

just one of the lost
Registered Senior Member
Duddleytown, Cornwall, CT
I know this is a science based forum, but with Halloween coming up I just wanted to know if any of you believe in or have seen ghosts, earth bound spirits or whatever.

My girlfriend and I are planning a trip to Duddlytown. It was a small township of Cornwall,CT. It is said to be haunted. As far as I remember a lot of the people that lived there went insane or died violent deaths. To say the least I'm a skeptic. The only way I could ever believe is to see it with my own eyes.

We're going to get dropped off and hike the rest of the way in on foot. I figured a night in the haunted woods would be fun. I have three cameras and a camcorder I'm taking. Hopefully I'll have some stories to tell my grandchildren one day. We're planning the trip for Nov.3, hopefully all the Halloween wingnuts will be out of the area and the woods will be relatively quiet. There have been rumors for years about black mass's and sacrifices' going on in the area. Even the Warrens(Ed and Lorraine) don't like the place.

Wish us Luck! I guess?
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You stole my idea!! I wanted to post something on the same subject. (sighs, then stupid forgiving face) Oh well. I guess I'll just have to make due.

Here is the best ghost site ON PLANET EARTH. When you get there click on true ghost stories. They have hundreds of em!
But my friend
shrike, do you have any stories? That is the question. I'm hoping to come back with some.
Nah. I hope to someday though. is a great resource though! have you checked it out??

Yes I did, cool site. Added that one to my favorites and printed about 20 more haunted places in this area. I have a feeling I might be doing a lot of late season camping.
Heres another site you might be interested in.

These two(Ed and Lorraine) are probably the most famous ghost hunters in the world and they only live about a half hour away from me. I want to check out there museum one of these days.
You want ghost stories? Where do I begin...?

Strange lady used to tuck me in at night when I was really young, about 1 or so. I never knew who she was, but my parents say noone else was in the house.

Fred Thompson wiped out on Laurel Curve on Hwy 17 in the late 60's. We moved into his old house. Problem was, he was still occupying it.

Dad's dog got run over by a truck. Dog continued to scratch on door for almost a year after his death.

We moved into a house in San Jose that came with its own malevolent ghost. It met Fred Thompson, who seemed to have elected to travel with us. The house was a hotbed of activity, including one attempted murder.

Dad gets a job at Santa Clara University. Playful ghosts follow him home and my brother's Lego collection is constantly found in bizarre stacks, even after we've all gone out for the evening.

While working a ouija board, the planchette spells out "revenge" and lunges at my brother. The walls resound with a thunderous cracking, as though the house is going to collapse. Even the neighbors come over to see what happened. The ouija board failed to operate for the rest of the evening.

Sound of footsteps every night coming up the stairs. They walk around my bedroom, pressing the linoleum down as they circle the room and stop by my bed. Then they leave the same way they came. On one incident, the dog began barking wildly at the stairs, then was thrown across the living room. She wasn't hurt, but she scrambled under the TV and refused to come out, watching something cross the room that we couldn't see.

Working as a security guard, a wind ripped through the building as though every door in the building had suddenly opened. Glass in the cafeteria began to rattle like an earthquake. Wind led back to the receiving dock, which was locked up. (This event happened twice.)

Working as a medical supply clerk, all was quiet. My boss was in his office, I was in my cube. We were the only two in the building. Suddenly we both heard the back door slam incredibly hard. We both went back to investigate. I had grabbed a lead pipe (the office was on a bad side of town). We got back to the warehouse and split up, but stayed in sight of each other. I heard him call out to someone, and I saw movement down where he was looking. We took separate ends of the aisle, intending to capture the intruder in a pincher maneuver. We saw the same target, a shadowy shape. and closed in on it. I had a hunch what we were chasing. It spun toward my boss and zipped past him. He tried to grab at it, but it was, of course, intangible. It vanished. When I caught up to my boss he was seven shades of pale. He looked at me and whispered "It had no face..."

Driving to a video store, a large black dog jumped out of nowhere onto the hood of my car. I slammed the brakes, the dog vanished, and a large pick-up sped through the intersection I would have been in.

