God and Music

I don't say it
scripture does

1) Which one?

2) scripture says atheists can't elaborate on processes advocated by scripture??

don't tell me you have never encountered normative descriptions in scriptures that give more elaborate indications than the above mentioned?

What are you trying to ask me and where is it's relevance? The point is that scripture is merely a process in itself to becoming qualified, (atheist). Until you get that qualification you can't talk.

come back to us when you get around to explaining how one can elaborate on realization or values without referencing normative descriptions in the said field of knowledge

What are you asking me that is relevant to what I said?

The qualification is atheism. So you have this idea, (gods exist), you go through the process, (read scripture - let's say the enuma elish), and then come to the realisation that the book is make believe and that god doesn't exist. See, you're not qualified, you're stuck in the middle of the process. In saying, there's nothing you can say on the matter.

your display of behavior on the religious discussion threads on scirforums I guess

If you say so. :bugeye:

just like science text books are the beginning of study, and the persons who compiled them are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak, eh

Well no disrespect but the science book "chemistry for 7 year olds" most certainly is the beginning of study and the people that compiled the book and indeed the teachers that teach chemistry to young children are on the lower ranks. You read more as you go along.. So, how many "scriptures" have you read? If you say just 1 or 2 then you're that 7 year old. And.. what qualifications exactly did the people that compiled them have? Support your answer please.

just like science text books have no place in the discussion of science, eh?

One does not tend to discuss "physics for idiots" in the middle of a physics degree. They do however still look at many sources.

How many have you looked at?

to demand that a discussion on the nature of physics is not allowed to reference any term or discovery mentioned in journals or text books certainly makes for a limited discussion

Perhaps, but no such demand was ever made. I asked a simple question, you refused to answer it. Hardly my problem. Stop being dishonest.

ahem - you did also have a tremendous hissy fit when I mentioned scripture

Oh really? Anyway, stop changing the subject. What qualifications do you have? Your qualifications are that you've read scripture, yes? How many? 1? 2? That's hardly "qualified".

that my friend, would require a discussion of scripture and saintly persons, preferably in a congenial atmosphere

1) No it wouldn't. You can tell me right here, right now. You can say "well, I read three different scriptures, went to church on sunday blah de blah". Not that difficult. List your qualifications.

2) Get it straight, we ain't friends.

if I forbade you, due to some sort of myopic madness, to reference any normative description related to the field of accountancy, how would you progress in establishing the qualification of an accountant to me?

"I have a degree in accountancy".

1) I'm not asking to check your documents f00, I'm asking what your qualifications are, nothing more.

2) I have not forbidden you from doing or saying anything.

3) So... what qualifications do you have?

I don't say it
scripture does

1) Which one?
all of them

2) scripture says atheists can't elaborate on processes advocated by scripture??

if as an atheist they can not elaborate on what is the process advocated by scripture and saintly persons (except perhaps to place one's back side on a chair in a place of worship) the nature of their practice is questionable

if a person has screwed up theory it tends to reflect in their practice

don't tell me you have never encountered normative descriptions in scriptures that give more elaborate indications than the above mentioned?

What are you trying to ask me and where is it's relevance? The point is that scripture is merely a process in itself to becoming qualified, (atheist). Until you get that qualification you can't talk.
then, if you are apparently at a more advanced level of understanding, it would beg the question why you cannot coherently elaborate on any aspects of theory based practice in scripture

come back to us when you get around to explaining how one can elaborate on realization or values without referencing normative descriptions in the said field of knowledge

What are you asking me that is relevant to what I said?
the problems you are having at the theory end of theism stick out a mile - the margin of error increases when you talk of practice - what to speak of when you arrive at conclusion/values.

The qualification is atheism.
actually as far as theistic discussion goes, thats the disqualification
So you have this idea, (gods exist), you go through the process, (read scripture - let's say the enuma elish),
erm - reading scripture is still on the theory platform (the one mile gap widens ....)
and then come to the realisation that the book is make believe and that god doesn't exist.
lol - hello Timbuktu

just like science text books are the beginning of study, and the persons who compiled them are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak, eh

Well no disrespect but the science book "chemistry for 7 year olds" most certainly is the beginning of study and the people that compiled the book and indeed the teachers that teach chemistry to young children are on the lower ranks.
then I guess "chemistry for 7 year olds" is not the beginning if you take into account "chemistry for 6 year olds".
also, I sincerely hope that by the time we get to university chemistry text books the authors know what they are talking about

You read more as you go along.. So, how many "scriptures" have you read?
quite a few

If you say just 1 or 2 then you're that 7 year old.
then what does this make me?
And.. what qualifications exactly did the people that compiled them have?
in short

NoI 1: A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.

Support your answer please.
I certainly hope my submitting a normative description from literature about the subject doesn't disturb your mind

just like science text books have no place in the discussion of science, eh?

One does not tend to discuss "physics for idiots" in the middle of a physics degree.
its not unusual however to call upon physics books

They do however still look at many sources.
most of them are physics books

How many have you looked at?
physics books?

to demand that a discussion on the nature of physics is not allowed to reference any term or discovery mentioned in journals or text books certainly makes for a limited discussion

Perhaps, but no such demand was ever made.
yes you did
on two separate occasions

1 -
Scripture is the beginning of study, saintly persons are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak.

Scripture has no place in this discussion, it's like the welcome letter to any university course. Once you're qualified you'll understand that.

I asked a simple question, you refused to answer it. Hardly my problem. Stop being dishonest.
once again, how the hell do you propose to establish qualification (like say for an accountant) without referencing normative descriptions in the field?

ahem - you did also have a tremendous hissy fit when I mentioned scripture

Oh really? Anyway, stop changing the subject. What qualifications do you have? Your qualifications are that you've read scripture, yes? How many? 1? 2? That's hardly "qualified".
I didn't say reading scripture is qualification (just like merely reading an accountancy book is not a qualification in and off itself)
I did say however that one can find clues on the characteristics of qualified religious practitioners from scripture (just like one can find clues on the characteristics of a qualified accountant by reading accountancy books)

that my friend, would require a discussion of scripture and saintly persons, preferably in a congenial atmosphere

1) No it wouldn't.
yes it would
if you are talking about the ideals of qualification, it requires a discussion of the characteristics and literature that surround the exemplary leaders of that ideal
You can tell me right here, right now. You can say "well, I read three different scriptures, went to church on sunday blah de blah". Not that difficult. List your qualifications.
without reference to scriptures and saintly persons, such a description would simply be my hearsay

2) Get it straight, we ain't friends.

if I forbade you, due to some sort of myopic madness, to reference any normative description related to the field of accountancy, how would you progress in establishing the qualification of an accountant to me?

"I have a degree in accountancy".
and if, due to some sort of myopic madness, I contended that accountancy degrees are simply the result of concocted literature and associating with brain washed persons who run the courses, those words would mean absolutely nothing to me

1) I'm not asking to check your documents f00, I'm asking what your qualifications are, nothing more.
those qualifications can be found in scripture and through the personal example of saintly persons - hence a discussion on the subject requires the discussion of scriptures and saintly persons, preferably in a congenial atmosphere

2) I have not forbidden you from doing or saying anything.

you have however said

1 -
Scripture is the beginning of study, saintly persons are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak.

Scripture has no place in this discussion, it's like the welcome letter to any university course. Once you're qualified you'll understand that.

3) So... what qualifications do you have?
without room for the referencing of scripture and saintly persons, what could I say that wouldn't be hearsay?
all of them

Oh really? Point out a few examples from a few different scriptures.

if a person has screwed up theory it tends to reflect in their practice

And it says this in ALL scripture? Where?

if you are apparently at a more advanced level of understanding, it would beg the question why you cannot coherently elaborate on any aspects of theory based practice in scripture

What are you talking about lol? You can't coherently elaborate on anything.

the problems you are having at the theory end of theism stick out a mile

You're not even qualified. You're the high school dropout trying to look like he knows something he does not. These are all your own arguments.. you can't argue with them.

actually as far as theistic discussion goes, thats the disqualification

It's quite typical for a high school dropout to make scorn at the qualification.. tut tut.

erm - reading scripture is still on the theory platform (the one mile gap widens ....)

It's typical for a high school dropout to not understand. Theory is the idea, process is the action - all action related to the idea. Nevermind, you'll get there one day perhaps - although given your attitude it's unlikely.

also, I sincerely hope that by the time we get to university chemistry text books the authors know what they are talking about

Certainly. Scripture is given and shared with any old idiot on the street - there is the point. It is the "book for beginners". See, even you've read it lol which proves my point.

quite a few

Such as?

I certainly hope my submitting a normative description from literature about the subject doesn't disturb your mind

Well, it's the best you can do at your current level in the course.

1 -
Scripture is the beginning of study, saintly persons are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak.

I didn't say you couldn't use it, I said it's the beginning of study - as are saintly persons that are bereft of the qualification. Your own argument is that the unqualified can't speak. Now I see you having problem with your own argument.

Scripture has no place in this discussion, it's like the welcome letter to any university course. Once you're qualified you'll understand that.

It doesn't, other than to those stuck at that level. If you're still at that level we have nothing to talk about - you even have to agree with this given your own arguments.

once again, how the hell do you propose to establish qualification (like say for an accountant) without referencing normative descriptions in the field?

I have a degree in accounting.

So.. what qualifications do you have?

I didn't say reading scripture is qualification

Well, we're getting somewhere. Now do you understand why I said scripture has no place here? So.. what qualifications do you have?

I did say however that one can find clues on the characteristics of qualified religious practitioners from scripture

So Sherlock, use those clues - match them up with what you think you have and then tell me how you're qualified.

yes it would
if you are talking about the ideals of qualification, it requires a discussion of the characteristics and literature that surround the exemplary leaders of that ideal

You have this rather pathetic little habit of avoiding any question, no matter how simple, when it's obvious you can't give an answer. Now.. whatever it takes - tell me what qualifications you have.

without reference to scriptures and saintly persons, such a description would simply be my hearsay

That's fine with me. Reference whatever you want, (no need to use extensive quotes), or just give me hearsay. Anything at this stage would be a start.

and if, due to some sort of myopic madness, I contended that accountancy degrees are simply the result of concocted literature and associating with brain washed persons who run the courses, those words would mean absolutely nothing to me

In both instances you lack qualification. If you think otherwise explain your qualification - or just cease typing.

those qualifications can be found in scripture and through the personal example of saintly persons

So list them.

If you continue with your blatant cowardice once more I will have no option but to disengage discussion with you. Answer the question.

all of them

Oh really? Point out a few examples from a few different scriptures.
10 commandments in Christianity
Eightfold path of proper conduct in Buddhism
Eightfold path of patanjali
the entire bhagavad gita

BG 18.72: O son of Pṛthā, O conqueror of wealth, have you heard this with an attentive mind? And are your ignorance and illusions now dispelled?

BG 18.73: Arjuna said: My dear Kṛṣṇa, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.
One could even argue ""pan metron ariston" with the ancient Greeks
Etc etc

Can you point out any scripture that doesn’t?

if a person has screwed up theory it tends to reflect in their practice

And it says this in ALL scripture? Where?
If knowledge is not the foundation for action, what on earth do you propose is?

if you are apparently at a more advanced level of understanding, it would beg the question why you cannot coherently elaborate on any aspects of theory based practice in scripture

What are you talking about lol? You can't coherently elaborate on anything.
You are claiming that atheism is the advanced proposition of theistic knowledge – if you could elaborate on even elementary aspects of theistic knowledge/practice it would help your claim

the problems you are having at the theory end of theism stick out a mile

You're not even qualified. You're the high school dropout trying to look like he knows something he does not. These are all your own arguments.. you can't argue with them.

actually as far as theistic discussion goes, thats the disqualification

It's quite typical for a high school dropout to make scorn at the qualification.. tut tut.
Ditto above

erm - reading scripture is still on the theory platform (the one mile gap widens ....)

It's typical for a high school dropout to not understand. Theory is the idea, process is the action - all action related to the idea. Nevermind, you'll get there one day perhaps - although given your attitude it's unlikely.
So reading a book is the process eh?
Certainly doesn’t explain why people go out on field trips as part of their prac assessment
Certainly doesn’t explain why employers are looking for something else when they advertise for positions with “practical experience”
Etc etc ...

also, I sincerely hope that by the time we get to university chemistry text books the authors know what they are talking about

Certainly. Scripture is given and shared with any old idiot on the street - there is the point. It is the "book for beginners". See, even you've read it lol which proves my point.
Hello Timbuktu ....

quite a few

Such as?
You didn’t see the link I posted?

1 -
Scripture is the beginning of study, saintly persons are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak.

I didn't say you couldn't use it, I said it's the beginning of study - as are saintly persons that are bereft of the qualification. Your own argument is that the unqualified can't speak. Now I see you having problem with your own argument.

Scripture has no place in this discussion, it's like the welcome letter to any university course. Once you're qualified you'll understand that.

It doesn't, other than to those stuck at that level. If you're still at that level we have nothing to talk about - you even have to agree with this given your own arguments.
Just like scientists who contribute to scientific text books are halfway through their study and not fit for hearing from eh?

once again, how the hell do you propose to establish qualification (like say for an accountant) without referencing normative descriptions in the field?

I have a degree in accounting.
Sorry, you just gave a normative description – try again
(but actually having an accountancy degree is not a qualification for an accredited accountant, since the moment an accountant transgresses the legal norms of accreditation, their degree means zilch)

I didn't say reading scripture is qualification

Well, we're getting somewhere. Now do you understand why I said scripture has no place here? So.. what qualifications do you have?
I assume you not only read accountancy books but understood them through practice as well – still, if you think you can elaborate on your qualification as an accountant without referencing normative descriptions from accountancy, please do so because at the moment I can’t fathom how one could do so ....

