God 3%. Satan 97%. Does God needs a new marketing man?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
God 3%. Satan 97%. Does God needs a new marketing man?

Many Christians take the view that the Bible says only a few will be saved. There are verses which show just that. You know, the narrow road and the wide road. It also shows that God would have known ahead of time that his program of salvation would be a marketing disaster. Scripture says he is all knowing. Yet he carried on with his present plan rather than choose a different program which could have been a marketing coup and show him as a successful planer instead of a dismal marketing flop.

Why would God not put forward a successful marketing plan?


It should have been quite easy for him. He had all the answers to any survey question he could have asked in order to gage the best approach to winning the hearts and minds of the population. Omnipotence includes infinite powers of persuasion and any sales or marketing man will know that with that at hand, anyone could deal with any objections to the sale, which is usually the only hindrance to the sale. In this case, selling us on the notion that he is God and should be followed.

Give those same tools to any fool and he would become the new Man/God of the whole world hands down. I am not saying that God is a fool but any marketing firm would fire his ass.

I find it quite strange that at the end of days, Satan will be sitting there in hell gloating over the fact that God has only a small % of all the souls he has created even as scripture says he created all of those souls perfect.
Perfect souls would of course make the perfect choice.
Perfect souls choosing who we are told is the bad guy? What the hell.

Poor God could not get out of heaven in the beginning without losing Satan and 1/3 of God’s angels. He could not get out of Eden without losing Adam and Eve. He could not impress all those of Noah’s day. Not even the dumb animals and even today, he is losing most of us to secular law instead of Biblical law.

Adam and Eve should have been a trophy for God as they did exactly what scripture says we should all do. Learn of good and evil and emulate him and be as bright as Gods. Yet when Adam and Eve became as Gods, God showed great displeasure and cursed everybody up and down including the earth. This I find really strange but then, God works in mysterious ways.
Perhaps that includes being a loser to Satan.
Can’t fight the Bible facts folks.

What do you think?

Does God need a new marketing man to reverse his dismal showing?

If god is omnipotent, omnipresent; how can there be a satan, if not as an essential component of god?
I find it quite strange that at the end of days, Satan will be sitting there in hell gloating over the fact that God has only a small % of all the souls he has created even as scripture says he created all of those souls perfect.

How do you know this?

I dont find that strange at all...and i am agnostic.
what do i think?

gia, i'm 44 years old and i've never said this to anyone in my entire life. i mean, sure i've been angry before and told someone to go to hell, but i'm not angry now, and i'm not telling you to go. i'm saying...

you're going to hell. and when you get there, you'll know why you're there, you'll know you belong there, and you'll hate god even more than you do now.
what do i think?

gia, i'm 44 years old and i've never said this to anyone in my entire life. i mean, sure i've been angry before and told someone to go to hell, but i'm not angry now, and i'm not telling you to go. i'm saying...

you're going to hell. and when you get there, you'll know why you're there, you'll know you belong there, and you'll hate god even more than you do now.

Nobody knows anybody, every human being is a complexity so vast that another human cannot comprehend neither judge him.

Always, what one says and expresses is only the reflection of what is dwelling in our own heart… Anger is hell for the heart, the messenger of god.
Nobody knows anybody, every human being is a complexity so vast that another human cannot comprehend neither judge him.

Always, what one says and expresses is only the reflection of what is dwelling in our own heart… Anger is hell for the heart, the messenger of god.

Na I can understand
I think the Bible lies about Hell, I mean, it's just one side of the story. Why would Satan punish people for being evil? He loves evil. I think Hell is a place full of pleasures where you can sin forever.
I think the Bible lies about Hell, I mean, it's just one side of the story. Why would Satan punish people for being evil? He loves evil. I think Hell is a place full of pleasures where you can sin forever.

if it is, for people who love evil, then where is the lie? what is the lie? i thought the bible did a pretty good job of describing hell as the epitome of evil.
The lie is that people will be punished in hell for sin, when actually that's exactly what Satan wants, so you will be rewarded in hell.
If god is omnipotent, omnipresent; how can there be a satan, if not as an essential component of god?

I guess that depends on how you view mythical God’s kingdom.
If a tyranny, then you would see him as not needing a loyal opposition but there would be a need for such in a more democratic system.

Bible God is a tyrant though so some believer would have to answer your question.
In the world I know, a tyrant just kills off opposition.

You would be right then to question Satan’s use and reality.

what do i think?

gia, i'm 44 years old and i've never said this to anyone in my entire life. i mean, sure i've been angry before and told someone to go to hell, but i'm not angry now, and i'm not telling you to go. i'm saying...

you're going to hell. and when you get there, you'll know why you're there, you'll know you belong there, and you'll hate god even more than you do now.

