
madanthonywayne said:
Well, that's a pretty rare situation. Many chromosomal abnormalities result in spontaneous abortions, but the women rarely knows about it in advance. Indeed, she often doesn't even know she's pregnant.
But it does happen. My cousin went for her 18 week scan and was told that there were severe abnormalities with the foetus. After numerous other tests and scans, by week 21, it was found that the baby would not have survived to full term. She then faced the decision to keep going with the pregnancy and keep feeling the baby growing and moving, and knowing the whole time that it would be born dead, or to have an abortion. She opted for the abortion, and I can assure you this child was much wanted and planned for. What got me and frankly made me angry was that when she went to the clinic to see the doctor who was going to perform the abortion, she was confronted by pro-lifers who hurled abuse at her, not knowing what her situation was. I cannot even begin to describe how upsetting and distressing it was for her to have to put up with those people. Those people did not care what her plight was. As far as they were concerned, she was the enemy and should be hounded for a decision she had taken and had been advised to take by her doctors.

She should have had her tubes tied, used multiple forms of birth control, or not had sex. This is the kind of abortion most people hate. Killing a child for convienience.
Only the woman having the abortion knows why she is having it. You or I could see it as something of convenience, but for her it could be something that is vital and possibly lifesaving. What you may term to be 'convenience' could be essential or as I said before, lifesaving, to the woman who is faced with the decision. It is not for anyone to tell her that she is wrong in her decision in something that will affect her, possibly detrimentally, for the rest of her life.

And I am always amazed women would kill their own children.
To many women having the abortion, the foetus is not 'a child' per se. I do not see my 14 week old foetus as 'a child' to be honest. Sure I will refer to it as 'the baby' etc, but it is not a child. Not yet anyway. It cannot survive outside of my body. I cannot hold it, see it, smell it, change its dirty nappy, feed it, etc, as one would a child or as I do with my one year old.

Congratulations. I have four kids. When my girlfriend got pregnant in college, my first son could have easily been aborted. I could have done nothing to stop it, and probably wouldn't have objected much at the time. That thought makes me sick to my stomach. Another of my children has Down's syndrome. If I had known in advance , I don't know what I would have done. I very well might have opted for abortion. Again, the idea now literally makes me sick. These are children. They deserve the chance to live. You don't want the kid? Suck it up, put up with nine months of inconvienience, then put the kid up for adoption. Your nine months in exchange for a life.
But not everyone feels that way. I know when I was pregnant with my first, I was quite ill and at times dangerously so, and I had at one point been advised that an abortion might be an option for me to ensure my safety. And I will be honest when I say I thought about it. But then I decided against it. I sucked it up and put up with being in and out of hospital and scared out of my wits and I had a healthy son 9 long long months later. Luckily this time my husband and I have only had one really big scare which turned out to be just that, a scare, unlike with our first born where I'd have to be rushed to hospital at all hours in an ambulance with sirens wailing and the paramedic telling me that I may have lost the baby.. by the 12th time this occured, I'd just gotten to the point where I would just literally shrug and my husband and I would just say we'll wait for the scan before you book a theater for the surgery.

But not all women want to put up with it. I am amazed that I did to be honest. You say yourself that at the time, had you known your child would have suffered from DS, you might have opted for an abortion. Hindsight and experience says a lot. Not everyone facing such a decision would go the way you have gone and kept the child if they had known, and many do not. You also claim that when in college you wouldn't have really cared if she'd gotten rid of your first born. Many college students may have an abortion where you and your girlfriend did not. You are looking at it in hindsight, but not everyone has that option. While you may be appalled that you realise you wouldn't have cared back then about the notion of an abortion, not everyone has that hindsight and had your girlfriend had the abortion, your opinion may be quite different to what it is now. But the issue is that you had the option to do so. Pro-lifers want to take away the option and the choice that you had back then.
Bells said:
But it does happen. My cousin went for her 18 week scan and was told that there were severe abnormalities with the foetus. After numerous other tests and scans, by week 21, it was found that the baby would not have survived to full term.
I certainly would not oppose abortion in such a case. And not if the woman's life or physical well being were at risk. In those cases, I would consider abortion a form of self defense. I would specifically not include mental health, as that means "anything goes". Abortion, at some point in the pregnancy, is murder just as much as killing an infant is murder. It should not be used as birth control.
You say yourself that at the time, had you known your child would have suffered from DS, you might have opted for an abortion. Hindsight and experience says a lot. Not everyone facing such a decision would go the way you have gone and kept the child if they had known, and many do not. You also claim that when in college you wouldn't have really cared if she'd gotten rid of your first born. Many college students may have an abortion where you and your girlfriend did not. You are looking at it in hindsight, but not everyone has that option. While you may be appalled that you realise you wouldn't have cared back then about the notion of an abortion, not everyone has that hindsight and had your girlfriend had the abortion, your opinion may be quite different to what it is now. But the issue is that you had the option to do so. Pro-lifers want to take away the option and the choice that you had back then.
Sure. I guess I'm a little like an alcoholic campaigning against liquor. I see what I might have done, and would prefer the option not exist. Again, at some point in the pregnancy, abortion is infantcide. I would not support a complete ban. But would only allow abortion in the case of severe fetal abnormalities, serious risk to the woman's health, or rape.

