Gmail Is Coming!!!


Yeah. You thought I was excited about Gmail, didn't you?

First shit like the TCPA comes up, now this.

Google Mail.

Read. These corporations are seriously out there to get commoner blood.

I think I'd do better to boycott Gmail. Who cares about the 1 gigabyte bribe?

Am I being paranoid? You judge for me.
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A 1 gigabyte offer to bribe customers into unknowingly sign up for a massive surveillance system that only require a subpeona to tap into is, in my opinion, something that makes Google look suddenly very horrifying and terrifying to me.

This issue isn't about HTML messages ...


To make it short, TCPA will outlaw anything that "could be used to illegally share music and child pornography", which includes anything from iPods to any sort of FTP. It could even threaten ANY downloading on the Internet. Read about it. Here.

Mods, this isn't about computing. This is about civil rights. Do not move this.
You don't seem to get it. This must be noticed; people must be made aware. Free Thoughts is the most frequented place in Sciforums. Besides, these things would take away your freedom, and TCPA could even be used for censorship. The very right to spit out Free Thoughts in this forum is being threatened.

Are you even aware of what the hell TCPA would do? Of what the hell a vast network of Gmail users would do?

It'd practically hand over our civil rights to the US Government in the name of "stopping child pornography" and "software and music piracy".
i knwo what i can do.
firebomb random builidngs until i find this place and then firebobm it more
why do u guys hate it so much?

im SOOOO sick of MSN saying "you runing out of space"

it drives me up the wall

G-mail is great and if they make a programe that sits on ur desktop and tells u when u get mail (so i can use it to tell me when people reply here) i will worship them forever
Zero, what's the connection between TCPA and gmail?

Regards privacy (or possible violation of) in gmail... well, it's not going to be drastically different from most email providers. It offers way more space and I already have 3 active email accnts because I don't want to delete messages from 2 of them which are nearly full.

Asguard, hotmail are apparently upgrading to 250mb in the fall, so you won't be sick of them for too long. ;)
why do u guys hate it so much?
Because they're paranoid.
G-mail is great and if they make a programe that sits on ur desktop and tells u when u get mail (so i can use it to tell me when people reply here) i will worship them forever
I already emailed you about that. Firefox is the app you're looking for. Just leave Gmail open in a tab and the title will change when you get new mail.
Regards privacy (or possible violation of) in gmail... well, it's not going to be drastically different from most email providers.
Actually, it's a lot more private than most other webbased providers, like yahoo.

And Gmail is great. It is simply the best webbased email I've ever seen. There's a few minor glitches here and there, but that is to be expected in a beta of anything.
Alpha said:
Actually, it's a lot more private than most other webbased providers, like yahoo.
Are you saying it's more private than Yahoo or that Yahoo is generally quite private to? :bugeye: Why do you think this, anyway?
This is ridiculous alarmism. The idea behind Gmail is that their web serve automatically scans your emails for key words, then displays adds off to the side that are targeted at you. So if your email contains the phrase 'Play Station 2' then adds for PS2 games will be displayed. Google doesn't use the data to create personality profiles or anything 'creepy' like that. It's just a matter of having adds displayed that are targeted at topics brought up in your email, rather than the usually random adds that appear on every other free email site.

The specific complaints raised by the article are silly.

It isn't any harder to delete an email from Gmail than from a hotmail account, or any other web-based email account. It's true that people will be likely to keep their messages around longer, but isn't that the entire point of having more storage space?

Yes, it's possible that google could lie to their customers and spy on people, but that's true of any email provider, including regular ISP email accounts. The only thing preventing your ISP/email provider from reading your email is their own personal scruples, no matter what kind of email you have. If you have secrets that you can't afford to get out, then you're a fool to send them through email of any kind without using strong encryption, no matter what email provider you're using.

As for add what? In most web-based email accounts the adds are already completely random.
Gmail has the potential to become the standard repository for all civilian e-mail communication and that data is readily accessible to any intelligence or law enforcement agency who so much as asks for it, these don't even have to be United States agencies. 1gb of storage space means that conversations dating back for years, possibly decades, will be stored on the system one day, and all searchable using Googles superior search technology. In reality the best we could hope for is that Google is a CIA front, then only one agency has the immediate power to spy on these communications, if Google is a public company that will roll over for any subpoena, then you should be sure to never discuss anything of any real relevance to your life using G-mail, you should never e-mail a G-mail account, for fear that anything you say could be aired in a criminal or civil court case against you.

I don't like conspiracy theories, but the unprecedented storage space they are offering does indeed seem like a bribe to get you to generate and warehouse written information about yourself.
I think that the threats of abuse of G-mail are being a little overblown here. yes, it's true that just about everything you say through g-mail will probably be around for a very long time, but all we have here is a problem with people being ignorant of how private their electronic communications are. Treat G-mail like you would the sciforums, where anyone can see what you say, and you're fine, better than fine, really because G-mail will certainly be slightly more private than that.

Also, I don't particularly think that anyone's going to ever end up being convicted on something they said in a G-mail, but if you happen to already be under investigation I guess this sort of thing could end up helping a conviction.
Are you saying it's more private than Yahoo or that Yahoo is generally quite private to? Why do you think this, anyway?[/quoteI]I'm saying their privacy is better than Yahoo. Why? Try comparing their privacy policies. Yahoo explicitly tells you on many pages that they collect personal info.
The specific complaints raised by the article are silly.
Indeed. Turns out the site is run by the same guy who does the Google-watch page. He's known to be a little paranoid. Some of his stuff just doesn't pan out.
In reality the best we could hope for is that Google is a CIA front, then only one agency has the immediate power to spy on these communications, if Google is a public company that will roll over for any subpoena, then you should be sure to never discuss anything of any real relevance to your life using G-mail, you should never e-mail a G-mail account, for fear that anything you say could be aired in a criminal or civil court case against you.
LOL, Google is not a CIA front. As for the other comments, they apply to every email account. Google is no more special in that area.
Alpha said:
LOL, Google is not a CIA front.

That's right, Karass, what a dopey deer you are! CIA front, that's ridiculous! Everyone knows that Google is actually part of the Echelon program run by the NSA, not the CIA.

Seriously, though, what is the major perceived threat with G-mail other than that you will most likely store a lot more e-mail for a much longer time? That risk seems inherent with making better high-capacity e-mail systems. By upping it's free space to 100 meg, hasn't Yahoo done essentially created the same risk (Well, one tenth of the same risk, at least)?
Hey, all I am saying is that if I was a clandestine American intelligence agency, and I wanted to monitor the general publics e-mail communication, I sure as hell would call my e-mail service G-mail. It’s too perfect, isn’t it?
SpyMoose said:
It’s too perfect, isn’t it?

Haha ok it is a little too perfect, you're right. And we already know that the CIA is willing to create "front" businesses in the name of national interest (look up Air America and flights into Laos in the '50's and '60's, heh or google it even). So there may be some legitimacy to the idea.