Girl, 9, 'marries' in Texas

I have a daughter and we have a ban on pink and princesses.

But given the situation, I'd have done the same as her parents did.
Oh, to participate in social bondage

I think the greatest tragedy of this, aside from two dying children, is that "marriage" is so goddamn important to a nine year-old.

Of all the wishes I've heard about—

• To go to Disneyland
• To meet a rock star
• To be a police officer
• To see the Super Bowl
• To catch a pass from Brett Favre
• &c., &c.​

—it is heart-breaking that a nine year-old girl wants nothing more than a chance to participate in an overstated ritual of social bondage.
....If I have a daughter later in life I will screen her from all that crap.

I won't get her anything to do with princesses or brides, and no baby dolls. If she asks for one when she's older, she can have one. But no conditioning her into a fucking cream puff.

why not? How is it conditioning her?
What if your son wants to wear a dress the first day of school? Will you let him?