I did say however that one can find clues on the characteristics of qualified religious practitioners from scripture

So Sherlock, use those clues - match them up with what you think you have and then tell me how you're qualified.
That requires the discussion of scripture and saintly persons, just like elaborating on the qualification of an accountant requires the discussion of accountancy legalities (which can be found in accountancy text books) and accountants established in the field (who would have made a substantial contribution to the formation of such texts) – if the atmosphere is congenial on top of this, all the better .....

yes it would
if you are talking about the ideals of qualification, it requires a discussion of the characteristics and literature that surround the exemplary leaders of that ideal

You have this rather pathetic little habit of avoiding any question, no matter how simple, when it's obvious you can't give an answer. Now.. whatever it takes - tell me what qualifications you have.
You have an immense habit of asking questions yet rejecting the framework in which they could possibly be answered – this becomes all the more ridiculous when you refuse or are unable to answer parallel analogies along the same lines
You – please tell me how you are qualified as a theist without referencing scripture or the personal example/issues of theists established in the field?
Me – sure, but first you tell me how you are qualified as an accountant without referencing texts related to accountancy or issues surrounding accountancy of those established in the field, since I have got no idea how one could possibly answer such a question

and if, due to some sort of myopic madness, I contended that accountancy degrees are simply the result of concocted literature and associating with brain washed persons who run the courses, those words would mean absolutely nothing to me

In both instances you lack qualification.
Hence your contention that scripture is a concoction and saintly persons are bogus can be rejected on the same grounds

those qualifications can be found in scripture and through the personal example of saintly persons

So list them.

If you continue with your blatant cowardice once more I will have no option but to disengage discussion with you. Answer the question.
Assuming you don’t hold normative descriptions as immediate disqualifications

there are 26 qualities

(1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple, (10) benevolent, (11) peaceful, (12) completely attached to God, (13) has no material hankering, (14) meek, (15) steady, (16) self-controlled, (17) does not eat more than required, (18) sane, (19) respectful, (20) humble, (21) grave, (22) compassionate, (23) friendly, (24) poetic, (25) expert, (26) silent.

There are numerous scriptural commentaries that elaborate on the exact definition and application of these terms, what to speak of citable examples by saintly persons

25 of the qualities are peripheral, and number 12, attached (or surrendered) to god, is the primary qualification, which is further defined as

CC Madhya 22.100: "'The six divisions of surrender are the acceptance of those things favorable to devotional service, the rejection of unfavorable things, the conviction that God will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian or master, full self-surrender, and humility.

BTW you are jumping the gun by asking me if I am a qualified theist - much like I would be jumping the gun in asking you if you were a qualified accountant when I had no idea how to properly define a qualified accountant (as opposed to a disqualified one)
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BG 9.4: By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.

BG 9.5: And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation.

In other words nothing exists separate from god, yet god exists separate from everything

If man had not been created, would music still exist?
isn't speech a kind of music, isn't any kind of sound made by a creature music such as bird song, whale song, music doesn't just have to be sounds made for plucking, hitting, blowing, etc.. The voice is a musical instrument, so regardless of whether humans existed, a kind of music would still be around, and the ones appreciating it would be the creatures it's being sung too.
So reading a book is the process eh?

A part of it, yes. You'll find reading is a large part of the process in attaining qualification. I'm amazed you even asked.

Just like scientists who contribute to scientific text books are halfway through their study and not fit for hearing from eh?

As I explained, it depends entirely on their level.

Sorry, you just gave a normative description – try again

What are you going on about?

You go out one day to the pub and get into a conversation with a person there. You eventually ask; "what qualifications do you have?". He says: "I have a degree in accounting, a masters in archaeology and a city and guilds in landscape design".

See, the question is answered without any problems. So, pretend you and I are in the pub.. So lg, what qualifications do you have?

Now, I notice you've made a list later on of 26 supposed 'qualifications'. So list the ones you think you have and we're done. How hard was that? Why all the pointless fucking around?

I assume you not only read accountancy books but understood them through practice as well

No. I was using your example, (accountancy). I've never read an accountancy book in my life.

if you think you can elaborate on your qualification as an accountant without referencing normative descriptions from accountancy, please do so because at the moment I can’t fathom how one could do so ....

A) I didn't ask that you elaborate on anything, I just asked for your qualification - ergo: "I have a degree in accountancy" would be fine.

B) You can use any description you want, I've already told you that. My point, and the problem.. is that you've read 1 bit of scripture and consider yourself qualified when that's not how it works. You might very well think it works that way, but like I said - most low level students think they know it all before even getting halfway through a course.

Of course you've long claimed that theism is the advanced proposition of atheistic knowledge – if you could elaborate on even elementary aspects of atheistic knowledge/practice it would help your claim.

You have an immense habit of asking questions yet rejecting the framework in which they could possibly be answered – this becomes all the more ridiculous when you refuse or are unable to answer parallel analogies along the same lines

You have a disgusting habit of wasting 20 posts of refusal to answer, blame everyone else for it, and then actually almost answer the question, (your list of 26). Now all you need to do is list which of those 26 you 'have' and we're done. It's not hard at all, you just like acting stupid and wasting peoples time. I resent it.

Hence your contention that scripture is a concoction and saintly persons are bogus can be rejected on the same grounds

Inaccurate because, as stated, the qualification is atheism. You're not an atheist - are therefore not qualified and thus - according to your own arguments, can't say anything and anything you do say can be instantly rejected.

You saying scripture isn't bogus and saintly persons aren't bogus can be rejected on the same grounds.

(1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple, (10) benevolent, (11) peaceful, (12) completely attached to God, (13) has no material hankering, (14) meek, (15) steady, (16) self-controlled, (17) does not eat more than required, (18) sane, (19) respectful, (20) humble, (21) grave, (22) compassionate, (23) friendly, (24) poetic, (25) expert, (26) silent.

See, that was easy. So.. which of those do you have? Certainly not numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 23, 25 and certainly not 26 lol. So from what I can gather you're not even halfway there. As this is the case and you're not qualified anything you say can be rejected according to your own argument.

Anyway, let's leave it here - I can't be bothered with you.

So reading a book is the process eh?

A part of it, yes. You'll find reading is a large part of the process in attaining qualification. I'm amazed you even asked.
yes - reading a book is part of the process called theory - that part of the process called practical is something else

Just like scientists who contribute to scientific text books are halfway through their study and not fit for hearing from eh?

As I explained, it depends entirely on their level.
and for some reason you can't draw a similar parallel to scripture?

Sorry, you just gave a normative description – try again

What are you going on about?

You go out one day to the pub and get into a conversation with a person there. You eventually ask; "what qualifications do you have?". He says: "I have a degree in accounting, a masters in archaeology and a city and guilds in landscape design".

See, the question is answered without any problems. So, pretend you and I are in the pub.. So lg, what qualifications do you have?
yes, ordinarily people would talk of normative descriptions - for some absurd reason however you deemed that inappropriate, hence the response given above ....
Now, I notice you've made a list later on of 26 supposed 'qualifications'. So list the ones you think you have and we're done. How hard was that? Why all the pointless fucking around?
because you had a tremendous hissy fit that references from scripture are not appropriate - which began us the tour de france of how the hell can one determine qualification without normative descriptions to reference ...

I assume you not only read accountancy books but understood them through practice as well

No. I was using your example, (accountancy). I've never read an accountancy book in my life.
then its highly dubious that you have an accountancy degree (unless you scored it off the internet) ... much less that you are an accredited accountant

if you think you can elaborate on your qualification as an accountant without referencing normative descriptions from accountancy, please do so because at the moment I can’t fathom how one could do so ....

A) I didn't ask that you elaborate on anything, I just asked for your qualification - ergo: "I have a degree in accountancy" would be fine.
so you have recalled your previous calls about normative descriptions?
B) You can use any description you want, I've already told you that. My point, and the problem.. is that you've read 1 bit of scripture and consider yourself qualified when that's not how it works.
I agree, that is not how it works
From your description of theistic processes however (even from your recall as a practicing theist from some era pre-atheism of yourself) that seems to be what you think is sufficient
You might very well think it works that way, but like I said - most low level students think they know it all before even getting halfway through a course.
so the next question is why do you deem all saintly persons as students.
Whats your qualification/experience that you know the last word of religion?
(it certainly doesn't appear to draw from normative descriptions given in scripture)
Of course you've long claimed that theism is the advanced proposition of atheistic knowledge – if you could elaborate on even elementary aspects of atheistic knowledge/practice it would help your claim.
I wasn't aware that atheism had anything to offer outside of theory (perhaps it could extend to practice - like say lurking on religious discussion boards in the attempt to give theists a hard time) - at the very least the theory and so-called practice of atheism does not lead to the direct perception of god's non-existence, so the knowledge of atheism is imperfect (on the contrary, regardless of what you think of theism, there is the claim of direct perception of god and also the claim of how to achieve that perfection)
You have an immense habit of asking questions yet rejecting the framework in which they could possibly be answered – this becomes all the more ridiculous when you refuse or are unable to answer parallel analogies along the same lines

You have a disgusting habit of wasting 20 posts of refusal to answer, blame everyone else for it, and then actually almost answer the question, (your list of 26). Now all you need to do is list which of those 26 you 'have' and we're done. It's not hard at all, you just like acting stupid and wasting peoples time. I resent it.
it could have been cleared up in 2 posts if you could give a straight answer to parrallel analogies - for some reason it appears you have a morbid fear of clarifications on your proposals

Hence your contention that scripture is a concoction and saintly persons are bogus can be rejected on the same grounds

Inaccurate because, as stated, the qualification is atheism. You're not an atheist - are therefore not qualified and thus - according to your own arguments, can't say anything and anything you do say can be instantly rejected.
if you could establish how atheism takes the platform of theory to the platform of practice which brings one finally to the platform of the direct perception that god doesn't exist, perhaps you would have a case ....
You saying scripture isn't bogus and saintly persons aren't bogus can be rejected on the same grounds.
the only way it would be bogus is if you have direct perception that god does not exist

(1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple, (10) benevolent, (11) peaceful, (12) completely attached to God, (13) has no material hankering, (14) meek, (15) steady, (16) self-controlled, (17) does not eat more than required, (18) sane, (19) respectful, (20) humble, (21) grave, (22) compassionate, (23) friendly, (24) poetic, (25) expert, (26) silent.

See, that was easy. So.. which of those do you have? Certainly not numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 23, 25 and certainly not 26 lol. So from what I can gather you're not even halfway there. As this is the case and you're not qualified anything you say can be rejected according to your own argument.
I never said I was perfect - to have these qualities in full would put one on the callibre of jesus - to coherently quote scripture to back up theistic claims of one's experience is something else (much like even though Einstein was a physicist, any run of the mill physicist can explain Einstein's work - that doesn't make the run of the mill physicist another Einstein however ...)

as for discerning the definition of these terms, they have been elaborated on by saintly persons in numerous scriptural commentaries, so that people can discern the correct significance. Considering the difficulty you have in even reading a single verse of scripture, I guess you will just have to learn to somehow be satisfied with your unauthorized, speculative concoctions on the subject

Anyway, let's leave it here - I can't be bothered with you.
did you throw in the towel or throw down the gauntlet?
If man had not been created, would music still exist?
if the material world had not been created, music would still exist - anything that exists in the material world (like say music) has its source of being in the spiritual world (similar to the notion of platonic idealism)
the difference is that things that exist in the spiritual realm bear a direct connection to god.
if the material world had not been created, music would still exist - anything that exists in the material world (like say music) has its source of being in the spiritual world (similar to the notion of platonic idealism)
the difference is that things that exist in the spiritual realm bear a direct connection to god.

Would you say then, that all the music which man makes is already in the mind of god.
I dont think the analogy works, music is created by humans... hmmm well maybe the analogy is just perfect :D
isn't speech a kind of music, isn't any kind of sound made by a creature music such as bird song, whale song, music doesn't just have to be sounds made for plucking, hitting, blowing, etc.. The voice is a musical instrument, so regardless of whether humans existed, a kind of music would still be around, and the ones appreciating it would be the creatures it's being sung too.
Yes, Birdsong was thought once just to be a way of marking territory, but any crawk crawk would do that. They only have little brains, and for them to devote a proportion of that to making music, it must be very important.
Perhaps it's a sign of health and intelligence.
yes - reading a book is part of the process

Glad we agree.

and for some reason you can't draw a similar parallel to scripture?

Certainly can and do. That's indeed why I asked how much scripture you had read. You can't honestly think that you can read one form of scripture and be qualified to speak on the same level as someone that has read many different forms of scripture.

You seem to consider yourself qualified having read what, 1 book? Care to mention any other field of knowledge that works in that manner?

yes, ordinarily people would talk of normative descriptions - for some absurd reason however you deemed that inappropriate, hence the response given above ....

ZzZzZz So lg, what qualifications do you have?

because you had a tremendous hissy fit

Kindly point out that "tremendous hissy fit". Are you talking out of your anus again?

Btw, once you're done doing that how about you get to what was actually said, namely:

"you've made a list later on of 26 supposed 'qualifications'. So list the ones you think you have and we're done. How hard was that?"

To answer my own question: Obviously too hard for you.

then its highly dubious that you have an accountancy degree

Uhh.. as stated: I was using your analogy to make a point. I don't have an accountancy degree. Pay attention.

From your description of theistic processes however (even from your recall as a practicing theist from some era pre-atheism of yourself) that seems to be what you think is sufficient

I have never been a theist. What this does is show how little you pay attention, and as a result of that throws anything you say into question. What "seems to be", isn't "what is", it's just what lack of attention leads you to.

so the next question is why do you deem all saintly persons as students.

I sometimes wonder how much time the pope, (example), has spent studying the enuma elish, the bg, the koran etc etc.

