Ghosts, Spirits, UFO, Aliens and I am a baked bean


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:m: The strange tale of ghosts and aliens - Can this be true?

A man claiming to be a spirit has made some outstanding claims about the supernatural and paranormal which deal with the spirit world using computers to communicate not only with other spirits but with aliens. Now, I am not one for believing this stuff but I have to admit to being hooked on the topic. This guy answers questions online and comes up with all sorts of techie
stuff that is mind blowing and actually keeps proving to be correct all the time.

This is so for real its got me thinking and I would like some help and comments as many others find this very convincing and the site has had around 90,000 visitors in 4 weeks and thousands of postings.

The thread thats just one thread runs to 159 pages and then theres more threads about it. Has anyone heard anything about this or about spirits and aliens communicating with each other. The writer is calling himself Michael Pennington.

Details of this stuff is at a site not even connected with paranormal


Id love to here from people who know a bit about the paranormal and the supernatural particularly with ghosts and aliens or both. Thanks. :m:
Have you ever talked to a alien or been visited by spirits? I never have so why is it only these so called paranormal experts see and communicate with them? Ever wonder why only a few people can see these things while over 99 percent of the rest of us can't? Well I will wait till the day comes and some spirit appears befor me and only then I will believe it is true. Same for aliens, when I see one then I will believe they really exist but for now I'll just keep an open mind and take what others think they see with a grain of salt. ;)
I agree with you cosmictraveler but then why would you call yourself a cosmic traveler if you didnt believe in cosmic travel. Do you believe in God? You cannot see God and he doesnt appear before you either and yet millions believe in a God they cannot see or have proof of God. This guy Michael goes on about this kind of stuff in great detail and when someone asked him about flying saucers being a crazy idea he came back with a comment that cavemen must have just painted spaceships on their walls and alien images just to piss us off in the 20th century. He has an answer for a lot of things. Certainly got me thinking and Im a confirmed sceptic.
I am a cosmictraveler because the Earth resides within a solar system which is in motion inside of a galaxy which is moving towards the Andromedia galaxy at over 1 million miles per second. We are traveling through the cosmos as we stand here on Earth. Hence my name fits doesn't it? :)
cosmictraveler said:
I am a cosmictraveler because the Earth resides within a solar system which is in motion inside of a galaxy which is moving towards the Andromedia galaxy at over 1 million miles per second. We are traveling through the cosmos as we stand here on Earth. Hence my name fits doesn't it? :)

Kudos, CT. Spoken like a true "scientist".
i think it could be true, i just replied on the other post that seems exactly the same....
why do they double post these kind of things, they are too excited about this stuff i guess.

its actually quite possible, considering how computers and electronics work, its all just one's and zero's flying around as electrical signals, they can be interfered by anything.

ive also seen people talk about this, and have met one gray who talks on the interne also...
this story is long tho ill get back here after i read some more...
At the risk of disappointing. It was all a hoax, wasn't it Tripmaster?

One person posted the original Michael Pennington letter (On the BUK forum claiming to be a ghost). They then whip the posters into a frenzy while posting a link to the BUK forum (like above) through out the world, bringing more people into their hoax!

Links prove it, too many to list here, however there all here

tripmaster said:
I agree with you cosmictraveler but then why would you call yourself a cosmic traveler if you didnt believe in cosmic travel. Do you believe in God? You cannot see God and he doesnt appear before you either and yet millions believe in a God they cannot see or have proof of God. This guy Michael goes on about this kind of stuff in great detail and when someone asked him about flying saucers being a crazy idea he came back with a comment that cavemen must have just painted spaceships on their walls and alien images just to piss us off in the 20th century. He has an answer for a lot of things. Certainly got me thinking and Im a confirmed sceptic.

Cave Men saw it all
If you go here you'll see that Tripmaster does indeed share the same IP as the "ghost" he's talking about. So when he asks "Can this be true?" He already knows the answer. Somewhat suspicious me thinks.

The Admin on this forum confirmed he's using the same ID as the ghost and all the other people out there posting links to his own story. Self publication??? Or someone winding everyone up.

