Gays ‘not people’


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
No this didnt come from those loonies who proest at funerals, nor did it come from the mad hatter (Bob Katter), it didnt come from Pauline Hanson

It didnt even come from the mad Monk or even Wilson bloody Tuckey

It came from "the bastion of freedom in the middle east", the "only democracy"

Israel’s Deputy Education Minister, Menachem Eliezer Moses, has claimed that GLBTs are not real people in response to the Speaker of the Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, meeting with GLBT groups during Pride Month.

“They aren’t people like everyone else,” the United Torah Judaism politician told news media. “In the Torah it says that this is an abomination.

“It’s hard for me to believe that the Knesset speaker will go to the event. It’s unlike a Jew like Rivlin to participate in something like this.”

Another conservative religious MK from the Shas party, Nissim Ze’ev, warned of the dangers of inviting “the dark side of society” into the Knesset, which would encourage “the destruction of the family unit”.
“Their lifestyle harms the Jewish people,” Ze’ev said.

Ze’ev said that rather than inviting in GLBT groups, which was “an insult to the Knesset’s honor, and an insult to Muslims and to traditional Jews,” the Knesset should “direct these people to start families and continue in the traditions of Judaism and of mankind”.‘not-people’/54511
In the Arabic community they want to kill the gays and many of the Arabic leaders have said so and are making laws as well to do so. I wonder why the news media doesn't bring this type of thing up in the news that they are selling everyone? :shrug:
Maybe they're just integrating into the community of nations there.
In the Arabic community they want to kill the gays and many of the Arabic leaders have said so and are making laws as well to do so. I wonder why the news media doesn't bring this type of thing up in the news that they are selling everyone? :shrug:

umm did you see the paper it was in? Not anti jew, rather at a glance i would say its a GLB paper.
In my family, there is one who fits the description of 'homophobe' and it is impossible to even talk about persons of differing sexual orientation or the biology and social conditioning that may be predisposing factors.

The position of this sibling is even harder to understand as we were all raised to be tolerant and respectful of the beliefs and rights of others, so no idea where this extreme prejudice has sprung from.

That I cannot even resolve the issue one on one with a family member saddens me, as does the article with which you preface this thread.

What a pathetic species we are, that we will fragment over such trivialities, filling our lives with conflict and persecution instead of co-operation to meet the challenges of our own evolution and a changing natural world.

Same sex relations have ever been with us and are not only confined to our species. They may, in fact, be one of the means by which nature addresses the issue of over population, would be my thoughts.

Does one's sex life, or entire lack of one (I don't see anyone bashing abstinence) make a person any less human?

I think not.
Does one's sex life, or entire lack of one (I don't see anyone bashing abstinence) make a person any less human?

To most humans it does not. But there are some humans who can't understand themselves enough to be able to see that everyone is "different" and they only want their own viewpoint to be used and anyone not in agreement with them they want swept away. That's what a bigot is all about.
Maybe they're just integrating into the community of nations there.

Maybe their Christian brothers in the US and the UK will stand shoulder to shoulder with them to now combat the evils of homosexuality and help them 'pray away the gay'.

You know, to “direct these people to start families and continue in the traditions of Judaism and of mankind”... How often do you pray away the gay for people Geoff for Israel Geoff?;)

So if they are not real people, what exactly are they?

Ah yes, bringer's of doom...

On February 20, 2008, Shlomo Benizri, a Knesset member from the religious Shas party, a member of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's ruling coalition, blamed earthquakes that had recently struck the Middle East on the activities of homosexuals. Benizri said in a Knesset plenary session, ""Why do earthquakes happen? .. One of the reasons is the things to which the Knesset gives legitimacy, to sodomy." He recommended that instead of merely reinforcing buildings to withstand earthquakes, the government should pass legislation to outlaw "perversions like adoptions by lesbian couples." Benizri stated that "A cost-effective way of averting earthquake damage would be to stop passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the State of Israel, which anyways causes earthquakes."


Aside from how sexuality affects tectonic plates, maybe someone can tell me how homosexuality harms Jewish people?
meaning your coments about propergander are bullshit because the paper involveds political adjender has nothing to do with arab v israel

Can't say as I've had a proper gander at what you mean by this, but when did I say it was propaganda? It isn't even really Arab vs. Israel: it's about members of the Israeli government behaving like the nations around them. Aren't they?

