Gay Adoption


All of your scenarios have a similar thread in that they all seem a little far fetched. Of course there will be times when nakedness is inappropriate this wasn't my point, and of course there are things in the world which young children need to be guarded from.

It is my humble opinion that it is your 'issues' that she may need guarding from. Celebrate them, deal with them, keep them or abandon them. Whatever, just keep from passing them on. Think about what those issues do to you in a negative way and ask yourself if this is the legacy you wish to leave her.

Naivety in this case is just that. You understand that you have issues and yet you see no harm in passing them on :confused:
Again, just an observation from an objective viewpoint. I hope you take no offence. I know what it's like to have your life and viewpoints pulled apart by people who don't know who the hell you are ;) Which has been my point in the whole thread... See?

Love to you and your little PERSON.
Okay, when I meant issues, I meant things that happened to me as a child. I WILL NOT pass those on to my daughter. And of course my values and morals will be passed on, I mean isnt that what parenting is about? Passing on your values? Trying to do whats best for your children? Whether my child chooses to take my values or make her own, is totally up to her. I encourage her to make her own mind. I dont want a little minime running around. :D Anyhoo, when I hide her eyes from nude bodies, it is a natural instict to protect her. I didnt have time to weight out the consequences before I did that. Although, she does see me nude and I dont feel that is bad. But, I still dont understand how Im passing my issues on. By protecting her? Please tell me more. I truly value others opinions. Peace
Your little girl is 3 yes? I seem to remember reading that, that is the age when cognitive memory first starts in most humans. So here you are faced with a blank page on which to write certain laws and rules for life. That's basic parenthood.

Don't play with fire.
Don't talk to stramgers.
Dont wear blue eyeshadow etc.
Possibly the most primal emotion we learn is fear. Stay in the den til mom get's back little fox it's about survival.

It's well documented that phobias are probably learned experiences, and that children much younger than your own can pick up on vibrations from a parent.
Things like fear of the dentist or hospitals are prime examples. By shielding your daughters eyes from nudity instead of explaining it in a light hearted simple way she learns that it's
A: a bad thing, or B: something worthy if intense curiousity. (Many a 'Ho' was born this way!)
She's seen you naked... Did she question this or accept it as her mommy being her mommy and nothing more?

At the stage she's at now I disagree completely about her choosing your values or not. She's in no way capable of such choices and the decisions you make for her now can mold the rest of her life. Look back - and see.

I dont envy you your task in todays world. You can only do the best you can and hope like hell. I guess having a kid must be really overwhelming at times. But such a joy too :D

We're all in your corner and a dick & some tits never hurt anyone. only the brains (Or lack of same) behind them.

So do like aunty mame says and open a new window every day.

See ya in the next thread


1) No, when she seen me naked, I didnt feel that was unusual, because - afterall - she was taken from my stomach and she fed on my breast for nine months.

2) I didnt say that she was capable of choosing her own decisions in life - I will continue to influence her in the best way I can and hope that when she is of age, she will make the correct decision. Dont tell me that nothing that you learned from when you were younger influenced some of your decision making today. Anyhoo, I hate to sit here and argue the dynamics of parenting with someone who is not a parent. Though I do cherish the advise you give me (god knows that I need help in more than 1 department). My point is this... I chose to give life to my child, and I will continue to protect her and teach her "The best way that I know how to" until she is old enough to make the right decisions.
And to get back to the topic - I dont care what preference you are - If you can show a kid love more than someone else can - Who care if your gay????

Groove on:cool:

Okay, okay
I'm sorry for ranting once again.
I'm going to up the St' Johns wart. I'd be happier supplying you with advice (Once requested of course!) if I wasn't so emotive. :rolleyes: Sometimes I just can't shut the fuff up.

I hope this hasn't put you off asking.

Many regards.
Originally posted by bbcboy
And to all of you above who accept or oppose gay people, please continue to do so in the sound knowledge that what you think doesn't matter one tiny little bit.
It seems that it does matter.

The Alabama Supreme Court awarded child custody to a father rather than to the lesbian mother. The Chief Justice declared homosexuality immoral and worse, with language so strong I can't imagine that he can possibly claim impartiality.
I write specially to state that the homosexual conduct of a parent -- conduct involving a sexual relationship between two persons of the same gender -- creates a strong presumption of unfitness that alone is sufficient justification for denying that parent custody of his or her own children or prohibiting the adoption of the children of others.
Shades of Whizzer White in Bowers v. Hardwick.

