Gnosticism: The Divine Hierarchy


Initiate of The Universe
Registered Senior Member
Gnosticism: The Divine Hiearchy

According to early neo-christian sources of gnosticism, The Creator of The Universe, and The Creator of the Aeons (the Heavenly Realms), is not the same being. The flawed creation known as Ialdabaoth, Nebro, Saklas and Samael (hence Satan) among others, created two other deities; Yahweh and Elohim, the first vengeful, the other righteous, and it is these two, together with 365 angelic beings that is ruling the material universe, has set it's laws and created the first Man. The gnostic gospels and writings clearly tells us about the whole Divine hierarchy, Barbelo, the Ultimate Being, The Father-Mother is the first, infinte, which in turn created Sophia (in greek: wisdom), which in turn asked Him to create Jesus, The Son, out of His Will and of His Light (the creative force), and He applied because He saw that it was good. But Sophia went out on her own escapades in the Aeons created by Barbelo, and tried to create things on her own, which was not the will of Barbelo, and thus; became flawed. She created Ialdabaoth, which is flawed and ignorant of his nature, which in turn, like said earlier, created the physical reality.

The funny thing about this knowledge, is that it fills in a lot of the gaps in the bible. Where little or nothing is said about Heaven and it's origins in the bible, the gnostic gospels and texts tell a lot. According to the texts, it is Jesus, the perfect being of Barbelos creative will, son of Sophia, who told the disciples this gnosis (knowledge), because He was allegedly there before the conception of Ialdabaoth and knows about his flawed nature, but still sees Humans as a good depiction of The Trinity, and that we deserves a fair chance; despite our troubled history and origin, and passes on this sacred knowledge to those who are deserving it, the Disciples and Apostels, and encourages Mankind to always try to be like the image of The Holy Trinity, because we can with our will, and that by doing that, we are deserving a place in the Aeons together with The Trinity (because in the Heavenly Hiearchy, we are higher than Ialdabaoth, Yahweh and Elohim! :)), and for those the Wheel Of Time will no longer turn.
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I'm not at all saying that I believe this and I'm not trying to impose it on others, so I refuse to be called a religious lunatic, but let us discuss the knowledge of this system, tell us what you think. :)
Strictly speaking, this isn't the secret knowledge that gnostisicm is named after. That kind of knowledge is a personal revelation, not so much cosmology. Even this cosmology was not universal among gnostics, as they held a wide diversity of beliefs. I'm an atheist, but it does make more sense that God would have relatives, especially a female.
Yes i am currently very interested in this because i am trying to explore a connction between orthodox patriarchalism and occultic patriarcalism. in my experience of past research, nearly all if not ALL the sources online come from an orthodox mindset which DENIES its own stem from similar patriarchal root

NOw, look at gnostic myth. it sees Nature as flawed---keep tis firmly in mind!
in myth described above itlbames FEMALE/'Sophia' for this flaw

AS...listen, ORTHODOX patriarchy/Genesis blames 'Eve' for the 'Original Sin'/the 'Fall'

do you see the connection??

in both interpreations Nature is denigrated, as is the female.THOUGHit appears o be more accepting of Feminine and Nature in Eastern an Wester mysticism, on closer inspection a 'MALE' @spirt' rules over Nature...!

IN prepatriarchal understading, and/or indigenous understanding, Nature iS ACTUAL body of the Goddess! hence there is no mythical separation of the abstracted out concepts of 'spirit' and 'matter'

once that DOEA occur dur to patriarchy/Orphism/Gnosticism/Mystry Schools/Philosophy/religion/Ideology is when you have the sacred abstracted out or Nature out of reality---in the stars, beyond the planets, in heaven, in the Void, in the 'One' ----and then now with mechanistic mythology of last 500 yars we arrive where even the very NOTION of sacredness/Depth is dismissed

Gnosticism then is part of our patriarchal heritage that has causeed and still is doing great distress for community and Nature andUS as individuals
Just let me make it a bit clearer what i man by mechaistic science now even dismisses the sacred/depth

Yes it dimisses the occultic/mystical interpretation of the sacred--which was separated from Nature---but in dimissing that it ALSo throws out the REAL ddper meaning of sacred which was is NEVER separate from Nature. because Nature IS sacred. Not as in the patriarchao mythical sparion of 'sacred' and 'profane', but in understanding polar related reality. 'dya understand me?
Hence the popularity of Wicca among women. In fact it seems like the Wicca/Witchcraft section of bookstores is now actually bigger than the Christianity section.

