spouting with concerns to your god - while contradicting that to tell me that I shouldn't even consider worship of this entity before it has shown me it is omniscient etc - which is where a distinct problem arises. One should not therefore ever believe in or worship a god until it comes to them.
or alternatively, before one has a foundation of knowledge - for instance if one is working out of the understanding (how? God knows) that two or more omnipresent entities can exist, it wouldn't be expected that they have the opportunity to progress in any sort of proper worship of god

so if you claim to have all such knowledge and can't produce even a drop of it, I guess we can write you off the list

You will get the answers once you show me pure devotion.
too late - you already gave them
and even if you want to shirk them, I can just go inquire from your family members and work colleagues and see whether there are clear examples of your non-omniscience ("Why just the other day he lost the car keys and had to catch the tram home" etc etc)

if a person says "A is different from B"I would expect them to be able to explain it

Interesting of course, but nobody said A is different to B. You made a claim that you had seen god. I asked what he looked like. You said a statue and then threw a hissy fit when I gave you what a specific statue looks like. The only person here that can explain what they saw is the one that saw it - ergo you. You can say "look at some more statues", but that wont get anyone anywhere very fast.
and how does this relate to our discussion

me - actually pure devotion to god is very clearly defined, including various symptoms,levels, points of progress, etc - Actually its the point of Bhagavad-gita

you - It seemingly differs from book to book.

me - what are such differences you are alluding to?

you - you said statues and (blah blah blah)


i guess to proceed further you will have to determine an actual religious definition as opposed to some sort of funny idea you picked up from a tarzan movie

If you think animal/human sacrifice is restricted to Tarzan films then you're seriously more uneducated than I give you credit for.
until you can actually give your statements a foundation in some actually existing practice, not really (ok it might be Indianna Jones and not Tarzan)

until you come to the point of hearing about god's activities its not clear why one adopt such worship

Right, now you've changed it, (I understand why - gods probably don't like being stabbed in the back).

Needless to say I have heard of the claimed activities and characteristics of many gods - universal creation, omnisience etc etc. To test the latter, one must also be omniscient. As a result of that the claim to omniscience is worthless.
indicates its time to go back to studying those books again I guess

this all started by you asserting something along the lines that there is no theoretical foundation or standard definition for a ghost

Actually no. My first mention of ghosts was:

"'dead person' is a given for a ghost - and yet how is that tested? Same goes for gods.. How is omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence tested? The only logical answer is that you can only test omniscience etc if you're omniscient.
to begin with we have standard definitions
if your wife said she was a ghost and she was not displaying anything even vaguely ghostly, it would seem strange

as for your tirade about omniscience, you still haven't really explained why indications of knowledge from the future (since you ousted indications of knowledge from the past and present as possible mind reading) is not sufficient
You see a ghost - you label it a dead guy that's walking around. The phenomena could be one of a million things - the assertion of one is meaningless until you can test it, (you agree to this)."
you see your wife
she's not dead
she's not transparent
you wouldn't even think she was a ghost, but she says "I am a ghost"
Kindly show me where in that statement there is any indication that I am saying there is no standard definition for 'ghost' when the opposite is in fact the very first thing I mention? "dead person is a given".
is your wife dead?

The question in there - which you still haven't answered is how is it tested? How has it ever been tested?

the first thing you would test is any anomalies to "ordinary existence" - in otherwords if your wife is alive and kicking and doing all those things she usually does and that other "ordinarily existing" people do, there is no foundation for defining her as a ghost

the examination of dead people in comparison to living people

And that has tested the existence of a soul how?
by determining exactly what a living person has that a dead person doesn't

I know how much you just love to talk about hobbits, leprechauns and star trek, but can you put aside these very important topics and tell me what part of knowledge "test" falls under - theory, practice or conclusion - then we can begin to answer issues relating to truth

When I work out what its relevance is in this discussion, sure. Problem is I know how you like to get all irrelevant on me. I am trying to prevent that. Of course I will be fair, so once you answer the questions I have been asking for the past 30 posts I shall answer yours, relevant or not.

like broken bones
blood clots between the brain and skull
scrotal hernias

Colds, wounds, headaches, etc etc. According to you I am unqualified and therefore can't be of any help to myself when I suffer such things.
doctors go to university for 6 years to become solely proficient in those things?