Once again you wont find any field of knowledge you care to mention where the reading of one book is sufficient to give qualification. Furthermore, I urge you to find me one "saintly person" that wouldn't actually turn round and say he's always studying.

Whats your qualification/experience that you know the last word of religion?

That my non-friend, would require a large discussion, preferably in a congenial atmosphere.

at the very least the theory and so-called practice of atheism does not lead to the direct perception of god's non-existence, so the knowledge of atheism is imperfect. (on the contrary, regardless of what you think of theism, there is the claim of direct perception of god and also the claim of how to achieve that perfection)

Yes it does.

See, there's a claim. Oooooh... a "claim". Lol.

it could have been cleared up in 2 posts if you could give a straight answer to parrallel analogies - for some reason it appears you have a morbid fear of clarifications on your proposals

Wait.. I don't believe it! You still didn't list which of those 26 you have lol. Cleared up in two posts heh? Listen chump, it's about time you stopped blaming others and accepted resonsibility for your own shortcomings.

if you could establish how atheism takes the platform of theory to the platform of practice which brings one finally to the platform of the direct perception that god doesn't exist, perhaps you would have a case ....

Establishing something to a person bereft of the necessary qualifications to either confirm or validate something is indeed difficult - you don't even find such examples existing in science so its not clear why you expect this to somehow work out of such a framework.

the only way it would be bogus is if you have direct perception that god does not exist

I do. See, at least I have a claim.. (lol)

I never said I was perfect

Nobody ever implied that you did.

You said the things that make a person qualified could be found in scripture. I asked you to list them. You did. You don't have the things you listed. You're not qualified. End.

So lg, how are you qualified?

yes - reading a book is part of the process

Glad we agree.
.... but its part of the beginning process, namely theory, which stands quite distinct from practice -- hence your suggestion that reading scripture is the "process" is hardly suffcient

and for some reason you can't draw a similar parallel to scripture?

Certainly can and do. That's indeed why I asked how much scripture you had read. You can't honestly think that you can read one form of scripture and be qualified to speak on the same level as someone that has read many different forms of scripture.
if all religion is ultimately aimed at the same goal, yes, to a degree - just like a person familiar with the nature of gold from china could quite easily be familiar with gold from america
You seem to consider yourself qualified having read what, 1 book?
I consider myself qualified (to a degree) by having applied myself to practical aspects of scripture - as opposed to merely reading scripture

Care to mention any other field of knowledge that works in that manner?
a person who has applied themselves to electrical installation (as opposed to theory) can quite easily adapt themselves to electrical installation in other countries (even though the standard household rating may vary between 110-240 volts) - in otherwords all branches have essential aspects and peripheral aspects - one who is familiar (and practiced) with essential aspects can catch the import of other varieties - at the moment it appears that you think the essential aspect of religion is to take birth in a particular country or culture (which is an absurd, yet popular definition of theism by atheists who deem religion as essentially a culturally defined phenomena)

because you had a tremendous hissy fit

Kindly point out that "tremendous hissy fit". Are you talking out of your anus again?
All it usually takes is a quote or two from scripture to validate what I am saying
Btw, once you're done doing that how about you get to what was actually said, namely:

"you've made a list later on of 26 supposed 'qualifications'. So list the ones you think you have and we're done. How hard was that?"
I did go into a bit of elaborate detail about one of them (and it just happened to be the essential one, namely surrender to god) - you cut the whole thing from your response
BTW - on a side point I am not sure how the issue of my qualification came up specifically ??
from what I recall you objected to the notion of saintly people being specially qualified and that scripture is indicative of who is and isn't a saintly person

your quotes
1 -
Scripture is the beginning of study, saintly persons are people halfway through study. None of them are qualified to speak.

Scripture has no place in this discussion, it's like the welcome letter to any university course. Once you're qualified you'll understand that.

In otherwords I never said that I am an authority in theism - I did however establish who is an authority in theism and how you establish who is an authority in theism
To answer my own question: Obviously too hard for you.
You ask a question, I answer it, you ignore it - and then to top it off you chime in 3 posts later as if I didn't answer

then its highly dubious that you have an accountancy degree

Uhh.. as stated: I was using your analogy to make a point. I don't have an accountancy degree. Pay attention.
uhh ...it is clear where you stated you had an accountancy degree
except for the above its not clear where you stated you don't have a degree

-that aside it seems that you are finally coming around to the finality of accepting normative descriptions as unavoidable in discerning qualification

From your description of theistic processes however (even from your recall as a practicing theist from some era pre-atheism of yourself) that seems to be what you think is sufficient

I have never been a theist.
sorry - must have confused you with someone else - some times its difficult to distinguish the personalities behind identical arguments
What this does is show how little you pay attention, and as a result of that throws anything you say into question. What "seems to be", isn't "what is", it's just what lack of attention leads you to.
This doesn't really change anything - after reading your responses a few posts down it still seems you want to hedge your bets on reading being the "practical" of theism - I thought we had established earlier - It's not practice, it's theory ....

so the next question is why do you deem all saintly persons as students.

I sometimes wonder how much time the pope, (example), has spent studying the enuma elish, the bg, the koran etc etc.
doesn't really answer the question why do you consider all saintly persons (and not just the pope) as students
also don't you think at a certain point, "practice" would enable a higher level of progress than "more theory"

BTW - out of curiosity, how many saintly persons can you name outside of the pope?
Once again you wont find any field of knowledge you care to mention where the reading of one book is sufficient to give qualification.
yes - there are usually elaborate commentaries and a historical continuum - even in christianity
but that aside, once again, even reading in and of itself is not sufficient
Furthermore, I urge you to find me one "saintly person" that wouldn't actually turn round and say he's always studying.
true I cannot
But then nobody except you is demanding that reading a book is the be all and end all of theistic knowledge

at the very least the theory and so-called practice of atheism does not lead to the direct perception of god's non-existence, so the knowledge of atheism is imperfect. (on the contrary, regardless of what you think of theism, there is the claim of direct perception of god and also the claim of how to achieve that perfection)

Yes it does.

See, there's a claim. Oooooh... a "claim". Lol.
so you want to step outside the safe parameters of agnostic atheistic philosophy and claim that you (or anyone else) have direct perception of god's non-existence?

it could have been cleared up in 2 posts if you could give a straight answer to parrallel analogies - for some reason it appears you have a morbid fear of clarifications on your proposals

Wait.. I don't believe it! You still didn't list which of those 26 you have lol.
yes I did
th every moment I referenced the 26, i also indicated which one is essential and which of the other 25 are peripheral

guess it shows how much you pay attention ...

Cleared up in two posts heh? Listen chump, it's about time you stopped blaming others and accepted resonsibility for your own shortcomings.
scroll down a few posts - it's right there

25 of the qualities are peripheral, and number 12, attached (or surrendered) to god, is the primary qualification, which is further defined as

if you could establish how atheism takes the platform of theory to the platform of practice which brings one finally to the platform of the direct perception that god doesn't exist, perhaps you would have a case ....

Establishing something to a person bereft of the necessary qualifications to either confirm or validate something is indeed difficult - you don't even find such examples existing in science so its not clear why you expect this to somehow work out of such a framework.
its quite obvious you are shirking since there is no atheistic scientist/philosopher who makes the claim of direct perception - perhaps you could find some sorry hairball who advocates a process however -lol)

There are very good reasons for shirking on the claim of direct perception of god's non-existence, which are probably even fathomable by yourself

the only way it would be bogus is if you have direct perception that god does not exist

I do. See, at least I have a claim.. (lol)
oops -looks like I spoke too soon

looks like you are a madman

I never said I was perfect

Nobody ever implied that you did.

You said the things that make a person qualified could be found in scripture. I asked you to list them. You did. You don't have the things you listed. You're not qualified. End.
That's right - i am not qualified to establish religious principles (which is the business of saintly persons and scripture)
That doesn't invalidate my references to scripture, descriptions of spiritual experience etc etc
So lg, how are y ou
hint - there are 26 qualities of a saintly persons, yet one of them is integral to all grades of theistic practitioners ....
hence your suggestion that reading scripture is the "process" is hardly suffcient

I fail to see how. I merely argued that reading is , and I quote myself: "a part of the process". You agree with me: "but its part of the beginning process", so I don't even see why we're going through this. It is a part of the process. Done.

just like a person familiar with the nature of gold from china could quite easily be familiar with gold from america

Is that what it boils down to? No need to actually get into details or study with regards to each specific god but just assume they're probably the same as yours and done with it? That's ultimately what you're saying. I would disagree.

I consider myself qualified (to a degree) by having applied myself to practical aspects of scripture - as opposed to merely reading scripture

Such as? Talking to the clouds and helping out poor folk once in a while is a qualification?

a person who has applied themselves to electrical installation (as opposed to theory)

For now, as you clearly should have noticed, we were conversing on the process of reading, not electric installation. Now, the reason I bring it up and the reason it's important should be evident. Regardless to unconvincing arguments against, your entire 'knowledge base' of gods came from other people that told you and the text you read. If you had have been born and raised on the other side of the planet you would be here trying to convince me that a different god was real and that a different set of practices were needed. If you were jewish for example, you would be telling me the importance of being circumcised and not eating certain meat products.

This is why I asked how many different 'scriptures' you had read, because by saying 1 or 2 you clearly lack the ability to come to an objective answer concerning gods and processes.

What was it you said earlier that would help show this.. Ah yes:

"the successful student accepts the words of their teacher to at least bring them to the platform of practice"

Which is why I brought up the debate aspect. You clearly think that one gets told and because one has been told, what they have been told is true. Accept it and shuttup kind of attitude. You then come to the platform of practice - which basically equates to being told a certain god exists and then worshipping said being. The 'scripture' merely serves to reinforce the beliefs you already have as opposed to reading all scripture, hearing all angles and then making an informed decision.

at the moment it appears that you think the essential aspect of religion is to take birth in a particular country or culture (which is an absurd, yet popular definition of theism by atheists who deem religion as essentially a culturally defined phenomena

Kindly explain how it is absurd. On what basis exactly do you dispute it?

However, the point I have just raised is more about how, without studying each and every religion/belief you lack a proper ability to speak of gods and processes. You can of course speak of your particular one but have no justification to assert it as real or true given your lack of knowledge concerning the others.

You have often said that atheists can't say anything concerning gods because they are "bereft of the foundation blah blah". What you don't understand is that this would apply to you equally - with every single god minus 1.

All it usually takes is a quote or two from scripture to validate what I am saying

1) It's not quite clear how you think quoting scripture will show that I had a "tremendous hissy fit".

2) It doesn't 'validate', it merely reinforces your own beliefs and opinions - that have come directly from that same source/someone that told you who got it from that same source. Therefore the book is true because the book is true and anything you say from that book is true because the book is true.

Of course from there you would then have to show how this book is even valid itself. So far your most pertinent answer is that "it's old". If that is the best that can be done, I must say it does not bode well. Further from that you would say "saintly persons", which suffers the exact same problem as the book does - and again we can't really justify it by saying "they're old".

For starters these 'saintly persons' only have claims that cannot be supported unless you too become a "saintly person" - you have to do what you already espouse which is to "just accept it". You then have to take into consideration the conflicting 'saintly persons'. The pope doesn't really tell people to read the bg and worship the gods therein. The pope does not espouse that one gets reborn a gazillion times etc etc. When you have saintly persons that conflict how does one choose? From what I can gather you make the choice simply on the basis of who taught you first. If you had have been born to a family of jews you wouldn't mention kunti, or his son.. You'd be talking moses and abraham.

You don't seem to realise, (which is quite shocking), that you can't mention 'saintly persons' and think it's justified on the basis that "well, they have a claim and a claimed process". It even goes against your very own statements that you have probably made over 1,000 times on this forum concerning being bereft of qualification. In short, if you are not a saintly person, you can't speak for a saintly person. You must recognise as part of that that you can't justify anything they claim until you are a saintly person yourself. If you are this can go further, if not there's really nothing left to say.

I did go into a bit of elaborate detail about one of them (and it just happened to be the essential one, namely surrender to god) - you cut the whole thing from your response

Elaborate detail heh? Nowhere in your statement did you say that you had this essential qualification. I can't answer that for you can I? As such the only person that can express whether they are qualified is you. You can post scripture all you like, if it doesn't say you are personally qualified, of what use is it to me?

BTW - on a side point I am not sure how the issue of my qualification came up specifically ??

It most likely stems from all the [pp] "those bereft of qualification can't speak on the matter" statements you have made in nearly every single thread on this forum - including this one.

In short: if you're not qualified, you've got nothing to say here - apparently.

In otherwords I never said that I am an authority in theism - I did however establish who is an authority in theism

How exactly did you establish that? By claiming it? Because a book claims it? Because they claim it? All you have are a bunch of claims that you cannot validate because you're not qualified to do so - and then apparently neither am I so why even tell me in the first place? What exactly do you hope to accomplish by talking to myself and other atheists that you frequently liken to high school dropouts and continually state are bereft of qualification blah blah?

Oh wait yes, is this where we're supposed to "just accept it"?

I suppose that is a possibility... However, now you must surely understand the importance of showing your qualification. Without you showing your qualification, how can I be sure you're not just another high school dropout playing games? So lg, what qualification do you have exactly?

This in itself gets back to my statements regarding scripture. I did indeed state that any idiot can read scripture - and that reading scripture is simply the beginning. So, if all you have is that you've read scripture and accept it as true, of what use are you to anyone else? Can you read better than everyone else? It's made even worse when you list 26 things while being devoid of at least half of them. It's like taking English lessons from a Chinese man that can only half speak English.