I cannot hate what i do not believe in goof.

As to hell, you are not much of a person if you can see yourself in heaven and staying sane and happy while your friends and family fry without any good purpose other than plain old cruelty.

Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2011, not 111.

I think the Bible lies about Hell, I mean, it's just one side of the story. Why would Satan punish people for being evil? He loves evil. I think Hell is a place full of pleasures where you can sin forever.

Rather a foolish comment when you remember that sins have victims.
If all in hell feel the pleasures of sin, then they must also feel the pain of sin when they are the victims.
That is why we do not live in a world where we can exercise free will.
We are only free to follow the rules.
The anarchy you imagine would be outlawed in hell as well as on earth.

I guess that depends on how you view mythical God’s kingdom.
If a tyranny, then you would see him as not needing a loyal opposition but there would be a need for such in a more democratic system.

Bible God is a tyrant though so some believer would have to answer your question.
In the world I know, a tyrant just kills off opposition.

You would be right then to question Satan’s use and reality.

The way I understand it, nothing can exist in this cause-and-effect world without its due opposite. If there would be no evil, there would be no more goodness either; they are the two polar opposites of the human world.
This can be used as an excuse to do evil, but that is just ignorant behavior without understanding the consequences of our own actions. Some people choose to do evil because it is in their self-nature, the “evildoers”, but this people are like children playing in the fire; they will get burned eventually one way or the other, not punished by god, just punished by facing the consequences caused by the nature of their actions.

You think “god is supposed to win against satan”, but that is like saying “light is supposed to win against darkness”, if light wins it would be very difficult to find rest during our sleep.
What if satan and evil are part of god's plan? It cannot be otherwise really, if god is omnipotent nothing can exist without god's will.

If you are saying that god is against satan, then that god is not omnipotent at all (from the very definition of omnipotence god should be able to have power over everything). If you say that god is not within every one of us, you are saying that god is not omnipresent at all (from the very definition of omnipresence god should be present in every atom of existence).

The bible offers very contradictory terms, it says that god is omnipresent and omnipotent but at the same time it says that the evildoers are against god, or outside god. Bible says that god is love and all-forgiving, but if you don’t follow him you will rot in hell for eternity; that is just plain contradictory (that punishment is not loving nor forgiving).
To counterpart these seemingly obvious contradictions, some cunning politician invented satan; now the game can start, and we can make other people do stuff for us out of fear of eternal damnation.

There is no use on discussing the god vs satan argument, If we don’t even know what god nor satan is.
I cannot hate what i do not believe in goof.

As to hell, you are not much of a person if you can see yourself in heaven and staying sane and happy while your friends and family fry without any good purpose other than plain old cruelty.

Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2011, not 111.


if you don't believe in god then you must be completely insane, because god is all you talk about!
Rather a foolish comment when you remember that sins have victims.
If all in hell feel the pleasures of sin, then they must also feel the pain of sin when they are the victims.
That is why we do not live in a world where we can exercise free will.
We are only free to follow the rules.
The anarchy you imagine would be outlawed in hell as well as on earth.

Unless it's a perfect world where the only victims of sin are special angelic or demonic creatures who were created for that purpose, like the 72 Islamic virgins.
The way I understand it, nothing can exist in this cause-and-effect world without its due opposite. If there would be no evil, there would be no more goodness either; they are the two polar opposites of the human world.
This can be used as an excuse to do evil, but that is just ignorant behavior without understanding the consequences of our own actions. Some people choose to do evil because it is in their self-nature, the “evildoers”, but this people are like children playing in the fire; they will get burned eventually one way or the other, not punished by god, just punished by facing the consequences caused by the nature of their actions.

You think “god is supposed to win against satan”, but that is like saying “light is supposed to win against darkness”, if light wins it would be very difficult to find rest during our sleep.

I do not buy into duality in some cases.
If I love, does that mean I also hate.
If I hate, does that mean I also love.

BTW, There is much more matter in the universe than anti matter. So much for duality.

As to your other questions on the contradictions in scripture, you would have to ask a Christian to explain them.
I cannot as much of scripture makes no sense at all.

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If I hate, does that mean I also love.

If I hate, does that mean I also love.

Love and hate is like saying “Hot” and “Cold”; it is the same energy (temperature) only degrees change. And “cold” needs to exist for “hot” to exist; just as hate needs to exist for love to exist.

BTW, There is much more matter in the universe than anti matter. So much for duality.
How do you know? The apparent asymmetry of matter VS antimatter in the known visible Universe (extremely limited as for reality is concerned) is one of the still unsolved problems for current physicists; but as far as I know they haven’t explored the whole Universe have they?