I never said that it wasn't these things
I said that it was more than these things

You haven't said anything other than "look at a statue". Look, this could have been done and dusted 20 posts ago.. I don't get why you're being such a twonk, it's not like I am asking you to donate a kidney. Just tell me what you saw exactly.
I did
I gave a general indication
you can also quiz it about the past and present too

Yes, you'd have to.

The problem is, as stated many times, that unless you know all the answers, (you're omniscient), you couldn't determine whether the answers given were correct and thus cannot determine the beings omniscience.

well, if you are in favour of the notion of reading past statements, you might recall that you refused to accept inquiries into the past and present, since Xenu or something can read people's minds and is not really omnisicient

Not really, although it seems the way I stated things has got you confused. As such I shall try again:

1) Unless you know the answer, you cannot establish that an answer given is the correct one. For example let's say that you ask me what the capital of Botswana is. I tell you it's Banjul. Unless you know the answer, (it's Gaborone), you cannot establish that I gave you an incorrect answer. Of course in human terms you can go to the library/check the internet - but with the case of testing an omniscient entity you would have to be omniscient.

2) If you 'see' past or future events you cannot establish that those events are actual events unless you actually witnessed those events prior to being shown them. In saying you would have to be omniscient prior to testing another beings omniscience.

3) As omniscience cannot be tested unless you're omniscient, (which you are not), the claim to an entity being omniscient is worthless.

so now what you need are a few premises to support your statement rather than a few value statements about those who oppose it

Let's be honest here for a moment: I have explained in great detail why one cannot test omniscience without being omniscient and you have yet to offer any form of rebuttal to that. Do you have one?

therefore we have scripture to give us some understanding on the nature of god

Incorrect. You have scripture to give you a claim of the nature of a being - claims that you need to test. Omniscience, (one such claim), cannot be tested and is therefore a worthless claim. Omnipotence and omnipresence are equally untestable.

for instance if one is working out of the understanding (how? God knows) that two or more omnipresent entities can exist, it wouldn't be expected that they have the opportunity to progress in any sort of proper worship of god

I fail to see the value or even the relevance of your statement.

According to you, one should not worship such beings until they have proven their abilities to you.

You then changed tactic and stated that one should not worship beings unless they are aware of the claims concerning that being.

You now change it yet again to tell me some garbled nonsense about multiple entities.

Can you please adopt a clear and consistent idea? Once you have done that please do tell me what this has to do with testing that beings omniscience etc?

I can just go inquire from your family members and work colleagues and see whether there are clear examples of your non-omniscience

Interesting, this is how to test a humans claim to knowing everything. Surely you recognise that the same must be adopted with concerns to the same claim for any entity?

and how does this relate to our discussion

me - actually pure devotion to god is very clearly defined, including various symptoms,levels, points of progress, etc - Actually its the point of Bhagavad-gita

you - It seemingly differs from book to book.

me - what are such differences you are alluding to?

you - you said statues and (blah blah blah)

Actually no, I said: "animal/human sacrifice". Were you not paying attention?

indicates its time to go back to studying those books again I guess

I give you full opportunity right here and now to explain to me how one can test omniscience without being omniscient. Come on, this is your big moment - seize it. Or if you prefer, you can just continue with pointless, pathetic one liners.

to begin with we have standard definitions

Yes. We know this, we've covered this. What tests were ever conducted to show that standard definition is actually what the phenomenon is? The same is true of all 'supernatural' occurrences with the exception of UFO's.

if your wife said she was a ghost and she was not displaying anything even vaguely ghostly, it would seem strange

So.... because my wife is alive, and isn't transparent... that means a ghost must be a dead person? What a bizarre notion. I guess because my wife isn't a man and doesn't have wings that a mothman must be a moth.

as for your tirade about omniscience, you still haven't really explained why indications of knowledge from the future (since you ousted indications of knowledge from the past and present as possible mind reading) is not sufficient

Explained quite a few times, including in this post.

you see your wife
she's not dead
she's not transparent
you wouldn't even think she was a ghost, but she says "I am a ghost"

O...k. Do you just not understand the question or are you just trying to be silly? (It's an honest question).

is your wife dead?

