Gay History Month

Sir Isaac's most likely lover was Nicholas Fatio de Dullier.

I find this less likely than his room mate of 20 years. Given Newton's eccentricity, just Dullier's interest in Alchemy would have been enough to account for the obsession.

If you believe Catullus, Julius Caesar was pretty darn gay.

Fyi, If you aren't familiar with Catullus he was noted for his foul, insulting and raunchy poetry. It is had to find unsanitized copies. A good rule of thumb is if you can read 3 poems without encountering at least a couple swear words, its time for a better translation.

Everything is turning out well for those disgusting queers,
Caesar and Mamurra, the fags.
No wonder: the stain runs deep for each,
One is from the city and the other is a Formian,
And they are so stuck tight that they cannot be pried apart:
They are diseased equally, and both are twins,
Both are educated in one little bed,
Nor is the latter a more gluttinous slut than the former;
They compete together even for little girls.
Everything is turning out well for those disgraceful queers.
I can't wait to see how this one plays out.
Why would they change Romeo & Juliet to celebrate gay history month instead of actually studying historical gay people like Leonardo DaVinci, J Edgar Hoover, etc?

New twists on classic plays? Having fun? Learning tolerance? This sounds mighty dangerous.

Now the Waltham Forest Council is treating this as a mass truancy and threatening to prosecute, saying parents could be dragged into court, fined and forced to sign parenting contracts.

Many of the parents said the history month was at odds with their religious beliefs. Some say they notified the school of their intent to keep their children home. Some say they were told it was their only option if they didn’t want their kids to attend the school lessons.

Guess what? Just because you don't like gays doesn't mean your kid can take a week out of math class unless there's a VALID EXCUSE. It's depriving kids of an education. Some people hate women's lib and think freeing slaves in America sucked, but if you take education away from your child because of your faith, expect social services called.

I don't tell people what to believe; it's obnoxious, but getting a kid a week behind in school rather than looking for alternatives and compromises lends itself to how whacked the parents are, not "the gays."
Guess what? Just because you don't like gays doesn't mean your kid can take a week out of math class unless there's a VALID EXCUSE. It's depriving kids of an education. Some people hate women's lib and think freeing slaves in America sucked, but if you take education away from your child because of your faith, expect social services called.

I don't tell people what to believe; it's obnoxious, but getting a kid a week behind in school rather than looking for alternatives and compromises lends itself to how whacked the parents are, not "the gays."

The fact that someone who accomplished a lot is gay has nothing to do with them being successful. There is absolutely no point to gay history month, or even a book on Romeo and Julien...

Not only that, but this whole gay movement as a whole is still very controversial and should not be freely lectured in schools, this is not English or math.

If it was taught as an outside school program, or in college, then thats fine. But come on, as a part of a school curriculum? Are you kidding me?

I would not want this taught in a school for the same reasons as I would not want religion to be taught in schools, its not an issue everyone is okay with.
The fact that someone who accomplished a lot is gay has nothing to do with them being successful. There is absolutely no point to gay history month, or even a book on Romeo and Julien.......

then what's the point to Black History Month?
then what's the point to Black History Month?

There is no point. I don't need a dedicated month for black people for me to learn about their history.

I find all these things to be very ignorant and further separate people from what they were fighting for.

Black history month is not going to help our society realize that a skin color is just... a skin color. It further gives in to the idea that we have to classify people and have pride in our accomplishments not for being human but for being some certain race or skin color.
$20 says you're a white guy. What's wrong of being proud of one's people? There are things unique to the various cultures and subcultures and groups that we value. It binds us together and teaches us about another aspect of the world and human condition. You fancy yourself fair-minded, but what we fancy ourselves to be and what we are usually are pretty different.
i guess i owe you 20.

$20 says you're a white guy. What's wrong of being proud of one's people? There are things unique to the various cultures and subcultures and groups that we value. It binds us together and teaches us about another aspect of the world and human condition. You fancy yourself fair-minded, but what we fancy ourselves to be and what we are usually are pretty different.


thats odd, I have never heard a person say "gee chris! I cant wait untill black history month so I can appreciate and value things that are unique to black people"

typically the reaction is... "if we had white history month we would go to jail for it, its not fair that they can have black history month"

You can value cultures and sub cultures without having someone dictating about it in your face...

I don't need French appreciation month to enjoy the French culture, nor do I need it to respect their culture, and their values.
i guess i owe you 20.


thats odd, I have never heard a person say "gee chris! I cant wait untill black history month so I can appreciate and value things that are unique to black people"

I enjoy Black History Month because I like cultural enrichment. When I read great African American literature, I do feel a certain connection. I'm paraphrasing someone I can't remember, but what I like about reading Eliot or Du Bois, there's this blissful feeling of perfect recognition.

typically the reaction is... "if we had white history month we would go to jail for it, its not fair that they can have black history month"

EVERY month is White Male History month. Why? Because that's mainly what's covered. "White" covers a really broad spectrum; little is exclusive to "white" culture.

