Genetic Differences Between Africans and Non-Africans

Only a true racist would believe socioeconomic progress would change non-whites peoples values or standards.
Come on now. I've been poor and even poorer and know from considerable personal experience that being poor exaggerates most people's willingness to lie cheat and steal, and it has virtually nothing to do with race, except that in some cases there may be a different cultural training factor at work.

When a person is blessed with enough socioeconomic advance that they are not afraid for survival any more, they let up in many cases, and start giving a more even break to their fellow citizens. This does not seem to me to be a white or non white thing.
What do you mean by "giving a more even break"? Do you suppose there is a conspiracy at work to keep down certain people? If so, what evidence exists for such a belief?
Which bit of DNA though? You can assign the worlds population into a huge number of arbitrary races simply by using different sections of DNA. And if you were to do it by looking at the section to do with skin colour, I guarantee that you would get 99.9% matches, since most people will probably self identify by the most obvious, culturally relevant signal, i.e. their skin colour.

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guthrie said:
since most people will probably self identify by the most obvious, culturally relevant signal, i.e. their skin colour.
Do you identify Asians by there skin color?

I don't.
firecross said:
Do you suppose there is a conspiracy at work to keep down certain people?

No, but there is a mechanism that many, including you, are not aware of.
Facial said:
No, but there is a mechanism that many, including you, are not aware of.
What is that non-conspiracy "mechanism" and how does it manifest itself?