
Because of a few things popping up we were not able to make the trip to Duddlytown yet. but we will be going. If you check out a lot of the pictures on the previously posted sites or there links. The whole orb thing is annoying and to easily explained in my opinion. But the mist thing intrigues me. That is if you take a picture of apparently nothing and you come up with a picture surrounded in this mist, that would open my eyes a little. I like you Benji am a skeptic. If I don't see it for my self I'm will not be convinced. I pulled several locations in this area off the web the are rumored to be haunted and as spring arrives will be visiting. With any luck maybe something will happen.

Quick question, why don't most religions believe in ghosts? Wouldn't the existence of ghost, spirits, "lost souls" somewhat confirm their belief in an afterlife?:confused:

I have to admit I've placed a few pieces of information in here that explain other fields of understanding just to explain your point on "ghosts of the past".

One of the very odd things that occurs with parallel manipulation is the byproduct of time manipulation. Take for instance a paralell can be created if you know what direction you previously took and taken a different one.

Of course that would mean having a system up that has information travelling at two speeds.. normal, and superfast.
When something "normal" occurs, it can be sent into the "superfast" bandwidth and be changed, (before the normal action has even completed) of course this then creates a Fractal decay as the universe changes shape.

A sketch of infromation running at normal speed:
====> 1 ====> 2 ====> 3 ====> 4 ====> 5 ====>

Now one at a "super" speed (Compressed):
=> 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5 =>

When you place them side beside:
====> 1 ====> 2 ====> 3 ====> 4 ====> 5 ====>
=> 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5 =>

To show a Fractal change:
A> 1 A> 2 A> [B]3[/B] B> 4 B> 5 B>
(Of course the information can't be a complete seemless stream of data, it has to be packeted. And the mention of compression, just means that the data is travelling at such a higher velocity it takes up less bandwidth. The Bolding of 3 in the Fractal change is to show that the information of two "worlds" is different, and this technology can actually be implimented in artificial intelligence algorthyms.

Notice that the 1st fractal line has one possible answer from world A, while the second superfast/compressed data stream changes it's anwer to return a differing end string of B)

I've mentioned before on another topic of Spacetime folding, where you could say that time isn't one straight line, but instead is load of "instance" loops. "Instances" that can change with parallels.

Because of these loops being manipulated and created, it tends to push the effect the whole length of a conventional timeline (It's infact apart of my assumption of what caused the big bang)
Very interesting, Stryder. I'll chew on it for a bit. Thanks.

Patman- I am skeptical of photos with mists in them. I'm no student of photography, but I know from experience that such mists are often bugs that flew too close to the lens, errant hair, or old film (I had some cool shots of my old 58 Chevy that I took with a camera that had been in a box for 5 years with a partially used roll of film). I'm sure there are many other plausible explanations, such as glare off of some object not immediately noticeable to the party taking the shot, or that they simply forgot was there or didn't think about. You know, "Yeah the car's windshield was shiny. Aren't they supposed to be?"

I am also incredulous about photos that are supposed to be of junior's birthday party or something, but junior is way off to the side of the photo while the so-called ghost is right in the center, where a subject should be.

There was this one photo I saw somewhere of Count Basie. It was a color shot, and one of his last performances, I believe. Anyway, the photo showed Mr. Basie on stage in a rather nice photo taken by an admiring fan. The "ghost" in the photo is a wispy mist floating languidly up to the stage. Here's where the "Dana Scully" in me takes over. Jazz music, small nightclub, no anti-tobacco BS, gee, you don't suppose SOMEONE WAS SMOKING?:rolleyes: I had a nice disdainful snicker at it. Still, it was a great shot of the Count. If I find the photo again, I'll try to post it here for you.
These are a few pictures I found. Not the best I'll search a little harder later. But for now take a look at these.

Note: One thing I look for in the better pictures is the apparition to be in relatively full view and to have thick bands in them. I'm a smoker, so I try to find pictures I find interesting.

Hope they work?!
They worked. Of the set, I found the first one to be the only one that I would look into more closely. I am familiar with the IGHS. We crossed swords regarding whether or not they are trying too hard to see ghosts. The others I could ascribe to lens flares, stray particles such as hair or small pieces of dry grass, faulty developing, or cigarette smoke or such (regardless of the submitter claiming the mist to have not been there when the photo was taken, some people will do anything for a little fame). You might check out this link and find other ways these photos can be explained:

You may find it an interesting resource in sorting out fakes and mistaken identities from the real McCoys. I am skeptical of ghost photography, but I have seen a couple that leave me wondering. (In fact, I was in one.:eek: )

I rode a motor bike back in the seventies with a gang of other bikers,one of the lads had a crash and died, when he was my passenger he always used to place his thumds just on the inside on my belt,it was about two months after his death i was rideing along the m6 motor way in England and i felt like two thumbs just on the in side of my belt,ipulled up at a service station where we all used to go and i had to have a drink i left after about twenty mins,and i never felt that feeling again.:confused:
Too bad about your bud, Blastoff:(. "Live fast, love hard, die young, and leave a beautiful memory" as Roy Clark once said. From my perspective one of two things could have happened. Either your mind decided that something was missing and decided to fill in the blanks, i.e., the sensation of his thumbs on the inside of your belt, or else he had to have just one last ride.