You ask a question, I answer it, you ignore it - and then to top it off you chime in 3 posts later as if I didn't answer

All due respect, but you listed 26 things - mentioned that one of them was the most important but never actually said whether you had it or not, (or any of the others). It didn't take me long to realise that you're lacking at least half of them so what you need to do is list the ones you do have. Once again: I can't do it for you. You tell me one of them is the most important and quote some scripture. O....k, do you have that important one? Did the scripture you quoted say "lg has that one"? If so I certainly didn't see it.

Sorry, what have I ignored exactly? You've told me what they are and whether they're important. Alas you missed the only thing I actually asked for which was whether you had them or not.

uhh ...it is clear where you stated you had an accountancy degree
except for the above its not clear where you stated you don't have a degree

I can't believe we're even going through this given your original question and my response. It should have been plainly obvious right there that I was simply using your analogy.

You asked me how an accountant would establish qualification. I said: "I have an accountancy degree".

Duh. I even put it in speech marks to show that it wasn't me making a statement concerning myself, but as an answer to your question. What I was asking from you was for your qualification. I was not asking for proof that you have it, I was not going to check university records or anything else like that, I merely asked you to state what you had that you consider as making you qualified. You eventually listed 26 things, (one essential), but didn't actually tell me if you had any of those 26. And the thing is it does not have to be this complicated - you purposely do so to avoid giving an answer. We've been through this before several times and it is without doubt one of your more annoying habits.

"To be qualified one must be "meek", "kind", "truthful" blah blah. I am meek, kind and truthful. That is how I am qualified".

That's all I'm asking for, why must you make a mountain out of a molehill?

sorry - must have confused you with someone else - some times its difficult to distinguish the personalities behind identical arguments

That's an attention issue. I originally stated that many atheists used to be theists and that surely they would be the more "qualified" because they had done what you are in the process of doing and actually got somewhere. You're still at the bit they have done and progressed from.

Let's say that again and be frank: They have been where you are. They have been at your current level of theory and process. They have moved past that stage. You have not.

From what position exactly would you try and assert that you are more qualified/beyond their level?

doesn't really answer the question why do you consider all saintly persons (and not just the pope) as students

Because they are at the position that others have progressed from.

But then nobody except you is demanding that reading a book is the be all and end all of theistic knowledge

Another ample display of you not paying attention or not understanding. What exactly with "it's a part of", do you have issue with?

so you want to step outside the safe parameters of agnostic atheistic philosophy and claim that you (or anyone else) have direct perception of god's non-existence?

I am attempting to show you the inherent pointlessness in saying "they have a claim". Any idiot can make claims. I'm quite certain you were aware of this.

So now we must look at establishing claims but then from the arguments you have used hundreds of times, you can't unless you too are a saintly person.

th every moment I referenced the 26, i also indicated which one is essential and which of the other 25 are peripheral

Where did you say you had any of the 26? Are you now asserting that you have all 26?

its quite obvious you are shirking since there is no atheistic scientist/philosopher who makes the claim of direct perception

Argument from popularity and authority in one go? Needless to say, if I am making the claim then there clearly is an atheistic scientist making the claim. Quite straightforward really.

Now, if I were to use your arguments, it would stand that you cannot say anything regarding my claim until you are 'qualified' to do so, (in short: atheist).

I hope through all of this that you eventually realise the inherent worthlessness of most of your regular statements on this forum.

looks like you are a madman

It is of course common for the unqualified high school drop out to call a physicist a madman when he talks about things beyond the understanding of the high school dropout.

hint - there are 26 qualities of a saintly persons, yet one of them is integral to all grades of theistic practitioners ....

So you're qualified because you believe in god and worship it?
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hence your suggestion that reading scripture is the "process" is hardly suffcient

I fail to see how. I merely argued that reading is , and I quote myself: "a part of the process". You agree with me: "but its part of the beginning process", so I don't even see why we're going through this. It is a part of the process. Done.
we were in the middle of discussing "practical" as distinct from "theory" when you suggested that "reading scripture" is "practical"

just like a person familiar with the nature of gold from china could quite easily be familiar with gold from america

Is that what it boils down to? No need to actually get into details or study with regards to each specific god but just assume they're probably the same as yours and done with it? That's ultimately what you're saying. I would disagree.
if you study the details of the essence, certainly

I consider myself qualified (to a degree) by having applied myself to practical aspects of scripture - as opposed to merely reading scripture

Such as? Talking to the clouds and helping out poor folk once in a while is a qualification?
hello Timbuktu .....

a person who has applied themselves to electrical installation (as opposed to theory)

For now, as you clearly should have noticed, we were conversing on the process of reading, not electric installation.
you asked for an example of another field of knowledge

Care to mention any other field of knowledge that works in that manner?

and I give one

what's your problem?

This is why I asked how many different 'scriptures' you had read, because by saying 1 or 2 you clearly lack the ability to come to an objective answer concerning gods and processes.
you asked me how many scriptures I have read and i provided a link, yet you now say I've read 1 or 2?

what's your problem?
What was it you said earlier that would help show this.. Ah yes:

"the successful student accepts the words of their teacher to at least bring them to the platform of practice"

Which is why I brought up the debate aspect. You clearly think that one gets told and because one has been told, what they have been told is true.

please read the bold to save me having to drag you back from Timbuktu (again)

at the moment it appears that you think the essential aspect of religion is to take birth in a particular country or culture (which is an absurd, yet popular definition of theism by atheists who deem religion as essentially a culturally defined phenomena

Kindly explain how it is absurd. On what basis exactly do you dispute it?
separate thread issue - for now its sufficient to say that theism doesn't accept that - in short ,, the focus of religion is not culture, but god, and god transcends human culture - in other words the very definition of being omnimax necessitates one entity, despite a variety of subjective accounts (just like you could ask any one of a billion people where the sun is and they could say anything from rising to the east to setting in the west to above my head - of course this doesn't indicate more than one sun)

All it usually takes is a quote or two from scripture to validate what I am saying

1) It's not quite clear how you think quoting scripture will show that I had a "tremendous hissy fit".
we could try an experiment - lol
2) It doesn't 'validate', it merely reinforces your own beliefs and opinions - that have come directly from that same source/someone that told you who got it from that same source. Therefore the book is true because the book is true and anything you say from that book is true because the book is true.
so you want to return to your argument that qualification can be validated by sources other than the normative?

Of course from there you would then have to show how this book is even valid itself. So far your most pertinent answer is that "it's old".
my most pertinent response is that if followed, it grants a result in line with the conclusion


theory -> practice -> realization/values

if you follow it as you suggest


or perhaps more precisely

theory -> ad homs/attacks on god and god's representatives ->realization/values

the result is not quite the same

For starters these 'saintly persons' only have claims that cannot be supported unless you too become a "saintly person" -

much like the claims of physicists can not be supported unless you become a physicist

once again, it seems like you have issues with the nature of knowledge, separate and distinct from specific issues of god/saintliness/theism

you have to do what you already espouse which is to "just accept it".


you have to "do" it

just like to come to the point of accepting physics outside of faith you have to "do" it

this is the important contribution of "practice" (distinct from "theory") to teh acquisition of knowledge
You then have to take into consideration the conflicting 'saintly persons'. The pope doesn't really tell people to read the bg and worship the gods therein.
he does however recommend obedience to god ("obedience" is a "doing" word)

The pope does not espouse that one gets reborn a gazillion times etc etc.
When you have saintly persons that conflict how does one choose?
you have to accept that the platform of theory is not sufficient to grasp all knowledge - at the platform of theory there appears to be many contradictions - problems arise when there are contradictions on the platform of practice (what does a saintly person recommend in regard to the cultivation of lust/anger/avarice/etc?)
From what I can gather you make the choice simply on the basis of who taught you first.
the choice is initiated by one's desire under one of these four circumstances

BG 7.16: O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me — the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.
If you had have been born to a family of jews you wouldn't mention kunti, or his son.. You'd be talking moses and abraham.

do you think the pope would disagree with the above BG quote?

You don't seem to realise, (which is quite shocking), that you can't mention 'saintly persons' and think it's justified on the basis that "well, they have a claim and a claimed process". It even goes against your very own statements that you have probably made over 1,000 times on this forum concerning being bereft of qualification. In short, if you are not a saintly person, you can't speak for a saintly person.
I did mention about the qualification of a physicist and the distinction between a run of the mill physicist and einstein, even though a run of the mill physicist (maybe even a high school student) can discern the validity of einstein's findings
You must recognise as part of that that you can't justify anything they claim until you are a saintly person yourself. If you are this can go further, if not there's really nothing left to say.
one doesn't have to be perfect of the leader in the field - just like physics demands a certain threshold of theory and practice, so to does saintliness - still there can be universes of difference between such practitioners

I did go into a bit of elaborate detail about one of them (and it just happened to be the essential one, namely surrender to god) - you cut the whole thing from your response

Elaborate detail heh? Nowhere in your statement did you say that you had this essential qualification. I can't answer that for you can I? As such the only person that can express whether they are qualified is you. You can post scripture all you like, if it doesn't say you are personally qualified, of what use is it to me?
hopefully by now you understand that pining for descriptions of qualification outside of normative descriptions is absurd

BTW - on a side point I am not sure how the issue of my qualification came up specifically ??

It most likely stems from all the [pp] "those bereft of qualification can't speak on the matter" statements you have made in nearly every single thread on this forum - including this one.
so considering that I offer information and references from scripture and saintly persons, why is there a demand that I establish my qualification in saintliness as equivalent to jesus?

Does a person who mention the theory of relativity on this site have to prove they are another einstein?

In short: if you're not qualified, you've got nothing to say here - apparently.
if you have no foundation of theory, you have nothing to say
if you have no foundation of practice, anything you say runs the risk of being scattered and irrelevant

In otherwords I never said that I am an authority in theism - I did however establish who is an authority in theism

How exactly did you establish that? By claiming it? Because a book claims it?
how do you establish the authority of a physicist without reference to physics?

Because they claim it?
there are books that tell you how to achieve something
there are persons who tell you how to achieve the same thing in the books
there are persons who have applied the above two sources to achieve the said result

where does the problem lie?
All you have are a bunch of claims that you cannot validate because you're not qualified to do so -
the claims remain invalidated as long as the practice is avoided - which seems to be an accurate description of where an atheist is at ...
and then apparently neither am I so why even tell me in the first place? What exactly do you hope to accomplish by talking to myself and other atheists that you frequently liken to high school dropouts and continually state are bereft of qualification blah blah?
that "practice" is what they lack, for a start, no matter how erudite they may be on the platform of "theory"
Oh wait yes, is this where we're supposed to "just accept it"?

I suppose that is a possibility... However, now you must surely understand the importance of showing your qualification. Without you showing your qualification, how can I be sure you're not just another high school dropout playing games? So lg, what qualification do you have exactly?
accepting normative descriptions would be a start
This in itself gets back to my statements regarding scripture. I did indeed state that any idiot can read scripture - and that reading scripture is simply the beginning. So, if all you have is that you've read scripture and accept it as true, of what use are you to anyone else?
there is hearing
then there is also hearing and doing

a difference lies between these two

Can you read better than everyone else?
if it brings one to the platform of action, yes
It's made even worse when you list 26 things while being devoid of at least half of them.
I did mention which one is essential
and I also did mention how these normative descriptions can be unpacked and verified by numerous scriptural commentaries ... something, which given your mysterious assertions about normative descriptions in scripture vs qualification, i am reluctant to go ahead with explaining ....

It's like taking English lessons from a Chinese man that can only half speak English.
better than taking english lessons from a person who can't speak english at all ...

You ask a question, I answer it, you ignore it - and then to top it off you chime in 3 posts later as if I didn't answer

All due respect, but you listed 26 things - mentioned that one of them was the most important but never actually said whether you had it or not, (or any of the others). It didn't take me long to realise that you're lacking at least half of them
the platform of maligned theory is certainly time saving ...
so what you need to do is list the ones you do have. Once again: I can't do it for you. You tell me one of them is the most important and quote some scripture. O....k, do you have that important one?
I guess we should start with the essential one - certainly makes more sense than dealing with the side issue of peripheral ones don't you think?

Did the scripture you quoted say "lg has that one"? If so I certainly didn't see it.
Sorry, what have I ignored exactly? You've told me what they are and whether they're important. Alas you missed the only thing I actually asked for which was whether you had them or not.
without this essential quality, theism doesn't even begin

uhh ...it is clear where you stated you had an accountancy degree
except for the above its not clear where you stated you don't have a degree

I can't believe we're even going through this given your original question and my response. It should have been plainly obvious right there that I was simply using your analogy.

You asked me how an accountant would establish qualification. I said: "I have an accountancy degree".

Duh. I even put it in speech marks to show that it wasn't me making a statement concerning myself, but as an answer to your question.

you expected me to understand all that from this

once again, how the hell do you propose to establish qualification (like say for an accountant) without referencing normative descriptions in the field?

I have a degree in accounting.

So.. what qualifications do you have?

What I was asking from you was for your qualification. I was not asking for proof that you have it, I was not going to check university records or anything else like that, I merely asked you to state what you had that you consider as making you qualified. You eventually listed 26 things, (one essential), but didn't actually tell me if you had any of those 26. And the thing is it does not have to be this complicated - you purposely do so to avoid giving an answer. We've been through this before several times and it is without doubt one of your more annoying habits.
the twisted form of this discussion is because you constantly slip in and out of the argument that normative descriptions are not the necessary contributers to discerning qualification - just when I thought we had nailed that sucker in the grave you pull it out again with this post!!!- until you reach a conclusion in regards to this, the whole venture of discerning my or any one else's qualification in the field of theism will remain quite a trip
"To be qualified one must be "meek", "kind", "truthful" blah blah. I am meek, kind and truthful. That is how I am qualified".