No she isn't. Is a ghost? What tests were ever conducted to show that as being the case?

the first thing you would test is any anomalies to "ordinary existence" - in otherwords if your wife is alive and kicking and doing all those things she usually does and that other "ordinarily existing" people do, there is no foundation for defining her as a ghost

Until the phemomenon is tested you also therefore have no foundation for defining it as a dead person. Let's say for arguments sake that it is a hallucination brought about by fear etc. So it isn't a dead person at all, it's a mere hallucination. So.....

What tests were ever conducted to show that the phenomenon we called ghosts are actually dead people?

by determining exactly what a living person has that a dead person doesn't

Yes, and what test ever conducted showed that a living person has a soul?

doctors go to university for 6 years to become solely proficient in those things?

No, didn't realise you were being so specific. All I was told, (time and time again), is that I can't involve myself if I'm not qualified. Clearly I can.

I did
I gave a general indication

Aye, so it's blue and plays a flute. If it was different you'd need to explain that difference. However, I have seen how liars operate. They use the same avoidance tactics. You sir are a liar.

you can also quiz it about the past and present too

Yes, you'd have to.

The problem is, as stated many times, that unless you know all the answers, (you're omniscient), you couldn't determine whether the answers given were correct and thus cannot determine the beings omniscience.

If I know something of my past (like say which peddle I broke on my tricycle 30 years ago) and I know something of the present (like my feet are warm) and if I wait some time I will also know something of the future (like say in 24 hours I will know what I will have for breakfast tomorrow), its not clear why i lack the ability to validate queries of past, present and future.

If an entity could reveal these and many more intimate details of past, present and future, what else would you cal it if not omniscience?

2) If you 'see' past or future events you cannot establish that those events are actual events unless you actually witnessed those events prior to being shown them. In saying you would have to be omniscient prior to testing another beings omniscience.
regarding the future, you always have the option of waiting till the elapsed period
If an entity could reveal these and many more intimate details of past, present and future, what else would you cal it if not omniscience?

regarding the future, you always have the option of waiting till the elapsed period
But you can only test that entity as far as your own life-span. What of the eternity beforehand and the eternity afterwards? How do you propose to test that?

And you are also limited to your own personal sphere of knowledge with which to validate the claim - how would you know, for example, that this entity knew about that which you didn't or couldn't know?

You can certainly make assumptions of omniscience of an entity (and who are we to stop you) - much like you can make assumptions of the existence of the same entity.
But you can only test that entity as far as your own life-span. What of the eternity beforehand and the eternity afterwards? How do you propose to test that?

And you are also limited to your own personal sphere of knowledge with which to validate the claim - how would you know, for example, that this entity knew about that which you didn't or couldn't know?

You can certainly make assumptions of omniscience of an entity (and who are we to stop you) - much like you can make assumptions of the existence of the same entity.
tell me, when a group of scientists see a bolt of lightning do they accept it as the activity of electrons or do they say "we don't know what it was because there was nobody there to measure it and verify it was the activity of electrons"

In otherwords doesn't science operate on the principle of applying the results of small tests to the greater world at large?

And as a further point, aren't these small tests rejected or reworked if it can be shown that they are unsatisfactory?

In otherwords if you want to say that testing knowledge in the three junctions (past/present/future) is wrong, you have to explain how an entity could know these things without having recourse to omniscience.
In otherwords if you want to say that testing knowledge in the three junctions (past/present/future) is wrong, you have to explain how an entity could know these things without having recourse to omniscience.
No - you have to explain how omniscience is the only possible reason - the rational explanation.
The onus is on you, as you are making the claim.

Your analogy with lightning and electrons is flawed.
Lightning is a repeatable phenomena and its very definition can be demonstrated / tested IN ITS ENTIRETY.
i.e. when you observe lightning you observe the whole.

You can not do this with omniscience - you can not observe / test the entirety without also being omniscient.

You are thus limited in your evidence to the period tested.
Anything outside of that is mere assumption.

Proving omniscience is akin to proving non-existence.
With non-existence you can prove it only by exploring and testing EVERYTHING.
With omniscience you can prove it only by testing knowledge of EVERYTHING.
Well it's certainly a shame to see my post narrowed down to a couple of lines - especially missing an explanation of what tests were ever conducted to show that ghosts are actually dead people. Still, we both know the answer is none.


