Gay Marriage

gay marriage or not

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Yes. Why are you against it?

By the way, I'm moving this to "Ethics, Morality and Justice".
There should be no restrictions on marriages between consenting adults. It's nobody else's business. :cool:
Yes. Why are you against it?

By the way, I'm moving this to "Ethics, Morality and Justice".

It SHOULD have been moved to "Earth Science" but I guess it's kind of an ethics and morality issue, too, isn't it?
hasnt this already been discussed oh I dont know by me. Stop stealing my ideas, (yes I know this guy personaly)
There are like 450 threads on this subject already.

But, yes.

450 threads too few! :rolleyes:
Is that an actual number? I believe 450 is a real number, but I don't really know, i've never taken it upon myself to count that high.

BTW... why on earth are there "Gay only" and "Lesbian only" options? It seems to me that probably less than 1% of those polled anywhere would ever consider it necessary to allow same-sex marriage for only one gender.

Adoption, maybe... marriage... doesn't make sense.
hasnt this already been discussed oh I dont know by me. Stop stealing my ideas, (yes I know this guy personaly)

Good lord! :eek: What's his name? Full name, and tell us where he lives so we can rough him up, that punk! Does he listen to Crass? Those types really make me errecto.
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