gender selected children


Registered Senior Member
FYI - I am able to produce boy children or girl children by plan.

if anyone wants to start a discussion of this - particularly females!
reply to this thread.... it was just discovered about 25 years ago, and I can give you a link to the page of the discoverer ( a lady medical doctor and her medical doctor husband).

it most certainly can be done! :) fuzzywuz
fuzzywuz said:
FYI - I am able to produce boy children or girl children by plan.
well done *pins big shiny medal on fuzzywuz's chest*
Hi fuzzywuz,
If it's the method I'm thinking of, I did a whole lot of reading up on it some time ago.
Unfortunately, well designed independent tests appear to indicate that it has no more successes than you'd expect to get by chance.

But maybe I'm thinking of something else?
fuzzywuz said:
FYI - I am able to produce boy children or girl children by most certainly can be done!
Yes, you're correct, precisely engineering gender is relatively easy....

1 -- Perform IVF.

2 -- Grow embryos to ~8/16 cell stage.

3 -- Remove a cell from each embryo. (NB. this does not effect embryonic development)

4 -- Genotype the cells to determine the sex of the corresponding embryos.

5 -- Implant only those embryos of the desired sex.


During (4) you can also screen for other desirable or non-desirable traits and choose embryos accordingly.
During (4) you can also screen for other desirable or non-desirable traits and choose embryos accordingly.

really? what could you tell at that stage?
Genetic disorders. Down syndrome is the most well known.
Others include cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, huntington's disease, hypothyroidism (some cases are genetic), maple syrup urine disease (seriously!), neurofibromatosis, phenylketonuria (PKU), sickle-cell anaemia, and RSH syndrome.

There are also tests for susceptibility to some cancers and other diseases like alzheimers.

(Source: Genetic Screening of Newborn Infants - Utah University, Genetic Science Learning Center.)

This resource describes possible and actual tests performed by the "heel-prick test" at birth, but the tests could also be performed on a single cell extracted from an embryo.
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huh, looks like Gatica is just around the bend (Gatica=movie=good=watch it)

how much would this kind of thing cost?
You know, you could just cram the children you don't want in jars and leave em on the hill above your city.
NAHHH.....I'm talking in the SEX ACT you can determine the gender of the child produced....but in order to do that you have to do two things: first), not have any sperm in her for five days prior, so they are all dead, none around to mess up the desired result; second), you need to know the exact hour she ovulates - that the egg is released and headed into the tube.

Then, once you have those two prior essentials under control....then you have to control the texture of her vaginal mucous.....make it thinner and slipprier by lots of foreplay - to get a boy; or leave it thick and stretchy for a girl.

Basically it is horse race - but you control the track so thw winner is the kind of sperm that makes the kind of child you want.

this is taught to couples through the Catholic Church since the mid 1980's...but nobody pays any attention to it. But I did. and it works!

the web link to the doctor that discovered it is

the key ideas are two: find the day the egg breaks free by seeing a blod spot in the middle of the month show up in her panties; then, control the texture of the vaginal mucous you ejaculate your sperm into.
Is this because a sperm with two X chromosomes swims slower or what?

If this is so, then how come 52% of the population is female?
the torpedo shaped sperm that make boys swims faster! if it has more viscous liquid to move through....the stubby sperm that make girls go slower, but are more persistent and cna make it through the heavy "egg-white" mucous and make girls.

hard to attribute these characteristics to the birth rate 52%-48$ (as YOU say)....but it does seem to lean toward quick ejaculaton theory, i.e. not enough sexual activity to thin the vaginal mucous prior to sperm entry.
fuzzywuz said:
NAHHH.....I'm talking in the SEX ACT you can determine the gender of the child produced.....
Yeah, I already knew that but I had to get some real science into this thread before the infamous “Billings Method” reared its head.

The Billings Method is notoriously unreliable, as are all the other (so-called) “natural” contraception methods. As for your claims that you can use the Billings Method to influence the gender of a baby – I don’t believe a word of it. Your link was simply the main Billings propaganda site; I could see no reference there to support your claims. Can you back up your claims with a scientific reference?<P>
the Billings Method has 30+ years of clinical is very highly reliable. So don't start maligning it by lumping it in with some other group(s). The Billings Method stands alone and apart. It shows that ovulation of the female is totally dependent on gravity to succeed....and the female body secretes typically identifiable liquids to facilitate the movement of the egg by, it is as reliable as gravity.

I notified various people in NASA many years ago that (female) astronauts could not ovulate properly in space. The ISS has been doing myriads of experiments on reproduction ever since. Seems like everything is gravity there is a problem wihtout artificial gravity.

So Herc, you have been initially rebutted because: a) you lumped Billings Method with other methods, 2) YOU provided no scientific evidence 3) you used a fallacious argument by summarily condemming it.

I have explained how it can be used to select gender. Where is your problem with that?
what type of Scientist are you buy the way Hercules? geneticist? Some kind of medical profession that hopes to make its bux from the pharmaceutical industry?

the Billings Method has no pay off that's why I suspect you are maligning it so speciously.
Just off the top of my head... (I researched this pretty thoroughly in the not-so-distant past).

The Billings method is quite reliable contraception for careful and motivated couples.
I can dig up reliable studies if we want to get into the details, but it's beside the point of the thread, so I'd rather not.

It shows that ovulation of the female is totally dependent on gravity to succeed....and the female body secretes typically identifiable liquids to facilitate the movement of the egg by, it is as reliable as gravity.
This, however, is misinformed. The Billings method (mainly) relies on changes to mucous ("egg-white mucous") to identify fertile periods. The actual production of egg-white mucous during the fertile time of month appears to assist sperm motility. The passage of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes to the womb may or may not be gravity assisted, but that's got nothing to do with the Billings method.

Now, on to gender-preselection.
There was a single Nigerian study performed in the sixties that claimed >95% reliability in selecting the gender of the child solely by timing of intercourse guided by the Billings method for determining time of ovulation. The paper was never accepted for publication, and the results were never replicated.

Most other studies into the effect of timing of intercourse on the sex of the child have shown no great effect. Some studies show some effect, but some od these studies show the opposite effect to the hypothesized relationship. The studies which (in my opinion) used the soundest methodologies consistently showed no significant relationship between time of intercourse and sex of the child.

The "Shettles method" of gender preselection also has very little support. It is similar in some ways, but with other components added to the "recipe".

But I did. and it works!
I guess you mean that you had children of the chosen sex each time?
I believe you, but suggest that perhaps this result had a different cause - like random chance?
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