get rid islam

Greg Bernhardt
Registered Senior Member
it is obvious that the muslim religion is not a peaceful one, the world would be a safer place without it.
How is this obvious? Care to elaborate?

Or how about this....

If you were around back in the time when Christianity was launching war after war across Europe....would you have said the same thing about Christianity? If you say no, you're of course a major hypocrite. And look how Christianity changed.

I got another idea. Germany seems to have started a lot of problems recently, let's kill all of Germany. Hey, you know who else causes troubles? Israel. Let's destroy them.
How is this obvious? Care to elaborate?
Do I really need to? Look at through news headlines for the past 30 yrs and you tell me how many the have to do with the middle east.

would you have said the same thing about Christianity?
Your darn right I would, Christianity is pretty bad too.

And look how Christianity changed.
Was it worth it?

kill all of Germany
I never said anything about killing. I'm just saying if I had to eliminate one religion in the world it would be muslim religion. Better yet, lets get rid of them all or convert to buddism. Now they have a real philosophy.
"Do I really need to? Look at through news headlines for the past 30 yrs and you tell me how many the have to do with the middle east"

Well the atrocities commited by the Soviet Union weren't Muslim. The majority of American-supported Nazi or extreme fascist leaders weren't Muslim. The two world Wars weren't caused by muslims. The muslims didn't buidl the atomic bomb. The war in Israel has as much to do with Jews and Americans as it does with Muslims. The problems in Africa certainly weren't Muslim created.

Yup, most of the atrocities of the last century seem to have a lack of Muslim-created ones. Except sept. 11th.

"Your darn right I would, Christianity is pretty bad too."

All major religions have inspired war. So what you end up calling for is a destruction of religion.

"I never said anything about killing. I'm just saying if I had to eliminate one religion in the world it would be muslim religion. Better yet, lets get rid of them all or convert to buddism. Now they have a real philosophy."

So what's the point of the post? Eliminating a religion either means mass genocide (in that case, can I call you Hitler II?) or disallowing the religion (which is an extreme left tactic, so can I call you Stalin II?).
know that I am not being literal, but hypothetical and theoretical.

So what you end up calling for is a destruction of religion.
Well I guess I am. Why not?

Eliminating a religion either means mass genocide (in that case, can I call you Hitler II?) or disallowing the religion (which is an extreme left tactic, so can I call you Stalin II?).
I'm not saying I'd take any action, it's obviously past anyone do anything. But I'm just saying from the start we'd be better off without religion. Think of all the time we was in church and in wars and jesuit school wasting thier time teaching religion.
Believe me, I would agree that the world would be a better place without religion. But we have to face the fact that there is no immediate way to get rid of religion. It'll disappear over time!

However, it is also my view that had there been no religions and myths from the beginning, man would have found other reasons to fight.
However, it is also my view that had there been no religions and myths from the beginning, man would have found other reasons to fight.

agreed, but i think it would be significantly lower.

let me ask you a question, do you think religion is losing it's grasp on people? I am from the US so that is what I base my question on. I see alot of people my age (19) who were brought up in a catholic or christain family and now are lashing out and resisting it. I believe there is a God, but that most organized religions are not a good idea.
i don't think religion well EVER disapear (and i hapen to think religion is good) because a lot of people NEED something bigger than themselves to belive

Humans LIKE to fight and will go out of there way to do so : please try to avoid generalities. I agree with your position on Islam, but please elaborate.

I have some good evidence of the violent nature of this religion just as I have evidence of this tendency in christianity. The Islamic religion is based on conflict. Muhammed, their prophet, was a warrior. The early Islamics converted by conquering their neighbors. They used convert or die tactics.

Christians as part of the Roman extension also commited acts of agression. The pope initiated the crusades, inviting the hordes of Western European Germanics to massacre Islamics. Just read the first book to have a feeling for the violent nature of these people.

People may say that they no longer act like those whose ideas they follow, but then why should they continue to follow? Most rational people would prefer to hold an ideal until it no longer fits their philosophy toward life. People of these relgions still cling to these savage ideals that have no relation to their life.
It'll disappear over time!

I wish I could believe that but we havent needed religion to explain anything since about the 1700s but its still going strong 300 yrs later. Mabey it just needs more time but im afraind thet humans are stuck with it forever.
The Jewish culture used to be as violent as any other. Back in the days of Babylon and Jerusalem and all, their armies fought and killed as much as anyone else. In fact every year they celebrate an occasion when their soldiers slaughtered a bunch of civilians, they call it Hannukah or something.

Islam learnt the concept of holy war from the christians of the Crusades.

God is apparently on George Bush's side in his "War On Terror (TM)".

What I'm seeing here is religion and war walking hand in hand. Not any one specific religion, but "religion". If you're gonna wipe out Islam, you might as well get rid of them all.
Originally posted by Asguard
Sorry adam but how many wars came out of buddasim?

I don't know much Asian history, I can't say. But I would be very surprised if Buddhism has never started any wars.
So what you end up calling for is a destruction of religion.

Well I guess I am. Why not?

Religion is nothing more than a set of beliefs, which are often more justified than any other belief. So what you're really calling for is the destruction of all beliefs, which could only be realized by lobotomizing the entire human population.

... I'm not saying that'd be a bad thing, but it's probably not what you intend.
Too simplistic.

it is obvious that the muslim religion is not a peaceful one, the world would be a safer place without it.

Well...what if I say...

It is obvious that the male sex is not a peaceful one, the world would be a safer place without them.

(There'd be less people, but the world *would* be safer...)
(to Allright settle down. I'm not into the whole zero tolerance thing first off. Second only extremist groups of the religion commit violent and horrible acts, not the average, so just chill out. If you propose this then destroy the Christians for the crusades, or the Jews for holding Israel violently as their holy land.

I think destroying Islam is too extreme. Also too simplistic (I agree Cupric)
There, there now....

Uh oh....uh oh....did I just defend a religion?


I feel so, so, dirty.

*Sob* It had to be said.

It's okay happens sometimes.

*pats Xev on the back gently*

You're not to blame. You were TRICKED!!