Gender Nullification Now


Registered Senior Member
Gender, or rather differences in abilities and aptitude between the sexes is a social construct. The myths of gender inequality have led to bias and discrimination in all areas of public and private life. The haters of one gender or another and the divisive bigotry that comes about as a result may soon come to a permanent end.

We have gender for the purpose of procreation. By moving this natural process outside of our bodies and into the laboratory, or preferably, a mass production biofactory, the need for natural born gender will one day come to a permanent end. The genderless Economic Consumer Unit will be born. It will not know difference and therefore will be ignorant of inferiority and superiority myths that ultimately lead to poverty and violence.

Convincing the general population that the problems arising from gender distinctions are massive, insurmountable and destructive is key before the ECU production facilities come online. Mainstreaming and acceptance of previously taboo culture notions are well underway. Fun, liberating alternative lifestyles like transsexuality and gay marriage unions are coming of age with a growing number of victories in legislature that all will adhere to equally.

Show your support for a genderless future without any hampering bias whatsoever and the final victory of Economic Mankind.

Huh? You can't discount the differences between genders entirely, as they are accompanied by physiological and hormonal differences.
Uh, no thanks. I like girls and their fickle behaviour, then finally getting them on the sofa and making out. A nice sense of reward there is.
A genderless race with no need for sexuality would be boring, and of course would utterly destroy the pr0n industry.
This whole thing sounds wayy too "dystopian sci-fi" for my liking.
Nanonetics said:
Gender, or rather differences in abilities and aptitude between the sexes is a social construct. The myths of gender inequality have led to bias and discrimination in all areas of public and private life. The haters of one gender or another and the divisive bigotry that comes about as a result may soon come to a permanent end.

I gather this is a joke, right?

But if not, I hereby nominate the idea as having the absolute least amount of intellectual reasoning behind it.

(I still think it's just a joke.)
Nanonetics said:
Gender, or rather differences in abilities and aptitude between the sexes is a social construct. ]
Please provide some scientific evidence to back this claim.
Communist Hamster said:
Uh, no thanks. I like girls and their fickle behaviour, then finally getting them on the sofa and making out. A nice sense of reward there is.

In the eyes of globalist enterprise, your pleasure or discomfort is irrelevant. Produce. Consume. Obey.
Nanonetics: Your entire demand for "gender nullification" depends on your premise that gender is a completely social construct. So you should probably, you know, provide some scientific evidence to support this. Since this is a science forum and all...

Possible example of scientific evidence to support your position would include:
-anatomical evidence that the brains of males and females are the same
-MRI data showing that males and females use their brains in the same way when thinking or solving problems
-studies on very young male and female babies showing that they behave/think the same before they have gender impressed upon them by adults

Now, do you actually have any evidence to support your position? Or are you just mindlessly repeating a baseless assertion that some anthropologist/sociologist/whoever told you?

I mean, you seem pretty convinced of this, so you must have some pretty convincing evidence, right…?
Nasor said:
Nanonetics: Your entire demand for "gender nullification" depends on your premise that gender is a completely social construct.

No it does not. The relentless hunger of industry and concentrated wealth push unnatural policies. This one is underway, others have nearly come to completion. The money and influence are certainly there to make it so. Who here has directly had any input into the manner in which the world they must live in will be run? We didn't used to have over a billion malnurished people in the world. Hint: we are not making progress.
This is re-tarded and threatening... to me at least hehe...

Come on. What the heck. This is what immediately comes to mind right? Discounting differencing between female / male is fine... But.. what for society? Produce, consume crap... What is this world COMMING TO! *BANG* (from disneys "Tarazan")

Have the females won? I think this is as stupid as it gets. Dis-regard some comments :D
Nanonetics said:
No it does not.


The relentless hunger of industry and concentrated wealth push unnatural policies. This one is underway, others have nearly come to completion.

How? I don't exactly get how you associated it with world hunger.
existabrent said:
But.. what for society?

Global enterprise and government is not the least bit concerned about your society, your pleasure, your rights, your comfort, your community, your environment or what you have spent all the years of your life doing. We are each regarded as economic resource units. Our differences thwart predictability and obedience. Our sameness lubricates the gears of this machine and it will stop at nothing - not science, not morality, not reality to enforce this. Based on observing several decades of trends and policies, a manufactured species of replicated clones is the predictable desired outcome.
Any government is made up of people, people with their flaws, passions, weaknesses, social ideas, etc., and they can be killed, bribed, persuaded, distracted, outwitted. Your imagined technocraty would require a robot for the government (read a bit too much cyberpunk novels?).

Anyway, I know your style of talking, used it for some times in the past to annoy UFO folk, so let me just stick a spike in your arse and laugh out loudly.

Oh, come now. You can't just make an increadibly controversial claim
Gender, or rather differences in abilities and aptitude between the sexes is a social construct.
And not provide any evidence to back up your claim. If you want anyone here to take you seriously you will need some scientific evidence.
Nasor said:
Oh, come now. You can't just make an increadibly controversial claim
And not provide any evidence to back up your claim. If you want anyone here to take you seriously you will need some scientific evidence.

Incredibly controversial claims take place all the time with no empirical challenge required, even to act on such claims. Public policies and mass media output routinely do not provide evidence, rather assumptions and pretentious morality. Does anyone ever challenge "authority" for such proof? Since people do not challenge "authority" for irrefutable proof before committing to drastic action - Iraq and WMD for example, why would gender nullification and its current public support systems ever be challenged?
Why not? It fits well with industry's desire for more predictable, stable markets and increased productivity and our one world borderless government's desire for no human differences. Let's not get into the paltry revenue generated by the porn and cosmetics industries because these pale beside the total per capita output of the planet and are probably more than offset by legal and health costs that come about as a result of having gender in the first place.