Give God a break!


Shiny Heart of a Shiny Child
Registered Senior Member
So many people say "If there was a God such and such wouldnt happen"
I cannot begin to tell you what I have suffered in my own life! From the loss of a daughter to an adulteress wife, from body crippling car accidents to being thrown in a mental home by my own parents! From lies and slander, from malice and theft it seems I have been persecuted all the days of my life!
And yet is is these things that make me cling to Jesus' message. I have no hope in this life for the things my heart truly desires. I see the ressurected Christ and I have hope.
God finished His work on the SIXTH day. TODAY He rests. Give Him a break huh!
c20H25N3o said:
So many people say "If there was a God such and such wouldnt happen"
I cannot begin to tell you what I have suffered in my own life! From the loss of a daughter to an adulteress wife, from body crippling car accidents to being thrown in a mental home by my own parents! From lies and slander, from malice and theft it seems I have been persecuted all the days of my life!
And yet is is these things that make me cling to Jesus' message. I have no hope in this life for the things my heart truly desires. I see the ressurected Christ and I have hope.
God finished His work on the SIXTH day. TODAY He rests. Give Him a break huh!

The problem with deriving all this Hope from the resurected Christ is that we killed Him first.

You do not specifically say so, but many Christians attribute all their Salvation to this Murder. All their benefits they attribute to the Suffering of Christ.

What effectively is happening is that they are afflicting Christ for their own convenience. They heep Pain onto Christ so that they can be happy-go-lucky.

That's just not right, is it?

Christ came to be King of Kings. He did not come so that he could be ambushed, dragged off, tortured and killed. And then that people should celebrate it as the source of all their 'hope'... it makes me cringe in disgust.

You wonder why you have suffered so much. It is because you have always expected Christ to suffer. Instead of allowing Christ His Glory, you renew His Suffering everyday by heeping all your hopes onto His Pain.

You want to give God a break. Pleeeeeaaaaaazzzzzz! You need to give Christ a break. Stop murdering Him for your precious hope.
Leo Volont said:
The problem with deriving all this Hope from the resurected Christ is that we killed Him first.

You do not specifically say so, but many Christians attribute all their Salvation to this Murder. All their benefits they attribute to the Suffering of Christ.

What effectively is happening is that they are afflicting Christ for their own convenience. They heep Pain onto Christ so that they can be happy-go-lucky.

That's just not right, is it?

Christ came to be King of Kings. He did not come so that he could be ambushed, dragged off, tortured and killed. And then that people should celebrate it as the source of all their 'hope'... it makes me cringe in disgust.

You wonder why you have suffered so much. It is because you have always expected Christ to suffer. Instead of allowing Christ His Glory, you renew His Suffering everyday by heeping all your hopes onto His Pain.

You want to give God a break. Pleeeeeaaaaaazzzzzz! You need to give Christ a break. Stop murdering Him for your precious hope.

I have already done it!
i think many of us have suffered though various things. there is a lot of abuse going on in the world between people, from brutal to subtle, but even if the latter, it's still abuse. It's when people dont really connect on adeep level isn't it

Many also like yourself have the image of the suffering Christ who despite all of that suffering is resurrected.
But i always think/ christ had it EASy in comparison with some. for example, his suffering all came to a head through that torutre and crucifixtion, and then--all over. for many many people suffering just goes on and on and on. a big part being the very culture built on the Christian myth. think about it.

over time i have looked closer at this myth. it Is a myth, just like the myths it proceeded. having had hallucinogenic experience, and having read researchers who also see the hiden meaning of mythology, including the Christian myth to include hallucinogens, it makes MUCH more sense to me to realize it is that which is being pointed to.


because the ACTUAL direct experience of hallucinogens is ACTUAL. the remembered story of Christ's resurrection is 'sentimental' is an idea/faith that gets one through with hope. it is not direct experience. Direct experience expands ones idea of oneself
Hmm, I am giving god a break, in fact I do not blame anything on him and I do not want anything from him...
duendy said:
i think many of us have suffered though various things. there is a lot of abuse going on in the world between people, from brutal to subtle, but even if the latter, it's still abuse. It's when people dont really connect on adeep level isn't it

Many also like yourself have the image of the suffering Christ who despite all of that suffering is resurrected.
But i always think/ christ had it EASy in comparison with some. for example, his suffering all came to a head through that torutre and crucifixtion, and then--all over. for many many people suffering just goes on and on and on. a big part being the very culture built on the Christian myth. think about it.

over time i have looked closer at this myth. it Is a myth, just like the myths it proceeded. having had hallucinogenic experience, and having read researchers who also see the hiden meaning of mythology, including the Christian myth to include hallucinogens, it makes MUCH more sense to me to realize it is that which is being pointed to.


because the ACTUAL direct experience of hallucinogens is ACTUAL. the remembered story of Christ's resurrection is 'sentimental' is an idea/faith that gets one through with hope. it is not direct experience. Direct experience expands ones idea of oneself

I would suffer my life a million times over than to have lived the life of Jesus. I thank God that I am who I am and I thank Jesus for taking the punishment due to me and all that have sinned against God and man. This has nothing to do with sentiment. Just conviction. As for the suffering of the innocent in this life. Their reward is soon!
Dreamwalker said:
Hmm, I am giving god a break, in fact I do not blame anything on him and I do not want anything from him...

