Give me reasons to believe Christianity!


Valued Senior Member
Can you give me reasons to believe Christianity?
How can I convince myself of:
1) There is a God, one in three, three in one, Father/Son/Holy Spirit of one substance but three persons? (Really don't understand this)

2) Virgin birth. How can this possibly happen?

3) Jesus is Son of God, divine and humanly.

4) Resurrection, completely dead but rised again!

5) Miracles, turned water into wine, healing the blind and lepers, calmed down the storm, anything against natural laws is possible! God's Power!

Can you tell me how to believe these things? :confused:
Saint said:
Can you give me reasons to believe Christianity? How can I convince myself of: 1) There is a God, one in three, three in one, Father/Son/Holy Spirit of one substance but three persons? (Really don't understand this) 2) Virgin birth. How can this possibly happen? 3) Jesus is Son of God, divine and humanly. 4) Resurrection, completely dead but rised again! 5) Miracles, turned water into wine, healing the blind and lepers, calmed down the storm, anything against natural laws is possible! God's Power!

Can you tell me how to believe these things? :confused:

M*W: Just close your mind off to reality, and you will start believing these things of Christianity. You'll become so good at it that you will start infiltrating scientific forums to argue on behalf of the supernatural.
I cant tell you that its all factual...

the problem with christianity... is... it is not based solely on the words of Jesus.
but is instead... based on the many words of disciples...

if you base your beliefs on the words of Jesus,, only.. then you would have a different kind of Christianity...

and it is in this way, that i find my faith in Jesus... because he was right.

love each other... its fundamental.

Saint said:
Can you give me reasons to believe Christianity?

I'm curious: why do you want to believe in it? If you feel like you need to believe in some religion, and this doesn't seem to work for you, you could try a different belief, like Buddhism or Atheism. To only have one belief system is very limiting. It's like running a computer with just one piece of software.

Your brain has the capacity to run many different programs.

How can I convince myself of:
1) There is a God, one in three, three in one, Father/Son/Holy Spirit of one substance but three persons? (Really don't understand this)

Here's a symbolic representation of God; one in three, three in one:

God is three: negative, positive and neutral. Right side, left side and the power of God.

God is like light. There is only one light, but the light is composed of three colors which all colors are made of: red, green and blue. Water is one substance, but it can also be ice and steam.

Father and the holy spirit (mother) are the creators. They love each other, so a son is born.

2) Virgin birth. How can this possibly happen?

The virgin Mary is the constellation of Virgo and the story of virgin births is the timeless allegory of Virgo giving birth to the sun on the darkest night of the year, the 24th of December.

3) Jesus is Son of God, divine and humanly.

His body is human but his spirit (the true self, consciousness) is divine.

Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you; so believe in yourself (consciousness), and you will have eternal life.

4) Resurrection, completely dead but rised again!

We dig our own grave. Many people feel like they're dead, but later they rise from the mental grave they created.

5) Miracles, turned water into wine, healing the blind and lepers, calmed down the storm, anything against natural laws is possible! God's Power!

Nothing is impossible for the creator since he created all natural laws... but many of the miracles are allegorical and/or symbolic.

Can you tell me how to believe these things? :confused:

Of course, I just did.
Just suspend your critical thinking skills, believe in the tall tales, and voila.. you are a Christian.
Saint said:
2) Virgin birth. How can this possibly happen?

Skeptics have often stated that it is impossible for a virgin to give birth to a child. While it would be a scientific anomaly to give birth while a virgin, it is not a scientific impossibility. This has been known to happen in nature, although it is rare. When it does happen, all offspring are female, since the female has two X chromosomes, so that the offspring inherit, also, two X chromosomes. However, it could be possible in humans for a woman to give birth to a male. The way that it could happen is if the woman had both an X and Y chromosome, which occurs in 1 in 5 million women. So, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out as impossible.

On all the other things, the one factor that separates Christians from non-believers is their spirituality, which can't be scientifically proven. Until the non-believers can accept that, debate is futile.
On all the other things, the one factor that separates Christians from non-believers is their spirituality, which can't be scientifically proven. Until the non-believers can accept that, debate is futile.

I think the words you are looking for is 'comforting delusion', and this is something I can understand as a human being.
Saint said:
Can you give me reasons to believe Christianity?
How can I convince myself of:
1) There is a God, one in three, three in one, Father/Son/Holy Spirit of one substance but three persons? (Really don't understand this)
God is love, through this love Jesus was begotten (not born or created, but from the same essence as God), and the mediator of this love is the Holy Spirit.

That is - how I got it explained for myself, I think the church and christianity have the same understanding of this.

2) Virgin birth. How can this possibly happen?
I guess it could happen, why not? For one, it's not so absurd if you consider that the woman have the egg, I don't know of any process that can make the egg 'grow' without sperm, but I wouldn't say it is totally ridiculous.

3) Jesus is Son of God, divine and humanly.
He was human, went through our sufferings and died like us, to reassure us that we like Him can rise again and live forever in spiritual form.

4) Resurrection, completely dead but rised again!
I don't know how to reanimate a completely dead body, but for God it is possible.

5) Miracles, turned water into wine, healing the blind and lepers, calmed down the storm, anything against natural laws is possible! God's Power!
Well, God made the laws, the laws follow Him.

Can you tell me how to believe these things? :confused:
Can you tell me how you can believe in these things? Cause I certainly can't tell you. Belief is belief, when you start to see that everything isn't accounted for, and that there are a whole world out there that is unexplained and unseen, then maybe you can believe...what do I know?
VitalOne said:
Who cares about the Christian Mythology, Jesus's teachings are most important, why not believe them

I second this motion. Let the teachings stand on their own merit. Ignore the mythology, or at least treat it symbolically.
Why do we need to then follow the 'teachings' of an obviously mythological character. I think we are perfectly capable of acting in according to our own morals in the 21'st century.

The Christian fall-back is obviously 'point a flaw in the Jesus quotes', whilst similiar quotes could be unique to any atheist today. You either accept the myths or reject the organised religion. I don't see how anybody could be a christian if they refute any part of the bible, and any Christian would be hard pressed to condone slavery.
I am not the one with the wobbly crucifix making a mockery of the son of God. This seems the most opportune moments to praise the creator of the universe during my act of conflict.
KennyJC said:
I am not the one with the wobbly crucifix making a mockery of the son of God. This seems the most opportune moments to praise the creator of the universe during my act of conflict.
try it again, and this time make some sense.
I don't know... all I know is that Jay-a-sus sux, and I am great because I am a friend of satan according to the Koran :(

Oh my gawd this moral dillema is sort of making me wish I had a guidance.
Saint said:
Can you give me reasons to believe Christianity?
How can I convince myself of:
1) There is a God, one in three, three in one, Father/Son/Holy Spirit of one substance but three persons? (Really don't understand this)
....Can you tell me how to believe these things? :confused:

Sounds like a bad if not lethal case of constipation. Take a good enema and you will be rid of this urge to believe in sadistic gods who create devils just so they can chase them around for their sadistic good-feelings of righteousness.

Religions define the same sadism as do wars. The good feelings of religion's righeousness, and war's patriotism, is the -- I'm right because your wrong/your pain is my pleasure -- masochism that sadism needs to flourish in both politics and religions.