Maybe their Christian brothers in the US and the UK will stand shoulder to shoulder with them to now combat the evils of homosexuality and help them 'pray away the gay'.

Or Riyadh and Damascus and Cairo, even. :shrug:

You know, to “direct these people to start families and continue in the traditions of Judaism and of mankind”... How often do you pray away the gay for people Geoff for Israel Geoff?;)

Actually I don't believe I've ever tried to pray the gay off of anyone, including the People Geoff of Israel Geoff, or of any other People Geoff or non-Geoff affiliated Person anywhere. Which includes gay People. (I do think the Iranians possibly believe that if you throw a man off a building, the 'gayness' might leap out of him, or something. Sort of a witch-in-the-river prescription for a problem that isn't, if you take my meaning.)

Aside from how sexuality affects tectonic plates, maybe someone can tell me how homosexuality harms Jewish people?

Probably in the same way it affects Indonesians, or doesn't, emphasis on doesn't. Since we're connecting this to Jewish people now instead of Israeli policy, what is the support among Israelis for gay rights?
Can't say as I've had a proper gander at what you mean by this, but when did I say it was propaganda? It isn't even really Arab vs. Israel: it's about members of the Israeli government behaving like the nations around them. Aren't they?

I think it is more based on embracing one's religious beliefs and ignoring all else. A real problem in that part of the world and elsewhere..

Or Riyadh and Damascus and Cairo, even.
And the US, UK and elsewhere.

You do know the 'pray away the gay' started in the US, where Christian pastors and priests assumed they could cure homosexuality with prayer?

Actually I don't believe I've ever tried to pray the gay off of anyone, including the People Geoff of Israel Geoff, or of any other People Geoff or non-Geoff affiliated Person anywhere. Which includes gay People. (I do think the Iranians possibly believe that if you throw a man off a building, the 'gayness' might leap out of him, or something. Sort of a witch-in-the-river prescription for a problem that isn't, if you take my meaning.)
Was a typo. Hush..

So the Israeli Government has members who believe like the Iranians do. They even go so far as to deem them as not being 'people'. Something to be proud of.

I mean sure, Iran is involved when discussing the beliefs of the Deputy Education Minister of Israel...:shrug: Because you know, diverting the issue to Iran somehow makes the words and beliefs of Government Ministers in Israel somewhat better? If one can make the words spoken from a man in charge of the education of children in Israel to be better when he views homosexuals as not being "people" and a threat to Israel.

How are homosexuals a threat to Israel?

Then again, we are talking about a country whose Government had a policy in place requesting that diaspora Jews dob in any Jews who were dating non-Jews - because you know, the dilution of that Jewish blood is a threat to Israel and all. I guess they view Homosexuals as a threat because they aren't being Jewish enough and marrying and producing Jewish children to ensure Israel's protection..?

I wonder if they're going to have a 'dob in the Gay' policy now. You know, in the hope of re-educating them to being straight and marrying and starting families. And I doubt other religious sectors would dare lift an eyebrow. Catholics certainly won't. Church of England might, since you know, they're all modern now and accept homosexuals as being human beings and all and not as an abomination onto God.. hell, they even let them become priests.. Catholics turn them away at the door.. I ramble.. Ah, have to love Abrahamic religions.

Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

How about you?

Probably in the same way it affects Indonesians, or doesn't, emphasis on doesn't. Since we're connecting this to Jewish people now instead of Israeli policy, what is the support among Israelis for gay rights?
Since the Minister connected it to the Jewish people and to the Jewish identity in Israel..

Maybe you should take it up with him? :shrug:

I bet it was all that fornicating that caused Japan's disaster!:mad:
I never heard that before ? pray Away Gay . To funny . Never happen . They are day dreamers . There has always been homosexuality . That is like praying away prostitution . Then what would we do for jobs if that happened ? Did you all hear about the Muslims that want to capture American Women so they can sell them as sex slaves ? Is That Propaganda or are there groups of Islam that want to sell American women for sex slaves ? I got mixed feelings about it. Part of me ( the lower half is contemplating, the upper half is saying , Fuck they all ready are . What would be the big change.
O.K. don't band Me . That was a joke. Woman is going to get us all . It is inevitable. The U.N. is working out the plan , Has been for some time . It is all about the empowerment . I see it big time . Did I tell you ? My Tax Man quit . Amelia took his place. She is my I.R.S. agent now . She sounds a lot like my accountant . Mary is my my accountant . Not the same Mary I play music with . You starting to get a sense of what I am talking about . Hell my Wife is the leader of a predominate Male organization . So I did read part of the plan , well a good part of it . It is why I make the predictions about it . I know circles of high influence set the stuff in motion and once the beast is cut loose it drives it self like wedges in society. You can't stop it . Just like the Pray-Gays . It is time for the Pray Gays to face reality if you ask Me .
I think it is more based on embracing one's religious beliefs and ignoring all else. A real problem in that part of the world and elsewhere..