Women are never comfortable with world/nature-denying religions, for the simple reason that their pysche is far more body-centered than men.
As a Gnostic, and knowing that Jesus was a Gnostic, some people have posted some very interesting things on here.
As for nature, things have always been referred to as female for centuries. The fact that nature is flawed, and Eve was the first to have the boon of sin, maybe in our deep pshyche it regenerates the garden of Eden.
As you said, it fills in the gaps in the Bible. In no way am I a christian(though I am an ordained protestant minister), as I accept the fact that there is unanswered questions that we have to be able to listen to our guiding spirits for the answers to.

I find it interesting, after reading about nature as a female, it brought up alot of Ancient Greek "Myths", that I had forgotten about, like Pandora's Box. A woman lets out the evil on mother earth. It does seem strange, but the answer is out there. You just have to search it out.
Oh, I am and I'm loving it. Searching for the answer is what keeps me going in this physical shithole reality. :p

I have a few gnostic friends, and they're all in to magic. I asked them why, but there didn't seem to be a connection between gnosticism and occultism. But weren't the apostels occultists and magicians? And the ancient jewish rabbies? Does anyone know any gnostics which also happen to be magicians or occultists? And, if so, why are they interrested in occultism, or alternative, secretive gnosis, you think?
I've been kicked out of so many churches, it's not even funny. I ask a question that no one can answer, and they get pissed. Oh well, I go find the answer elsewhere.

As for your Gnostic friends who are into magic, I would say they are more Druidic then Gnostic. Remember, the Druids strived for intellect far beyond mere books and words. They also studied magic, and were very good at it. I myself have Druid friends who study with me, but I do not do the wizardry that they partake in. Gnostics and Druids walk a fine line between being the same, the only thing being different is the magic.

As for Rabbi's and the Disciples doing magic, I know they did miracles, but then I would ask what is a miracle?
NwestJagsfan said:
But then I would ask what is a miracle?

Now, what is a miracle? A miracle it's something that cannot be figured out. Science can't prove it.
Why miracles..?
This is always God's way of making His voice known to His people.
He sends His prophet and gives a sign, and then takes His voice that's been spoken before on His Word, and vindicates it by this man; and they know that it's His voice, because it's a promised Word of the day.

The very waters that drowned the world saved Noah.
And the very Holy Spirit that the people is rejecting today, will receive the church and take it up, and bring judgment upon those not believing it.
Jesus said when they called Him Beelzebub... In other words, He was a fortuneteller. He said, "I'll forgive you for that (The Son of man, the sacrifice wasn't made.), but when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, one word against It will never be forgiven in this world, nor the world to come."
It's got to be rejected, and then judgment strikes after that.

God doesn't do miracles for our entertainment.
There is a "voice of the sign".
When Jesus did the miracles he was very popular, with thousands following.
But that was just to attract the peoples attention...that God was doing something.
The miracles were the "sign" so they would listen to the "voice".
When he had their attention, he sat down and began to teach His doctrine.
Thats when the seperation started, His popularity began to cease.
Down to 70 ministers, he said; "Unless you eat my flesh, and drink my blood you'll have no life in you"
John 6:66 (get that numerology now) The 70 turned and followed him no more.

The sign and the voice of the sign condemns the unbeliever and gets him ready for judgment.
It gets the elected ready for the escape. That's what a sign is.
That's what signs are given for, for the coming judgment.
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It's not so much about the knowledge in itself, I think, but more about the ritualization and realization of it... To make the knowledge real, to make it happen. Although Abra Melin, the occult jewish mage and Rabbi, wrote formulas in which to control simple matter and gain dominion over angels and demons, making them servants. I don't really know what to think about it, and don't care too much either. The realization of gnosis is far more important than personal "miracles" or magic.
Gnosis has a far deeper meaning then knowledge. To be Gnostic means you are in touch with the Spirit's, your Guide, and the Supreme Being. Gnosis is the ability to sit down and talk with your guide, and ask them questions.

To explain your guide- Your guide is someone who has lived before on the Earth, but they died before you were born. A guide is given to you from your birth till your death. For example, my Mom's guide is an Indian Warrior that was killed in the 1870's.

Gnosticism is a very complex spirituality. You can't just explain it in a 5 page essay. If you really want to study more into it, read anything by Sylvia Brown, or watch her on Montell Williams on Wednesdays. She uses her ability's for good, as a pshychic.
Oh yes, it consists of a whole lot of spiritual and supernatural, in terms of experience and reality. People tell me. I haven't experienced this for myself. But I'm very open for it, just not in a insanely-religious-fundamentalistic-pothead sort of way... It has gotta be the real deal.
What exactly are you peoples' religious experiences in terms of reality meets spiritual/supernatural? Please share...