Ghost Hunting

That house is a complete wreck, so it must be torn down.
I'm not the religious type as you can quess. Maybe I'll have to invite some Buddhist monks. There are some 3 or for from Tibet here. Or maybe a chatolic pries. We could have a nice discussion on bible contradictions by a cup of tea - after he does the job, of course;)
Don't get any religious person to do it, get an actual medium or other paranormal researcher, preists have no idea what they are doing.
and how do I get one? put an ad in the paper?
then I'll get 100s of proposals from different "mediums"

yeah sure, deeemonz- I can get rid of themm
it'll b.b.beee 5 bbbbotlesz of vvvodkka

Tell em where you are located and I'll do some checking for you and see who I can find around there. real help needed...thanx:)

I really have some contacts:D
not me personally, but a close relative of mine.
A real white witch, quite serious.

and for all the ahteists- one word->
I don't know what the hell was in my house there then, don't know if it was some ghost, or being from another duniverse or a magnetical anomally, but before someone inspects the location with magnetometres and other detectors and comes with a solution how to prevent that from happening again, I'll better try some of the parapsy stuff. better safe than sorry.
Ok, but a magnetic anomoly is most likely a ghost since they affect readings in the earths electro magnetic field. Just some usefull facts.
Actually most of them will do it for free, the ones that charge a fee are most of the time fakes.

A fake compared to what ?

Don't get any religious person to do it, get an actual medium or other paranormal researcher, preists have no idea what they are doing.

How does one compare one irrational person's so-called expertise to another irrational person ?

Ok, but a magnetic anomoly is most likely a ghost since they affect readings in the earths electro magnetic field. Just some usefull facts.

Facts ? Please explain exactly how a magnetic anomaly affects the Earth's electromagnetic field (Magnetosphere). Please provide references.

Are Maxwell's equations relevant ?

I don't have the time to provide proof to you although I could, I posted this for people to post their experiences not for you to argue about exsistense or facts, i could go into an open debate with you, but that not what this thread is here for.
Q, you're a scientifical mind, what is your theory of what was it that I and my mother heard?
I don't have the time to provide proof to you although I could

You've probably heard this before: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

I posted this for people to post their experiences not for you to argue about exsistense or facts, i could go into an open debate with you, but that not what this thread is here for.

Very well. However, your extraordinary claims have been presented in such a way as to offer authoritative assistance to those who might have had paranormal experiences. Therefore, my questioning of your extraordinary claims is founded. If what you claim is true, it should be no problem, as an authority, for you to provide evidence.

But since your adamant, I'll not waste your time with rationality. Carry on.
I've mentioned this before on the subject of ghosts, (It should annoy everyone as guess what... it involves parallels lol)

Anyway, simply put there are many institutes the world over working on clandenstine experimentation some in the field of long range electromagnetic communication and others in more cutting edge physics fields like Super String.

What Increan refered to as EVP(Electronic Voice Phenomenon) can be manipulated, there is also the longshot that a natural occurance can occur. For instance I'm sure everybody has had a time when the light has played tricks on their eyes, or when they've started to speak to someone they think they know just to realise that it's someone else.

This kind of occurance occurs to how we store information in our minds, and how we process that stored information against an event like sight or sound.

This is also the case with the most sophisticated Neural pattern cognative systems for sound analysis so thats the natural instance explained.

The un-natural instance is due to the universities in the world that get funding for paranormal studies. If the paranormal was proven to be non-existant and stopped, so too would their funding, so they manipulate events that 3 party people hear, see or find to make sure their funding continues.

Afterall it's very simple, theres equipment to pick up sounds from a distance like a conversation a couple of hundred metres away. So there is most definitely equipment that can process the distance of an object and then calculate the speed necessary to send an electromagnetic signal that once it slows down from rebounding off the object, emmits sound.

Such equipment has been used for years by the military for searching out Submarines, in this case a sonar signal is sent out to then process how it rebounds and from where.
(I'm sure Adam will elaborate)

This voice version is just a kind of markup.

As far as my concern of ghosts... They are just another event deemed by those that don't know as un-natural or paranormal, while those that do know tend to snicker in the shadows and continue because they realise that they've got someone on a string.

The usual comment here is, "But ghost have been around for years before the technology, how can that occur?"

Well those years you didn't see yourself, and for the other instance I started this with a mention of parallels. Well there is an instance in String Theory, that when a parallel diverges into two seperate paths, it had two unique universe to start with.
Occurances like sound can travel between these universes, so hearing a chair move is either because in another universe someone moved it, or at another point in time someone did.

(I tend to look at the possibility that parallels can be shifted incrimentally in time, so 5 minutes from now could exist at the same time as now. [Useful for Quantum computer enthusiasts.]
This time version would allow an understanding of how a past or future event could be observed.)
in my case it has to be a natural fenomenon, Stryder.
At that time and place in Latvia , there was noone who could do such experiments. It was 1992, a year after the barricades. All the labs were shut down, there was no economy or whatever. Even government didn't have money. Russians were away. THere were no high-tech institutes operational at that time.
It wasn't possible for that time in Latvia, that someone did EM experiments - government funded or not.
And at that time my father was deep and very high up in the military - he wouldn't allow experiments on his own family.

So I'm still waiting for a rational and reasonable explanation. How could I and my mother hear sounds as if all our house was being thrashed outside the room. And heavy footsteps. It wasn't just my imagination, making that all up.
At the moment I'm sitting in my mom's office, a building owned by the people who make cambel soup. They donated it to a nonprofit organization.

Anyhoo, about half an hour ago I was sitting alone in a small, lounge-like area with a TV nearby. It reflected the light from another room, where there was a doorway. Needless to say after blankly staring at the TV for awhile (and keeping my head perfectly still) I noticed that shades of light where changing in the reflection (the TV wasn't on, I was listening to some classy classical music). I kept my eyes peeled, and watched as the room darkened and then brightened again, almost like someone was pacing back and forth. I stood up, walked over, and checked the room. There was no one there. Rather, there was no one nearby, either. I sat back down but didn't see the occurence again.

Alas, another paranormal experience under my belt!

I mentioned this before, let me term it like I was the one manipulating the paranormal phenomona that you encountered.

Lets say in 1987 I make a parallel for the first time, but because of the nature of it being unknown territory, I (in this case it would be a "we") decide to keep it clandenstine and out of the general populouses knowledge base.

I(we) do our studies, we explore the Second Law of Thermodynamics by moving an object thats hasn't been moved in a relative parallel to itself.

During my(our) time of experimentation we interact with people like anyone else, but due to the nature of our experimentation we find that our meetings with people have a knock on effect, since entropy starts to move in ever increasing circles.

Where I meet someone, things change because the timing is different and this continues from there.

This means that no matter if a country outside of my(our) own was unable to do such experiments, there would be changes induced by communicating with people in those countries.

Push comes to shove, I talk to someone, they talk to someone else, who has a friend somewhere, that speaks to a milkman at a different time than they should have previously, who in turn speaks to someone in Latvia that places you somewhere else, And before you know it the whole Entropy unfolds with differences to each parallel.

Thus you hear a chair scrape or a door open, because of these changes, and the sounds are heard (And even things seen) since light and sound are the only things that can transfer between the universes.

(hope thats a better explaination)