Gays ‘not people’

Hello, clods

Give it time.

Well, it's just that "Free; Fun; Fabulous" is probably a lot more positive than "The Line for a Complimentary Shower forms on the Left".

The issue is when it is deemed a threat to one's religious identity and religious survival and then tied in to the survival of the country.

Well, where is Israel in this great progression? I know where its neighbours are.


Pedobear thanks you for your patronage

But he won't be.

The silence about it is, well, deafening.

Yes and no. Shlomo has, I think, been dealt his just desserts. His worm has turned.

Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef harshly slammed the legal system on Wednesday following the decision to send former Minister Shlomo Benizri, who was convicted of taking a bribe, to four years in prison. The rabbi referred to the judges in the Benizri trial as “heretics”. “We deeply regret the evil trial given to our active friends, who has always engaged in teaching and praising the Torah,” Rabbi Yosef said. “It’s a shame that we have such a distorted court. They have no religion, no judgment, they don’t believe in anything.”

A friend to the religious right. Is he making the laws? Is he making anything now save license plates?

Having not grown up as a "good Christian girl", I really could not even come close to answering that.

But Geoff is Christian. You could try asking him...


You've forgotten I grew up as a Communist again? Tsk. I'm afraid I couldn't speak to the - shall we say - penetrance of sodomy in the Christian community: though any male choosing an internet moniker ending in "Gal" does carry a certain weight of suspicion.
Well, it's just that "Free; Fun; Fabulous" is probably a lot more positive than "The Line for a Complimentary Shower forms on the Left".

One has to wonder at the hypocrisy of the States that promotes the "free, fun, fabulous" when one of its main political parties in one state came out with this last year:

The 2010 State Republican Party Platform of Texas offers us this:

Homosexuality – We believe that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, refuse to recognize, or grant special privileges including, but not limited to: marriage between persons of the same sex (regardless of state of origin), custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.


The Saudis are not alone with their laws. But a Government Minister stating that they are not even "people" - ie human, really, the Saudi's are in good company. I mean I guess it's something to aspire to, right? No one is claiming that the Saudis or Iran or even Mauritania and Somalia are better. So it is kind of err 'beside the point' to even bring them up to be honest. Defending an Israeli Minister's words by diverting attention to the Saudis, really? We know that it is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia and in places like Iran and Somalia. Does not make this better or worse. Get what I mean?

Well, where is Israel in this great progression? I know where its neighbours are.
Oh I believe their laws are quite progressive. Probably more so than the US for example. And like in the US and elsewhere, there is a growing movement against homosexuals in general and yes, that comes from the religious right.

But words need to accompany that. For a fairly senior Government minister to come out and say that homosexuals aren't even "people".. That is not acceptable. At all. And he should be dismissed and removed from his position. But this is not the first time that he has made derogatory comments about homosexuals and again, without reprimand. And that is unacceptable.

Last time he commented on homosexuals being the cause of earthquakes. This time they are not even "people". But because he is with the right, they won't say a word. And his cohort, Nissim Ze’ev, also from the same party, who claimed that homosexuals are a threat to Israel, was he dismissed?

Like several other Shas MKs, Ze'ev has courted controversy for his views on homosexuality. In June 2007 he compared homosexuals to drug addicts and suggested that rehabiliation centers be set up for them throughout Israel, saying:

The government should initiate this; these people are unfortunate and we must keep an eye on them to assist them... I am not speaking of a closed institution, but of a center that will accept anyone who walks through its doors... We must set up special teams of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers who will help them return to a normal life, just like in a drug rehabilitation center.​


Pedobear thanks you for your patronage
My life is now complete.

Yes and no. Shlomo has, I think, been dealt his just desserts. His worm has turned.
Your article was back in 2009. Asguard's was from this month (ie June 2011)..? Was this from long ago? Nissim's disgusting comments apparently date from 2007...

A friend to the religious right. Is he making the laws? Is he making anything now save license plates?
The Shas are still in Government..

And believe it or not, those two buffoons are not alone in that party and in the Knesset to hold such views. Eli Yishai, the head of the Shas party and the current Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Internal Affairs, in 2006 stated the following:

Shas Chairman Eli Yishai apparently refuses to acknowledge the fact that homosexuality is not perceived as an incurable disease in modern Israel. In an interview aired on the Knesset Channel Wednesday evening, Yishai made his stance clear by saying that "homosexuals and lesbians are sick people."

"I wish them a speedy recovery," Yishai said when asked about his position on Israel's homosexual community.

"Up to a few years ago, they would be exempt from military service. It's clearly a disease. I didn’t determine this, the science of medicine did. It's a disease. The Torah talks about its severity, and I wish them a speedy recovery. I'm not hiding it," he added.

When asked if he believes homosexuals and lesbians should be treated in order to "cure" them, Yishai made it clear that "I see it as a medical problem."

"You are denying the truth. Up to a number of years ago, homosexuals would be defined as people with a medical problem. Ask all doctors, who for dozens of years saw it as a medical problem," he said.

'Medication would be huge hit'

Later, when asked is as health minister he would work to extend the medicine basket and introduce a special drug for "treating homosexuality," Yishai insisted that "I sincerely hope that they are cured of this thing. A medication for homosexuality has not been invented yet, but I hope it is found."

Yishai has no doubts that a "medication" for the "serious illness" will be a huge hit.

"If there were such a medication, believe me, they would gladly take it. If there was a pill to cure them, they would all go and take it. If it had a medication, they would prefer to fix it, one by one, and take the drug," he concluded.


Granted, he is not saying that they are not "people". Just diseased.

And this peon is making laws..

You've forgotten I grew up as a Communist again? Tsk. I'm afraid I couldn't speak to the - shall we say - penetrance of sodomy in the Christian community: though any male choosing an internet moniker ending in "Gal" does carry a certain weight of suspicion.
And here I thought you would know.
Bells I didn't go digging around for old news to string Israel up with. This popped up the day before I posted the day before I posted this thread on my Facebook wall from the page "relax abbot is NOT PM"