Getting rid of the evidence in a crime


Valued Senior Member
I've watched a lot of CSI programs and they all emphasize how tough it is to get rid of or hide evidence. Even fire usually leaves some evidence. But hungry pigs not only consume just about all the evidence and then by being the pigs they are, seem to be evidence of a tragic but accidental event. It sure it is plausible, but it's also a very good way to get away with murder.

If the police find a motive how much effort will they put into proving a very tough sell?

70-year-old Oregon farmer eaten by his hogs

By Isolde Raftery, NBC News

On Wednesday morning, Terry V. Garner, a 70-year-old Oregon farmer, went to feed his animals. Several hours later, when he hadn’t returned, a family member went to look for him and found, on the ground of the hog enclosure, his dentures.

Further investigation of the enclosure by the family member revealed that the hogs, which each weighed about 700 pounds, had nearly completely eaten the farmer, although some body parts were strewn about the enclosure.

Now the Coos County Sheriff’s Office is investigating how Garner “ended up in a position where the hogs were able to consume him.” According to the Sheriff's statement:

There are several scenarios being investigated, including that Mr. Garner had a health event, such as a heart attack, which then put him in a position where the hogs could consume him. Another scenario being investigated is that given the age and health of Mr. Garner, that one or more of the hogs knocked Mr. Garner to the ground, whereupon that hogs killed and consumed him.

The statement adds that family said that at least one of the hogs had previously been aggressive toward the farmer but did not specify how many hogs live on the farm. It also says that police are looking into foul play.

Garner’s remains were examined on Saturday by a pathologist who was unable to determine how the man died. A forensic anthropologist at the University of Oregon will also examine his remains.

Answering the phone at Garner’s home Monday, a man who described himself as a family friend described the tragedy succinctly: “What a way.”

This isn’t the first time hogs have eaten their farmers.

In 2004, a Romanian woman was knocked unconscious and eaten by the pigs on her farm, UPI reported at the time. The news report did not say whether the woman survived, only that the pigs had eaten the woman's ears and half her face. Her husband, sedated, told reporters: "I'll never breed such beasts again."
I have heard of the mob using hogs as part of there method to dispose of body's.
And I heard another couple ways of getting rid of evidence. One is chum a shark and feed it human ;)
I have heard of the mob using hogs as part of there method to dispose of body's.
And I heard another couple ways of getting rid of evidence. One is chum a shark and feed it human ;)

Yes that might work, but sharks are messy eaters and will most likely leave parts all over the place. However I do like it better than a simple body dump.:D
Yes that might work, but sharks are messy eaters and will most likely leave parts all over the place. However I do like it better than a simple body dump.:D
So if you are what you eat.... the pigs are now human? I guess they got payback for all the bacon the farmer had eaten.
Sharks don't much like our taste.

ETA: S.G. So sitting less then 7 feet from eachother, we posted in the same thread at the same exact time...

Think we need to spend more time outside...
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Why not Lye? The stuff literally decays the body at an accelerated rate and makes the bones soft and pliable. Since it's a commercial fertilizer you can buy it anywhere without that much suspicion. Not that I’m endorsing its use for murder cover-up in anyway.;)
So if you are what you eat.... the pigs are now human? I guess they got payback for all the bacon the farmer had eaten.

I sure wouldn't want to eat any bacon from pigs that ate the farmer and I'm betting the pigs could care less one way or the other about payback.
Why not Lye? The stuff literally decays the body at an accelerated rate and makes the bones soft and pliable. Since it's a commercial fertilizer you can buy it anywhere without that much suspicion. Not that I’m endorsing its use for murder cover-up in anyway.;)

That works well if you have enough time for it to work, and yes very much better than the simple body dump.:D
Yes it does take time...But it's a very effective substance that wouldn't draw any real attention with its purchase in larger quantities (just buy a complimentary item that’s associated with it or bye pure lye itself). I’m sure people would notice me buying a large quantity of hydrochloric, sulfuric, or any type of heavy acids that could dissolve organic matter.
Assassins for Mexican-American drug cartels have been dissolving their victims' bodies in chemicals, according to a piece published Tuesday in the New York Times. The process is known colloquially as making pozole, in reference to a traditional Mexican stew. It can take several hours to make a pot of pozole. How long does it take to dissolve a human body?