That's all I'm asking for, why must you make a mountain out of a molehill?

because you mole out the foundation for discussing the validity/invalidity of the point - namely normative descriptions

sorry - must have confused you with someone else - some times its difficult to distinguish the personalities behind identical arguments

That's an attention issue. I originally stated that many atheists used to be theists and that surely they would be the more "qualified" because they had done what you are in the process of doing and actually got somewhere. You're still at the bit they have done and progressed from.
actually I only became interested in theism a few years after I had finished my higher education ....
Let's say that again and be frank: They have been where you are. They have been at your current level of theory and process. They have moved past that stage. You have not.
what can I say - your foundation of theory has led you back to Timbuktu ....

From what position exactly would you try and assert that you are more qualified/beyond their level?
"practice" as distinct from "theory" that leads to "values/conclusions"

doesn't really answer the question why do you consider all saintly persons (and not just the pope) as students

Because they are at the position that others have progressed from.
saintly people (who have direct experience of god's nature) become atheists?
Can you name a few?
While you are at it you may want to name a few atheists who had previously had direct experience of god's nature before arriving at their current upper echelon status ....

But then nobody except you is demanding that reading a book is the be all and end all of theistic knowledge

Another ample display of you not paying attention or not understanding. What exactly with "it's a part of", do you have issue with?
reading a book being part of "practice" (as opposed to reading a book being part of "theory") - what else

so you want to step outside the safe parameters of agnostic atheistic philosophy and claim that you (or anyone else) have direct perception of god's non-existence?

I am attempting to show you the inherent pointlessness in saying "they have a claim". Any idiot can make claims. I'm quite certain you were aware of this.
hence claims that run along with claims of how to achieve such a perception (aka "practice") are a different kettle of fish
So now we must look at establishing claims but then from the arguments you have used hundreds of times, you can't unless you too are a saintly person.
is this the "anti - normative description" zombie rising from the dead again?

th every moment I referenced the 26, i also indicated which one is essential and which of the other 25 are peripheral

Where did you say you had any of the 26? Are you now asserting that you have all 26?
if I am a theist and if one is essential to theism, what does it suggest?

its quite obvious you are shirking since there is no atheistic scientist/philosopher who makes the claim of direct perception

Argument from popularity and authority in one go?

argument from persons more intelligent and experienced than yourself

Needless to say, if I am making the claim then there clearly is an atheistic scientist making the claim. Quite straightforward really.
direct perception of god's non-existence?
(ie not taking shelter of "god could exist but I am 99% sure he doesn't")
names please ....
Now, if I were to use your arguments, it would stand that you cannot say anything regarding my claim until you are 'qualified' to do so, (in short: atheist).
first of all provide the example of the person making the claim

intelligent people don't make such a claim of course since to assert god's non-existence requires access to all knowledge in all times (omnipotence and omniscience) which are in themselves godly qualities ..... and given the nature of human frailties ......
I hope through all of this that you eventually realise the inherent worthlessness of most of your regular statements on this forum.
and your knee jerk reactions to the subject of theism are what exactly?

looks like you are a madman

It is of course common for the unqualified high school drop out to call a physicist a madman when he talks about things beyond the understanding of the high school dropout.
you have just ventured into the realm of philosophical assertion where no (intelligent) atheist has gone before ..... needless to say you have a lot of explaining to do - you will probably start talking about how you believe in leprechauns and celestial teapots again ....

hint - there are 26 qualities of a saintly persons, yet one of them is integral to all grades of theistic practitioners ....

So you're qualified because you believe in god and worship it?

well let's have a look at the description and see if there are any "doing" words which would distinguish from theory/sentiment?

CC Madhya 22.100: "'The six divisions of surrender are the acceptance of those things favorable to devotional service, the rejection of unfavorable things, the conviction that God will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian or master, full self-surrender, and humility.
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we were in the middle of discussing "practical" as distinct from "theory" when you suggested that "reading scripture" is "practical"

Not really, no. I stated that "The point is that scripture is merely a process in itself to becoming qualified". It is a process. Why continue this? You're wasting time.

if you study the details of the essence, certainly

So, you are confirming to me that there is no need to study any other religions/beliefs or gods other than the one you happen to believe in and then consider yourself as being in a position of authority on what is or isn't 'true'?

hello Timbuktu .....

Were you going to answer the question? Hello?

you asked for an example of another field of knowledge

Yeah, where reading one book is sufficient. Your answer was unfortunately irrelevant to the question. Nevermind, I'm used to it.

you asked me how many scriptures I have read and i provided a link, yet you now say I've read 1 or 2?

You provided me a link heh.. to what exactly was it? I checked the link and found a massive list comprising of: "ayurvedic cookbook" <-- no lg, I didn't ask how many different versions of pancakes you could make. I found "pitta.htm" <-- no lg, I didn't ask whether you're good at making donna kebabs. I found biographies and available courses in sesame oil massage, February newsletters and even - would you believe it - "uses of cow dung". And.. here's the problem. The links I clicked were all 404's, (amusingly enough the first 404 was on the "scientific" link).

So what are you telling me exactly lg? You read a lot of page doesn't exist errors, how to cook kebabs for a large family, and what to do when you have a lot of leftover cow shit and consider that somehow as an answer to my question? Ok, you might consider those topics as 'scripture', but that truly raises some question.

So, how many different scriptures have you read? No need for links, I can only laugh so much in one day. Just gimme an estimated figure.

please read the bold to save me having to drag you back from Timbuktu (again)

Clearly the point flew over your head, (or through your ears). I shall leave it for now, if missed the first time round a point generally gets lost in amongst all the irrelevancies.

separate thread issue - for now its sufficient to say that theism doesn't accept that

Kindly start a separate thread then explaining it to me. Oh and btw, it isn't sufficient to say that theism doesn't accept it. Not accepting something does not make that something "absurd". That should of course be painfully obvious.

the focus of religion is not culture, but god

Which one? There's the point lg.. lol.

the problem is solved because god transcends culture

Which one? Problem still unsolved.

if god has a jurisdiction over life and death, does that make life and death culturally defined?

Where is the relevance in your question? Suffice it to say, life and death are culturally defined. Some bury their dead, burn their dead, leave their dying on icebergs, wear face masks, wear mini-skirts blah blah blah.

what you don't understand is that god transcends culture

Which one?

we could try an experiment - lol

It's not quite clear how this statement shows that I had a "tremendous hissy fit".

so you want to return to your argument that qualification can be validated by sources other than the normative?

Will you do what I want? If so, what I want is for you to target a post directly and respond to that post directly. I don't want you to ignore what is written in preference of these weak avoidance tactics of yours.

"Therefore the book is true because the book is true and anything you say from that book is true because the book is true."

Is there anything there you specifically disagree with? Why do you disagree with it? What can you offer to show that the statement should be disagreed with?


my most pertinent response is that if followed, it grants a result in line with the conclusion


theory -> practice -> realization/values

For starters you would have to show that it does just that - which is going to be tremendously difficult if for no other reason simply because others have gone through it and come to a completely different "realisation". Furthermore, every single theist differs in interpretation but always justifies that interpretation as being true because they are seemingly the only one with the ability to interpret it correctly. What this inevitably leads to is everyone thinking that the scripture is valid because everything they do and believe is justified by that scripture, not realising that in fact they do what they do and believe what they believe because they have interpreted it in whatever way suits them best. In saying: the book is true because the book is true, and everything I say is true because the book says it is, (according to my interpretation of that book - which is true).

You would also have to show the results - which you simply cannot do. By now indeed it would be painfully obvious if scripture and religious practice led to a specific outcome. It would be hard not to notice. I suppose we could do a poll and see what the general consensus is on what the outcome of religious belief and practice is from an observable standpoint.

much like the claims of physicists can not be supported unless you become a physicist

Ok. So tell me lg.. are you a saintly person? If the answer is no, there's nothing you can say here regarding them. You keep trying to do just that but in your very own statement here tell me that you can't. Hmmm.

you have to "do" it

Which again raises my question concerning theists that have done it and end up atheists. You on the other hand are still in the middle of the process of doing it and so cannot speak for those that have progressed beyond your level.

he does however recommend obedience to god

Which one?

you have to accept that the platform of theory is not sufficient to grasp all knowledge

Surely this will make you understand why I asked how many different scriptures you'd read, (no lg, not cook books). Surely the more you have read will give you a more objective and overall understanding of that 'knowledge'? So lg, how many different scriptures have you read?

at the platform of theory there appears to be many contradictions

That's because there is. We just shrug it off as unimportant?

(what does a saintly person recommend in regard to the cultivation of lust/anger/avarice/etc?)

First you have to validate who is or isn't a "saintly person". I suppose if someone has a different recommendation concerning lust etc that you disqualify him as a saintly person because he doesn't agree with your personal idea of what makes someone a saintly person. Of course if you are trying to indicate that a saintly person is merely one who objects to certain emotional states such as lust and anger, then most mothers are saintly people.

the choice is initiated by one's desire under one of these four circumstances

Ok, so poor people, distressed people etc render service to gods. That wasn't the point. The point was your choice of god and scripture. If, poor/distressed or otherwise, you were born in Israel you would most likely be worshipping yhwh and wearing a skullcap.

do you think the pope would disagree with the above BG quote

Perhaps, I can't really speak for him. But what is the more important aspect here? Disagreeing with the 'theory' or disagreeing with the practice? (i.e giving worship to a dude named vishnu while trying to not be born again as a poodle would probably cause the pope to break out into laughter).

even though a run of the mill physicist (maybe even a high school student) can discern the validity of einstein's findings

It's debateable, and indeed brings qualification down to the level of pointlessness. Why get a degree when a GCSE provides you with all you need? Of course once again it brings me back to my good old ex-theist, atheist buddies. They've progressed beyond you, surely I should be listening to them first and foremost?

hopefully by now you understand that pining for descriptions of qualification outside of normative descriptions is absurd

Another pointless avoidance tactic. You failed to tell me whether you had the qualifications that you cited. Do you or don't you? How hard can it be?

so considering that I offer information and references from scripture and saintly persons, why is there a demand that I establish my qualification in saintliness as equivalent to jesus?

Where is there any such demand? I am asking if you are qualified and how you are qualified. You fail to answer, how is that my fault? Right here and now on this issue I am not asking if saintly people are qualified, I am not asking if scripture is true or false, or a good cookbook. I am asking you, lg, that's you, if you are qualified and how. How hard can it be?

Does a person who mention the theory of relativity on this site have to prove they are another einstein?

No... where is such a thing even implied? If of course they want you to take them as an authority on the subject matter, asking for qualifications is quite natural. It is also quite natural that these people understand that and answer the question. If they avoid it like the plague it generally points to one thing..

how do you establish the authority of a physicist without reference to physics?

You know Sarkus and Q? They're the top 2 physicists on the planet.

This is what you have given me - a claim to authority, nothing more. Now, in the case of Sarkus and Q we can quiz them on their knowledge and thereby "establish" that qualification. With your supposed "saintly people", the qualification comes in the form of emotions. They lack lust etc. How exactly do you establish that? Do you have some secret emotion detector? How do you establish that when your back is turned they're not secretly lusting after some hot chick?

What exactly have you "established", (which was your claim), other than sweet bugger all? You have given me a claim lg, nothing more.

there are persons who have applied the above two sources to achieve the said result

How do you know? If I knew the bible word for word how would you establish that I was 'bereft' of the emotions it says to avoid in order to become 'saintly'? How many of these 'persons' have you actually met?

the claims remain invalidated as long as the practice is avoided - which seems to be an accurate description of where an atheist is at ...

But not an accurate description of those that have been where you are currently at and have since progressed from there, (i.e ex practicing-theists).

that "practice" is what they lack, for a start, no matter how erudite they may be on the platform of "theory"

Again this doesn't work for those that were practicing theists. They are in fact stages beyond you.

accepting normative descriptions would be a start

My apologies, how was that an answer to "what qualifications do you have"?

better than taking english lessons from a person who can't speak english at all ...

Certainly. How do I know that's not you? In short: what qualifications do you have lg? (100th time lucky perhaps?)

the platform of maligned theory is certainly time saving ...

That's just wonderful. Are you ever going to answer the question?

I guess we should start with the essential one - certainly makes more sense than dealing with the side issue of peripheral ones don't you think?

Dude, you can start wherever you want. Start already lol. Why do you complain so much about ad hom when you seemingly do as much as you possibly can to incite ad hom? So lg.. what qualifications do YOU have?

without this essential quality, theism doesn't even begin

That's peachy. Do you have it? Hello? Can't you ever just say "yes"?

you expected me to understand all that from this

Yes. Clearly I was expecting too much from you. My apologies, I won't make the mistake again, (*note to self* go slowly).

the twisted form of this discussion is because you constantly slip in and out of the argument that normative descriptions are not the necessary contributers to discerning qualification - just when I thought we had nailed that sucker in the grave you pull it out again with this post!!!- until you reach a conclusion in regards to this, the whole venture of discerning my or any one else's qualification in the field of theism will remain quite a trip

Another avoidance tactic. Needless to say, it only remains "quite a trip" because you do whatever you can to avoid answering simple questions. I get the impression that you don't want to lie, but realise the truth would put you in the shit so you just fanny-fart around until the other person gets bored and leaves or starts with the ad homs in which case you then turn fully hypocrite, tell him that ad homs aren't wanted and put him on ignore. That way you haven't lied, haven't put yourself in shit and, in your own little world, have somehow answered the question. Originally it's amusing to watch, but after this long it actually becomes stale. Move on.

because you mole out the foundation for discussing the validity/invalidity of the point - namely normative descriptions

Not at all and you're still avoiding. I Snake am meek, kind, loving, friendly, generous, giving, blah blah. You?

actually I only became interested in theism a few years after I had finished my higher education ....