If I know something of my past (like say which peddle I broke on my tricycle 30 years ago) and I know something of the present (like my feet are warm) and if I wait some time I will also know something of the future (like say in 24 hours I will know what I will have for breakfast tomorrow), its not clear why i lack the ability to validate queries of past, present and future.

Wow. Ok so you know all those things. You know that you broke a peddle 30 years ago, you know that your feet are warm, and you also know that tomorrow you're going to have weetabix. Does that knowledge make you omniscient?

Of course not, so what bizarre little notion makes you think those three things would make anything else omniscient?

I'll tell you what really isn't clear, is why you say "its not clear why i lack the ability to validate queries of past, present and future" when nobody implied anything of the sort. I shall once again put it down to language barrier, or perhaps you're just tired.

If an entity could reveal these and many more intimate details of past, present and future, what else would you cal it if not omniscience?

Aye, it would have to reveal all details of the past present and future. So now you just need to explain how you can test that without being omniscient yourself. If it can't be tested the claim is worthless.

regarding the future, you always have the option of waiting till the elapsed period

Not really, unless the the information is with specific regards to you and events that occur to you. If this being said: "in 50 years time Snake will win the lottery" how will you ever establish that, (if I never make the info public and we never meet), unless you're omniscient?

No - you have to explain how omniscience is the only possible reason - the rational explanation.
The onus is on you, as you are making the claim.
well if there were any challenges why it wouldn't be, perhaps I would have somewhere to start
Your analogy with lightning and electrons is flawed.
Lightning is a repeatable phenomena and its very definition can be demonstrated / tested IN ITS ENTIRETY.
I wasn't aware that empiricism had the capacity to test anything in its entirety (are you saying that there remains nothing more to be known about lightning and electrons?)
i.e. when you observe lightning you observe the whole.
now you just have to explain how empiricism has the capacity to examine the "whole" of anything, since it clearly operates between two thresholds of examination (at a certain point the macrocosm disappears and at a certain point the microcosm disappears) - good luck

You can not do this with omniscience - you can not observe / test the entirety without also being omniscient.
until you can vouch how the ability to repeatedly give completely accurate answers regarding the future is not a symptom of omniscience, there's not much more to say
You are thus limited in your evidence to the period tested.
and empiricism isn't?

Anything outside of that is mere assumption.
and empiricism doesn't?
Proving omniscience is akin to proving non-existence.
With non-existence you can prove it only by exploring and testing EVERYTHING.
so, assuming you don't say EVERYTHING about lightning and electrons is known, how is it that a scientist can say "that was a lightning bolt" when he was not there to test it?

With omniscience you can prove it only by testing knowledge of EVERYTHING.
well by advocating such principles of knowledge, it seems that we can know practically nothing
small wonder that god never manifests through such a minuscule aperture of perception
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If I know something of my past (like say which peddle I broke on my tricycle 30 years ago) and I know something of the present (like my feet are warm) and if I wait some time I will also know something of the future (like say in 24 hours I will know what I will have for breakfast tomorrow), its not clear why i lack the ability to validate queries of past, present and future.

Wow. Ok so you know all those things. You know that you broke a peddle 30 years ago, you know that your feet are warm, and you also know that tomorrow you're going to have weetabix. Does that knowledge make you omniscient?

Of course not, so what bizarre little notion makes you think those three things would make anything else omniscient?
To know that I will have weetabix for breakfast tomorrow, I will have to wait until tomorrow (in other words our inability to "know" the future is what inhibits our powers of omniscience .... and is an easy indicator of what is)

If an entity could reveal these and many more intimate details of past, present and future, what else would you cal it if not omniscience?