About the same, with the right chemicals and equipment. The assassins typically use sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, strong bases commonly known as lye. (The Times story misidentified their reagent of choice as an acid.) Heated to 300 degrees, a lye solution can turn a body into tan liquid with the consistency of mineral oil in just three hours. If your kettle isn't pressurized, you won't be able to heat the solution much above the boiling point of water, 212 degrees, and it might take an additional hour or two to complete the process. Narco-hit men did not pioneer this technique. Adolph Luetgert, known in his day as the "Sausage King of Chicago," dumped his wife into a boiling vat of lye in 1897, then burned what was left. Police eventually found bone fragments in the factory's furnace.
Assassins for Mexican-American drug cartels have been dissolving their victims' bodies in chemicals, according to a piece published Tuesday in the New York Times. The process is known colloquially as making pozole, in reference to a traditional Mexican stew. It can take several hours to make a pot of pozole. How long does it take to dissolve a human body?

About the same, with the right chemicals and equipment. The assassins typically use sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, strong bases commonly known as lye. (The Times story misidentified their reagent of choice as an acid.) Heated to 300 degrees, a lye solution can turn a body into tan liquid with the consistency of mineral oil in just three hours. If your kettle isn't pressurized, you won't be able to heat the solution much above the boiling point of water, 212 degrees, and it might take an additional hour or two to complete the process. Narco-hit men did not pioneer this technique. Adolph Luetgert, known in his day as the "Sausage King of Chicago," dumped his wife into a boiling vat of lye in 1897, then burned what was left. Police eventually found bone fragments in the factory's furnace.

I'd bet hot acid would get rid of the bones better than the furnace. Usually if a strong base solution won't dissolve something, a strong acid will. Just a thought, I wouldn't like to leave any bone fragments to be discovered. They always seem to be able to ID the smallest fragments as human or not.
Yes it does take time...But it's a very effective substance that wouldn't draw any real attention with its purchase in larger quantities (just buy a complimentary item that’s associated with it or bye pure lye itself). I’m sure people would notice me buying a large quantity of hydrochloric, sulfuric, or any type of heavy acids that could dissolve organic matter.

I don't know about that. They sell those chemicals to maintain swimming pools. You might be an employee of a pool maintenance company for all they know.:D
Hearing about all this acid got me thinking something new. :D Battery acid. Cut up the body, place in a metal barrel. Add acid once dissolved. A good fire will destroy the rest. Afterwards check for any left overs. And visit a national park. if there are any fragments left over.

(Not intended or recommended for "human" use)
Hearing about all this acid got me thinking something new. :D Battery acid. Cut up the body, place in a metal barrel. Add acid once dissolved. A good fire will destroy the rest. Afterwards check for any left overs. And visit a national park. if there are any fragments left over.

(Not intended or recommended for "human" use)

Getting rid of bodies is a lot of work. What's wrong making it look like an accident so the body doesn't need a great deal of intense labor to get rid of it?:D Getting eaten by pigs seems to be the best of both ways.
I heard another couple ways of getting rid of evidence.
One way is to think it all the way through. IN your MIND. No mess no fuss.

I had watch a Jackie Chan movie. Rumble in the bronx I think it was. The bad guys used a wood chipper.
Do that in deep woods an then set the chipper on fire or something. That might work.
Find and get the killers of Jimmie Hofa. To let you in on there secret.:D

Pigs, is it, Turkish?
Many years ago , I read about a real-life incident in which a woman disappeared. Her relatives were suspicious but her husband, oddly enough, was not. Evntually, he was convicted of murdering her, though no body was ever found. The evidence included invoices for large amounts of chemicals that he had purchased, empty chemical containers in his basement and some brown sludge.
Many years ago , I read about a real-life incident in which a woman disappeared. Her relatives were suspicious but her husband, oddly enough, was not. Eventually, he was convicted of murdering her, though no body was ever found. The evidence included invoices for large amounts of chemicals that he had purchased, empty chemical containers in his basement and some brown sludge.

Having that stuff in the basement must have been more than the jury could swallow. You don't happen to know how he tried to explain that away, do you?:D