
Dr Lou Natic said:
Genocide is acceptable for, nay- the responsibility of, any group with the ability to committ it.

Any collaboration of people that are vulnerable to genocide aren't fit to exist.

qualify please. on what grounds for what reasons
There is no such thing as a circumstance in which war is justifiable.
The problem with making certain arguments is that most people don't look at reality in the same paradigm that I do.

It is sort of similar to a person in ancient times that knows the world is round trying to express ideas to people who are accustomed to viewing the world as flat.

Reality the way I see it comes from my study of quantum physics.
Particles at subatomic levels do not behave the same way as particles do in normal physical conditions.
Sometimes subatomic particles behave as waves, and sometimes they behave as particles.

On a physical level, we can predict with 100% certainty how something might react to certain stimuli.
If I have a pool table with a machine set up to shoot a ball into the left pocket, every time I put the ball into the machine, I know it will not shoot it in another pocket.
Unfortunately at a subatomic level, particles seem to do whatever they feel like. The ball might go into another pocket, the ball might sit there and do nothing, the ball might blink out of existence, etc.

We are beginning to understand at very tiny levels, matter and energy no longer have substance. What we find is that the building blocks of the fabric of reality is information.
At extremely tiny levels, everything around you is made out of information.

War is completely unecessary in any cirumstance.
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robtex said:
Is there ever a situation where genocide in your personal estimation reasonable, permissable or desirable.

If you had the political power to wipe out a group of

1) pedofiles
2) particular race
3) particular religion
4) serial killers
5) rapists
6) door-to-door salesmen

would you exercise that option and if so under what justification?
If you could add republicans to the list just maybe we could do some business.