Anyway, no change in current policy is likely unless another Supreme Court Justice retires or dies soon. Even then, the issue would simply revert to the states. Few states would opt for an outright ban.
madanthonywayne said:
Pro-Lifer's are against the murder of innocents. Killing the enemy in war, or executing criminals, is justified. I feel fine about our wars.

How do you feel about collateral damage? Necessary evil?
An abortion is collateral damage.

Unwanted children tend to grow up into criminals. After Roe v. Wade, crime rates plummeted in big cities as there were whole generations of criminals not being born.

Think of it as a pre-emptive war on crime. :cool:
Roman said:
Unwanted children tend to grow up into criminals. After Roe v. Wade, crime rates plummeted in big cities as there were whole generations of criminals not being born.
So killing a whole generation of children is justified by a decrease in the crime rate? That sort of thinking could justify genocide. The homicide rate for blacks if eight times that of whites. Therefore....
madanthonywayne said:
So killing a whole generation of children is justified by a decrease in the crime rate? That sort of thinking could justify genocide. The homicide rate for blacks if eight times that of whites. Therefore....

The war on terrorism is justifying genocide.

Allowing black women to terminate unwanted pregancies is what led to the drop in the crime rate. You know how black women are sluts and get knocked up all the time and breed a bunch of gangbangers, right? You'd agree if my words weren't so offensive. But it just so happens that a certain demographic is defined like that. I'm not insinuating that it's their blackness that causes it; they just happen to be black. I'm not a racist. Anyway.

Explain to me the difference between, say, all the people we are acccidently killing in Iraq, and women killing their baby because they don't have the resources to raise the child properly?
Roman said:
Explain to me the difference between, say, all the people we are acccidently killing in Iraq, and women killing their baby because they don't have the resources to raise the child properly?

I think they are, in a sense, one and the same. They are both taking care of something that could be a huge problem in the future. People have their reasons for every decision they make. We all just need to remember sometimes, that everything you want to look at is just a matter of perspective...
Well fair enough to that woman, im not against abortion but its as a very very grey issue so im not going to say for one moment that shes in the wrong to stand there with her placard.
I agree with abortion if there is a medical issue. however, if its because some slut got knocked up and forgot to take the pill, let them be f*ing punished lol
I agree with abortion if there is a medical issue. however, if its because some slut got knocked up and forgot to take the pill, let them be f*ing punished lol

And how about for equal measure we also punish the male "slut" who forgot to use the condom? Hmmmm? How about for the guy who forces the woman to get an abortion whether she wants to or not because he does not want it? So what punishment would be doled out to him? How about castration?:rolleyes:

This is what always gets me with the abortion debate. It's always the woman's fault if she gets pregnant and does not want it.. so of course she's automatically branded a "slut". But if there's something wrong with the baby and she does not want it.. well 'nooo that's fine'.. The fact is, the pill does not always work, neither does the condom. Accidents do and can happen. Branding the woman a "slut" for getting pregnant is not only weak and pathetic, it shows the total lack of understanding of the actual issue by the people referring to her as such.

As it stands at present, a woman can get an abortion if she so chooses. If you don't like it, then don't have one yourself. If you are a male and don't want a woman to have an abortion, either get a vasectomy and the woman gets her tubes tied or make sure YOU use the proper forms of birth control to ensure she does not get pregnant (again which can be futile as pregnancy can still occur).. just in case she does get an abortion. Or simply do not have sex at all.
I understand that men can force women to well...yeah. but unless it is actual rape, then yes the man has responsibility but ultimately its the woman that has to go "no", i rarely see a woman begging for sex without a condom and wanting an abortion.
I recommend editing this thread and eliminating all posts by men. We have no right to an opinion on abortion.

I find that position to be debateably sexist. I understand the sentiments, in the same way I've sometimes thought that only gay people should have a say on same-sex marriage, for example. But I don't see the validity of the claim that I have no right to something just because I have a penis.
Originally Posted by Fraggle Rocker
I recommend editing this thread and eliminating all posts by men. We have no right to an opinion on abortion.
Wow, censorship, sexism and a lack of logic all rolled into one. Impressive!

Given your attitude, our entire justice system (trial by jury) would collapse. After all, if the judge and jury haven't been subjected to the crime, or been in the shoes of the criminal, what right do they have to judge!?
I recommend editing this thread and eliminating all posts by men. We have no right to an opinion on abortion.
As a woman, I have to disagree with you here. I personally think the father should also have a say if he so chooses. Having said that however, with my first pregnancy when I became very ill and was being rushed to hospital virtually on a weekly basis, my husband never once tried to pressure me into keeping it or getting rid of it. Yes it is ultimately the woman's choice, but the father of the child should also have a say and if he doesn't want to get rid of it, he should be allowed to voice said opinion. However not he, nor anyone else should try to force her into any decision. It is then up to her to decide what she wants to do. I hate it when I hear of women sneaking off to get an abortion so that their partners don't know because he may want to have a child.

