
Do you really believe that kind of crap? It would seem very implausible for any of that to exist and it as yet has never been proved to exist so how can you make such statements? :shrug:

yes i do believe. if everything else fails to help, i hope this will help. i don't mean don't find alternative explainations. but yeah, i do believe. Weather us humans are able to do it by tapping into another part of the brain, and is triggered by hormonal signals, that is something worth science looking into. imo.
yWeather us humans are able to do it by tapping into another part of the brain, and is triggered by hormonal signals, that is something worth science looking into. imo.
We aren't able to do it at all.
And it's not something that is worth science looking into since it has already been shown to be specious crap.
We aren't able to do it at all.
And it's not something that is worth science looking into since it has already been shown to be specious crap.

not true. its never been proven to be crap. its just people who never really done much research except trying to prove it crap that would make this claim.

heres one science link. google enfield poltergeist in london. I will be back with more links to research.
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evidence of the after life is another good google. you can find tons of documented cases. why were you hoping for a personal story?

When i was working, a janitorial position at nights had some activity. My work for example would be done, leave a room and it would be totally wrecked.a few times caught on video some kids were responsible. that usually had to do with clogging toilets.

another job, different work, samething. i was fired.

i've been spanked, slapped around for locking doors from the inside to rooms. my parents punishment. blamed for constant problems with a transitor going out and lights blowing. my friends ended up with blown pipes when i visited. asked into a hot tub, only to double over in pain. my friends got burnt because somehow the temp was set to high. went to family to visit. their budda statues were all broken, the eletrical went haywire by an animal. coincidence. could be. but i know how i left a room.
not true. its never been proven to be crap.
That would be incorrect.

heres one science link. google enfield poltergeist in london. I will be back with more links to research.
How does that help your claim?
I quote:
In the book he Ghost That Haunted Itself, Jan-Andrew Henderson argues that "(b)oth [the Amityville and Enfield poltergeist cases] turned out to be fakes. The witnesses were misrepresented or had something to gain. Evidence turned out to be manufactured.

evidence of the after life is another good google.
There is no evidence of the afterlife. Merely claims. lies or poor judgement.

you can find tons of documented cases
Er, fabricated cases, or mistaken cases. No actual cases.

caught on video some kids were responsible
So straight away you're admitting there could be a rational explanation. Well done.
That would be incorrect.

How does that help your claim?
I quote:

There is no evidence of the afterlife. Merely claims. lies or poor judgement.

Er, fabricated cases, or mistaken cases. No actual cases.

So straight away you're admitting there could be a rational explanation. Well done.

thats your view to make it irrational. im just saying alternative possibilities could be taking place. how do explain the unnatural wave sounds recorded by scientist?

Something i learned long ago as a child. somethings can not be explained in the rational sense your talking about. when i was 8, walking in the park. felt something wet on the side of my foot. looked down and the side of my foot was open. nothing i could see could of done this. i found myself trying to get home crawling. when i was too slow and losing tissue, i had to walk on it. two flaps on skin were used to regraph my foot. how is it possible to be torn open like that but not know how for the second time that month? notice my other foot had just healed from a wound suddenly appeared on the side of my foot. we did find glass in the yard to put blame, but when getting hurt, your pain kicks in when it happens and you know, oh i stepped on something. this did not happen.
thats your view to make it irrational

im just saying alternative possibilities could be taking place
Also wrong. Science rules certain things out. Among those things are "ghosts" and "poltergeists".

how do explain the unnatural wave sounds recorded by scientist?
"Wave sounds"? Huh?

Something i learned long ago as a child. somethings can not be explained in the rational sense your talking about. when i was 8, walking in the park. felt something wet on the side of my foot. looked down and the side of my foot was open. nothing i could see could of done this. i found myself trying to get home crawling. when i was too slow and losing tissue, i had to walk on it. two flaps on skin were used to regraph my foot. how is it possible to be torn open like that but not know how for the second time that month? notice my other foot had just healed from a wound suddenly appeared on the side of my foot. we did find glass in the yard to put blame, but when getting hurt, your pain kicks in when it happens and you know, oh i stepped on something. this did not happen.
In other words you've decided on a supernatural explanation rather than try to explain it or simply leave it as "one of those things".
Less gullibility, more rationality.
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Also wrong. Science rules certain things out. Among those things are "ghosts" and "poltergeists".

