God and killer bears

Just imagine, a world where belief in a ridiculous story about bald jokes and killer bears might actually be a prerequisite for admission to the local nut house instead of eternal paradise.

Oh well, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...


"It's just a ride." Bill Hicks
Interesting. So you essentially agree with Osama bin Laden, or at least approve of his tactics (provided he is actually speaking with the Lord). You're in good crazy company, TheVisitor, as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have indicated their (read: God's) displeasure with our evil ways as well.
I'm glad you find it interesting, ......could of done without the Falwell comparison.
Your twisting the thought here though..........is that your intention or are you really not seeing any of what I said.
Of course if you don't believe the bible was inspired then I would understand your comments.
All I'm saying is God has done certain things in the past to certain groups for certain reasons.
And if those same circumstances are repeated again, then the same result should be expected. They were recorded for our example.
You're correct. I do not believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God. And I fail to see where I twisted anything you said. Please provide examples.

All I'm saying is God has done certain things in the past to certain groups for certain reasons. And if those same circumstances are repeated again, then the same result should be expected.​

So, by this logic, every person who ever mocked a prophet was mauled by a bear?


"It's just a ride." - Bill Hicks
So, by this logic, every person who ever mocked a prophet was mauled by a bear?
God teaches by examples and type and shawdows....If you can identify a pattern, or something God did for one person, he would do the same for you.
You are been overly specific and sarcastic......
I was talking about our nation being turned away from God, and what God has done before in this situation. To Israel....
You scoff and mock, but thats O.K......it's that season, remember......
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I fail to see a pattern in God's wrath, as presented in the Old and New Testament. In fact, it seems quite arbitrary: a killer bear here, a pillar of salt there, a little genocide over there.

Incest is approved of in Genesis and Exodus, condemned in Leviticus. What changed? Onan was killed for "pulling out" of his brother's wife. (So, simply because the culture of that time commanded Onan to bear children with his deceased brother's wife, God happened to agree.) Now, men who have sex with their dead brother's wives end up on the Jerry Springer Show at most.

As the saying goes, "Whatever man believes, God believes." The Bible is no more consistent than society itself. God approved of slavery in the Old Testament. Find me a middle-class suburban Christian today who would say God approves of slavery today. Why the switch? Simple. Because the people of that time needed an all-powerful entity to approve of their livelihood. Society is what changes; religion is usually bringing up the rear.

God's judgment in the Bible is not based on any objective slide rule of Truth; it's based on man's own prejudices (amplified to fit the mold a deity). Hence, God gets "mad" and throws fits, and the like. Is God still enforcing that Onan rule today? Should we still be killed for working on the Sabbath?

"No," people say, "God changed his mind" or "Jesus changed everything."

If God's judgment is logical and consistent, then it must be somewhat predictable. So, tell me, is it OK to own slaves? Present me with a consistent pattern of God's behavior on this issue.


"It's just a ride." - Bill Hicks