You decide.

Proof is here -

Administrator of this site, I will astound you by reciting the IP of our friend Tripmaster

Am I right
90,000 visitors in 4 weeks is not that much in perspective. if you want to see impressive... which also happens to be at this time i think the #1 checked website in all the world, dont quote me on that though
The Real Truth is.........

I wonder if its the same wind up as a certain guy calling himself Mooksta that would have appeared to be the real reason why the Birmingham forums were closed down when he demanded all his posts be removed because he couldnt get the answers he wanted?. See by easyjetter who gives a good account of this.

A networked IP address can have multiple users and not necessarily one user. A university or company might be a good example of this.

If I get this right this Mooksta fella was one of the main posters on the forum where the story appeared and got quite nasty and very irrational and caused the closure.

Look at some of healers postings particularly on the General Paranormal site showing remote IP of Mooksta and reference to Mooksta in the page text.

Now let me astound you by reciting the IP of our friend healer who is really aka Mooksta from the old forums.....

Am I right?

Those in glass houses............
Hello there Mooksta or should we say healer? Nice work Col (stefan) I missed the obvious link there. When I posted originally on the 20th February I didnt know the details about Michael Pennington or have the information that I now have on the subject.

There are quite a few using this particular IP address as you have discovered but that doesnt mean there was no genuine interest in finding out what was happening and you would know about that wouldnt you Mooksta. I mean lets face it you were the reason it got closed right? Admit it.

Looking around it seems Mooksta is hell bent on trying to play the innocent and helpful bystander when in actual fact the working people up to a frenzy was his work and when he realised it he was desperate to have his posts removed and shortly after they closed the BUK forum.

Healers ( Mooksta ) details should be treated with care. He talks about things he only half understands and makes certain assumptions and then tries posting peoples personal details on the internet. Perhaps he should receive the same treatment?. Easyjetter for example is not called Michael Georgio. There are a few of us who left the BUK forums because of characthers like Mooksta and who have a private forum elsewhere on the subject.

Stefan perhaps you can get the others to go round healers other posts on forums and explain this to people so that they know.

Looking back on it all its so obvious that this was a pre release for a book or part of a book or film or game.
Hi, I was on the BUK forums at the time that the whole Michael Pennington saga was happening - my user name was 'Just Me' (so you know I'm not trying to hide anything).

I just want to make a few comments:

Stefan28 said "I wonder if its the same wind up as a certain guy calling himself Mooksta that would have appeared to be the real reason why the Birmingham forums were closed down when he demanded all his posts be removed because he couldnt get the answers he wanted?. See by easyjetter who gives a good account of this.

A networked IP address can have multiple users and not necessarily one user. A university or company might be a good example of this.

If I get this right this Mooksta fella was one of the main posters on the forum where the story appeared and got quite nasty and very irrational and caused the closure."

Firstly, I don't think you can possibly blame one single person for the closure of the BUK forums. There were many reasons, including the frustration of several forum posters at the more and more outlandish claims made by Mr Pennington, with no offer of proof to back his claims up (not an unreasonable request, in my humble opinion). In addition the administrators of the forum were having to cope with a huge increase in traffic, and in my view this was the major factor in the forum closure. Secondly, doesn't a networked IP address with multiple users suggests collaboration on the part of those using it? Hmm. Thirdly, Mooksta did post some straight-foward and probing questions which where often skillfully avoided by Michael. But I don't think Mooksta was only one to get frustrated by Michael's avoidance.

Tripmaster wrote "Looking around it seems Mooksta is hell bent on trying to play the innocent and helpful bystander when in actual fact the working people up to a frenzy was his work and when he realised it he was desperate to have his posts removed and shortly after they closed the BUK forum."

I watched the BUK forum through it's highs and lows and the only person I witnessed 'working people up to a frenzy' was Michael. He made extraordinary claims, evaded questions and never got to the point. We're still waiting for his conclusion (I won't hold my breath).

