Ghost Hunting


Registered Senior Member
I myself am a ghost hunter and was wondering if anyone else is and what they have photographed or experienced.
I guess you could call it a hobbie though I do belong to the South eastern Michigan Ghost Hunters Society, but the don't get paid for anything they do, it's all non-profit. I wouldn't take money to do anything like that, I would just do it for the experience.
i once saw this 'documentary' and it was about how these people leave tape recorders recording over night and then they play it back in the morning and it supposedly has the dead's voices on it talking about stuff but there is alot of interferance and it really does sound like words. i thought, what alot of bollocks.
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
i once saw this 'documentary' and it was about how these people leave tape recorders recording over night and then they play it back in the morning and it supposedly has the dead's voices on it talking about stuff but there is alot of interferance and it really does sound like words. i thought, what alot of bollocks.

Actually thats all real it's called EVP(Electronic Voice Phenomenon)
It depends on the equipment used, but it does work.
Originally posted by Increan

Actually thats all real it's called EVP(Electronic Voice Phenomenon)
It depends on the equipment used, but it does work.

Thats the one! i remmember now EVP. its like that fuzz noize you get on your tv when there is no picture but it sounds like voices.
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch

Thats the one! i remmember now EVP. its like that fuzz noize you get on your tv when there is no picture but it sounds like voices.

It's not the fuzz that sounds like voices most of the time there is a clear word with a deep voice like "hello" or something.
ok, ghost buster.
I've got a case for you and I'd be extremely grateful if you explain it:)

I was 7 years old then.
We lived in an old summer house by the Baltic sea.
Different strange things happened there.
Things started to dissapear and almost every evening you could hear sounds as if heavy furniture was pulled from one side of the atic to the other (there was none there and the atic was too small to put any large furniture in it) . But I agree that it could be explained with some magnetical fields or smth like that.

But then one night I was sleepin in my bed. Mother was sleeping in the room beside..Father was in the states...Suddenly I woke up at some 3 o'clock (judging by the light or the lack of it) from a noise of footsteps. Those were footsteps of a long and heavy man in boots roughshod with steel. Heavy footsteps with a metalical sound. From one side of the house to another... I was sleeping at a room by the corridor, mother was in the adjected room with a door to mine.
I was scared, and ran to my mothers room. She was awake and was listening to the footsteps too. We had a gun by the bed, but it was so spooky, I felt fear in the air:eek:. Then the hell broke up...."it" started to break pottery, dishes, glasses, windows. Judging by the sounds...It was like all house was being torn over. All what could be broken was being broke. All the time my mother heard that also. went like that for some 20 min.... Then it stopped and the footsteps were gone...At the time it was breaking everything, he continued to walkk from one place to another.....

In the morning we went with a thought that we have to clean up the house now....But nothing was broken! not even scratched....a virtual sound? or maybe a sound from the past- have no idea.....

whatever it was, I think it was quite angry...demolishing everything as he did..

So please- what is a logical explanation to this.
I wasn't the only one who witnessed it.

And in a few years we think of going back and living there...first we are going to tear thatt house down in the first place though:)
I myself am a ghost hunter and was wondering if anyone else is and what they have photographed or experienced.

Ghosts don't exist. You are hunting non-existent entities.

Either that or it's just an excuse for the boys to quaff a few brews.
There's a tough one to prove.

Careful Adam, there's a ghost behind you....BOO!!
Adam dons his silly black ninja outfit, and hides in the shadows, awaiting his opportunity...

"HAH!" Adam strikes, sword slicing cleanly through Q!

Ninja Adam dissolves seemlessly back into the shadows, as Q's scary-arse ghost rises slowly from the sciforums floor...
Adam dons his silly black ninja outfit, and hides in the shadows, awaiting his opportunity...

"HAH!" Adam strikes, sword slicing cleanly through Q's ghost!

Ninja Adam points Q's ghost toward the many times he has requested proof of such claims, as the blood dries on the sciforums floor...
is'nt there a theory that noises are absorbed by things like bricks and then they are 'played back' so to speak at a later date? i'm absolutely sure that there is such a theory.

What was in that house is referred to as a poltergeist. A mischevious entity that likes to make noise and break things. some even can cause physical harm. and tearing down the house will not stop the phenomenon. you would have to have a ghost hunter or medium go through and cleanse the house. Tearing down the original might actually make the events worse.
I want to believe...

When there is no proof, when there is no truth...

I want to believe...

When I can't see sky, when there is no time...

I want to believe..

When there is no home, when I'm all alone.....

~The Judas Engine
ghost stories are a good way to freak people out, i do it regulary. but apart from that i dont really believe in it at all basically.