get down on your knees and start pleasing jesus.

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You edited out most of the vile stuff. That was a vile, disgusting, perverse post. If I was mod I would have banned you. It was beyond filth. :mad:

And your attempting to blast James for giving you an infraction is the joke.

You don't fool anyone.:(

it does not reflect all that well on you that you saw that as a sexual thing
Maybe it was not anything he said, but what he did. I mean really. What would Christians think today if you walked around with a harem of 12 men?
i said "get down on your knees and start pleasing jesus. feel his salvation all over your face"
Thats not far from what happens in church every sunday...people getting down on their knees to drink the blood of Jesus during communion.

If Jesus came to life on the cross above the alter and started preaching...everyone would get up and leave.

The priests would have to tackle him...:)
Thats not far from what happens in church every sunday...people getting down on their knees to drink the blood of Jesus during communion.

If Jesus came to life on the cross above the alter and started preaching...everyone would get up and leave.

The priests would have to tackle him...:)
M*W: I suspect the priests would be the ones running for their lives... but, that's another story.

How well I remember the Catholic rituals. The South Park insinuation isn't so far from the truth.

The ancient Essenes practiced semen purity rituals where they would take a cup of it, offer it to the sun, and drink the semen from it.

In the Catholic mass, you will notice how the priest raises the cup and the host. He is offering them as sacrifices to the sun, the father in heaven, creator of the water that grew the grapes and turned into wine and the wheat that was crushed and became bread.

An interesting analogy here is that "Beth-le-hem" means "House of Bread." The Constellation of Virgo (the Virgin Mother) is depicted holding a shaft of wheat.

They also had menstrual blood rituals. I've written much earlier posts about this with the references cited.
It's not just about semen.

A fundamental belief of Catholicism is the drinking of REAL blood. The Mass is not just a ritual but the actual drinking of blood. Wine does not represent blood but IS blood. No less real than if you were to snitch a pint or two from the Red Cross. When the Priest does his hocus pocus then Abracadabra...a chalice of Grade 'A' Jesus blood. (transubstantiation)

A good thing Jesus X isn't anemic. Producing all that blood for Xians every Sunday for 2,000 years is a strain on the red blood cells...even more so after rising from the dead after a couple of days and doing the Zombie thing.
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It's not just about semen.

A fundamental belief of Catholicism is the drinking of REAL blood. The Mass is not just a ritual but the actual drinking of blood. Wine does not represent blood but IS blood. No less real than if you were to snitch a pint or two from the Red Cross. When the Priest does his hocus pocus then Abracadabra...a chalice of Grade 'A' Jesus blood. (transubstantiation)

A good thing Jesus X isn't anemic. Producing all that blood for Xians every Sunday for 2,000 years is a strain on the red blood cells...even more so after rising from the dead after a couple of days and doing the Zombie thing.
M*W: Actually, you are right. The wine is actually transformed (transsubtianted) from wine to blood. As many times as I accepted the host, it was only bread (a sliver at best) and a drop of watery wine. I don't care what they believe, I never tasted any flesh or blood. Call me a heretic, but that's the facts, ma'am.
If the wine is blood, what is the bread? And why is everyone eating Jesus?
This thread was blatantly started to troll and bait Christians.

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