Ok, you were a late bloomer. How exactly do you then think you can compare with a life long practicing theist that has since then become an atheist? They were studying and practicing while you didn't know the first thing about it. They progressed and progressed and finally became atheists. You're a long way behind them so what can you offer here that can even compare to them?

what can I say - your foundation of theory has led you back to Timbuktu ....

Is there an explanation to go along with that childish claim? Can you explain to me how you are above and beyond those that have been where you are, (for a lot longer than you), and have progressed beyond your current level? Of course don't feel obliged to answer, gimme silly little one-liners if it's more your thing.

"practice" as distinct from "theory" that leads to "values/conclusions"

How would that make you more qualified? They've done the practice, they've done the theory, they've got to the values and conclusions. So..?

saintly people (who have direct experience of god's nature)

Such as who? Can you confirm it?

reading a book being part of "practice"

My point. I said "it's a part of the process to attaining qualification". Pay attention. You then agreed that it is part of the process while still grumbling and whining about it for some bizarre reason.

hence claims that run along with claims of how to achieve such a perception (aka "practice") are a different kettle of fish

Not really, no.

I claim that leprechauns exist and I further claim that you can achieve direct perception of these leprechauns by putting a coin in front of a tree and asking to see them while truly wanting to see them in your heart.

if I am a theist and if one is to theism, what does it suggest?

It suggests and is defined as one that believes in a god or gods. What now? Does believing in gods mean you by default have any of the 26 on that list? Well? Hello?

I get the feeling you're going to cite number 12, the essential one: "completely attached to God", but this is not default. There are many people that believe in gods that aren't completely attached to them, don't worship them and some that believe the gods can't even be known - they just believe one or more exist.

Here is the problem with you refusing to answer questions. It means I have to go through all the work just to explain to you that which should be plain bloody obvious to begin with while you STILL haven't answered the question.

"Are you asserting that you have these 26?"


"thank you very much".

Instead I am forced into writing 200 words because of your cowardice.

Are you asserting that you have those 26 things? Yes/no?

you have just ventured into the realm of philosophical assertion where no (intelligent) atheist has gone before ..... needless to say you have a lot of explaining to do

Well, all the personal attacks on my level of intelligence aside, how could I even begin to explain it when you are bereft of the requirements needed to understand it? It would be like explaining electrons to a high school dropout, or perhaps this:


I also know full well that you lg are going to be the very first person to agree with me now. You have indeed gone through this quite a few times yourself haven't you? So lg, what explanation do you think I can give you that you will understand? To quote a well known sciforums person that more often than not asserts their own brilliance and intelligence as being above everyone elses:

"How do you propose to prove something of any complexity (regardless whether it is religious or in the realm of science) to a person who is not qualified to know nor are they interested in being qualified"

Well lg, shall I let you answer that?

we were in the middle of discussing "practical" as distinct from "theory" when you suggested that "reading scripture" is "practical"

Not really, no.

I stated that "The point is that scripture is merely a process in itself to becoming qualified". It is a process. Why continue this? You're wasting time.
in the middle of discussing "practical" as distinct from "theory"

if you study the details of the essence, certainly

So, you are confirming to me that there is no need to study any other religions/beliefs or gods other than the one you happen to believe in and then consider yourself as being in a position of authority on what is or isn't 'true'?


I am saying that if you study the essence (in this case "surrender to god) of a subject (in this case religion) you can understand that knowledge in a variety of forms/circumstances

hello Timbuktu .....

Were you going to answer the question? Hello?
answer your question which mas maligned theory for a foundation ... I don't think so - don't know what you have been reading to come up with

"Such as? Talking to the clouds and helping out poor folk once in a while is a qualification?"

but its certainly not any scripture I am familiar with

you asked for an example of another field of knowledge

Yeah, where reading one book is sufficient. Your answer was unfortunately irrelevant to the question. Nevermind, I'm used to it.
how on earth did the "one book" thing come in to it?
certainly not from me

you asked me how many scriptures I have read and i provided a link, yet you now say I've read 1 or 2?

You provided me a link heh.. to what exactly was it? I checked the link and found a massive list comprising of: "ayurvedic cookbook" <-- no lg, I didn't ask how many different versions of pancakes you could make. I found "pitta.htm" <-- no lg, I didn't ask whether you're good at making donna kebabs. I found biographies and available courses in sesame oil massage, February newsletters and even - would you believe it - "uses of cow dung". And.. here's the problem. The links I clicked were all 404's, (amusingly enough the first 404 was on the "scientific" link).

looks like you dribbled on your mouse or something and scrolled off the menu that deals specifically with the link i provided
So what are you telling me exactly lg? You read a lot of page doesn't exist errors, how to cook kebabs for a large family, and what to do when you have a lot of leftover cow shit and consider that somehow as an answer to my question?


I am referring to this link


as opposed to this link

or this link
Ok, you might consider those topics as 'scripture', but that truly raises some question.

So, how many different scriptures have you read? No need for links, I can only laugh so much in one day. Just gimme an estimated figure.

but its not clear why reading X amount of scriptures distinguishes anything - but anyway, I don't want you to have another hissy fit about how I don't answer your questions - ok so what now, I've read hundreds of scriptures (distinct from cook books and the like)?

please read the bold to save me having to drag you back from Timbuktu (again)

Clearly the point flew over your head, (or through your ears). I shall leave it for now, if missed the first time round a point generally gets lost in amongst all the irrelevancies.


me -"the successful student accepts the words of their teacher to at least bring them to the platform of practice"

you - Which is why I brought up the debate aspect. You clearly think that one gets told and because one has been told, what they have been told is true.

is being "told" an aspect of theory or practice? (Hullo Timbuktu)

separate thread issue - for now its sufficient to say that theism doesn't accept that

Kindly start a separate thread then explaining it to me. Oh and btw, it isn't sufficient to say that theism doesn't accept it. Not accepting something does not make that something "absurd". That should of course be painfully obvious.

the focus of religion is not culture, but god

Which one? There's the point lg.. lol.

the problem is solved because god transcends culture

Which one? Problem still unsolved.

if god has a jurisdiction over life and death, does that make life and death culturally defined?

Where is the relevance in your question? Suffice it to say, life and death are culturally defined. Some bury their dead, burn their dead, leave their dying on icebergs, wear face masks, wear mini-skirts blah blah blah.

what you don't understand is that god transcends culture

Which one?

looks like you cut and pasted my post while it was still in th eprocess of being edited - if you had looked before you posted you would see it reads

at the moment it appears that you think the essential aspect of religion is to take birth in a particular country or culture (which is an absurd, yet popular definition of theism by atheists who deem religion as essentially a culturally defined phenomena

Kindly explain how it is absurd. On what basis exactly do you dispute it?

separate thread issue - for now its sufficient to say that theism doesn't accept that - in short ,, the focus of religion is not culture, but god, and god transcends human culture - in other words the very definition of being omnimax necessitates one entity, despite a variety of subjective accounts (just like you could ask any one of a billion people where the sun is and they could say anything from rising to the east to setting in the west to above my head - of course this doesn't indicate more than one sun)

so you want to return to your argument that qualification can be validated by sources other than the normative?

Will you do what I want?
if its rationally possible I might be agreeable
If so, what I want is for you to target a post directly and respond to that post directly. I don't want you to ignore what is written in preference of these weak avoidance tactics of yours.

"Therefore the book is true because the book is true and anything you say from that book is true because the book is true."
I stress practice gives an important addition to theory in the pursuit of knowledge.
I say normative descriptions (one's likely to be encountered in books about the practice/theory and by persons associated with the practice/theory) are not only important but unavoidable in establishing standards of qualification

Is there anything there you specifically disagree with? Why do you disagree with it? What can you offer to show that the statement should be disagreed with?
if you stress knowledge can be attained without practice ("show me the evidence") I cannot help you
if you stress normative descriptions can be ascertained without reference to either books or persons related in the field I cannot help you

my most pertinent response is that if followed, it grants a result in line with the conclusion


theory -> practice -> realization/values

For starters you would have to show that it does just that - which is going to be tremendously difficult if for no other reason simply because others have gone through it and come to a completely different "realisation".
hence the importance of having a proper foundation of theory as opposed to a maligned one
Furthermore, every single theist differs in interpretation but always justifies that interpretation as being true because they are seemingly the only one with the ability to interpret it correctly.
hence the importance of having a proper foundation of practice as opposed to a maligned one
What this inevitably leads to is everyone thinking that the scripture is valid because everything they do and believe is justified by that scripture, not realising that in fact they do what they do and believe what they believe because they have interpreted it in whatever way suits them best.
hence maligned theory and practice bears different results
In saying: the book is true because the book is true, and everything I say is true because the book says it is, (according to my interpretation of that book - which is true).
we've had this discussion before and its obvious you are into discussing peripheral things (like say circumcision) as integral to religion, as opposed to things like getting free from the influence of lust/wrath/etc, which is what is evenly seen depicted across the board in theistic texts/practitioners
You would also have to show the results - which you simply cannot do. By now indeed it would be painfully obvious if scripture and religious practice led to a specific outcome.
from your maligned foundation of theory and practice, your values are understandable
It would be hard not to notice. I suppose we could do a poll and see what the general consensus is on what the outcome of religious belief and practice is from an observable standpoint.
okay - maybe one of the q's could be "Does spiritual/religious practice inspire/encourage exhibitions of lust/wrath/envy/avarice/etc" (To be fair we would only quiz persons who identify as theistic practitioners)

much like the claims of physicists can not be supported unless you become a physicist

Ok. So tell me lg.. are you a saintly person? If the answer is no, there's nothing you can say here regarding them.

You keep trying to do just that but in your very own statement here tell me that you can't. Hmmm.

I thought it was obvious
I identify myself as a practicing theist, hence I can elaborate something of the nature of saintly persons - just like a run of the mill physicist can elaborate something of the nature of einstein - the threshold of such a qualification rests on the essential quality of a theist, namely surrender to god.

you have to "do" it

Which again raises my question concerning theists that have done it and end up atheists.
done what exactly - last i recall you were fumbling around int he woods trying to pass reading scripture or placing one's ass in a place of worship as the essence of theistic practice (small wonder they turned out atheists ....)
You on the other hand are still in the middle of the process of doing it and so cannot speak for those that have progressed beyond your level.
first of all tell us what has to be done, since your previous attempts don't fit the bill

he does however recommend obedience to god

Which one?
the one that is different to the culturally defined one you hold as unworshippable

you have to accept that the platform of theory is not sufficient to grasp all knowledge

Surely this will make you understand why I asked how many different scriptures you'd read, (no lg, not cook books). Surely the more you have read will give you a more objective and overall understanding of that 'knowledge'? So lg, how many different scriptures have you read?
already addressed most of this earlier

anyway here is a normative description

BS 5.33: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is inaccessible to the Vedas, but obtainable by pure unalloyed devotion of the soul, who is without a second, who is not subject to decay, is without a beginning, whose form is endless, who is the beginning, and the eternal puruṣa; yet He is a person possessing the beauty of blooming youth.

reading can give you an idea, but until you put it into practice, it remains nothing but an idea

at the platform of theory there appears to be many contradictions

That's because there is. We just shrug it off as unimportant?

you bring yourself to the platform of action

(what does a saintly person recommend in regard to the cultivation of lust/anger/avarice/etc?)

First you have to validate who is or isn't a "saintly person".

BG 18.42: Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness — these are the natural qualities by which the brāhmaṇas work.

see how easy it is when you are allowed reference to normative descriptions
I suppose if someone has a different recommendation concerning lust etc that you disqualify him as a saintly person because he doesn't agree with your personal idea of what makes someone a saintly person.
the ability to break someone's teeth may be considered the quality of a saintly person in some people's books, but if you compile several normative descriptions on the subject a more specific image tends to emerge

Of course if you are trying to indicate that a saintly person is merely one who objects to certain emotional states such as lust and anger, then most mothers are saintly people.
so we have one quality of a saintly person down - can we think of any others?

the choice is initiated by one's desire under one of these four circumstances

Ok, so poor people, distressed people etc render service to gods. That wasn't the point. The point was your choice of god and scripture. If, poor/distressed or otherwise, you were born in Israel you would most likely be worshipping yhwh and wearing a skullcap.
more hang ups on non-essential aspects huh?

Here's a bit of lateral thinking for you - If you took birth in a place where it was the custom to drink water from the bladder of a goat or from a plastic cup imported from china, what would be the essential difference in the drinking experience

do you think the pope would disagree with the above BG quote

Perhaps, I can't really speak for him. But what is the more important aspect here? Disagreeing with the 'theory' or disagreeing with the practice? (i.e giving worship to a dude named vishnu while trying to not be born again as a poodle would probably cause the pope to break out into laughter).
actually several years ago the hymns of the Brahma Samhita were sung by the vatican boys quoir in the vatican during an inter-religious faith dialogue (chaired by the pope) - its plain and obvious that despite having a rich veneer of ad homming talent, you have no experience of religion except a smattering of theory that has never seen the light of day, what to speak of when you try and anticipate the behaviour of dedicated practitioners

even though a run of the mill physicist (maybe even a high school student) can discern the validity of einstein's findings

It's debateable, and indeed brings qualification down to the level of pointlessness. Why get a degree when a GCSE provides you with all you need?
the ability to discern the validity of einstein's finding's is all that a degree requires? Seems like you are out of touch not only with religion but also science
Of course once again it brings me back to my good old ex-theist, atheist buddies. They've progressed beyond you, surely I should be listening to them first and foremost?
we are just waiting for you to get back to us on their "practice" - from what you have presented to us so far in the name of "theory", it doesn't look promising ...

hopefully by now you understand that pining for descriptions of qualification outside of normative descriptions is absurd

Another pointless avoidance tactic. You failed to tell me whether you had the qualifications that you cited. Do you or don't you? How hard can it be?
with or without normative descriptions?

so considering that I offer information and references from scripture and saintly persons, why is there a demand that I establish my qualification in saintliness as equivalent to jesus?