"Wave sounds"? Huh?

In other words you've decided on a supernatural explanation rather than try to explain it or simply leave it as "one of those things".
Less gullibility, more rationality.

you didn't read the information did you?

No im not just going after supernatural events. i've also asked questions. im sure the poster knows more than us.

its just asking the right questions and not just jumping to conclusions.

Had a neighbor talked to about some of the things talked here. He was paranoid and into conspiracies. One day shortly afterwards our house started to get activity. mainly though it was what i went through. A feeling of bloating and my pants too tight. smells of death and decay. The third day i was putting salt around the place and holy water. it didn't do anything. i than yelled at this presence to leave, which it did. I was calm and better. until the pounding on the door. It was another neighbor crying. he was sicken. apparently he just came across a dead body. It was our neighbor, he had went to watch movies and died. wasn't found until a week later. he had been swelling up from the heat.

i had talked to another neighbor, but the managers said that couldn't be. i asked why. they told me because hes dead, died the other day.

this is really weird. i was walking by the truck of my manager at the time. trying to talk with him. he turned out to be a ghostly apperition. gone. poof. the next day, i was told he died, after telling people this. the thing is he wasn't dead until the next day. so what was it i was seeing?
you didn't read the information did you?
I didn't find any mention of wave sounds. And Enfield is nowhere near the sea.

its just asking the right questions and not just jumping to conclusions.
Yet you do it so often.
What do you mean "the right questions"?

Had a neighbor talked to about some of the things talked here. He was paranoid and into conspiracies. One day shortly afterwards our house started to get activity. mainly though it was what i went through. A feeling of bloating and my pants too tight. smells of death and decay. The third day i was putting salt around the place and holy water. it didn't do anything. i than yelled at this presence to leave, which it did. I was calm and better. until the pounding on the door. It was another neighbor crying. he was sicken. apparently he just came across a dead body. It was our neighbor, he had went to watch movies and died. wasn't found until a week later. he had been swelling up from the heat.

i had talked to another neighbor, but the managers said that couldn't be. i asked why. they told me because hes dead, died the other day.

this is really weird. i was walking by the truck of my manager at the time. trying to talk with him. he turned out to be a ghostly apperition. gone. poof. the next day, i was told he died, after telling people this. the thing is he wasn't dead until the next day. so what was it i was seeing?
Oh good.
Just what we need. Uncorroborated stories, badly mangled in the telling and zero facts. :rolleyes:
actually i told facts of things going on in my life. with collaborating witnesses.

i also told another neighbor about what was going on. including about my body. she's much older than me. she was one of my witnesses with whats going on with my body. unfortunately soon afterward she hurt my feelings calling me a nephillian. the cabinets were falling out when i came by. she was experiencing pains. i mentioned giving up coffee. after her coffee pot exploaded she didn't want anything to do with me. later she jumped off the Aurora bridge and died. that is not fiction or story telling. its facts as i know it.

just recently, weeks ago, i got the sense of a presence. it felt like, im not a ghost, im not dead, im not a demon. than a hand appeared for seconds. freaked me out. coincidently i was told the neighbors lost someone that day named heidi. never knew her.
actually i told facts of things going on in my life. with collaborating witnesses.
I think you mean "corroborating".
However it still falls within the category of "Uncorroborated stories, badly mangled in the telling and zero facts"
You haven't given us the other accounts.

i also told another neighbor about what was going on. including about my body. she's much older than me. she was one of my witnesses with whats going on with my body. unfortunately soon afterward she hurt my feelings calling me a nephillian. the cabinets were falling out when i came by. she was experiencing pains. i mentioned giving up coffee. after her coffee pot exploaded she didn't want anything to do with me. later she jumped off the Aurora bridge and died. that is not fiction or story telling. its facts as i know it.

