Getting rid of the evidence in a crime

Just dig a deep hole out in the wilderness and be done with it. I would think that removing the evidence far away from the scene of the crime would be the first priority. The more you linger on preparation, the more likely you will get caught. We had a guy near here who killed two girls and kept the bodies on his property in 55 gallon drums. He was caught. If he had taken the effort to dispose of those containers, he might have gotten off the hook. Of course, I'm glad he is in jail, but it serves as an example of how poor judgement can trip up any fiend.
Just dig a deep hole out in the wilderness and be done with it. I would think that removing the evidence far away from the scene of the crime would be the first priority. The more you linger on preparation, the more likely you will get caught. We had a guy near here who killed two girls and kept the bodies on his property in 55 gallon drums. He was caught. If he had taken the effort to dispose of those containers, he might have gotten off the hook. Of course, I'm glad he is in jail, but it serves as an example of how poor judgement can trip up any fiend.

Often, it's the steps taken to cover up the crime that create the trail. In some cases, a quick cover up may prevent getting caught and in others, a detailed and painstaking coverup can still blow up in your face. It's a matter of factors, really- how good the detectives are, what a person might overlook... A lot of things that are not very predictable can weigh in.

The fact is, the best way to avoid it all is to not commit the crime. Pure and simple. If you commit the crime, you're just running the odds and time that you will get caught. Even if by total slip up years later- you're just running the clock.
While there are those cold cases out there, it's still a matter of odds.

After-all, what if the hogs decide to squeal?
There was a guy in Alaska who killed women. Strippers, prostitutes mostly. He would later leave them deep in the wilderness, in a shallow grave. He got caught because of many factors. Construction workers found a body, hunters found a body. Then eventually he tried one to many times. This one time he tried to kidnapped a stripper. Tortured her. And then load her in a plane to take to his hunting cabin. She escaped while he was trying to get her in the plane. He had a wife an kids. Owned a bakery. Upstanding citizen an record breaking good hunter. He changed his method some an tried to kill one too many. When he was caught he had mementos of the victims. A map of some of the sites he left the body's. An the guns he killed them with in his attic. He later confessed he lost count how many he actually killed. But admitted to killing at least 17 women. As well as giving up those locations.
Just dig a deep hole out in the wilderness and be done with it. I would think that removing the evidence far away from the scene of the crime would be the first priority. The more you linger on preparation, the more likely you will get caught. We had a guy near here who killed two girls and kept the bodies on his property in 55 gallon drums. He was caught. If he had taken the effort to dispose of those containers, he might have gotten off the hook. Of course, I'm glad he is in jail, but it serves as an example of how poor judgement can trip up any fiend.

I also heard of a real dumb ass murder in Tucson. This fat gut called Tiny (he was about 5'6" and 400 lbs) collected money owed to drug dealers. Anyway the stupid druggies shot him in a house. First, big fat people bleed a lot when they have holes in them. Second, 400 lb bodies are not easy to get rid of. They did manage to get him in a car trunk and only drove a few miles away and dumped him in the desert (way to much trouble to bury him).

Needless to say, the body was found fairly quickly and the police dogs were able to follow the blood trail all the way back to the house where the blood still had not been cleaned up yet. Yep, the body keep bleeding in the trunk and then leaked and dribbled all the way to the dump site.
400 lb bodies are not easy to get rid of.
A friend of mine weighed 600 lb. He used the scale at a Harley-Davidson motorcycle shop. When alive, he was able to stand up and (barely) walk through a doorway. But dead, the coroner's staff were unable to get his body out of the house. His wife had to live with it for two days until they were able to find the appropriate heavy-duty industrial equipment and rig it up as a gurney to do the job. For a while they thought they were going to have to knock out a window.

As per his own wishes, his body was cremated. The ashes filled two urns.
A friend of mine weighed 600 lb. He used the scale at a Harley-Davidson motorcycle shop. When alive, he was able to stand up and (barely) walk through a doorway. But dead, the coroner's staff were unable to get his body out of the house. His wife had to live with it for two days until they were able to find the appropriate heavy-duty industrial equipment and rig it up as a gurney to do the job. For a while they thought they were going to have to knock out a window.

As per his own wishes, his body was cremated. The ashes filled two urns.

In my story I forgot to say it took 4 big guys to get the body into the car trunk. I can only assume it took 4 guys to get it out of the trunk too. Also, anyone who has lived in Tucson will know the soil there is hard pack coleche (dried clay with a lot of rock in it). It would take those same 4 guys with picks and shovels hours to dig a hole big enough for a 400 pounder. That kind of work in over 100 degree sunshine is not something any tweaker would be willing to do no matter the consequences of not burying the body.
In my story I forgot to say it took 4 big guys to get the body into the car trunk. I can only assume it took 4 guys to get it out of the trunk too. Also, anyone who has lived in Tucson will know the soil there is hard pack coleche (dried clay with a lot of rock in it). It would take those same 4 guys with picks and shovels hours to dig a hole big enough for a 400 pounder. That kind of work in over 100 degree sunshine is not something any tweaker would be willing to do no matter the consequences of not burying the body.

