gay suicides due to bullying


Valued Senior Member
as title states.. my thought is religion/ church to blame for the bulling?

parents influence the kids i have yet to meet 1 religious nut who approves of same sex relationships discuss
No I'm not. So you're saying you can't prove there have been 4-5 other suicides because they were filmed having gay sex and it was posted?

no i guess i cant.. all were gay all were bullied there are facts guess 4 gay students around the same relative age just decided out of no where to commit suicide ohh did i mention ALL WERE GAY AND BULLIED
I ask for a link to these 4-5 suicides so I can read more and you get insulting. :rolleyes:

you and me both know thats a lie and i have yet to insult you besides calling you ignorant which is obvous.. please quit trolling and contribute to the topic or leave. thanks
I need more information about the 4-5 gay suicides before I can comment on them. How do I know there is bullying? How do I know it was religion related? Maybe it was depression. Maybe it was murder.
I'm not trolling, I'm trying to get more information. Its why I asked for a link.
Bullying is brought on because other people are "different" than those around them in ways that upset many peoples morals and upbringing. If you were taught at home certain things about how YOU should act and behave in public then you'd expect others to do the same. But when you come across others who are not the way you think they should be you get angry because they aren't following your rules and guidelines that you think are for everyone. This is a learned behavior and is manifested by many things including religion, parents and friends. Only educating people about the rights of others to be "different" than them will people learn tolerance and understanding that others aren't always the same.
Bullying is brought on because other people are "different" than those around them in ways that upset many peoples morals and upbringing. If you were taught at home certain things about how YOU should act and behave in public then you'd expect others to do the same. But when you come across others who are not the way you think they should be you get angry because they aren't following your rules and guidelines that you think are for everyone. This is a learned behavior and is manifested by many things including religion, parents and friends. Only educating people about the rights of others to be "different" than them will people learn tolerance and understanding that others aren't always the same.

I don't think Bullying is brought on because people are different. I think bullying is brought on because we to varying degrees have instincts to bully others and are instincts are to varying degrees suppressed or unsuppressed by our conditioning. We do not allow ourselves to bully people who are higher ranking than us or people who are under the protection of people higher ranking than ourselves. We don't bully us but we do bully them.

We bully the people that we can rationalize bullying because they are not one of us.

I don't think bullies need to know why they are doing what they are doing. If you make the bullies feel guilty they will come with a lie to fool themselves with and to fool you as well if they can.

I once was taking a car load of small children under age 5 to the zoo. One boy was hitting a girl with a cast on her leg. I pulled over and without scolding asked the boy why he was hitting the girl. He answered that he was hitting her because she did not like him. I think that was his true reason. The girl had been a bit withdrawn ever since she broke her leg and I could see how the boy could interpret that as rejection. In a tribe, in evolutionary game theory if you can't get approval isn't the next best thing for your safety and access to privileges to make the others fear you?

I then asked the boy if hitting the girl would make her like him. He said "no". I moved the girl up front with me and had no more problems.

I think we are as much like chickens behaving instinctually while telling ourselves elaborate lies about everything we are doing and what are motivations are than we are like the intelligent rational nice human beings that we like to pretend to be.

About bullying chickens:

I find that when my girls are picking on Stripes (the uncontested bottom of our pecking order) there is often some sort of stress increase involved. For example, one of my hens (and I haven't caught the bugger yet) likes to poop all over the feeder now and then. If I don't catch it right away the others get all put out about their lack of food and the picking starts. Similarly, if that darn neighborhood cat has been around again Stripes tends to get the worse end of their stress.

Make sure their run is large enough, their litter is clean-ish, and they have plenty of food/water. I also find that Stripes complains loudly when they pick on her and often I can go out and "stare them down," at which point they stop picking on her for a while.

Good luck. there is no magic solution.

Cure Your Bullying Chickens - Separate Them in a Chicken Ark

Chickens are social animals and like company. They also establish a hierarchy within the flock – this is where the term ‘pecking order’ comes from - which can lead to bullying and pecking. Around the time they are molting, this can be a particular problem as chickens without a complete covering of feathers are more vulnerable to injury. One solution if a chicken is being picked on, is to move it into separate quarters. You could use an old rabbit hutch or dog kennel – but these are far from ideal. If you have a Chicken Ark plans”>chicken ark, this would be ideal. There’s covered space for roosting and recovery and an enclosed run for scratching and pecking around in the light. Our chicken ark plans are easy to follow and simple enough to make in less than a day. Once the chicken (or chickens) has recovered, you can introduce them back to the main flock. However, the problem can then start all over again as the re-introduced chickens are now at the bottom of the pecking order.