just recently, weeks ago, i got the sense of a presence. it felt like, im not a ghost, im not dead, im not a demon. than a hand appeared for seconds. freaked me out. coincidently i was told the neighbors lost someone that day named heidi. never knew her.
Please stop.
There is no point whatsoever to your homespun drivel.
All we're getting is your story (and we already know that you're, um, less than rational). We can't check anything, we have no other viewpoint...
All you're doing is sucking up bandwidth with semi-literate rubbish.
The "no" was prompted by the total lack of any supporting evidence (and much contradictory evidence) on the existence of ghosts.
I.e. the "if it's a ghost" is a dismissable "option".
It won't be a ghost so it's not worth consideration.
who says im the only one who can collarborate? lets see, the one telling me i was talking to a dead man is still around.

the lady i befriended whose cabinets fell and the coffee pot exploaded had her sister there at the time. the wife of the manager is a witness. lets see, the husband well that could be coincidence. she was just talking about how her and family escaped a burning house. later when i came by their dryer started on fire. ohh and her sisters on meds, so i guess she would be considered irrational too.

who cares what you think. my life doesn't evolve around your narrow idea of what science is.i won't fall apart if no one believes. most my life i've dealt with your kinda of attitude. got hit around and accused of being a liar. so what.

i was talking about the recorded rappings. unnatural sound waves, not the ocean smart ass. now your saying the wiki backs up a claim that these findings are false. how so? does it say these scientists didn't know what they were talking about? That is another thing im used to hearing. arguements that claim a more rational explantion and they come up with some really rediculous ideas on explaining things away. makes you wonder how rational people are of the unknown and being able to explain things away like that.

i by the way have not expected you to take any time with my post. you must have alot of endurance for the irrational, since your hear willing to read others accounts. or is that so you get the chance to name call again?
who says im the only one who can collarborate?
Corroborate. And no one said it.
But I do say you should learn to read.

the lady i befriended whose cabinets fell and the coffee pot exploaded had her sister there at the time. the wife of the manager is a witness. lets see, the husband well that could be coincidence. she was just talking about how her and family escaped a burning house. later when i came by their dryer started on fire. ohh and her sisters on meds, so i guess she would be considered irrational too.
It depends. Is she claiming this, or is it just you?

who cares what you think. my life doesn't evolve around your narrow idea of what science is.
I think the main point here is that I do have an idea of what science is. You don't.

i was talking about the recorded rappings. unnatural sound waves, not the ocean smart ass
Then why didn't you say "sound waves" instead of "wave sounds"?

now your saying the wiki backs up a claim that these findings are false. how so?
Did you read it?

does it say these scientists didn't know what they were talking about?
Which "scientists"?
It was investigated by Maurice Gross (an independent inventor) and Guy Playfair (a writer).

That is another thing im used to hearing. arguements that claim a more rational explantion and they come up with some really rediculous ideas on explaining things away. makes you wonder how rational people are of the unknown and being able to explain things away like that.
By investigation and thought, usually.

i by the way have not expected you to take any time with my post. you must have alot of endurance for the irrational, since your hear willing to read others accounts.
Because I'm irrational enough to hold out hope that you'll come to your senses.
And also doing my bit to discredit your nonsense for anyone else that reads this thread. I wouldn't want someone to start believing anything you claimed has actual validity.
ohhh cool, finally got to see a story i've seen on the news go on paranormal witness.

This guy has some problems with the law, just recently loses his uncle. on a weekend release, he goes home. only to be attacked by an entity he thinks is his uncle from the grave. has deep scratches on his arm. when pressed he told his family, i didn't do this. than he feels himself going into what i would call shock. but he says trance. it starts raining in the living room. no leaks or plumbing and no rain for the reason. the managers were called. than the police. all these witnesses seen water falling. not just down but up and across the room. he was picked up into the air infront of several members. when he went back to serve time, the police experienced raining inside the jail. they actually took it serious enough to call a preacher. i guess its easy to jump to conclusions when it happens to you.
Oh you're funny.
In a tragic sort of way.
It's hard to believe that someone in this day and age falls for this kind of crap.
Although, given your (mis)use of language I'd guess you haven't had much of an education.
The "no" was prompted by the total lack of any supporting evidence (and much contradictory evidence) on the existence of ghosts.
I.e. the "if it's a ghost" is a dismissable "option".
It won't be a ghost so it's not worth consideration.
There is evidence contradicting the existence of ghosts?