One final thought: you both seem pretty upset about Healer's postings, here and on other forums. Does that mean you have something to be upset about?
Stefan <i> "A networked IP address can have multiple users and not necessarily one user. A university or company might be a good example of this" </i>

Ah yes this is often the case, but the IP address quoted by healer and confirmed by administrators ( actually resolves to <i> </i> which means that these people are posting from a <i>single house</i> in the Harborne area of Birmingham UK.

So maybe tripmaster and Michael Pennington ARE different people BUT they live in the SAME house!!!

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Hello Tripmaster:

Personally, I cringe when UFOs, Ghosts and all sorts of stuff gets
mixed together. Sure, that's typical with the dimmest bulbs out
there, but those matters should be considered separately. To do
otherwise is a great disservice, tarring all of those with the same
brush as it were.

I have no interest nor belief in ghosts, spirits, ectoplasm or
whatever and the the supernatural in general. Yet I maintain
an interest in UFOs on the unproven possibility that _some_
of them might be truly anomalous.

I hope you have time for a good browse of this website. This is mostly maps and
statistics displays, 20 years of research and programming
in all. Pages are fast loading, non-commercial and
generally non-speculative. - Larryhat
oooooh handbags Tripmaster.

As Stefan pointed out, four people could live in this flat, they might not all be Mooksta. (PIRROCK) and they could all be using the same IP.
No attempt to disguise who Healer was has been made. (I assume you have proof to back up your claims? That Mooksta is "pretending" to be someone else. Matters not, those folks who deserve to know, knew. We're laughing at how long it took you to reply my spiritual friend, hahaha)

here's my proof, where's yours?

You still won't address the fact that on this discussion forum, where you posted as tripmaster, you were banned from posting again? Because you had the same IP as Michael, the very ghost your writing about.
Oh look Crystal breeze is here with the same IP??

So why would your pretend to be many, many different people all pushing this Ghost story your writing? And are you still asking for 10% of folk's wages for this mission your on?

Oh and one other thing here's a list of all those people who requested their posts removed from the BUK Forum (in order)
Badger...Mooksta...REASON - we wanted to walk away and forget about it, with no audience they'd be no ghost would there. You had to keep it going didn't you?

and Easyjetter!!!!?????? The poster who joined the BUK forum in the last week of the four weeks or so the Ghost was posting. He was there for one week so he must have a good over view of it all, well at least one quarter of what took place. (One would hope he doesn't use the same judgement when flying planes?) I believe he removed his postings in disgust at Badge and me removing ours? He gave no other reason other than his sheer frustration at the other posters.

Mooksta has the whole BUK Forum in it's entirety here if anyone (and it'd be good if they were impartial) would like a copy and they'd see exactly what he did on the BUK forum. He'd be happy to send it to anyone who'd like to see "How Mooksta Got The Forum Shutdown".

How's Harbourne by the way?
Mooksta has a friend lives in that area you know! Dearest Janet...

Yeah,i talk to aliens, and spirits at the same time, sometimes alien spirits, oh and bigfoot, Shit while im at it let me add in the loch ness monster too.
Now Joojoo you know as well everyone else that in order to speak to nessie you require "The Monsterspeak 3000".

Yeah thanks for that Healer, cup of tea matey?

mooks out
Two sugars please Mooks.

Oh and how come posters wanting to know the truth closes down the BUK forum (as you say above Trips and Stefan) yet all over the internet that same IP and indeed yourself Trips is asking for answers and that isn't shutting down those forums.
And in your first posts you say Michael was proved right on many thing? What exactly was confirmed as being true? Give us some examples. (Mooks has the whole forum and we can't find anything that he said to be true or confirmable - once again anyone want it let Mooks know).

Now if, like Mooks suspects - you are creating this hoax - you'll be eager to prove him wrong so lets have some proof huh? I doubt you will, cos you being Michael Pennington or a least one of those poor support artists who wasn't allowed a starring role, you'll avoid answering any questions but take great delight is deflecting peoples attention away from the facts.
Like you did above.

C'mon Trips lets have your proof!
So Mr Tripmaster - some of us are waiting for your explanation... do we assume that your lack of reply indicates that Healer has hit the nail on the head, so to speak, and that you are actually the originator of the Michael Pennington posts?