God 3%. Satan 97%. Does God needs a new marketing man?



Love and hate is like saying “Hot” and “Cold”; it is the same energy (temperature) only degrees change. And “cold” needs to exist for “hot” to exist; just as hate needs to exist for love to exist.

How do you know? The apparent asymmetry of matter VS antimatter in the known visible Universe (extremely limited as for reality is concerned) is one of the still unsolved problems for current physicists; but as far as I know they haven’t explored the whole Universe have they?


We do not see any annihilation of matter anywhere we can look. That is quite far.

As to your hot and cold, space was quite cold before the big bang and there was nothing that science says was hot.

There is no reason to say that if I look at something I have to love it or hate it. I can be indifferent.

Let's assume Hell actually exists, and it's an awful place where no sane creature would dare even think of residing for 5 minutes, let alone eternity. Why would someone be sent to Hell? Because they were wicked, of course. Why were they wicked? Because they caused large amounts of pain, suffering and misery. So let's send them off to flail, scream and burn for eternity, and show them what true goodness is all about.
Let's assume Hell actually exists, and it's an awful place where no sane creature would dare even think of residing for 5 minutes, let alone eternity. Why would someone be sent to Hell? Because they were wicked, of course. Why were they wicked? Because they caused large amounts of pain, suffering and misery. So let's send them off to flail, scream and burn for eternity, and show them what true goodness is all about.

Ok. Let's assume hell is real.
Does it stand up to what the scriptures say we or God would create to handle evil?

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Let's assume Hell actually exists, and it's an awful place where no sane creature would dare even think of residing for 5 minutes, let alone eternity. Why would someone be sent to Hell? Because they were wicked, of course. Why were they wicked? Because they caused large amounts of pain, suffering and misery. So let's send them off to flail, scream and burn for eternity, and show them what true goodness is all about.

We dont yet know all the details.
God 3%. Satan 97%. Does God needs a new marketing man?

Many Christians take the view that the Bible says only a few will be saved. There are verses which show just that. You know, the narrow road and the wide road. It also shows that God would have known ahead of time that his program of salvation would be a marketing disaster. Scripture says he is all knowing. Yet he carried on with his present plan rather than choose a different program which could have been a marketing coup and show him as a successful planer instead of a dismal marketing flop.

Why would God not put forward a successful marketing plan?


It should have been quite easy for him. He had all the answers to any survey question he could have asked in order to gage the best approach to winning the hearts and minds of the population. Omnipotence includes infinite powers of persuasion and any sales or marketing man will know that with that at hand, anyone could deal with any objections to the sale, which is usually the only hindrance to the sale. In this case, selling us on the notion that he is God and should be followed.

Give those same tools to any fool and he would become the new Man/God of the whole world hands down. I am not saying that God is a fool but any marketing firm would fire his ass.

I find it quite strange that at the end of days, Satan will be sitting there in hell gloating over the fact that God has only a small % of all the souls he has created even as scripture says he created all of those souls perfect.
Perfect souls would of course make the perfect choice.
Perfect souls choosing who we are told is the bad guy? What the hell.

Poor God could not get out of heaven in the beginning without losing Satan and 1/3 of God’s angels. He could not get out of Eden without losing Adam and Eve. He could not impress all those of Noah’s day. Not even the dumb animals and even today, he is losing most of us to secular law instead of Biblical law.

Adam and Eve should have been a trophy for God as they did exactly what scripture says we should all do. Learn of good and evil and emulate him and be as bright as Gods. Yet when Adam and Eve became as Gods, God showed great displeasure and cursed everybody up and down including the earth. This I find really strange but then, God works in mysterious ways.
Perhaps that includes being a loser to Satan.
Can’t fight the Bible facts folks.

What do you think?

Does God need a new marketing man to reverse his dismal showing?


All he would have to do is show up once and give a press conference.

There's no excuse of the skimpiness of the info he's provided. He's not really selling the deal.

Would such an entity really want people making major decisions solely based on such an inarticulate anthology, when there are so many other inarticulate anthologies to choose from? :D
All he would have to do is show up once and give a press conference.

There's no excuse of the skimpiness of the info he's provided. He's not really selling the deal.

Would such an entity really want people making major decisions solely based on such an inarticulate anthology, when there are so many other inarticulate anthologies to choose from? :D

Only if he is not playing with a full deck.
