God and Mickey Mouse - is there a difference?

perhaps in 3000 years some disney movies will be unearthed by our cyborg descendents and the new mickey mouse religion will be born! they could even discover the statues in an escavation at walt disney world to prove that he existed! ;)

Thanks Xev - its from one of my favorite songs that I cannot find at any damn music store ANYWHERE!!!

Oh, sorry guys, had to vent a little:D

And thanks captain. It is extremely hard to tell people that you dont believe in god. Its like your 'evil' if you dont believe in a god. I think my family respects other religions more than people who totally dismiss god altogether. ..... I just figure if there is a heavan - I sure as sh*t aint going there. Thanx for listening guys! Your the best!:D

Take care:)

Please feel free to post what you think is proof that god does not exist...
So I challenge you to prove that Mickey does not exist. Remember you have to consider the possibility that the imaginative idea of Mickey just happens to be a coincidence with a real Mickey who lives in a different galaxy. Can you prove that I am wrong?

It really is impossible to prove that something doesn’t exist since we cannot know everything that might be. However we can reason on the basis of probability and credibility.

Is it really credible to believe that a cartoon could actually be alive? No of course not.

Now consider how the idea of God came into existence. Just human imagination again. Mickey exists in an unreal 2d cartoon world. God exists in an unreal imaginary supernatural world. In this sense Mickey is more real than God since at least we can create 2d images. The supernatural world appears to have no dimensions and is also unobservable.

Neither the concept of the existence of God or Mickey resolve to any credibility, they are born purely from human imagination.


I guess that's what differentiates a hardcore atheist and an atheist with agnostic tendencies hehe. I do not think we should dismiss the idea but I agree that the possibility is remote.
Yes good. We cannot know because there is no evidence. But if we are truly open minded then we must be prepared to accept any apparently bizarre idea when presented with evidence. But without evidence we are not bound to believe anything. We simply don’t know.

But if people must insist on believing something without evidence then they should carefully weigh the probability, the possibility, and the credibility of the proposal.

All the real things that science has discovered were found through observation or detection. These things can be believed. But things like cartoon characters and gods are not detected as real things but are just imaginative ideas.

I’m laboring my point here I guess, but I’m trying to portray an essential qualitative difference between the potential of something existing as perhaps proposed in a formal scientific hypothesis as opposed to a baseless imaginative fiction. Both Mickey and God fall into this latter category. And they have no credibility because of the method of their creation.

"So I challenge you to prove that Mickey does not exist. Remember you have to consider the possibility that the imaginative idea of Mickey just happens to be a coincidence with a real Mickey who lives in a different galaxy. Can you prove that I am wrong? "

Sure, no, he didn't exist far away, he was right in my basement... and I killed him!! Bwhahaha. Now the chances of another existing are quite slim!

The chance of Mickey Mouse existing someplace else in the universe is better than God, I'd say. Because God, as defined by all the holy books, is something/body impossible to achieve.

Impossible for a multitude of reasons... but some of the funnier ones are: He supposably created the FLAT earth within six days, but its proven with HARD evidence that the earth was created in millions of years. AND IT IS ROUND!! I think that says enough.

Just because a real Mickey exists someplace else doesn't mean we should kill all the people who believe in Donald Duck, though.

I know how you feel. I came out last October, and it's been a somewhat harrowing experience since.

My g/f is an extremely liberal Christian ( To the point to where I'd say, she's close to putting it all together.. )

My parents treat me as if I'm somehow crippled. It's degrading and insulting, but I know they mean well. My Dad told me that he " pity's " me, because I no longer have God in my life.

My grandparents don't know, but they are both adamant Chrisitans, so I would feel it best not to tell them.

My friends acually support me. Of course, most are atheists/agnostics themselves. Some are Wiccans, and my older brother is a Satanist, oddly enough :bugeye:

In reguards to the topic, I'd say it's an excellent comparison Cris. I would surmise that religion started out with some tribal man thinking that the thunder in the sky was just a large, angry " spirit " or something, and thus began the superstious bunk that would spawn the current religions.
Neato Tinker! Im still "In-the-closet" - so to speak. I can talk about with grandma - shes also and atheist, but everyone else gets weirded out by the concept. Its funny how the people that are insistant the God exists - do not follow his order. O well, thanks.

Take care
Two pennies' weight

I guess if you were going to create a successful business that involves 'the family' in a country where Christianity is dominant then to broadcast your atheist viewpoint would clearly be anti-productive. Looks like he was a good businessman and kept his mouth shut.
Is it significant that Disney was an atheist? Why? Does it affect the cartoons at all? Interestingly enough, it should be noted that if closeting one's atheism was a good "business" decision, Mr Disney was among the people who perpetuated that condition. I find it ironic, but I'm not sure that irony has any significance.

The only value that either God or Mickey Mouse has is in the relationship between the character and the audience. Mickey Mouse inherently promises greater happiness, and because of his nature, can deliver that happiness. I would be surprised, for instance, if MIckey Mouse was not inspriational to any wrongs in the world. He is a powerful enough icon that I would expect at least one schizophrenic to have reacted adversely by now.

Mickey has special powers and has survived odd adventures (e.g. Fantasia, Jack & the Beanstalk, that classic camping film with Goofy & Don), and suffer the little children to come unto him ... why not? I have a limited Mickey Mouse wristwatch stashed away in here somewhere.

But I'm telling you, the Tao of Pooh is more effective than any Mouse Mythology.

Tiassa :cool:
Neato Tinker! Im still "In-the-closet" - so to speak. I can talk about with grandma - shes also and atheist, but everyone else gets weirded out by the concept. Its funny how the people that are insistant the God exists - do not follow his order. O well, thanks.

It appears tht you are afraid of being disregarded (and who wouldn't). It is a problem that you can't talk freely with your family. But it is their fault of course. Of course if they really love you, then you should not fear, but love is a very strange thing. One moment you can be loved, and in another - hated.

good luck and burn that closet;)
Primeval Beauty hasn't been around long, but I get the feeling she will become a valued addition to the Sciforums arsenal. :D

Anyhoo, I think God is just the spacial representation of the unified theory, (or sumpin' like that). God is not a person, God is just an explanation of the universe. So I'm almost an atheist, but not quite. You make the call.
Primeval Beauty hasn't been around long
Actually you are not quite right. :D I' ll post a link to one webpage (it isn' t ready yet) and you' ll understand what I ment by this.
~6GMT on the 22 of May.
she will become a valued addition to the Sciforums arsenal
yes I also hope so.
when i "came out"... i spent all night crying and arguing with my family.
It is extremely hard to tell people that you dont believe in god. Its like your 'evil' if you dont believe in a god.
I came out...and it's been a somewhat harrowing experience since.
...everyone else gets weirded out...
...afraid of being disregarded...
"What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's your brain, your education, your life. It's your decision to use them in rational, logical, critically analytical ways--according to your will. It's your right to practice free thought. What matter that such practice is unacceptable to certain others? The burdens of their own personal beliefs are neither your responsibility for being burdensome nor your obligation to ease by assuming some of their load.

Do what you must do, let others think of that what they need.

"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty." - Ralph Waldo Emerson