You can value cultures and sub cultures without having someone dictating about it in your face...

I didn't realize calling February Black History Month and spending a couple hours in school learning about MLK and Rosa Parks was imposing a negro plague dictatorship.

I don't need French appreciation month to enjoy the French culture, nor do I need it to respect their culture, and their values.

However, I think you should know a little about your own country and what makes it unique. I know, knowing about a major ethnic/racial group in the US is madness, but what can you do?
I enjoy Black History Month because I like cultural enrichment. When I read great African American literature, I do feel a certain connection. I'm paraphrasing someone I can't remember, but what I like about reading Eliot or Du Bois, there's this blissful feeling of perfect recognition.

EVERY month is White Male History month. Why? Because that's mainly what's covered. "White" covers a really broad spectrum; little is exclusive to "white" culture.

The reason why every month is white male history month is because we used to live in a predominantly white country. Where whites made decisions and affected the outcomes of events, not because whites deliberately chose to only speak about themselves... Either way, black history is taught too, the anti slavery movement, followed by the black rights movements, separate but equal, etc.. that is already taught in schools, that is not what I am against, it is genuinely a part of our history and should be taught in schools for the appropriate class.

I didn't realize calling February Black History Month and spending a couple hours in school learning about MLK and Rosa Parks was imposing a negro plague dictatorship.

However, I think you should know a little about your own country and what makes it unique. I know, knowing about a major ethnic/racial group in the US is madness, but what can you do?

Just so that you do not get the wrong idea of me, I did not grow up in the United States, I grew up in Paris 5 minutes away from the Eiffel tower. Contrary to what you are thinking I have been fortunate enough to have been exposed to many different cultures and races throughout my life and I am only 21. My dad moved around a lot... I have friends and family in many different countries, and even friends of many different races and views to a point where I could never introduce some to each other because of their beliefs.

Its not like I am against the idea of countries and cultures. I just think going out of your way to declare a month "your cultures month", or changing a well respected book to Romeo and Julien is obnoxious.

You see, as harmless as it may seem, black history month separates blacks, even if their intent is to show history about blacks, the act of calling "history of people with black skin" further separates them from other people. The only way for blacks to truly incorporate themselves into society is to stop segregating themselves, especially since they finally are becoming more and more accepted.

Sorry for blowing this thread out of proportion... :rolleyes: But you see, that's the hypocrisy of it all, by having homosexuals force to teach their views to students at a public school about an issue that's still controversial and sensitive to many, they are further separating themselves and only creating more hostility towards the issue.
Just so that you do not get the wrong idea of me, I did not grow up in the United States, I grew up in Paris 5 minutes away from the Eiffel tower. Contrary to what you are thinking I have been fortunate enough to have been exposed to many different cultures and races throughout my life and I am only 21. My dad moved around a lot... I have friends and family in many different countries, and even friends of many different races and views to a point where I could never introduce some to each other because of their beliefs.

Well, if you grew up in France and your friends are darkies, you obviously are qualified to choose education curriculum.

Its not like I am against the idea of countries and cultures. I just think going out of your way to declare a month "your cultures month", or changing a well respected book to Romeo and Julien is obnoxious.

Totally. You're fine with multiculturalism, and fags too. But a fag take on Shakespeare is just WRONG.

You see, as harmless as it may seem, black history month separates blacks, even if their intent is to show history about blacks, the act of calling "history of people with black skin" further separates them from other people. The only way for blacks to truly incorporate themselves into society is to stop segregating themselves, especially since they finally are becoming more and more accepted.

You know, growing up as you did, you don't know jack about what it's like to thrive with your odds lowered out of the box. So respect that with our social identities that we're treated badly because of, we look and find unique reservoirs of courage.

I think if I was as brave as Rosa Parks or Harvey Milk, I'd be happy the rest of my life. But maybe you can't appreciate that because you can't see that kind of courage that rises from pain you never felt when you were treated as a second class citizen because you were nothing but a "cunt" or a "nigger" or a "faggot."

Sorry for blowing this thread out of proportion... :rolleyes: But you see, that's the hypocrisy of it all, by having homosexuals force to teach their views to students at a public school about an issue that's still controversial and sensitive to many, they are further separating themselves and only creating more hostility towards the issue.

We educate to give the people who need it the most a voice, who wouldn't get it otherwise.
You know, growing up as you did, you don't know jack about what it's like to thrive with your odds lowered out of the box. So respect that with our social identities that we're treated badly because of, we look and find unique reservoirs of courage.

I think if I was as brave as Rosa Parks or Harvey Milk, I'd be happy the rest of my life. But maybe you can't appreciate that because you can't see that kind of courage that rises from pain you never felt when you were treated as a second class citizen because you were nothing but a "cunt" or a "nigger" or a "faggot."

Did I ever say I did not respect the black movement? Did I ever say anything negative regarding the people you mentioned? Did I ever say I did not appreciate them, or admired their courage for what they have done? Why do you need a black history month in order to remind yourself of that?

Why not appreciate other activists from different countries, races, and at different times for accomplishing the same things as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King? Why are they not included in your black history month lectures since they were just as influential, and just as effective at accomplishing the same thing? I'll tell you why, because they were not black. I am sorry, but as good and kind your intentions may be, I cannot help but see separatism in such a thing as Black history month.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. "
Martin Luther King Jr.

The reason why Martin Luther king succeeded as opposed to Malcom X was because he was not a separatist, he did not violently fight back at the people he was fighting against. He made people understand that its not about skin color, but about the people themselves. And that is why he was so successful, and truly legendary.

We educate to give the people who need it the most a voice, who wouldn't get it otherwise.

No, we educate to teach, not to give a one sided voice about a certain issue, no matter how right it may be. If you allow this to happen then you allow anyone to teach about anything.

If teaching about homosexuality is what you want, then teaching it should be done by means of representing both sides of the argument in an equal and unbiased manner. Not by teaching "homosexual history month".

Put yourself in the parents shoes, how would you like it if someone taught your kids about some religion you do not believe in or some issue you are personally against and think is wrong?

And one more thing, do I have to have been mistreated in order to understand why they did what they did and what it is that makes them important? Because with your logic you can never learn how horrible a murderer is unless you have been murdered yourself.

Oh and here is one of my favorite quotes from King, "I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law." He truly believed in unification, which is the only way to no longer be seen as different, and truly be free from racial oppression.

The same goes with gays, they will truly be free from oppression when being gay is seen as so normal that its just a fact, like blue eyes and brown hair, nothing more, nothing less, nothing to be judged by.
Did I ever say I did not respect the black movement? Did I ever say anything negative regarding the people you mentioned? Did I ever say I did not appreciate them, or admired their courage for what they have done? Why do you need a black history month in order to remind yourself of that?

Why not appreciate other activists from different countries, races, and at different times for accomplishing the same things as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King? Why are they not included in your black history month lectures since they were just as influential, and just as effective at accomplishing the same thing? I'll tell you why, because they were not black. I am sorry, but as good and kind your intentions may be, I cannot help but see separatism in such a thing as Black history month.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. "
Martin Luther King Jr.

The reason why Martin Luther king succeeded as opposed to Malcom X was because he was not a separatist, he did not violently fight back at the people he was fighting against. He made people understand that its not about skin color, but about the people themselves. And that is why he was so successful, and truly legendary.

No, we educate to teach, not to give a one sided voice about a certain issue, no matter how right it may be. If you allow this to happen then you allow anyone to teach about anything.

If teaching about homosexuality is what you want, then teaching it should be done by means of representing both sides of the argument in an equal and unbiased manner. Not by teaching "homosexual history month".

Put yourself in the parents shoes, how would you like it if someone taught your kids about some religion you do not believe in or some issue you are personally against and think is wrong?

And one more thing, do I have to have been mistreated in order to understand why they did what they did and what it is that makes them important? Because with your logic you can never learn how horrible a murderer is unless you have been murdered yourself.

Oh and here is one of my favorite quotes from King, "I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law." He truly believed in unification, which is the only way to no longer be seen as different, and truly be free from racial oppression.

The same goes with gays, they will truly be free from oppression when being gay is seen as so normal that its just a fact, like blue eyes and brown hair, nothing more, nothing less, nothing to be judged by.

You're basically advocating what X was - You want them not to do it on Whitey McStraighty Christianson's clock.
Let's face it: Most school teachers are going to stay in their wee little boxes unless they have opportunities that nudge them to explore differences.

I know Frankenstein's read a hell of a lot more than The Invisible Man, despite the latter having a lot more relevence today and the general consensus that it's a better read by anyone who isn't an idiot.
I don't get what you are saying, and I've never read the invisible man. What I do know is that teachers teach about black history and the civil rights movement. In fact, from middle school to college, I have learned this specific issue for at least 3 semesters.

Its not like white people are ignoring it, in fact, they are admitting it was wrong and it is now politically incorrect to be racist. One racist comment, even if its a joke, can ruin a persons career, when just 40 years ago it was fine.

Sure we may be subjected to a lot more white literature and history, but that's simply because the majority of people who influenced our country and culture in the past were white, not because white people specifically chose to speak about them.