Aye, it would have to reveal all details of the past present and future. So now you just need to explain how you can test that without being omniscient yourself. If it can't be tested the claim is worthless.
depends how many times you believe something has to be tested before you accept it as a fact - whether you would test it 1, 100 or a million times depends on you I guess

regarding the future, you always have the option of waiting till the elapsed period

Not really, unless the the information is with specific regards to you and events that occur to you. If this being said: "in 50 years time Snake will win the lottery" how will you ever establish that, (if I never make the info public and we never meet), unless you're omniscient?
I guess the trick lies in not asking questions that one is not likely to be patient enough to anticipate
To know that I will have weetabix for breakfast tomorrow, I will have to wait until tomorrow (in other words our inability to "know" the future is what inhibits our powers of omniscience .... and is an easy indicator of what is)

Yes, we're not omniscient. Of course the only way to establish another beings omniscience is to be omniscient. Hence the problem and the last 30 posts.

depends how many times you believe something has to be tested before you accept it as a fact - whether you would test it 1, 100 or a million times depends on you I guess

Well let's be fair.. With anything tested you should have a minimum acceptable amount - even bed testers don't just try one bed out of a batch of hundreds - it defeats the purpose and can never be considered as suitable. So let's say you've got 100 beds to test.. What would be a fair indication that all the beds were manufactured ok? 10% perhaps? 50%? Let's go with 10% as a base minimum.

So.. what's 10% of everything?

I guess the trick lies in not asking questions that one is not likely to be patient enough to anticipate

In other words: Asking things you know the answer to. As I've stated, you'd have to - in which case to test omniscience you'd have to be omniscient.

Of course you think you can test omniscience simply by asking a being what you're going to do tomorrow.. :crazy:
“ Snakelord

To know that I will have weetabix for breakfast tomorrow, I will have to wait until tomorrow (in other words our inability to "know" the future is what inhibits our powers of omniscience .... and is an easy indicator of what is) ”
Yes, we're not omniscient. Of course the only way to establish another beings omniscience is to be omniscient. Hence the problem and the last 30 posts.
its not clear how your post indicates that you have read my response
depends how many times you believe something has to be tested before you accept it as a fact - whether you would test it 1, 100 or a million times depends on you I guess ”
Well let's be fair.. With anything tested you should have a minimum acceptable amount - even bed testers don't just try one bed out of a batch of hundreds - it defeats the purpose and can never be considered as suitable. So let's say you've got 100 beds to test.. What would be a fair indication that all the beds were manufactured ok? 10% perhaps? 50%? Let's go with 10% as a base minimum.

So.. what's 10% of everything?
so you are arguing that the 100 beds used in the test is an indication of EVERYTHING or are you arguing that there are only 100 beds on the planet, and testing all 100 constitutes a test of EVERYTHING??
I guess the trick lies in not asking questions that one is not likely to be patient enough to anticipate ”
In other words: Asking things you know the answer to.

no, the trick lies in not asking questions that one is not likely to be patient enough to anticipate – for instance if its more in line that you wait 24 hours instead of 24 years, perhaps a better line of inquiry would be “What will I have for breakfast tomorrow?” as opposed to “What will I have for breakfast 24 years from now?”

As I've stated, you'd have to - in which case to test omniscience you'd have to be omniscient.
you have to be omniscient to ask “What will I have for breakfast tomorrow?”???

Of course you think you can test omniscience simply by asking a being what you're going to do tomorrow..
except for omniscience, what ability would a living entity have recourse to if they could determine with complete accuracy the events of the future?
its not clear how your post indicates that you have read my response

It's not clear why you think an entity being able to tell you what you're going to have for breakfast tomorrow determines omniscience or how testing knowledge of the near future while not testing everything else from the past, present and future is a valid way to test omniscience.

so you are arguing that the 100 beds used in the test is an indication of EVERYTHING or are you arguing that there are only 100 beds on the planet, and testing all 100 constitutes a test of EVERYTHING??

It's not clear how your post indicates that you have read my response. :shrug:

You asked how many times something should be tested. I used an example of bed testers working for a company that have made a batch of 100 beds. How many of those 100 beds should the bed testers test in order to come to the conclusion that all 100 beds are fine? I even settled on a low figure, (10%).

So, to test omniscience would the same amount be fair? If so, what is 10% of everything?

Let me know if you still don't understand.

you have to be omniscient to ask “What will I have for breakfast tomorrow?”???

No, but you would need to be to accurately test whether this other being is omniscient.

except for omniscience, what ability would a living entity have recourse to if they could determine with complete accuracy the events of the future?

