Girl, 9, 'marries' in Texas

This I don't get..

"I'm happy, but at the at same time I am sad because I know my child is going to go to heaven with the Lord."

Shouldn't that have been:

"I'm sad, but at the at same time I am happy because I know my child is going to go to heaven with the Lord."

I know little girls dream of getting married to their Prince Charming (happens in Walt Disney movies over and over) and looking like a princess. All of which can be done at a special dance.
I know little girls dream of getting married to their Prince Charming (happens in Walt Disney movies over and over) and looking like a princess. All of which can be done at a special dance.

At nine ?
Hmm apparently this girl did..
a lot younger. Its called playing house, and playing house usually starts with a wedding. I know I did and I usually wore a shirt on my head as a veil.

Yes, but that's just play. One could argue that it's play in preparation for adult life, the way animals play-fight and play-hunt to prepare themselves for adulthood.
It's not like they really want to do it at that age..
Meh it is pretty innocent, she probably doesn't even understand the concept of marriage, just thought it was a nice idea.
slightly off topic but orleander have you ever herd of the starlight foundation?
i just thought i would ask because when i read the artical they were asking for donations. The whole purpose of the starlight foundation is to give a "present" (i guess you could call it) not only to the sick child but there family as well especially any siblings. the make a wish foundation is along the same lines (might even be the same organisation), they send alot of families with sick kids to disney land for example but they also organise for football players to visit the kids in hospital and stuff like that
So where are the believers who preach about the sanctity of marriage. Isn't this a mockery of their beliefs as well?

I know how you mean, I actually agree..but, I am torn between thinking 'Well she's dying, why shouldn't she' and 'Fuck that, they should take her quad biking instead'.
I think I would have thrown her a party instead. A wedding? No.

Terminally ill and dying girl. You left that part off.

Its her dream and I see no harm in it as long as all parties are agreed. In Texas it wouldn't be legally binding so far as I know and I seriously doubt they consummated the relationship.

Let her have her dying dream in peace.
I'm completely torn on this whole situation:

On one hand, the girl is dying and will probably never have the chance for a wedding as an adult with her true love, but at the same time, what about the boy? Is this acknowledged as a true and lawful marriage? What happens when the girl dies? And how much of this was the little girl's wish and how much of this was her parent's wish? Do we really know that this is what the little girl wanted as her last dying wish? And if it is acknowledged as a lawful marriage, will the little boy be a widower when his wife dies at the age of nine? And what about what he wants? How much of this was his decision and how much of it was his parents? Is it moral/ethical to marry your children off when they can barely comprehend what marriage is at their age? Granted one of them is dying, but does that make it right?

I don't know. It's not my place to judge or say what one should do when their child's death is imminent, but what if, by some miracle, she lives? Then what?

Again, I just don't know. If this was truly what the little girl wanted to happen before she died then I'm glad she got her wish, but from the video shown, the little boy, Jose, doesn't look very comfortable or happy. His mother says "he knows what is happening", but from Jose's expression and demeanor it doesn't seem like he does.

This is truly just a tragic story and makes me realize how lucky I am to have the life and health that I have. I just hope that this wedding doesn't do more harm then good and I hope that it wasn't forced upon the children because the parents wished it more then the children did.

Goddess bless Jayla and Jose and I hope that this symbolic marriage, if that is truly what it was, was a happy time for them, and if Jayla does pass on within the next month, I hope that her last moments on this Earth were the happiest of her life.

Sheesh. I'm about to go all sentimental and cry (and I'm not a crier). It just goes to show that life should NEVER be taken for granted.
Terminally ill and dying girl. You left that part off.

Its her dream and I see no harm in it as long as all parties are agreed. In Texas it wouldn't be legally binding so far as I know and I seriously doubt they consummated the relationship.

Let her have her dying dream in peace.

How would it effect the boy, though? Having your 'wife' die two weeks after marriage would be a little traumatising!
How would it effect the boy, though? Having your 'wife' die two weeks after marriage would be a little traumatising!

Yeah I agree.

Imagine being that young and a widow, especially after he managed to overcome his own illness at such a young age. Then again, he will grieve her loss regardless.

I don't know. I guess when you know your child is going to die, you would do anything and everything you can to give them such special moments to put a smile on their face. Lots of kids who are in the terminal phase want to go to Disneyland. She wanted a wedding where she is the bride.. the fairytale wedding. And she wanted to share it with someone she obviously cares very much for and who shared a lot of her pain and the up's and down's that they went through. What an utterly despairing situation. It's the kind of thing that parents stay awake at night hoping like hell it never happens to their kids.
Terminally ill and dying girl. You left that part off.

Its her dream and I see no harm in it as long as all parties are agreed. In Texas it wouldn't be legally binding so far as I know and I seriously doubt they consummated the relationship.

Let her have her dying dream in peace.

??? I didn't leave it off. Its clearly stated in the link.
And I don't agree with it. If she wanted a fairytale pricess wedding, I would have given her a fairytale princess party. I wouldn't have given her a groom.