Where is there any such demand? I am asking if you are qualified and how you are qualified. You fail to answer, how is that my fault? Right here and now on this issue I am not asking if saintly people are qualified, I am not asking if scripture is true or false, or a good cookbook. I am asking you, lg, that's you, if you are qualified and how. How hard can it be?
You miss the point - in the course of your trans Timbuktu discussions I have lost track what you are asking for my qualification as specifically since the conversation imperceptibly merged from the discussion of qualified saintly persons to a discussion of my personal qualifications

Does a person who mention the theory of relativity on this site have to prove they are another einstein?

No... where is such a thing even implied? If of course they want you to take them as an authority on the subject matter, asking for qualifications is quite natural.

so you are after the qualifications of saintly persons then, since I asserted that they are the authorities
It is also quite natural that these people understand that and answer the question. If they avoid it like the plague it generally points to one thing..
usually they are not forbidden to reference normative descriptions either (eg - "Oh you just read that in a physics book!!")

how do you establish the authority of a physicist without reference to physics?

You know Sarkus and Q? They're the top 2 physicists on the planet.

This is what you have given me - a claim to authority, nothing more. Now, in the case of Sarkus and Q we can quiz them on their knowledge and thereby "establish" that qualification.
if we have the proper foundation of theory, yes

With your supposed "saintly people", the qualification comes in the form of emotions.

it comes in the form of character

They lack lust etc. How exactly do you establish that?
if they openly glorify women's genitalia, it tends to be a bit of a give away
Do you have some secret emotion detector?
there's no hiding character - surely as a one working in the field of mental health you can understand this
How do you establish that when your back is turned they're not secretly lusting after some hot chick?
water finds its own level
What exactly have you "established", (which was your claim), other than sweet bugger all? You have given me a claim lg, nothing more.
it remains a claim for you, and will do so for eternity for as long as you shirk the platform of practice

there are persons who have applied the above two sources to achieve the said result

How do you know?
for the same reason that you don't - "applied theory" (aka practice)
If I knew the bible word for word how would you establish that I was 'bereft' of the emotions it says to avoid in order to become 'saintly'?
there is a bit of difference between learning something by rote and controlling one's lust/wrath/avarice/envy/etc

How many of these 'persons' have you actually met?

the claims remain invalidated as long as the practice is avoided - which seems to be an accurate description of where an atheist is at ...

But not an accurate description of those that have been where you are currently at and have since progressed from there, (i.e ex practicing-theists).

so tell me - what are the exact articles of practice that I am currently performing (hint - reading scripture is theory and placing one's back side in a place of worship doesn't cut the mustard)

that "practice" is what they lack, for a start, no matter how erudite they may be on the platform of "theory"

Again this doesn't work for those that were practicing theists. They are in fact stages beyond you.
ditto above

accepting normative descriptions would be a start

My apologies, how was that an answer to "what qualifications do you have"?
I have mentioned them several times already, but you whine continually that normative descriptions are not sufficient

better than taking english lessons from a person who can't speak english at all ...

Certainly. How do I know that's not you? In short: what qualifications do you have lg? (100th time lucky perhaps?)
ditto above

the platform of maligned theory is certainly time saving ...

That's just wonderful. Are you ever going to answer the question?
i have

but you insist that it is not the right one (apparently because it contradicts your theoretical understanding of religion that you have never put nor know how it is put into practice)

I guess we should start with the essential one - certainly makes more sense than dealing with the side issue of peripheral ones don't you think?

Dude, you can start wherever you want. Start already lol. Why do you complain so much about ad hom when you seemingly do as much as you possibly can to incite ad hom? So lg.. what qualifications do YOU have?

I had hopes the words "essential" and "peripheral" would trigger your memory, particularly in regards to the 26 qualities already mentioned some time ago

without this essential quality, theism doesn't even begin

That's peachy. Do you have it? Hello? Can't you ever just say "yes"?
if I identify as a theist, what do you think?

the twisted form of this discussion is because you constantly slip in and out of the argument that normative descriptions are not the necessary contributers to discerning qualification - just when I thought we had nailed that sucker in the grave you pull it out again with this post!!!- until you reach a conclusion in regards to this, the whole venture of discerning my or any one else's qualification in the field of theism will remain quite a trip

Another avoidance tactic. Needless to say, it only remains "quite a trip" because you do whatever you can to avoid answering simple questions.

all you had to do is make a definitive statement regarding your stance on normative descriptions
I get the impression that you don't want to lie, but realise the truth would put you in the shit so you just fanny-fart around until the other person gets bored and leaves or starts with the ad homs in which case you then turn fully hypocrite, tell him that ad homs aren't wanted and put him on ignore.
I've given you a beginning for what qualifications I have
I've told you what qualifications saintly persons have in total

And you whine that they are wrong because they are validated by practitioners/normative descriptions

That way you haven't lied, haven't put yourself in shit and, in your own little world, have somehow answered the question. Originally it's amusing to watch, but after this long it actually becomes stale. Move on.

You can ask questions that forbid the framework of being answered if you want, but please don't complain if you find the going absurd

actually I only became interested in theism a few years after I had finished my higher education ....

Ok, you were a late bloomer. How exactly do you then think you can compare with a life long practicing theist that has since then become an atheist?
practice and a proper foundation of theory - what I have said all along

They were studying and practicing while you didn't know the first thing about it.
and still you can't elaborate properly on either theory or practice - no wonder they were wasting their time
They progressed and progressed and finally became atheists. You're a long way behind them so what can you offer here that can even compare to them?
normative descriptions

how about you?

what can I say - your foundation of theory has led you back to Timbuktu ....

Is there an explanation to go along with that childish claim? Can you explain to me how you are above and beyond those that have been where you are, (for a lot longer than you),and have progressed beyond your current level?
first you have to unpack the words "theistic theory" and "theistic practice" and we will see if it tallies with normative descriptions
Of course don't feel obliged to answer, gimme silly little one-liners if it's more your thing.
do you want to work on the construction of another theory how I am incredibly wrong and you are incredibly right or do you want to ride this one down?

"practice" as distinct from "theory" that leads to "values/conclusions"

How would that make you more qualified?

They've done the practice, they've done the theory, they've got to the values and conclusions. So..?

now you just have to fill in the words "practice" and "theory" with normative descriptions rather than parroting everything I say

saintly people (who have direct experience of god's nature)

Such as who?
I've provided you with links before - go back and find them

Can you confirm it?
yes, but that requires a certain foundation of theory and practice - both of which you are adverse to

reading a book being part of "practice"

My point. I said "it's a part of the process to attaining qualification". Pay attention. You then agreed that it is part of the process while still grumbling and whining about it for some bizarre reason.
then why do you bring it up when I ask for examples of "practice" as opposed to "theory"

hence claims that run along with claims of how to achieve such a perception (aka "practice") are a different kettle of fish

Not really, no.

I claim that leprechauns exist and I further claim that you can achieve direct perception of these leprechauns by putting a coin in front of a tree and asking to see them while truly wanting to see them in your heart.
I think we have been here before - the only people who make such claims are
1) children on the basis of a poor fund of knowledge
2) atheists on the basis of rhetoric
get back to us if you can think of a third party who would stand for the defense of such claims of direct perception

if I am a theist and if one is to theism, what does it suggest?

It suggests and is defined as one that believes in a god or gods.
actually it suggests that one is "doing" something as opposed to "thinking" something
What now? Does believing in gods mean you by default have any of the 26 on that list? Well? Hello?
to answer that you would have to look at what a person is "doing"

I get the feeling you're going to cite number 12, the essential one: "completely attached to God", but this is not default. There are many people that believe in gods that aren't completely attached to them, don't worship them and some that believe the gods can't even be known - they just believe one or more exist.
then to the degree that they remain aloof from the platform of "doing", their so called theism is indistinguishable from atheism ("God exists - but hey he has his world and I have mine")
Here is the problem with you refusing to answer questions. It means I have to go through all the work just to explain to you that which should be plain bloody obvious to begin with while you STILL haven't answered the question.

"Are you asserting that you have these 26?"


"thank you very much".

Instead I am forced into writing 200 words because of your cowardice.

Are you asserting that you have those 26 things? Yes/no?


I answer a question - you lose the import of it shirking on the issue of normative descriptions - and then return a few posts later to ask the same question (wondering why I insist you come to a conclusion about normative descriptions)

(1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple, (10) benevolent, (11) peaceful, (12) completely attached to God, (13) has no material hankering, (14) meek, (15) steady, (16) self-controlled, (17) does not eat more than required, (18) sane, (19) respectful, (20) humble, (21) grave, (22) compassionate, (23) friendly, (24) poetic, (25) expert, (26) silent.

See, that was easy. So.. which of those do you have? Certainly not numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 23, 25 and certainly not 26 lol. So from what I can gather you're not even halfway there. As this is the case and you're not qualified anything you say can be rejected according to your own argument.

I never said I was perfect - to have these qualities in full would put one on the callibre of jesus - to coherently quote scripture to back up theistic claims of one's experience is something else (much like even though Einstein was a physicist, any run of the mill physicist can explain Einstein's work - that doesn't make the run of the mill physicist another Einstein however ...)

in otherwords regardless of one's standing as a theist, one must display the activities of surrender (which are subdivided as previously explained under number 12)
is that clear?

you have just ventured into the realm of philosophical assertion where no (intelligent) atheist has gone before ..... needless to say you have a lot of explaining to do

Well, all the personal attacks on my level of intelligence aside, how could I even begin to explain it when you are bereft of the requirements needed to understand it? It would be like explaining electrons to a high school dropout, or perhaps this:

I also know full well that you lg are going to be the very first person to agree with me now. You have indeed gone through this quite a few times yourself haven't you? So lg, what explanation do you think I can give you that you will understand? To quote a well known sciforums person that more often than not asserts their own brilliance and intelligence as being above everyone elses:

"How do you propose to prove something of any complexity (regardless whether it is religious or in the realm of science) to a person who is not qualified to know nor are they interested in being qualified"

Well lg, shall I let you answer that?

you could begin by asserting those persons or bodies of people who lay claim to the direct perception that god doesn't exist

then we could examine the normative descriptions they advocate to come to such levels of perception and see if it fulfills the requirement of accessing all knowledge in all times (since there are persons in different times and places who have asserted god's existence)

how else?

So you're telling me you do need to study other gods/beliefs?

I am saying that if you study the essence (in this case "surrender to god) of a subject (in this case religion) you can understand that knowledge in a variety of forms/circumstances

I had a friend like that. He worked on Volkswagen engines and you could say knew the "essence of a subject [car engines]". He then went to work on a friends Lamborghini Espada. I wont detail the outcome.

I find there is a distinct problem with working on Volkswagens and then thinking that's suitable enough to know every car engine. Clearly you disagree with me.

My problem from a religious issue is that I would hate to not be sacrificing enough cows and get punished because of it because I hadn't take the time to read the right/enough scripture. Now, I don't mind if you do limit yourself to certain scriptures, but I would like to know how you justify yours as valid if you haven't read all the others.

I mean sure, you could tell me that your scripture tells you enough for you to be getting on with things, but that isn't surrender to or completely attached to god. If you were, surely you'd want to read everything he'd ever written/was written about him?

I don't think so

"Were you going to answer the question?"
"I don't think so."

Ok, that's all I needed to know.

but its certainly not any scripture I am familiar with

Well, see the first section of this post. Why would you be familiar with anything outside of your own scripture?

However, when you get a moment, scroll back and pay attention to the "such as?" I'm asking you a question. Oh wait, you said you weren't going to answer. Nevermind.

looks like you dribbled on your mouse or something and scrolled off the menu that deals specifically with the link i provided

The link you provided, (http://www.bhagavata.org/bn/avadhuta...ilesDevotion_-), goes to a massive page right in the middle of devotion-shastras. I noticed that everything visible on that part of the page was all part of the same thing. I mean, there's 12 links all to the same page and here's the kicker...

They're all 404 errors.

I'm sorry, what were you expecting from me exactly? Thanks to your link I know the 404 page off by heart but I still don't know what other scripture you've read. Couldn't you have just told me? I'm gonna have nightmares now about a hindu 404 monster coming to teach me what to do with cow dung.

So anyway, I thought I could either close the link completely or explore further in the hopes that at least one of the pages worked. Oops, my bad.

Hey, we're getting somewhere. Ok, it's not quite perfect but you've earnt yourself a blue peter badge anyway.

but its not clear why reading X amount of scriptures distinguishes anything

So anyway, you're sitting at home one day perusing a law book when you stumble upon an interesting law. It says: "It is legal to ride a camel on the pavement". You're like "wow", and up you get, buy a camel and stroll off to town on the pavement. Eventually you get arrested... and it's only then that you realise you were reading the wrong law book. Oops.

See, your original assumption is that the book you're reading is correct and valid - but you don't have any basis with which to establish that. Without being aware of other books that exist on the subject, how do you ever make an informed decision?

but anyway, I don't want you to have another hissy fit about how I don't answer your questions

Ohhhh lol, another one of those magical, mystical hissy fits heh? Btw, were you ever going to manage to show me where my apparent "tremendous" one was? Dude you're funny.. In a bad way.

is being "told" an aspect of theory or practice? (Hullo Timbuktu)

If you accept what you're told without question, would the practice not reflect that which you've already accepted as true?

This is clearly seen in life. People indoctrinated into christianity for instance. Since a young age they are 'taught' and merely accept what the teacher has to say. Their practice then reflects that which they were taught. They then eventually bow down and worship a dead hippy instead of a blue elephant.