I'm walking out to my car, which is at the sidewalk a little ways away from the condo we lived in. As I look up, I see a desperate looking man in prison clothes behind the wheel. I freeze, realizing that I'm about to lose my car. He vanishes. I decide I don't need to go to the mall after all...

I'm driving my car (same one as above). I smell cigarette smoke, heavy. I don't smoke, but my brother does. I check the ashtray to make sure none of his butts had flared up. Nothing. I look into my mirror to see if there's anything amiss in the backseat. There's the guy in prison clothes again. I ask him where he's going and he disappears.

A large grey blob formed on the ceiling and slithered along it, going down the hall and vanishing before the whole family's eyes.

The dog chases something down the hall and into my bedroom. He jumps onto the bed and begins attacking something, biting ferociously into mid-air.

In the kitchen, something starts rattling dishes and folding paper bags. Toilet starts flushing by itself at night. Water turns on, doors open and close, easy chairs begin reclining on their own. One night the house resounds with the clamor of the piano being dumped over. The piano, however, is not moved at all.

Well, that's all that come to mind right now. There are plenty of others, but I have to take the dog for walkies.
ghosts are nothing but our software part still in que for a body(hardware),unlawfully inserting themselves into others ;) :p :p :p :p :p
While working a ouija board, the planchette spells out "revenge" and lunges at my brother. The walls resound with a thunderous cracking, as though the house is going to collapse. Even the neighbors come over to see what happened. The ouija board failed to operate for the rest of the evening.
You could make a really funny movie about that, just wacky oujia board stuff. Did the planchette attach itself to his face or what? What else happened with that incident. If I ever get one of those sweet digital camcorders the size of my hand I'll make a movie like that.
zion-That's a good analogy, and I believe that to be the answer for hauntings by friends and family. The experiencer wants to see their loved one so badly that the brain accesses a file and creates the image. Other similar situations are like when a person goes into a place that is "known" to be haunted. They expect to see something, so the brain dishes up the appropriate file and voila!, one bonafide ghost sighting.

But what about hauntings on people with no prior knowledge of the ghost or the incident? I know such sightings are rare, but they do exist.

Shrike-The planchette just lunged. It didn't fly off the board or anything spectacular. It just spun the point at him and lunged. The person sitting opposite my brother lost his connection with the planchette and it stopped just off the edge of the board.

If you have contacts in the movie industry, I could write the story you're talking about.
Oh, I thought the planchette jumped off the oujia board and started gnawing on his neck or something. That's why I said it would make a good movie, or anthology.
Did you ever get the feeling your being followed?:rolleyes:

What do you think it is?

Why you?

Why anyone?
Shrike- LOL If it HAD done that, I would have been right on this forum starting out the message with "Dudes! This is soooo totally cool! We were working a ouija board last night and...":D

Patman-Fred Thompson stuck around for quite awhile, then his signature activities just stopped. I believe in reincarnation, so I think he got reborn. As for the others, I don't know. Most of the incidents are not in the same "style". I don't think its the same entity or entities.
Originally posted by Oxygen

But what about hauntings on people with no prior knowledge of the ghost or the incident? I know such sightings are rare, but they do exist.

hi OXYGEN,,i"ve tried to explain ghosts in different fashion.if we indeed think this world as a computer program,then you can imagine a large system sustaining us all with certain rules and regulations,and ghosts then are nothing but Hackers out here to destroy or do something without the permission of SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR.:D :D :D :D

I just read all your ghostly experiences, and it gives me a few clues. the main thing here is the Land of the living, where the problem exists.

I've mentioned at many times of parallels and systems that are used to manipulate holographic and electromagnetic images and sounds. I think the predicaments you have been through might be down to such an event.

Imagine that someone is manipulated to enter your life in one parallel, and then they don't in another. This means that if you were hospitalised or Young, you might Observe some of the frequencies of a parallel. Namely a person, because you don't have the ability to do something for yourself. (this is where I thought of you as a 1 year old with perhaps a Nanny/babysitter that your parents might have debated about getting. Imagine they were halfway between getting one and your half where they didn't)

This one instance in time, a change that makes a single universe two universe means you then suddenly share things with the other parallel. You might of had a dog get run over, but it might also have been stopped from being run over and that would account for you hearing scratching, until the background noise of zero-point kind of totally outtunes the universes from each other.