True. But I'd be more worried about it becoming either state policy or acheivtacit

And the US, UK and elsewhere.

You do know the 'pray away the gay' started in the US, where Christian pastors and priests assumed they could cure homosexuality with prayer?

As abhorrent as that specific practice is, I give it credit for not being forcible or legal. Fools are entitled to voluntary delusions, I suppose, so long as they don't force themselves into the social dialectic. Which, they do, although usually this form is taken as laughable by educated people.

Was a typo. Hush..


Then again, we are talking about a country whose Government had a policy in place requesting that diaspora Jews dob in any Jews who were dating non-Jews - because you know, the dilution of that Jewish blood is a threat to Israel and all. I guess they view Homosexuals as a threat because they aren't being Jewish enough and marrying and producing Jewish children to ensure Israel's protection..?

My guess is that's a general Abrahamic supremacist view, sures.

Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

How about you?

Like a pedo bear in a felt blanket.

Since the Minister connected it to the Jewish people and to the Jewish identity in Israel..

Maybe you should take it up with him? :shrug:

I agree. At the least he should be thrown from his office.

I bet it was all that fornicating that caused Japan's disaster!:mad:

I swear, I never even met the girl.
True. But I'd be more worried about it becoming either state policy or acheivtacit

Give it time.

As abhorrent as that specific practice is, I give it credit for not being forcible or legal.

Fools are entitled to voluntary delusions, I suppose, so long as they don't force themselves into the social dialectic. Which, they do, although usually this form is taken as laughable by educated people.
The issue is when it is deemed a threat to one's religious identity and religious survival and then tied in to the survival of the country.

My guess is that's a general Abrahamic supremacist view, sures.

Like a pedo bear in a felt blanket.
Great. I went visual.

I agree. At the least he should be thrown from his office.
But he won't be.

The silence about it is, well, deafening.

I swear, I never even met the girl.

Again.. visual..

Oh Funny . I wonder how that cartoon girl feels about anal sex . Have you heard that about good Christian Girls ? They like to take it in the ass so they can save there virginity for marriage.

Having not grown up as a "good Christian girl", I really could not even come close to answering that.

But Geoff is Christian. You could try asking him...

Having not grown up as a "good Christian girl", I really could not even come close to answering that.

But Geoff is Christian. You could try asking him...


I thought Geoff was a worshiper of Eresh-Ki-Gal . The Lady of the Great House . Or Persephone or Lilith . You sure Geoff is a Christian ? Do you know what a Christian is ? They worship the step son of a carpenter . You know it was Paul who denounced Homosexuality in the Bible , He was not even one of the real apostles. He was a salesman . Yeah ! He went to one of the greatest salesman in the world ( Who was an Arab ) and learned the Greatest secrets of sales even to this day . That was probably why he was so successful at converting peoples . I think if Paul had not jumped on the band wagon The Jesus religion would have died right then and there. We try to keep the sales secrets a secret , but word leaks out so lots of people know now a days. I have talked about them on the forum , except I don't list them out . I incorporate them in to me rhetoric.
Geoff A Christian . I can't believe that . I would have never guessed. So you think there is a change Geoff takes it in the butt then ? Is that what you are implying? I don't know , maybe . It is a hard one to swallow. I would have to here Geoff say " I take it in the butt " before I just except it
I thought about it and am now confused as to the scientific method here . Does Geoff have to prove butt taking or does Geoff prove there is no butt taking. I mean Do we think there is butt taken or do we believe there is no butt taking . If we had a picture of Geoff butt taking we would surely believe Geoff butt took. That could be doctored too , or at least Geoff could try the Wiener"s Wiener line . How is Geoff to prove no Butt taking is the bigger question? How do you prove something exists when there is no evidence . I mean if there is no evidence of no butt taken then how can we believe there truly was no butt taking