Give me reasons to believe Christianity!

KennyJC said:
Why do we need to then follow the 'teachings' of an obviously mythological character. I think we are perfectly capable of acting in according to our own morals in the 21'st century.

The Christian fall-back is obviously 'point a flaw in the Jesus quotes', whilst similiar quotes could be unique to any atheist today. You either accept the myths or reject the organised religion. I don't see how anybody could be a christian if they refute any part of the bible, and any Christian would be hard pressed to condone slavery.

Who cares who said it? I said:
Myself said:
Let the teachings stand on their own merit. Ignore the mythology, or at least treat it symbolically.

On their own merit, not on the merit of who said it. You see, if you treat it this way, it doesn't matter if you believe that the person who said it actually existed. A good idea is a good idea, whether or not it came from the lips of a giant pink elephant in a children's storybook, or from God.

Who gives a damn about the credentials of the figure who spoke the words? If you are going to refute "let your yes mean yes and your no mean no" just because it came from Jesus, then you're not examining the merits of the teaching at all, you're making a judgement based upon an emotional reaction you have to those people who take the story where the idea came from to be literal. Tisk, tisk.