Events? Ooh, I'm glad it now entails more than just your breakfast tomorrow. If we stuck with that there's many other options from a lucky guess to a crystal ball to someone having had a look in your cupboards.

So.. how many events would be fair with which to establish that this being knows the future, (which in itself would not be a determination of omniscience but simply a determination that one could see into the future)?

Let's say this clearly as it is the answer to your question: This being would have the ability to see into the future. That does not determine omniscience, just the ability to see into the future. There are even humans that claim to have this ability, it would not mean that they're omniscient, merely that they can see into the future. Figure it out.
So.. how many events would be fair with which to establish that this being knows the future, (which in itself would not be a determination of omniscience but simply a determination that one could see into the future)?

Let's say this clearly as it is the answer to your question: This being would have the ability to see into the future. That does not determine omniscience, just the ability to see into the future. There are even humans that claim to have this ability, it would not mean that they're omniscient, merely that they can see into the future. Figure it out.
SnakeLord, surely it is as easy to test omniscience as it is to test non-existence.

Thus if LG believes you can prove omniscience through asking a few questions, then non-existence can surely be tested through looking under a few rocks?
Thus if LG believes you can prove omniscience through asking a few questions, then non-existence can surely be tested through looking under a few rocks?

Lol, excellent :D
its not clear how your post indicates that you have read my response

It's not clear why you think an entity being able to tell you what you're going to have for breakfast tomorrow determines omniscience or how testing knowledge of the near future while not testing everything else from the past, present and future is a valid way to test omniscience.
Ok - (hopefully) this issue will be addressed

so you are arguing that the 100 beds used in the test is an indication of EVERYTHING or are you arguing that there are only 100 beds on the planet, and testing all 100 constitutes a test of EVERYTHING??

It's not clear how your post indicates that you have read my response.

You asked how many times something should be tested. I used an example of bed testers working for a company that have made a batch of 100 beds. How many of those 100 beds should the bed testers test in order to come to the conclusion that all 100 beds are fine? I even settled on a low figure, (10%).
the reason I asked was because science does not operate on the principle of testing everything - I raised the issue earlier with Sarkus whether a group of physicists seeing a bolt of lightning in the distance would say "it was the activity of electrons" or "we can not say what it was because we were not there to test and record if it was electrons" - in other words determining the nature of a lightning bolt is asserted from taking something to be true (testing a particular lightning bolt in a particular circumstance) and extrapolating that to the greater world - after all, how many of the world's lightning bolts have been tested in comparison to ALL the lightning bolts (quite certainly less than 10%, don't you think?)

So, to test omniscience would the same amount be fair? If so, what is 10% of everything?
as indicated, if you want to advocate that for something to be asserted as factual by tests, EVERYTHING about it must be tested, you have just dismissed over 99.9% of science
instead the essential aspects are tested (as opposed to Sarkus's suggestion of "a few questions")- and if those essential aspects can be determined as not being essential, then the whole process of testing is reviewed
so in other words, if you want to dismiss testing omniscience by inquiring into the future, you have to establish what a living entity would have recourse to (other than omniscience) that would enable them to determine future events

except for omniscience, what ability would a living entity have recourse to if they could determine with complete accuracy the events of the future?

Events? Ooh, I'm glad it now entails more than just your breakfast tomorrow.
tomorrow's breakfast is not an event?

If we stuck with that there's many other options from a lucky guess to a crystal ball to someone having had a look in your cupboards.
So lucky guesses, crystal balls and thorough investigation of our existing environments enable us to anticipate future events with 100% accuracy?
(in other words I am sure we could think of another suitable query if we felt that "what will I have for breakfast tomorrow" was insufficient - although its certainly sufficient to determine if you are omniscient or not)
So.. how many events would be fair with which to establish that this being knows the future, (which in itself would not be a determination of omniscience but simply a determination that one could see into the future)?
I mentioned that earlier - depends on your persistence versus your doubt - 1, 10, 1000000

Let's say this clearly as it is the answer to your question: This being would have the ability to see into the future. That does not determine omniscience, just the ability to see into the future.
the inability to anticipate the future is not a clear indication of non-omniscience (ie nescience)???
There are even humans that claim to have this ability, it would not mean that they're omniscient, merely that they can see into the future. Figure it out.

like who exactly?
Do they have 100% success rates?