future floods - sign of the end times?

"Now, assuming it is going to happen (either one) in say next ten years....irrespective of the cause...what are the plans for survival? What will you do to protect your loved ones? Is that not more constructive... "

Very Good Point KMGuru, and it is on my list of priorities as well as informing people about the POSSIBLITIES. In the words of a radio talk show host,

'I don't care whether you believe me or not, as long as you believe there is another possiblity"

---------=Now, where does this leave us, the 'comman man' standing on a tipsy planet??

Friends- think about what you would do in the face of such a crisis..

Do you know where you would head to if things started to go haywire ?

Do you have a back-up plan, in case Airports and Railroads are collapsed/de-railed ?

Do you have Batteries, in case Electricity goes out for days/weeks ?

Do you have Seeds gathered, for when the Sun comes back as our Main Source ?
*this is important friends, gathering Seeds.

Do you know how you will contact your family, when telephone lines are broken and cell phone satellites are dead (out of place) ?? Do you have a special meeting place ( a city or country) where you can EXPECT to find your loved ones ?

======= these are just some of the simpler questions to think about !

If our own 'elite' governments aren't going to give us a heads-up, then it is up to US as Humans to prepare OURSELVES, and those WE CARE FOR.

so, in essence, I am CARING for you all here, by giving you advanced warnings of possible events to unfold.

its not a question about whether aliens exist, or not, or if theyve been interacting with Humanity since the beggining of time, that DOESNT MATTER HERE. this is about SURVIVING a possible Cataclysm, and being wise enough to rise up out of the ashes like the Phoenix.
Communication: Shortwave radio. USA does not have a satellite phone network for the public.

Power: Stock up with solar cells and Infolithium rechargable batteries. Those are more dependable for phones, laptops etc. As a backup for smaller emergencies, have marine and deep cycle batteries (does not last very long) and car batteries. Power generator is getting cheaper for small stuff. I still think solar cells are the best bet. Wind power is good but you have to raise the generator 60 feet up. We do not have a cost effective fuel cell technology yet, but it will be here in the next 4 to 5 years.

Learn to make alcohol. That can run small engines and fuel cell. One needs power to do anything. We lost the art of steam engines. We need some type of small steam engine and power generator in case we lose gasoline and gas.

Food: You can stock up on food and seeds. That is easy to do.

Transportation: For emergency evacuation, between you and your family or neighbors, you should have a 4WD vehicle that can travel 600 miles on a tankful - in case you have to head south.

Anyother ideas?
Solar Cells are not efficient enough,dont you think?Fuel cells are already being used in several Laps,i dont remember Names.

While solar cells are not efficient, the fuel to the cells is free. Even if the land mass gets covered with ice, the sun would still be there. On the otherhand you have to search for the fuel for the fuel-cell (remember hunting for whales to light the lamp). Solar cell should be part of any broad crisis management system.

Toshiba fuelcell prototype: http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/03/05/HNfuelcell_1.html
On the lighterside, since you are going to store a lot of beans for protein, the resulting methane gas from bean consumption can be hooked up to a Toshiba fuel cell to generate a lot of power......:D :D
I am thinking of genetically modifying a plant to produce electricity - may be just enough to run a few bright LEDs. Anyone willing to help?
On the lighterside, since you are going to store a lot of beans for protein, the resulting methane gas from bean consumption can be hooked up to a Toshiba fuel cell to generate a lot of power......

Hahaha... :D never thought of this one i must say...

I am thinking of genetically modifying a plant to produce electricity - may be just enough to run a few bright LEDs. Anyone willing to help?

Generator Genes? well,whackier but great thought...

Matrix had indeed said Human B could produce so and so amt of energy (In BTUs) so then plants could too. (was that Human Body, or Brain? i presume if brain then plants cannot,since they havent been discovered with a Nervous system yet,isnt it?)
A single plant cell can have 100 chromosomes. There are two ways to go about it. One way is already there are small organism that produce light. So the DNA can be decoded and injected to plants to produce light. The other part is like electric eels, it may be possible to develop a membrane that accumulates two chemicals and modulates them to produce the required voltage. All one needs is say 0.5 to 1 volt. A fruit type sack can be designed to produce electricity.

Which one is easier, I do not know...only tinkering one could find out which one is easier. The fact the nature already produces both menas they are doable and can be improved upon by man.

Creating brains for plant is possible, but it has to be distributed with raid architecture so that the leaves can process the information, but losing several leaves would not corrupt the data or processing system. Could be interesting concept. Or one can put the brain into the root system with potato like nodes....some wacky thoughts....
interesting...some thoughts...
How would DNA injected to Plant affect it,unless you are talking of some Virus(may be artificial?)?...

Creating brains for plant is possible

Do we know for sure that a Plant doesnt have any Nervous system already? just a thought...

>> to cap the accelerating rate of advancing greenhouse effect.

Tooooooooooooooooooooooo late.... 94 months to go
Whats gonna happen in 94 Months? You must be 99 years Old to say that.I am just 21 and i wanna live more...gee...;)

Kmguru, just remember if you start building plants with brains you need an "Achillez heal" otherwise you might start generating a triffid invasion ("The Day of the Trifids" - John Wyndham), perhaps a little "Salt water?"
Some of my old post is probably gone from archives. I did mention in one of the posts long ago that, I had a lucid dream about intelligent plants sometime around late 26th to 28th century and the time travel to past in 3040s to undo the damage. I wrote down the dream many years ago and I still have the document. There were certain technology references in the dream that I plan to develop in about 2018 when certain technology is avaiable. Based on the dream, it is the emergent properties that made the plants intelligent, until then they were like any other human developed product - just modified organisms.