Give it a rest.........


Registered Senior Member
I have not posted for a I have been amused by the constant petty bickering on this site between members of various religions....and the many agnostics/atheists. I am sure there will be the usual short abusive replys I have come to expect in relation to this post.

I find people who try to define the human condition using science alone a farce, and people using religion to justify their existance do not have they have faith.

So basically I can draw one conclusuion. No one religion or idea is ever going to provide all the answers. Religion by its very nature is spawned from the unknown. This same unknown is the reason why religion has endured the ages.

Science cannot provide the answer, as even the most proven methods can be outdated as technology advances. This cannot be disputed as we have all seen this ourselves!

So what I would say to you: If you believe or not, you do not need to justify your faith or belief on this site or any site for that matter. If you are happy, that is the single most important factor in your life, regardless of what you believe........So turn off your the left and right of your monitor is the real world.....Call your friends and get drunk or high.........

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I agree with completely and I don't recommend engaging in religious discussion during times you could be living your life. I never get on forums in weekend or after 5:00pm eastern US time.. But I'm stuck for 8 hours infront of the computer all day, and I finish all my work in 3 hours tops, so I have 5 hours to burn during the day and sciforums is real handy.
I concur. My choice of work also sees me plonked in front of a computer for 8 hours a day! I can see why you would use sciforums to pass the hours.....however I find more and more of the debates turn disfunctional as peoples views clash......which leads to petty name calling and abuse.......
But but.....

Many religious people won't be happy until everyone is converted to their beliefs, and

many who use reason instead of faith won't be happy untill everyone learns how to think.

So we can conclude that there are a lot of unhappy people at sciforums, right?
Originally posted by jusmeig
If you believe or not, you do not need to justify your faith or belief on this site or any site for that matter.

Yes, after all, who needs to be accountable to reason?
We're not necessarily unhappy, we're just trying to make sense of the world. Right now I'm freaking out because 2 people on the same thread admit they surf over here during too. I couldn't imagine life without this and the other forums I hang out on. It's the only the thing that keeps me sane...... which also freaks me out because they also drive me insane.

I'm just waiting for the day they call me down to the bosses office for posting on company time. Sheet, if they only knew, three years and 10,000 posts later :D
Funny, I first came here out of boredom waiting for a process to finish, and kind of think of this place as a bus stop. I stay here until my 'bus' arrives, then I am on to bigger and better things. Maybe a poll is in order? Does anyone come here as the main show?
Well..... maybe im unique among you, but i actually find this place fun! To me debate is such a wonderful thing- it stretches the brain fibres, (unsubstantiated claim based on mere faith that my brain is actually somehow stretching). :D

Honestly..... whether i think you're a turnip with your head up your bottom is irrelevant, it's the fun debating that counts.
It is fun, the extremes here are very interesting, the thrill of the chase and all that. I must admit it is addicting. It is the kind of debate forum where you are almost guaranteed, not to change anyone's mind. That makes it even more challenging.
Originally posted by jusmeig
So turn off your the left and right of your monitor is the real world.....Call your friends and get drunk or high.........

...this too is a religion (and I'm not condemning it). Fellowship, cameraderie, relaxation, exchanging ideas, being part of a 'tribal' community? Isn't that what Sciforums is, too?
Re: Re: Give it a rest.........

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
...this too is a religion (and I'm not condemning it). Fellowship, cameraderie, relaxation, exchanging ideas, being part of a 'tribal' community? Isn't that what Sciforums is, too?
Depends on which definition of religion you are using. In this context I presume you are referring to religion as a thing one is strongly devoted to. Religion, however, is most often thought of as a particular system of faith. It is important to remember the distinction between these two definitions.
You've got to be kidding. "Give it a rest." Not me, I just started posting and it's fun.
I usually steer kind of clear of the religion forums, tempers flare pretty hot here. I do like the other areas though, I like discussions that open up possibilities I hadn't thought of before and tempers don't seem to flare as hot in the other forums as well.
Mmm, religion forum is tasty. You get to crush all kinds of theists here and watch them cry.

I'm such a bad person :D
Originally posted by jusmeig
So what I would say to you: If you believe or not, you do not need to justify your faith or belief on this site or any site for that matter.
True, you need to justify your belief for and to yourself.
Mmm, religion forum is tasty. You get to crush all kinds of theists here and watch them cry.
"I give you the power to tread on serpents and snakes"
"On that day I will wipe every tear from their eyes".

I'm such a bad person
Without God good and bad do not exist. Do not assume anything. But throw everything out.
Correction. Good and bad only "exist" because they are convenient bool variables containing the (the aspect of the world in question == what we like) statement's value.

With "God", the delusion only gets stronger.
Boolean variables can hold only two values. Certainly murder is worse than lying. So why exactly are you still using this archaic system?
...obviously you don't get my point.

The religions classify things as "good" if:

It aids the survival of the religion in question.

They classify things as "bad" if:

It threatens the survival of the religion in question.

A boolean variable holds it perfectly. Archaic? You are obviously some religious dork who thinks of Satan when he sees "C++" written somewhere. :p