Isn't the desert peppered with abandoned mine shafts? When I lived out there I always heard jokes (threats) of being taken on a tour of one of those. I have always assumed that is where Hoffa is. But I lived in Bullhead City. Maybe attitudes are different there.
Isn't the desert peppered with abandoned mine shafts? When I lived out there I always heard jokes (threats) of being taken on a tour of one of those.
I lived in Tucson for seven miserable years. The nearest mine was quite a few miles away, and it was in use.

I have always assumed that is where Hoffa is.
There are many hypotheses about Jimmy Hoffa's grave.

Hoffa was president of the Teamsters, the largest labor union (1.5M members) in America back in the glory days of organized labor. He was a convicted criminal who was pardoned and let out of prison by President Nixon. He had made a lot of enemies and when he disappeared in 1975 it was universally agreed that he was killed by one or more of them. In particular he had contacts in the Mafia and they are famous for their creative ways of disposing of bodies so they are never found.

Hoffa was last seen in Detroit. I've been told by people who live there that a stadium was being built at the time, and it would have been a trivial task to toss his body into the still-wet concrete for one of its piers.

But I lived in Bullhead City. Maybe attitudes are different there.
There was plenty of mining there around the turn of the last century, but it tapered off. There must be a lot of abandoned mineshafts in the region.

But why carry his smelly, decaying corpse 2,000 miles to Arizona? The Mafia is efficiently run and does not take foolish risks.
I lived in Tucson for seven miserable years. The nearest mine was quite a few miles away, and it was in use.

There are many hypotheses about Jimmy Hoffa's grave.

Hoffa was president of the Teamsters, the largest labor union (1.5M members) in America back in the glory days of organized labor. He was a convicted criminal who was pardoned and let out of prison by President Nixon. He had made a lot of enemies and when he disappeared in 1975 it was universally agreed that he was killed by one or more of them. In particular he had contacts in the Mafia and they are famous for their creative ways of disposing of bodies so they are never found.

Hoffa was last seen in Detroit. I've been told by people who live there that a stadium was being built at the time, and it would have been a trivial task to toss his body into the still-wet concrete for one of its piers.

There was plenty of mining there around the turn of the last century, but it tapered off. There must be a lot of abandoned mineshafts in the region.

But why carry his smelly, decaying corpse 2,000 miles to Arizona? The Mafia is efficiently run and does not take foolish risks.

I never knew the details of his disappearance. But I guess he could have been lured there and just no one knew he was going, then once there,was murdered. But the possibility of being part of the stadium foundation is more likely.
If you know your going to have a body to get rid of, doesn't make more sense to transport it while still alive? That way you don't leave a big mess where you really don't want one, and it's much easier to transport a live human than a dead one.
Getting rid of bodies is a lot of work. What's wrong making it look like an accident so the body doesn't need a great deal of intense labor to get rid of it?:D Getting eaten by pigs seems to be the best of both ways.
:D you could use a good old rope. With someone dangling deep in the woods.
Bodies never found raises a lot of questions.
Maybe those hunting accidents are not accidents sometimes. ;) might be a idea that's worked.
If you know your going to have a body to get rid of, doesn't make more sense to transport it while still alive? That way you don't leave a big mess where you really don't want one, and it's much easier to transport a live human than a dead one.

I think some of that mess depends on the method of death. Poison, strangulation, or some other such method would be preferable.
Death by indulgence... I like that.:D
Sometimes, so do they.

Knowing what to do with big money is kinda hard, man.

I was like that, too.
I had all this big money and I was like, "what?"
And it was like, "Spend me!"
I don't know- a truck was involved...
The money said, "Love me!"
I was like, "dude, why are you talking to me man. You're inanimate."
Money was all like... it said, "I'm not. I can't talk. You're talking to yourself, dumbass.
You're fu****g crazy."

So, I spent it. Stupid money. Nobody talks to me that way. Even me.
What were we talking about?
Sometimes, so do they.

Knowing what to do with big money is kinda hard, man.

I was like that, too.
I had all this big money and I was like, "what?"
And it was like, "Spend me!"
I don't know- a truck was involved...
The money said, "Love me!"
I was like, "dude, why are you talking to me man. You're inanimate."
Money was all like... it said, "I'm not. I can't talk. You're talking to yourself, dumbass.
You're fu****g crazy."

So, I spent it. Stupid money. Nobody talks to me that way. Even me.
What were we talking about?

It seems like some who fall into a pit of money do end up with injury--Hollywood. I wouldn't mind being one of them, taking my chances with wealth, that is.