Ghosts, Spirits, UFO, Aliens and I am a baked bean

*cough*dead link*cough*

Edit: nm... now it works
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Very interesting Mr Healer

So Mr Tripmaster was posting from the same address as Michael Pennington and has had his account disabled on another board.

Well thats an interesting turn in a complex story
About that page you gave out Stefan, explaining the whole MP thingy. You seem to be researching the wrong place my friend. Click on the Spam can on that page and BINGO! You have an email address...

( Stra
nge that cos I've already stated on this page...

Crystalbreeze32 is probably MalcolmX, as they both use the same semi obscure South African web based email service ( and (

Strangely enough Michael Pennington has the email address ( on this website
CrystalBreeze also posts using the same email address on this website
And again on this site with the same wording (Oops look likes they've closed that one down Turdmaster)
So Crystal Breeze is also MalcolmX and Michael Pennington on another forum. And Crystal Breeze as we all know is also faded mist, and Ultima.

You've gone awfully quiet Turdmaster...oh and Stefan. Why aren't you defending yourself? Is it because THE TRUTH HURTS.

give it blew it!
The internet is a vast place, and over time posts and topics get consumed by ever recent events. What I'm trying to say is what ever has been going on will be forgotten about eventually which might be the best thing for it.

It's known that their are many fakers on the net that get their kicks for one reason or another by pulling pranks, some pretend to be ghosts in this instant, others will pretend to be aritificial intelligences, rogue hackers, intelligence agents, E.T's etc.

Believing them gives them the rise they want, and attacking them gives them yet another rise in fact it all goes with "Feeding the trolls" an adage that always crops up on bulletin boards.

As the topic for "ghost in a 'Borne' Shell", it's something that people imagine could be possible for one reason or another. My personal belief is there are no such things as "Ghosts" in the spirit sense, however I do believe there is another reason for what people see, which I shall not go into details in this post.

As for a comment by Larryhat, I do think that UFO's and another phenomona should be lumped together and then it should be worked out if they are seperate from one another (whether they originate from the same conditions and events or are absolutely different from one another)

A small point on the UFO frontier, How many siteings of UFO's got reported before the usage of RADAR?