Gaia theory and evolution

Billy T said:
The body is very adaptive, as getting tan at the beach (etc.) shows, but ony the mutation in the genes of the reproductive system's products is transmitted to the next generation.
That seems to run counter to the accepted scientific notion that evolution is "driven" (bad word, I know) solely by random mutations that are either beneficial, harmful or neither.
The fact that Evolution scientists claim that it is solely random mutations that are responsible for changes organisms is what causes trouble for a lot of people.
If it is not solely random, what causes the hair to grow faster and thicker in colder climates?
What causes the production of melatonin to be affected by sunlight exposure?
For example, how would the animal's physiology "know" to produce a thicker winter fur coat?
The animal can not consciously control the coat thickness, correct?
How does the body know to tan at the beach?
Evolutionary scientists will tell you the trait was a random mutation that was selected for.
Just like snake-headed moths, stick bugs, dead horse arums, leaf bugs, etc.
No intention, nothing driving it, simple random mutations.

Scientists tend to shriek when people start looking for the "why's" behind evolution. As I aid, I think it is because they are afraid people will answer, "God".
I don't think "God" is an answer, but I think there is certainly more to it than random mutations.
one_raven said:
...If it is not solely random, what causes the hair to grow faster and thicker in colder climates?
What causes the production of melatonin to be affected by sunlight exposure?...How does the body know to tan at the beach?
Evolutionary scientists will tell you the trait was a random mutation that was selected for....
I like to say: "My body is smarter than all the doctors." My father was one and even thought I did think him smart, this may have somethng to do with my view and the answer to your questions.

Think about fact that normally you temperature is 37C, despite many external variables and some internal ones (nothing eaten for days, five well chilled beers etc.)

My point was (and is) the body is amazingly clever (homeostasis - I think is the sophisticated term for what I am stressing) and generally does better at taking care of itself than you do, especially better without any help form "conscious you."

For example, you cannot even become aware if you try, but it is regulating the mineral content of your blood, taking Ca from your bones if more badly needed elsewhere etc. A little thing like getting tan under the sun does not even require use of the "spinal cord brain" to produce the servo-control increase in melatonin - that is local and mainly skin deep!
Well, it's possible that that is a form of a very low level consciousness.
Just like heliotropism is a form of some plant consciousness.

Can that concept be expanded to a whole planet? I don't think so, but over all I do not know.
>> Scientists tend to shriek when people start looking for the "why's" behind evolution. >>

All the ho-ha claims by scientists that evolution is scientific, does not make evolution scientific.

Evolution can not be proved or disproved, it has never been observed and it never will be. It is just a silly assertion......

It is a very simplistic notion drawn from gross morphological observations

The idea was coined a long time ago when the "scientific" subject called biochemistry was unknown.

Biochemistry has blown evolution out of the water, and yet some "biologists" keep evolution as a concept.... and science can't disprove "evolution" so it stays.......

saying, "that butterfly 'knew' it needed these UV markings so it could attract a mate..... or ..."

Just total BS and not believable, if you know the biological sciences that are well founded today.

The argument of "intelligent design" that organs are too complex to have 'evolved' is also total BS........

The whole of LIFE is to complex. The real complexity are in the trillions of chemical interactions that not only produce complex structures but also allow intelligence and stability.....

PS.... life is an english word.... meaning something
LIFE is a concept name, it depicts the total of all living things (on this planet in this case)... I give the name LIFE to depict the total super-organism growing on this planet... which is just one[/] organism, not many as we think we see it.
Evolution is as proved as any good theory, some aspects of it are unclear, but the general picture is observable.

But spuriousmonkey is one of the best in this forum to know (and presumably explain) these things, so I better retreat to my studies for tomorrow's test.
All of the recent posters are totally out of touch with what science considers "proved" or not.

Evolution is only an assertion, with absolutely no proof that what is observed is caused by evolution.

On the contrary, biochemistry blows evolution out of the water.... biochemistry is NOT a random step by step process........ it is STRICT process that obeys the same rules from one species to another.

You wish to claim morphological change is the most important..... it is just a "meaningless" expression of the DNA. What actually is expressed from the DNA is controlled by biochemical processes, so what is expressed is what is needed for the next step in clean up (environmental detoxification.... or maintenance of the web of LIFE). This is not accidental.

Better stop looking at the obvious, and start seeing the truth. Science is seldom obvious.

just get over it.
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>> I actually published proof on evolution myself.

OH, first ever then..

where ?
I'm going to take your bait.

I typed 'evolution' on pubmed and I took a paper from the first page of search results.

What's wrong with this paper?

Science. 2005 Oct 21;310(5747):502-4. Assortative mating as a mechanism for rapid evolution of a migratory divide.

Bearhop S, Fiedler W, Furness RW, Votier SC, Waldron S, Newton J, Bowen GJ, Berthold P, Farnsworth K.

' There have been numerous recent observations of changes in the behavior and dynamics of migratory bird populations, but the plasticity of the migratory trait and our inability to track small animals over large distances have hindered investigation of the mechanisms behind migratory change. We used habitat-specific stable isotope signatures to show that recently evolved allopatric wintering populations of European blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla pair assortatively on their sympatric breeding grounds. Birds wintering further north also produce larger clutches and fledge more young. These findings describe an important process in the evolution of migratory divides, new migration routes, and wintering quarters. Temporal segregation of breeding is a way in which subpopulations of vertebrates may become isolated in sympatry.'
>> have hindered investigation of the mechanisms behind migratory change.

no bait mate, there is just no evidence, spuriousmonkey. Observations are a part of science but by themselves have no weight.

Evolution is an "explanation" that is used today to make humans seem like they caused all the changes necessary to make themselves !!! .... clever arn't we ?????????????

The truth is humans are totally expendable.... and humans are not even in control of themselves.... LIFE is in control.

LOL, silly humans.

What a trade....
God made us special by creational design, [religion]
to.. God conceived us special and he loves us, but we made ourselves [Evolution]

to God made the seeds of LIFE and it grew....... humans are an add on with little meaning...
>> ended up on my ignore list.

you are welcome... one less to sift through, eh.