Global attitudes on religion


Deus Ex Machina
Registered Senior Member
Graphs from interesting new survey by The Global Attitudes Project which is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts. I'm sure everybody will interpret the meaning of this info differently - so here is the raw data:



What? No Australian statistics? Never mind. I'd wager that Australia would be on the line, with a low percentage.

The US is rather interesting, don't you think?
I'd guess that Australia would be more like around Canada's level.

Its difficult to know what these stats mean exactly, but I suspect its something bad. :)
I'd say the lack of direct international conflict on American soil has helped the US stay unusually religious. The wealthy European nations that have seen their own land ripped apart by war are becoming more secularized. Also, the US has yet to outright "lose" a war (except for Vietnam) and this has also contributed, I think, to the optimistic character of the States (read: God is on our side). This also coincides with America's drift toward the Right and Europe's drift toward the Left.
Religion is usually valued by desperate people. For they have nothing else to turn to.
Much of the US is also fairly insulated from direct contact with the outside world as compared to for example europe.
I wonder if the US number has risen post 911.

Also, what of the incredibly large discrepancy of Asian nations? From 88% to 25%! Is this a pure representation of the type of state/government in control?
fadingCaptain said:
I wonder if the US number has risen post 911.
Yes it did, according to news reports. Back then when I was a christian, for some reason 9/11 made me attend church for a couple of months. And I live in Canada.

fadingCaptain said:
Also, what of the incredibly large discrepancy of Asian nations? From 88% to 25%! Is this a pure representation of the type of state/government in control?

Check the reports. Those at the 88% level are 3rd world countries, people who need a god the most. Those at the 25% are either rich countries or communist countries.
"Those at the 88% level are 3rd world countries, people who need a god the most. Those at the 25% are either rich countries or communist countries. "
True. Though korea/vietnam are only communist in the north. Maybe the division and conflict of these two countries are also a reason the little emphasis on religion. For japan, well they are rich and have had large bombs dropped on them. But is that different than the US and 911?
Korea is communist in the north and a rich democracy at the south. Both has very little reason to crave for a god, for religion.

America is a little complicated. It is the very rich and yet more than half are religious. What motivates these half to be religious?
I'm moving to france (salut vers la France)and (fermez votre bouche) to all the religious. (désirent ardemment la France de phase)Call me pierre audi'ble from now on, thank you. bon oui, bon oui.
"America is a little complicated. It is the very rich and yet more than half are religious. What motivates these half to be religious? "
I live here, yet have very little insight. America is rich, but keep in mind the large and growing discrepancy between classes. I am not sure how it compares to other rich countries, but the poverty rate is growing and the middle class shrinking. All while the rich have become incredibly rich. It would be interesting to see what percentage of the 59% was poverty.
probably the southern states, and probably the blacks, this is not a racist statement.
they are devoutly religious.

and for my new found home.

probablement les états méridionaux, et probablement les noirs, ceci n'est pas un rapport raciste qu'ils sont religieux dévot
not all. and those that are. no wonder. their church's really roll....'gettin the spirit'...its v ery pagan...ecstatic religion. only thing that spoils it is the dogma!
fadingCaptain: I wonder if the US number has risen post 911.
M*W: About religion increasing/decreasing in the US post-911, I don't know. Interestingly and factually, lipstick sales skyrocketed. How that compares to religious statistics, I don't know, but I find it curious that after 911, so many of the FDNY firemen divorced their wives and married the wives of their dead compadres. That may explain the rise in lipstick sales.
Medicine Woman said:
but I find it curious that after 911, so many of the FDNY firemen divorced their wives and married the wives of their dead compadres. That may explain the rise in lipstick sales.

Its not funny. :bugeye:
DoctorNO: Its not funny. :bugeye:
M*W: It wasn't intended to be. The media has documented these facts.
DoctorNO said:
America is a little complicated. It is the very rich and yet more than half are religious. What motivates these half to be religious?

possibly because of our religious background? we were founed on the ideals of 'religious freedom' - so long as you were a christian, of course
parasite said:
possibly because of our religious background? we were founed on the ideals of 'religious freedom' - so long as you were a christian, of course

So you believe Jews, for example, are oppressed in America?
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Americas just a melting pot of everywhere.
I haven't worked it out but I wouldn't be surprised if 59% is close to the average of the sum of those percentages.

Oh, and don't forget the huge evangelical cult gripping the us at the moment.
Then there's jews, micks, negroes - all very religious, and italian americans claim to be when asked.
All the things that push america above what is normal for a wealthy educated country are readily apparent.
Canada, australia, great britain, etc don't have all these quirky cultural sects. They've got a couple of old fashioned church goers, a few rosary beads graspin' refugees and thats about it.