Some of the houses you lived in you might not have lived in, Take for instance if your parents weren't particularly well off when you were young and they did pay for a babysitter it could have put off the purchasing of a new house and change of address, which means you might find that you could have been living elseswhere and someone else could have been living in your house.

This then causes problems, noises that you make might be heard in their parallel so they get "investigators" in or you hear noises and get "investigators" in.

(Sometimes the very investigators are the cause of the disturbances, as they could be using an Radio Frequency array to project electromagnetic activity into a house and create things that seem like illwilled spirits)

I would personally look for the following:

Get yourself a Compass and make sure you know which way is north. If you have it in a place were there is alot of electromagnetic activity, your compass should twitch/point a different direction or if a group are playing it will spin.

You might want to know that wat you percieve is something they hook into to. try thinking of a thought like "how many beers have these guys had tonight?" and think of a bunch of university students in a lab with a bunch of equipment. This might actually startle them.

You might even want to ask them allowed which university they are from.

(If it's MIT... laugh VERY loudly!)

Anyway thats just incase you still suffer those occurances (by the way they are also related to Corncircles and Alien/UFO sightings)
Originally posted by Stryderunknown

You might even want to ask them allowed which university they are from.

(If it's MIT... laugh VERY loudly!)

why did you say laugh loudly if its MIT????
Originally posted by Stryderunknown

You might even want to ask them allowed which university they are from.

(If it's MIT... laugh VERY loudly!)

why did you say laugh loudly if its MIT????:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I have a major problem with ghost's, i lived in some really old houses, my perants were publicans and the pubs we owned were sometimes over 500 year of age(the buildings at least).
Now i have never seen or heard a ghost even though my mum swares she's heard and seen them i dont belive, why, because iv never seen anything i couldent explain.
Iv seen doors slam, walls vibrate and even things fly off tables but with a small amount of investigation iv found the reason every time.
Now its become apparent im a skeptic ill take this oppertunity to say if anyone can offer me evidence of ghost's existence then il take it accordingly and validate the claims, when someone says this place or that place is haunted you will usually find its near electric power lines or built on unsecure sediment or that person has a history of mental illness.
Now dont jump on me here, im not saying everyone who's seen a ghost is mentaly ill, im saying i have never seen proof and as i have lived in many a haunted house and never seen anything i have serious doubts about there exsistence.
For me to belive in ghosts would be like me to belive in fairys, alien abduction and anything else people say or have said aint gonna happen until iv seen it felt it and smelt it.

If we were talking about ghosts in s sense of trying to explain what they are, well i think iv already gone part of the way in this post, electric cables, unsecure sediment and numerous other things can account for these aparent ghosts, not to mention tricks played on the human mind by way of light smoke and mirrors.

I said laugh loudly if its MIT, meaning if they reply..

I know from many documents that are floating around on the internet that many things get blamed upon "Government Black Ops" and "covered up experiments".

Well the truth of the matter what do students like doing in their spare time???

Talking about conspiracies... And occasionally, those very same students are the very ones that do the "Black Ops" and give the impression that it's a government.

So I badically meant that it's a possibility that some of the odd things that occur could be done by MIT and a few other locations.
Of course I'm not stating that MIT does this sort of thing.
Stryder- I liked your thoughts on ghosts. So it sort of involves the realm of the laws of probabilities? How does that include historic ghosts, ghosts seen to be of one time period (as opposed to ghosts in emotionally charged places like the Little Bighorn or Tombstone, Arizona)?

Also, can anybody tell me if there have been any ghost reports coming from the Death Camps of Nazi Germany? I can't seem to find any.

zion- hi, As an atheist, does this mean that I don't believe in the Almighty Sysop?:)

Benji- I always prefer to have a skeptic along when I go "ghost hunting". It keeps the group on the ground. Your explanations of ghostly manifestations are all valid, but don't leave out the scientifically proven (probably at MIT...:)) PK energy. Psychokinesis has been recognized as a psychological phenomenon taht is not yet fully understood. Its too unpredictable for laboratory testing so far, and funds have run short for any further serious research, but it has proven to be a valid subject for scientific study.