Louisos said:
I understand that men can force women to well...yeah. but unless it is actual rape, then yes the man has responsibility but ultimately its the woman that has to go "no", i rarely see a woman begging for sex without a condom and wanting an abortion.
I had been talking about men who force their wives or girlfriends into getting an abortion. But since you bought up the "no" factor in sex and how it is the woman's right to say "no". Some men do not listen to the woman when she says "no" and will keep going without or without a condom because some men believe that even though she's consented to being naked in bed with him, she still has the right to refuse and stop, but some men think that she's playing difficult to get and will ignore her refusal. That is rape, but many men and women for that matter don't view it as such.

As for a woman begging for sex without a condom and then wanting an abortion.. LOL.. yes you're right, it is quite rare:rolleyes:. You do realise what an abortion is don't you? You do realise that for a woman it is quite a stressful and at times afterwards, a painful and dangerous surgical procedure?

Are you of the opinion that a child is created by a woman? That is, that it takes simply a woman to think to get pregnant? Or that pregnancy is some sort of biological out growth that produces a child without a man?

If you do not believe the above absurdity, then it cannot be simply a woman's choice. The baby is half-his and until as such time that one can cut a child in half and give him a live one, there is no foundation for a woman to kill said child outside his wishes, nor for him to ask of her to kill that child outside of hers.
I honestly can't understand how anyone can be pro-life, or even why if you kill an unborn baby it counts as murder. The whole idea of an unborn baby being alive pisses me off, especially since the baby is UNBORN. If a baby can't survive outside of the womb, it isn't alive. If it can, they can take it out, and it can be an orphan just to satisfy pro-life peeps. Think about it. How well will the baby do in life with a mother who didn't even want it? Isn't it better off dead? One thing that I can't agree with is when the parents choose if an underage girl has an abortion. After sexual maturity, women should make their own choices on anything regarding sex or pro-creation.
They say the man makes his choice when he decides to have sex. I say the same should apply to the woman.

You have got to be kidding. So women a supposed to fight off all the low lifes who lie to them to get into bed? I'd never get.....:eek:
Yeah, I think the woman should take some consideration to the her oposite's opinion, but if a guy REALLY wants a kid, we can go to anyone.

Are you of the opinion that a child is created by a woman? That is, that it takes simply a woman to think to get pregnant? Or that pregnancy is some sort of biological out growth that produces a child without a man?

If you do not believe the above absurdity, then it cannot be simply a woman's choice. The baby is half-his and until as such time that one can cut a child in half and give him a live one, there is no foundation for a woman to kill said child outside his wishes, nor for him to ask of her to kill that child outside of hers.
What in the hell are you on about?

I take it you missed the part where I said this?...

Bells said:
I personally think the father should also have a say if he so chooses. Having said that however, with my first pregnancy when I became very ill and was being rushed to hospital virtually on a weekly basis, my husband never once tried to pressure me into keeping it or getting rid of it. Yes it is ultimately the woman's choice, but the father of the child should also have a say and if he doesn't want to get rid of it, he should be allowed to voice said opinion. However not he, nor anyone else should try to force her into any decision.
At the end of the day it is her choice because it is her body the baby is in. It is her life that is affected by the pregnancy, not his. But he should have a say in whether she gets rid of it or not if he so chooses. But at the end of the day, it should be ultimately her decision to make while keeping his wishes in mind or take it into consideration when she makes said decision. No one should force her to do anything she does not want to do with her body.

Yes the father helped create the embryo, but so did she and it's her body that has to carry it. And let me tell you, contrary to the glowing reports of pregnancy you might hear.. it is not a 'pleasant' experience for the woman, especially towards the end and for a few weeks after the birth for that matter. Now if a woman does not want to go through that, no one should force her to. While the baby is half his, in that it carries half his genes, unless he wants to carry it himself (scientific impossibility) or care for it all by his lonesome (if she does not want to do it), then he really has no ultimate say in the matter at the end of the day, except to tell her how she feels and let her decide what SHE wants to do. He cannot, nor should he, force her to follow through with the pregnancy.
Yes the father helped create the embryo, but so did she and it's her body that has to carry it. And let me tell you, contrary to the glowing reports of pregnancy you might hear.. it is not a 'pleasant' experience for the woman, especially towards the end and for a few weeks after the birth for that matter. Now if a woman does not want to go through that, no one should force her to. While the baby is half his, in that it carries half his genes, unless he wants to carry it himself (scientific impossibility) or care for it all by his lonesome (if she does not want to do it), then he really has no ultimate say in the matter at the end of the day, except to tell her how she feels and let her decide what SHE wants to do. He cannot, nor should he, force her to follow through with the pregnancy.
I still don't buy it. You carry the baby for nine months, big deal. Nine months of pregnancy v/s a lifetime obligation. When you choose to have sex, you run the risk of pregnancy. The same applies for men and women. Why should an innocent child be put to death for your convenience? If men are on the line for a lifetime of child support, women should be on the line for nine measly months of carrying the kid. Afterwards you can put it up for adoption, give it to the father, or keep it and live off the child support payments. You still have tons of choices!