Using Stryderunknown's theories, it could be possible that you briefly crossed the boundary into a reality where he had not died, or else had partially slipped into a day before the accident.

Whichever explanation you choose, for all intents and purposes he was riding with you that day.

Rock on.
I am a big big skeptic of anything i havent seen for myself, iv been to some scary places in my time but iv never seen a ghost, if anyone wants to pay for me to go see a ghost il be delighted to accept, take me to the ghost's becuse the buggers wont come to me :).
Bobby Lee-You had some fun with the smilies. What's on your mind?

Benji-You want us to pay you to see a ghost? The most "pay" I've ever gotten from a case was when the caller offered free pizza if we could at least verify that she wasn't going crazy. :D She was so grateful to find out that it was air in her water pipes that was "thumping on the walls" that she threw in a second pizza and a case of root beer.

I don't think anybody's going to pay you to see a ghost. I've seen very few myself. I've had a lot of eerie experiences, but I have actually seen very few.

What area do you live in? Maybe I can point you to a few places.
That depends on your definition of ghostbuster. I don't banish them. I only try to verify their existence or origins. In some instances, some very nasty instances, hauntings have been terminated by the simple redecoration of a room or sale of a particular object (in one case an entire house and its furnishings). The nature of these cases often lead me to believe that the ghosts are more personal than spectral. Most events that I have dealt with that fall into the spectral realm are usually just cases of identification. You'd be surprised how many people are happy to live with a ghost as long as it isn't getting violent. In one case, the caretakers of a large house just south of San Francisco were genuinely freaking out until it was determined that the ghosts of the house were merely going about their existences as if they were still alive. They seemed to be okay with that.

Mostly I study the cases of others. I don't lurk in graveyards on the weekends looking for ghosts. (Actually, a graveyard is not a likely place for genuine ghosts. How many people die in the graveyard? They're usually dead before they get to move there.) I read the cases and conclusions of those who have gone before me and try to determine if I am reading about a genuine ghost or a misidentified source. Incidents are few and far between. It's nothing you could make a real living at, unless you go to the show-biz routine with your chanting, your mantras, your crystals, and a handy tag-along psychic who knows how to remain vague enough to elicit details out of an unsuspecting client.

Someday I'd like to write a book on ghost-hunting from a practical view. It's mostly trial and elimination. Subjects like architecture, psychology, and chemistry would be needed, and I'm still studying up on those. In the meantime, its research, research, research.

Where i live there is a railway bridge it is named doctors bridge,and i looked back through it's history and it seemes that a highway man was killed there along side his horse,and every now and again people have heard horses hoofs galloping over the bridge, people have stayed out all night waiting to see if there was anything, it is a busy bridge with traffic but you can not get a horse to cross it,they have to go around.:confused:

I think you forgot to mention Physics ;) although as you should know by my previous explaination that if I'm correct it would spoil some peoples fun searching for ghosts (Which is why some people would complain about me mentioning it)

I've heard many Ghost stories from my old area, a tale of a burning windmill and a missing farmers daughter, a Tale of a drummer boy that fell into thin ice when skating to a location to meet a lover (since their parents disaproved), A woman who sold her soul to the devil and got into his carriage to have it crash on a hump back bridge and lose all it's occupants in a river, A ghostly decapitated corpse washes up onto a beach(this one was resolved when they found the physical remains of a decapitated corpse at the bottom of the village well.).

Not to forget a large black one eyed dog they foamed fire.

They to me seem all a little too much, but get you thinking when your a kid and walking alone late at night on some activity with a youth group etc.
By all means, my list was not limited to the subjects I mentioned. Physics, even quantum physics, would be a subject that at least a rudimentary working knowledge of would be necessary.

We have all grown up with ghosts, whether in the form of campfire stories, personal issues, or just creepy happenings that we have yet to find an explanation for. Some people don't want to lose the magic of a good ghost story, and that's why they don't want to hear your theories. Some of the "ghosts" I grew up with turned out to have mundane origins, and I felt that an old belief was being undermined. I also felt pretty foolish when the dull thumping noise from the attic turned out to be the dog's tail wagging against the side of the house and traveling through the wood. I also regarded it as a learning experience. I always try to ferret out the normal explanations before going for the paranormal explanations.

I hear a lot of ghost enthusiasts say that you have to open your mind to the possibility that there may be ghosts at a particular haunting. I believe that you should consider the possibilty as well that there may not be ghosts at a particular haunting.

I advise all would-be ghost hunters not to go looking for ghosts. Look for the inexplicable and try to explain it.
Borley Rectory

Borley Rectory was known as the most haunted hose in Britain till it was burnt down in 1939, the rectory was built in 1863 on a site of a much older building, the strange event that took place where bells ringing,keys threw themselves from thier locks,lights wereseen and footsteps heard in unoccupied rooms,and a ghostly nun walked near the house,even the reverend and his wife left the house as they could not stand the atmosphere there,:confused: