Gay Episcopal Church -- Going, Going, Gone

Gay people are horrible. No one should like them, they go against society, and all the basic morals that people SHOULD have. If it were possible, I would light every gay in the world on fire and then put alcohol on them, then launch them inot space, where it's ABsolute Zero temperature. Take that you gays.
Athiest Hater #1 said:
Gay people are horrible. No one should like them, they go against society, and all the basic morals that people SHOULD have. If it were possible, I would light every gay in the world on fire and then put alcohol on them, then launch them inot space, where it's ABsolute Zero temperature. Take that you gays.
from that little outburst i reckon that you are more than a little insecure about your sexuality and try to hide it by professing you undying hatred for them
What are you talking about? It's you gay Atheist scum that come up with fake diseases liek "depression", and "hypoglcemea", and we could have stayed a nice world were it not for Gays, (AIDS), Drugs, and Atheists. Also, I know what my sexual orientation is... NONE. I adhere to celebacy, so take that punk.
Athiest Hater #1 said:
What are you talking about? It's you gay Atheist scum that come up with fake diseases liek "depression", and "hypoglcemea", and we could have stayed a nice world were it not for Gays, (AIDS), Drugs, and Atheists. Also, I know what my sexual orientation is... NONE. I adhere to celebacy, so take that punk.
if it were not for the pope outlawing the use of condoms then the sread of AIDS would have been minimised
Sure, whatever you say, people never should have had relations in the first place. We already have enough people here on Earth, no need for more ATHEIST PUNKS. By the way, why would you mention the Pope? You are an Atheist, and are not allowed to knwo anything about religion.
Athiest Hater #1 said:
Sure, whatever you say, people never should have had relations in the first place. We already have enough people here on Earth, no need for more ATHEIST PUNKS. By the way, why would you mention the Pope? You are an Atheist, and are not allowed to knwo anything about religion.
you were conceived by sexual relations kill yourself now
Idiot! can you undertand ANYTHING I just said? NO MORE ATHEIST PUNKS, we could have more Muslims, and Jews, and Christians sure, but ATHEISTS NO WAY!
Athiest Hater #1 said:
To turn on what??!!??
its common knowledge that people always look to a certain group of people to pick on, it helps to bond groups, maybe you move onto heretics, blasphemers or maybe even the gnostics. or maybe you intelligent little muslims will continue to fight each other

No, it had to be assumed through REAL LOGIC, which none of you have,
But logic can only lead to atheism. There is no logic in theism, that's why you stress faith so much, you have no choice.