Until you have no food!
Oh, I never saw god plying the fields or milking the cows... and frankly I do not see a reason why there should be no food?

If worse comes to worse, I will just start eating christians, I suppose they would be well fed.

I am sorry about your daughter, your wife and the turbulance in your relalationship with your parents.
I'm sorry for you, and I like all atheists, always give your god a break.
because it does not exist to us, so we cant be held responsible for any physical and mental pain caused to it can we.

One cannot give a break to something that does not exist. Whatever the degree of torment you have endured the dependence on mythical beings to make you feel happier is nothing more than a mental crutch. You will remain a crippled mental invalid until you make an effort to face the harshness of life and reality and learn from it and deal with it.


The problem with deriving all this Hope from the resurected Christ is that we killed Him first.

But apparently it was unimportant that he was killed since he was immortal and was resurrected, according to the Christian myth. So this death was just a momentary temporary incident, right? Now, had he really died and had been lost forever then that would make some sense and reflect real love and sacrifice of a loving god.

Christ came to be King of Kings. He did not come so that he could be ambushed, dragged off, tortured and killed.

So this super being with miraculous powers and omniscience couldn’t prevent or foresee a simple ambush? Not credible. The myth depends on him being killed – there would be no Christianity and no religion without that incident. The emotional pull of a grieving father that saw his only son suffer and sacrifice himself for the sake of humanity is the grist and attraction of the Christian myth. But there can be no real grief if the kid returns to life as soon as he is killed. The whole crucifixion claim becomes a meaningless fiasco if a resurrection occurs. There can be no sacrifice without a permanent loss.

So what if we did kill him, what does it matter if he can spring back to life just like any good video game where you have n lives so you can continue the game indefinitely? The real grief in this life is real death where loved ones decay and die and cease to exist permanently and are lost forever.

robtex said:

I am sorry about your daughter, your wife and the turbulance in your relalationship with your parents.

Thanks, your kindness is remembered :)
Cris said:

You will remain a crippled mental invalid until you make an effort to face the harshness of life and reality and learn from it and deal with it.


trust me. I am no mental invalid.
c20H25N3o said:
God finished His work on the SIXTH day. TODAY He rests. Give Him a break huh!

Yeah, it makes sense that the all-powerful creator of everything would need a little siesta every once in a while. Oh wait, scratch that. It makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
JustARide said:
Yeah, it makes sense that the all-powerful creator of everything would need a little siesta every once in a while. Oh wait, scratch that. It makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

I'll talk in a language you may understand ...

Taken from

Motion and rest
Timaeus 57d - 58c

UNLESS a person comes to an understanding about the nature and conditions of rest and motion, he will meet with many difficulties in the discussion which follows. Something has been said of this matter already, and something more remains to be said, which is, that motion never exists in what is uniform. For to conceive that anything can be moved without a mover is hard or indeed impossible, and equally impossible to conceive that there can be a mover unless there be something which can be moved-motion cannot exist where either of these are wanting, and for these to be uniform is impossible; wherefore we must assign rest to uniformity and motion to the want of uniformity.

Thanks c20
c20H25N3o said:
I'll talk in a language you may understand ...

Taken from

Motion and rest
Timaeus 57d - 58c

UNLESS a person comes to an understanding about the nature and conditions of rest and motion, he will meet with many difficulties in the discussion which follows. Something has been said of this matter already, and something more remains to be said, which is, that motion never exists in what is uniform. For to conceive that anything can be moved without a mover is hard or indeed impossible, and equally impossible to conceive that there can be a mover unless there be something which can be moved-motion cannot exist where either of these are wanting, and for these to be uniform is impossible; wherefore we must assign rest to uniformity and motion to the want of uniformity.

Thanks c20

Boy, you really have an entire warehouse of bullshit stored up for every occasion, don't you?

Use all the philosophical jargon you want, Cokey McSnortenstein. The Bible discusses God in anthropomorphic terms. He gets mad, throws global fits, changes his mind, etc. You can argue yourself blue in the face over principles of motion and rest and any other random bit of physics that toots your horn -- the Bible suggests that God, the Prime Mover, the Big Enchilada, whatever you want to call him is all-powerful, beyond anything we can comprehend, and perfect in every way.

This is why the notion of God wiping the sweat from his brow and taking a nap on Sunday seems, let's see... oh yeah, stupid.