Game On? Solo DV Charges Dropped

It still does not make it right.

I find the argument that if we can't get her on domestic violence since, well, there is always riding in the team van while drunk..

What I have issues accepting is that they suspend her for being a passenger to a drunk driver because he was driving the team van. But she was praised, made captain for one game and allowed to carry on as though nothing had happened when she assaulted two family members.

Talk about warped priorities for her team and the management.

I understand that it is big business. Very much so.

But those who purchase or support the product also have warped priorities. People spent more time being offended that her behaviour and the soccer national body and her team were was being compared to the NFL than they were at the possibility that she may have just beaten a 17 year old and her own sister in their own home.

To lower the seriousness of domestic violence to being less worthy of consideration than having one's spouse drive the company car while drunk sets a fucked up example and frankly, the business should be made to suffer for its behaviour.