Gnosticism: The Divine Hierarchy

I assume your asking how REALITY meets and coincides with SPIRITUALITY and the SUPERNATURAL??

Reality is what you make it. Lots of people can walk around in their own fantasy world, which they consider to be reality. Now when it comes to Gnostics, I can only speak for myself. Most people look at me like I'm weird when I say my spirit guide says such and such. In fact, it scares most people off. It's a fine line between being crazy, and being spiritual, and there's a fine line between being a witch/wizard, and having supernatural powers. There's really no way to explain it, other then my own way.

I can't lift 300 ton rocks with my mind or anything like that, but I have a paranormal 6th sense, that alerts me to danger, so I avoid tacky situations regularly.

I assume this is what you wanted....if not, I'm here to chat.
Well, it's in the direction I wanted, but the way your telling this make it sound as psychological as it sounds supernatural. If I wanted to believe; thus believed that I could make people feel bad or physically hurt by focusing hard enough, it would be the placebo effect doing the work. But. What I really wanted to know, were if (though they've sworn not to tell :D ) anyone had met their GA (guardian angel) or such... That would be :cool:.
I would really hesitate to include some goofy psychic from Montel among the great Gnostic thinkers of Jesus' time. I guarantee their views were nothing alike.
If you look at the whole, big picture, and assume that there is a Highest, Creating, Infinite, Pure Force that created stuff and made it exist, than it's not about goofy psychics or gnostic thinkers, but about what is True, and what can or cannot be done by humans in reality. Assuming this force exists and is accesible to mankind, what are our options in the whole, big picture, due to knowing about it, and the force that made it exist? Does it exist? That's what I want to know, because if supernatural forces exists, in any form described by humans, then that in itself is the point. It has nothing to do with what you call it, that's not the issue here.
illuminatingtherapy said:
Nature is mostly reffered to as female, isn't it? Why is that, I wonder...?

I guess (and it is a guess) its due to the fact that nature is generally concerned with 'birth', seasons that prepare for new growth, animals that come into 'season', females are the ones who give birth so hence I am guessing 'mother nature' derived from this.
illuminatingtherapy said:
If you look at the whole, big picture, and assume that there is a Highest, Creating, Infinite, Pure Force that created stuff and made it exist, than it's not about goofy psychics or gnostic thinkers, but about what is True, and what can or cannot be done by humans in reality. Assuming this force exists and is accesible to mankind, what are our options in the whole, big picture, due to knowing about it, and the force that made it exist? Does it exist? That's what I want to know, because if supernatural forces exists, in any form described by humans, then that in itself is the point. It has nothing to do with what you call it, that's not the issue here.

Illuminated one, I shall ignore all the flack I shall get for what I am about to post here:

There is something more, I say this not becuase of anything taught but through experience and observation. I have experienced 'interference' many times, I don't know what or how or why but it is a marvellous thing and most deffinately every spooky way you can imagine. I have pondered the whole traditional view of God thing and the only real answer that fits my experiences is quite simply that we are not the HUGE thing we consider we are but actually very small part of much bigger picture and that as a micro organsim is unaware of our prescence in the universe, we are unaware of the 'other' presences in the universe, what they are? Other dimension? Other world? Outer world I don't know, I believe in God but I believe in something else too as I don't consider God to be personally involved in everyones life but something is.
I like that one, ToR. :) Anyone else on this?

For my own part, and I'm not sure this fits here, but it my experiences has something to do with deja vu. When I was a child, I was able to remember most of my dreams. Sometimes I would dream of situations I could possibly find myself in, like playing in a certain room with certain people, going somewhere, saying something, seeing something and things like that. The odd thing was that sometime in the future, near or far, I experienced deja vu's and knowed I had dreamed of it, because I could the remember the dream and the feeling and visuals I had when I woke up. I actually found myself in the exact situation I had dreamed myself to be in. Like pre-cognitive dreaming or something. I've lost this ability with the age and the smoking, though, but I can still remember that remarkable feeling of knowing I've dreamt of the situations I found myself in when I was in that exact situation. Very weird, and possibly supernatural?
I once went to Africa and went site seeing with a pal. There was huge wall at the edge of a large medina, we wondered what was behind it as we could not see, too tall. I told my friend, I know what's behind it, I've seen this wall before in a dream, it's a grave yard of sorts, loads of tomb stones. We climbed up onto something to peer over and yep...a grave yard.

meanwhile I found this re the mother nature thing! fascinating:

"Merlin Stone's classic book "When God Was a Woman" explores the ancient Goddess religion and how religion reflects our attitudes toward women. As she says, "Though we live amid high-rise steel buildings, Formica counter tops, and electronic television screens, there is something in all of us, women and men alike, that makes us feel deeply connected to the past." Stone studied female images dating back to 25,000 BCE - Goddess figures unearthed across Europe and Asia and from Spain to Russia.

She writes, "In the beginning, people prayed to the Creatress of Life, the Mistress of Heaven. At the very dawn of religion, God was a woman. Do you remember?" Of course, the widespread burnings of women, the creation of a male God who represents authority, punishment and revenge; the writing of a new Holy book; and the celebration of state-sponsored religious holidays all did much to wipe out our collective memory - although there are some women and men who have made valiant efforts to keep our connections to the past alive.

Starhawk, in "The Spiral Dance", writes, "Spirituality and politics both involve changing consciousness." She adds, "The feminist movement has prompted the culture as a whole to re-examine questions of maleness and femaleness. For the definitions are no longer working. They are oppressive to women and confining to men. In this process of transformation, the Goddess and the Old Gods can open doorways for us into new dimensions of our own possibilities, for they are not just symbols but channels of power. Yet, we must also be willing to examine how our own interpretations have been shaped by the limitations of our vision."
IMO, and expereince's, the Deja Vu expereince is spiritual. It's at a time when your soul is searching for that TRUTH, and you, in your sub concious, are taken for a guided tour of your near or distant future by your Guide(or GA). This can be for your own good, as the Supreme Being is giving you insight on your life, and showing you what will happen if you do something that might change your path in life.

Spidergoat, I have an immense amount of respect for Sylvia, but I do agree with the statement that she thinks nothing like the Great Gnostic thinkers of time.

As for ToR's post about another something out there, there is. It's called the spirit's of time. People from the past. Maybe your friends, neighbors, family. They are standing over you, watching and pleading your case for existence on this earth. Every step that you take, they are watching to make sure you don't step into a hole.

Illuminating, I have met my Guide. As weird as this may seem, I had dreams about him( I thought they were me, and my overactive imagination). He was a Greek Soldier under Alexander the Great, and he was in the next room when Alexander died. This is fascinating to me as the Greek Empire was something I was very interested in. I couldn't even begin to spell his name. He's not tall(5'8"), and about 145 lbs. When we do talk, I always ask him about how it really was back then(History is only half right).

Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with this thread as much as I want, but I am arguing with some extremist christian about the truth(which he says is Satan) and lie(the Bible to me).