Looks idyllic - but one of them may be a trouble-maker! If you do want to keep the vulnerable chickens longer-term, another approach is to identify the bullies and separate them in the ark, for about a month. When you re-introduce the once dominant chickens, one at a time, they will be at the bottom of the pecking order. This will of course, shake things up – and the problem may well be solved.
With this talk of separating the bullies (which certainly can work, by the way) keep in mind that a pecking order is a perfectly natural and instinctual behavior for chickens. If you take the bottom-rung chicken out, someone else will just become the bottom. Taking the bully out sometimes helps, especially in cases where that bully is an unsual bully and not just the normal "I'm the biggest chicken in the run" variety. But another chicken will always take their place, and may start bullying when they never did before.

Asside from my humans are just acting naturally but cruelly like chickens do theory of bullying I also think that a few types of people target gays for bullying. One group of gay bashers is closeted and repressed gays and bisexuals who are either trying to hide their own sexuality perhaps even from themselves oor are deeply ashamed and angered by their own sexuality.

Another group that hates gays tends to be people who make an effort to be masculine men or feminine women and really have not mastered anything in life other than acting masculine or feminine. These people's pride in their masculinity and femininity may be hurt by the presence of gay people who's very existence seems to devalue the achievement of mastering your heterosexual gender role. Then there is fear of the unknown which is related to love of order. Fear of the unknown and love of order are emotions at the core of conservative religion. Homosexuality seems to be disorderly and if unrejected undermines the feeling that normal people doing what normal people do is right and pleasing to god who we pray to for protection from disorder and the dangerous unknown. There is barely room for two genders withing "normality" and homosexuality is by definition abnormal because most people are heterosexual. Love of order means dislike for the abnormal which means dislike for gays.

I still think pecking order is more important and these reasons for some people not liking gays just makes it safe for the others to scapegoat gays and the desire for a safe scapegoat is what causes the bigger problem.
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Look a suicide from bullying is not murder it is population control through stupidity, When I was younger and in shcool some one bullied you you tookk them to task and kicked the shit outta them. Porblem solved there is way to much touchy feely crap going on and you have tp get in touch with your softer side I say BS to that. And for those who say well tha person is just not likel that or could not beat someone up well then that is what the parents of for. Go to the school talk with the school reps and stress the point that if your child gets one more once of bullying then you will have to step in and it wont be pretty. I found that when the school was shown that you are not going to take their crap and the people around your child understood you have a rope a shovel and lots of open feild they seem to not want to bully so much any more. Just my observations.
Look a suicide from bullying is not murder it is population control through stupidity

this is an overly simplistic and stupid statement because bullies can also be more stupid than the ones they are bullying. bullies tend to be very inflexible and weak in their own way. so you have a situation that engenders more stupid people in society than not.

Bullying is brought on because other people are "different" than those around them in ways that upset many peoples morals and upbringing. If you were taught at home certain things about how YOU should act and behave in public then you'd expect others to do the same.

absolutely ridiculous. bullying doesn't have to have anything to do with morals and bullies can exhibit behavior that is not considered acceptable to society.
absolutely ridiculous. bullying doesn't have to have anything to do with morals and bullies can exhibit behavior that is not considered acceptable to society.

What I meant was that we are all brought up by our parents and their values and beliefs are bestowed upon us as we grow up with them. If they were to impose a belief that all gay people are very bad, evil and shouldn't have the right to be around their children. So when we encounter those gay people we tend to "Pick" on them, to make them feel unwanted and bully them into trying to change them into what we have been brought up to believe.
What I meant was that we are all brought up by our parents and their values and beliefs are bestowed upon us as we grow up with them. If they were to impose a belief that all gay people are very bad, evil and shouldn't have the right to be around their children. So when we encounter those gay people we tend to "Pick" on them, to make them feel unwanted and bully them into trying to change them into what we have been brought up to believe.

yes, that's one situation but not all bullying scenarios or motivations are even based on beliefs. bullies can know that what they are doing is wrong but do it just because they can.
yes, that's one situation but not all bullying scenarios or motivations are even based on beliefs. bullies can know that what they are doing is wrong but do it just because they can.

I agree. There are many different forms of bullying and I only brought up one that does happen in our society today.