
@Joey --

If you truly want to understand what was wrong with your usage of the word "dimensions" then go and read Flatland which was hailed by Isaac Asimov as the best primer available for this subject.
@Joey --

Then you obviously didn't retain it. It's pretty easy to figure out where you went wrong just from that book alone.
I have retained the information and in context it was appropriate although not the best of terms.
@Joey --

No, it was not an appropriate term. The word "dimensions" refers to the space through which we move(three physical dimensions and one of time), and while string theory and M-theory both postulate additional dimensions, they still refer to directions like the dimensions that we're used to experiencing. Furthermore, both string and M-theory both suggest that those additional dimensions are "curled" in on themselves and so small that we can't experience them due to scale differences(and the limitations of the human mind).

Your usage implies an alternate reality in which other things live. Not only is this inaccurate, but it confuses two entirely separate principles, that of extra dimensions and that of alternate realities.
too weird lol
but never let go of your haunted imaginations too much that you are actually seeing 'em happen. may be your mistaken or maybe it is just a "waking dream wish fulfillment"
never let it stress you.:)
Just want to share my experience:

One weekend, I was hanging out with my cousin when suddenly, he turned pale and pointed towards the house besides our house. It was too late for me but he swore that he saw a candle floating outside the 2nd floor window.

One week later, my buddy was dropping me off at home at around 11pm. This is when I saw the candle. My buddy hits the break and I asked him if he saw that. He said that he saw a candle floating outside the 2nd floor window. I didn't ask him if he saw a candle. I just asked him if he saw it too. So he basically confirmed what I saw.
So you jump to the conclusion that it was a ghost - that is laughable. I would go with the more likely scenario that it was a alien and he was trying to lure you over to try out some of his new anal probe equipment.
It's weird. Even though I have never seen Ghosts, but some of my fellow friends have seen. I still don't realize how these things actually happens.

Pretty simple. You hear something odd or you see something move out of the corner of your eye, which is creeps you out, which makes you scared and then your mind races a bit and next thing you know you have seen a ghost or alien or bigfoot or pixies or Kiebler elves.:eek:
The problem with this subject and many people is that in order for them to believe that such paranormal activity happens they have to experience it themselves. Believe me, I think I can speak with more authority than most on this subject.

I really don't know what the whole thing means but I can assure you that if you'd lived in my house for the number of years that I have then you'd certainly have come around to the idea that ghosts, for want of a better term, do exist. The number of things that have happened to my family and friends down the years goes into the many dozens and many of these occurances have been of such a nature that, quite frankly, it seems impossible to come up with a rational explanation for them.

These events go from the simply odd, such as objects moving about, strange noises and various other stereotypical haunting behaviour, right through to the appearance of an apparition (an old lady in a black dress and shawl) and people being grabbed or pushed by something. I've also witnessed first hand some pretty freaky stuff in other locations too. If it's never happened to you yourself (yet), don't just dismiss it.