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Hey Goof, How ya doin'?

The point that those opinions didn't matter was on a personal level to me, and you're right there will always be those in offices of power that apply their own prejudices to rulings in any dispute.

You have to remember that this is good ol' cousin-fuffing Alabama here tho' I don't think many of the laws of that state actually apply in the real world.

We've already established in other threads that god botherers often get it wrong thru fear and prejudice I dont think the civilised world has much to fear, and if they're quoting statistics then we all know that these are never a truly accurate interpretation of any situation. It just depends on who pays for the research and what questions are asked, by whom, de blah de blah de blah. I feel for the lady who lost her kids it's a shitty world when this can be allowed. Maybe she should move!!
Take a look at the tori quote below It applies well to this scenario

Thank you for the reference it was very interesting, oh and God bless America especially Alabama :bugeye:
cynical who argue prefrences of sex,dear friends we all are aheading for asexual reproduction to move the living race on.

I can't wait for the world to reach that state.I think it will be the new dawn of humankind. The age of aquarius??

Can I still do the wild thing with boyz tho'? It's important to me

:D :D

I was wondering how many people out there actually think it is immoral.

Why should it be immoral? It depends of your conception of immorality...

Even postulating that gay sex is inherently kinky, how on earth is that a reason to prohibit adoption?

I mean, what, the child might accidentally come home somday to see mom and her partner boffing? That's normal. It is what Freud referred to as the 'primal scene'.

We may as well run background checks on all adoptive parents as to what positions they have tried. I mean, the possibility of coming home from school early only to see mom in a leather bustier is obviously going to cause massive psychological damage, no? :rolleyes:

In any case, new thread here! Political implications. Please respond? Pretty please? With suger on top?
gay parenting and marriges

i was brought up with hetro parents and im a lesbian. the way that they have brought me up is wonderful. i am me and they accept me for who i am and have always encourage me to get married and have children. even with my recent 'outing' they still wish for it to be possible for me to do all that. i do believe that there is a god of some sort. that person loves me and created me for who i am. he made me 'gay' and i decided to act on my feelings and explore them with another girl. dont get me wrong ive been with a guy but it never did it for me. for those people that think its morally wrong for gays to be parents: just try and stop me! im entitled to be a mother and have every intention to have a father figure in there lives in the way of an uncle or grandad. i only hope that the world is changing to give us the same rights as everybody else to marry with family and bridesmaids etc. i will fight till the day i die for the equality that i also deserve.
you go madambutterflie!!!

I have a gay brother but I accept him for who he is.
To each his own.

I am not prejudice in any way, and there are so many cultures
I am still learning about. Love is a wonderful thing...
best of luck to you.
one of my friends has a child, an 11 year old boy. The kid is top of his grade, is also doing rather well in sports. Very grounded and outgoing. So ummm, I don't think the fact he has two dads has hurt him in any way. He loves his dads, he thinks the world of them. So for anyone who thinks homosexuals shouldn't have children, well, perhaps the problem is you and not them, because I have never met a child yet whose parents are gay that has suffered in any way.
Have you met adults who have two dads or to mothers? Are they always fine to?
Hi A4Ever, I've only meet one adult who was raised in a gay family. He is also gay, and no not from the way he was raised, they adopted him when he was a teenager.

There was a study I was trying to find that I read a few years ago into kids who were raised by gay parents, however I can't find that study at the moment and will have to ask someone else if they know who did it, however did find these links for you

Children of gay parents studied
Fact and Figures about kids with gay parents
Lesbian and Gay Parenting

I think it is a logical and unstopable evolution that gay couples should be able to have children. First, the sexual act between them was prohibited. Then a gay marriage was prohibited. Now some people don't want them to raise children.

I don't think any major problems are being reported about children being raised by gay couples. Some of the problems will diminish as gay adoption becomes more comon.

Even if significantly more children who are adopted by gay people become gay themselves, there still doesn't have to be a problem:
making it a problem is the same as saying that being gay is a problem, which is the same as saying that there are to many threes in a forrest.

I think the greatest problem for gay adoptions is still the prejudice towards them.

It's a shame, so many unwanted children who need homes, and they are being denied families because of the sexuality of the family.

Here is an interesting case I have been following since it happened Let Him Stay