So lg, keep your childish timbuktu comments to yourself and instead take a little bit of time to use the noodle that the gods apparently gave you.

looks like you cut and pasted my post while it was still in th eprocess of being edited - if you had looked before you posted you would see it reads

Oooh, are you getting smarmy with me? Purely out of interest, if one looks before posting, one sees the exact same thing he saw before posting unless he refreshes the page in which case he then has to either type or paste his entire debate again and then... wait.. should I post it? What if he's edited again? Ok here's an idea.. I'll refresh the page again.

10 hours later I'm still refreshing the page.

Stop being stupid.

Now, let's take a look at your edited comment.. Ok, well it starts off with the same bullshit, (sufficient to say).. no lg, it isn't sufficient to say. You then say:

"in other words the very definition of being omnimax necessitates one entity"

Which one? It's all in the details. Unless of course you just assert that some thing we would call a god exists, details be damned. In which case burn your scripture, it's pointless culturally defined nonsense.

For the sake of discussion I'm all for that. Ok fine, some god being thingy exists. What now?

1) Nothing now, a god exists, that's it - Ok then what are we talking for?

2) Now we burn incense, put pictures of that blue elephant god on the wall and do as it apparently asks us, (culturally defined) -- why that one?

Anyway....... how is it absurd? Start a thread already.

if you stress...

I'm not stressing anything, I'm asking questions. (They end with question marks - the question mark usually denotes that one is asking, not stressing).

But anyway, you mention knowledge without practice. Now, to understand the practice that one must do, one must get the 'theory'. In short the reading is going to come first. You then conduct practice that reflects the reading you did. So for example, scripture tells you to go and kill a small goat on Sundays so you do. But then see, if you were looking at the wrong 'theory' the practice is worthless. So how do you establish that the theory is correct to begin with?

How do you pick, how do you choose? How do you manage to sit down and say: "here, this theory will do"? If you then "just accept", (which seems to be your motto), the first theory you come to, and are happy with the practice because you've already accepted the theory - how can you even establish to yourself that you're correct? What are you comparing it to - certainly not other practices. Do you compare your theory to christian theory? Do you look at the amount of successful/"qualified" christians and say "hmm, not enough of them, it can't be that one". How?

my most pertinent response is that if followed, it grants a result in line with the conclusion

They all say that, absolutely regardless to the practice undertaken. Purely out of interest, but as that's the case wouldn't it be best to just pick whichever has the simplest practice and save yourself a lot of time and effort? Of course you'll never know which theory to choose from if you never read them all before deciding to engage in practice.

hence the importance of having a proper foundation of theory as opposed to a maligned one

hence you now need to establish that those that have been where you are nw and progressed beyond it had a 'maligned theory'. Of course you can't know that until you have complete the practice. Remember, knowledge can't be attained without practice - so how do you establish, currently still practicing, that those who have moved beyond you are wrong when you're not at their level yet?

theory -> practice -> realisation.

You're still the middle section, what can you say regarding those in the latter other than nothing?

hence the importance of having a proper foundation of practice as opposed to a maligned one

Same as above. You simply cannot speak for those that have progressed beyond you to the latter stages through practice. When you get there, someone might very well say you did it wrong, and you'll say the exact same thing I'm saying.

hence maligned theory and practice bears different results

Alas, until you are at the result you simply cannot talk with regards to those that have already achieved it. Nor can you justify or establish that you, the person still practicing, are doing it right.

you are into discussing peripheral things (like say circumcision) as integral to religion

You only consider it peripheral because your personal culturally defined god doesn't tell you to do it. To jews it is absolutely smegging essential, not peripheral. god voiced his opinion concerning it, indeed calling it smegging essential. Who are you to claim it is peripheral? Who are you to think you can speak on behalf of god?

There is a large part of your problem.

as opposed to things like getting free from the influence of lust/wrath/etc

As opposed to? I would assert that they are all of equal importance, as would the god of the jews. You think you have the ability to pick and choose.. because? Wait, that's not your god right?

from your maligned foundation of theory and practice, your values are understandable

Yeah yeah yeah, I'm maligned, they're maligned, we're all maligned.. except good old lg. Do me a lemon.

Now excuse me, what exactly do you disagree with with me stating that you would need to show results, and that if this practice led to a specific outcome, (other than disgustingly self centered arrogance), we would see it. So show it.

maybe one of the q's could be "Does spiritual/religious practice inspire/encourage exhibitions of lust/wrath/envy/avarice/etc" (To be fair we would only quiz persons who identify as theistic practitioners)

And... how exactly would you assert that this ever be established? Do you have a spare lustometer lying around?

"Do you have lust?"
"Nope, not a drop."

Now what?

As for "being fair".. lol are you taking the biscuit? (that's English slang for taking the piss). It basically boils down to: We'll ask theists whether theists are good people.. lol!

I think it's important to clarify a few things.

You assert that one should just accept what they are taught, (theory). This then leads to practice but.. what if what you are taught says the (theory) is crap? How do you accurately judge whether the theory and therefore practice is wrong or whether people are just doing the practice wrong? This is where this part comes into it: would you take a look at the general populous of theists and see whether they ultimately appear to be good - and thus the practice is valid? I suppose it's a possibility which is why I suggested the poll.

However.. here's the problem:


This article states that 2 out of every 3 children in India is sexually abused. So, if I were to observe these people I would have to conclude that hindu is not the way to go - because this would indicate that the theory and practice are wrong.. but wait.. what if the theory and practice is right but there's very few people accomplishing it. As a result, looking at other people is a redundant idea. The same issue of course applies to "saintly persons" because you can only assume that they are what they claim to be - unless you do the practice which, given that there are apparently saintly persons of all differing religions, means you have to do them all... unless you assert, (and you have hinted at it), that all religions are pretty much the same thing, [lust etc], in which case it would stand that practicing any religion is acceptable. To that I would finally once again like to ask why you chose the religion you chose. I would assert that the religion you chose was because of cultural matters. You claim this is absurd, so do please explain why you chose that specific religion above all the others that would have ultimately been equally valid? Or.. wouldn't they be equally valid? If not, why not?

I identify myself as a practicing theist, hence I can elaborate something of the nature of saintly persons

Anyone can elaborate on the nature of something merely by looking at definitions of words - which is technically all you're doing and yes, all you are capable of without being in the same position as them. You cannot establish that they are what they claim to be - there is the point.

done what exactly

Exactly what you're still currently in the middle of.

first of all tell us what has to be done, since your previous attempts don't fit the bill

It varies. Of course, when it does and doesn't coincide with your own personal culturally defined beliefs then you assert that the practice is "peripheral". So what answer do you want from me? It will never fit your bill unless I tell you exactly what you want me to say. As such there is a serious problem.

I say "well, it is absolutely essential that one have a clean penis - and one does this by snipping off the extra bit of skin". You turn round and tell me it's peripheral.. It is - to you.

What you're basically telling me is that to be valid, practice must be what you say it is.

but until you put it into practice, it remains nothing but an idea

Unless... lg regards it as peripheral. Lol.


you bring yourself to the platform of action

Now you're contradicting yourself. You did indeed state that an essential practice/action was merely "peripheral". You did indeed just shrug it off as unimportant. So why are you saying "no" now when clearly you mean yes?

see how easy it is when you are allowed reference to normative descriptions

I never said it wasn't easy to quote scripture, I asked how you "validate" who is a saintly person. One of the things you quote is "honesty". Do you lie detector every claimed saintly person? Another is purity.. how do you go about establishing that?

more hang ups on non-essential aspects huh?

Non essential to who? I can only tell you you're so wrong it's painful to even read. Sure, it's not essential to you and your culturally defined beliefs, but why think you can answer for everyone? skullcaps/circumcision etc are not "non essential" they are absolutely undeniably essential to a certain god and certain people. Well?

And again, why say no when I asked if these things could be shrugged off as unimportant? You clearly meant yes.

If you took birth in a place where it was the custom to drink water from the bladder of a goat...

Tell you what, better to stick to the subject matter. So.. if you're born in Israel and told by a god, by scripture and by practice that it is essential to be circumcised.. how fucking daft does it look when some nobody on the other side of the planet says it's "peripheral and unimportant"?

actually several years ago the hymns of the Brahma Samhita were sung by the vatican boys ..

Certainly, it's not really relevant. We celebrate christmas in this house, doesn't mean I don't laugh when people mention jesus and virgin births.

its plain and obvious that despite having a rich veneer of ad homming talent

Pot, kettle.. you know the rest.

we are just waiting for you to get back to us on their "practice"

Who's we? Is there something the you's need to say? Which one am I speaking to right now?

Of course, why you even make the statement is quite bizarre. You must "do" it. In short, you can't be told what the matrix is, you need to see it for yourself. You're currently behind them in the realms of practice done, you can't speak concerning them. This is your own argument. I know hypocrisy is your best friend though so don't let it stop you.

with or without normative descriptions?

Uhh.. yes or no would suffice. Are you really as stupid as you pretend to be?

I have lost track what you are asking for my qualification

I'm not really one for taking lessons from the unqualified. I dunno, maybe I'm too picky... If you're not, this discussion is pointless.

so you are after the qualifications of saintly persons then, since I asserted that they are the authorities

You have made many assertions - indeed telling me even that certain essential religious practices can be ignored because they're unimportant. To make such a claim you must be an authority on the matter. As a result of that, qualifications are essential.

if they openly glorify women's genitalia, it tends to be a bit of a give away

Most certainly, no argument from me whatsoever. What if they do it secretly instead of openly? Hmmm..

Look at movie stars - all nice and glamorous for the public, behind closed doors they masturbate just like everyone else.

So again.. how do you establish their qualification other than.. you can't.

there's no hiding character - surely as a one working in the field of mental health you can understand this

Oh do me a favour. Every single time there's a murder, or abduction of some child and the guy is caught the neighbours say "oh and he was such a nice young man". Everytime a priest is caught with kiddie porn the churchgoers say "no way, who woulda thunk it".

Now, like you, these people are not qualified in relevant fields. As you're not qualified in a relevant field, what do you think you know? Have you got beyond theory yet? Are you into practice? I'm sorry, where are you exactly? If you're not qualified, which you're not, what do you think you can say with regards to this issue? Your own arguments preclude you from saying anything at all. Do I hear mr.hypocrisy about to come crawling out the closet again?

So, kindly don't "surely.." me, I am way way way beyond you.

it remains a claim for you, and will do so for eternity for as long as you shirk the platform of practice

No. It will remain a claim for as long as you can't establish the claim - which you can't, so forever.

what are the exact articles of practice that I am currently performing

I wouldn't know or really care, but it has to be below those that have already done the practice, completed it and come to realisation. What are you trying to argue?

but you whine continually that normative descriptions are not sufficient

Actually no, you're the one whining. I haven't even used the word normative. In fact, I was the one that said you can do whatever you want.

ditto above

Ditto.... you still haven't answered the question.

I had hopes the words "essential" and "peripheral" would trigger your memory, particularly in regards to the 26 qualities already mentioned some time ago

I would have hoped that me informing you that some people believe in gods but are not 'completely attached' would have brought you to understanding. You can state it's essential but easily not have it. Now forgive me, but a simple "yes" would have saved all of this. Here are the qualities I have.. blah blah.

I have explained this to you now 3 times.

if I identify as a theist, what do you think?

Again, many people identify themselves as theists but don't have this "essential" quality. Much like you dismissing whatever you choose as "peripheral", they have done the same. So what do I think.. I think it would have saved all this time if you just answered the bloody question instead of faffing about like a pansy.

I've given you a beginning for what qualifications I have

So you have 1 quality (completely attached to god)?

Now, if I look at an atheist and he has more, what am I supposed to conclude?

practice and a proper foundation of theory - what I have said all along

Yeah, you say many things. Unfortunately you can never validate any of it.

still you can't elaborate properly on either theory or practice - no wonder they were wasting their time

For arguments sake, fine. If I can't, what in the world has that got to do with them other than nothing?

normative descriptions

They've been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Next..

I've provided you with links before - go back and find them

Links links, it's all good.. except.. how do you validate their claim that they have direct perception? You can't lol.

I think we have been here before - the only people who make such claims are
1) children on the basis of a poor fund of knowledge
2) atheists on the basis of rhetoric
get back to us if you can think of a third party who would stand for the defense of such claims of direct perception

In this instance you're plain wrong. I stand for the defence of such claims of direct perception. The only way you can now argue it is if you apply correct theory and practice, (instead of the ill informed versions shown in your quote). What to talk of practice when you can't even get to the theory stage :bugeye:

By now you should be aware but.. it requires a certain foundation of theory and practice - both of which you are adverse to.

actually it suggests that one is "doing" something as opposed to "thinking" something

No, it suggests that one believes in gods. No wonder you're so confused.

their so called theism is indistinguishable from atheism ("God exists - but hey he has his world and I have mine")

Uhh, hate to be the one to tell you - but you'll rarely find an atheist saying 'god exists'. Back to basics for you me thinks.


I answer a question


in otherwords regardless of one's standing as a theist, one must display the activities of surrender (which are subdivided as previously explained under number 12)
is that clear?

I'm afraid not, no. It's unbelievable to see you even claiming such a thing.

you could begin by asserting those persons or bodies of people who lay claim to the direct perception that god doesn't exist

And this establishes what exactly other than.. ooh, there's more than 1. Do numbers equate to truth? The old appeal to popularity? All those alien abductees must be telling the truth because there's many of them?

You wouldn't accept it even if I did, you know that. You would then in fact ask exactly the same things and make exactly the same statements I have to you.

How do they establish it, regardless to how many there are? Your answer would espouse that you too must be an atheist with direct perception. This goes nowhere.

how else?

How would I know? You gave the original question and now the answer to your own question. I'll just sit back and watch you debate against yourself. *grabs popcorn*