future floods - sign of the end times?


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
check this out -


the percentage of the world population that is expected to be in danger (proximity) to floods will increase dramatically.... 2 BILLION people will be in danger of flood they say...

why ? climatic changes my friends.......

dont think we are saying all this wacko stuff for nothing !

Since when did alien wars and crater chains have anything to do with climate change? Man you just keep stretching more and more don't you.
This is something that Greenpeace (and greenparty members) have been stating for years, however it's not like the end of the world religious lot, since there is actual basis on global alterations based on a mixture of pollutants and activities by us humans.

The constant suggestion of such events though is to attempt to make a difference I would guess, rather than allowing it to become a reality, so it's not like anyone's going to be upset if events don't pan out the way they say it will.

Zonabi didn't actually mention any Alien wars or Craterchains in this thread, so to mention them in the way you imply suggests your just trying to stir him up. So do me a favour calm it for now, theres enough posts filled with flames without adding to them.
Hi Spurious. Is it your opinion that climate-change is accelerating faster than predicted a few years ago? I thought I read something about that recently. In fact -- I forgot his name... Lovelock, independent scientist and environmentalist (a pseudoscientist???), now advocates using nuclear power as a sort of quick-fix, emergency power source to cap the accelerating rate of advancing greenhouse effect. Quite a dilemma -- and a spooky one at that. So what should it be? Nuclear, to head off as quickly as possible the greenhouse gases? Or renewables, to wind down the greenhouse effect?
It is my opinion that the increase in floods is due to poor resource management (that of water) and changes in landscape (mostly man-induced, but not related to climate).
But the increase in floods also signifies an increase in water, no? Like the melting of the polar ice caps? The greenhouse heat? No?
Stryderunknown said:
Zonabi didn't actually mention any Alien wars or Craterchains in this thread, so to mention them in the way you imply suggests your just trying to stir him up. So do me a favour calm it for now, theres enough posts filled with flames without adding to them.

Zonabi: "dont think we are saying all this wacko stuff for nothing !"

Can you see were I thought he was going with a connection? The only wacko stuff he has been talking about is aliens and craters.

I don't think climate change is wacko myself. I think it will be a serious problem down the line, whether it is just a cycle the earth goes through or being pushed along by man. It's best to work on the solution now rather than wait for it to happen and threaten humanity.
Fair enough Blackholesun. I was just making sure it wasn't going to progress.

As for the topic, I noticed mentioned in some reference within the Earth Science section I believe that some scientists tend to think that Pollution and the Greenhouse effect was all fabled, Now those guys you can call crackpots, they tend to be employed by large oil companies to debunk that the oil industry is knowingly polluting, or perhaps have gathered their knowledge based upon tanker spills in the sea and how the oceans manage to deal with them. (without calculating the impact to Flora and Fauna)
"Pollution and the Greenhouse effect was all fabled"

now we're getting somewhere.

"The only wacko stuff he has been talking about is aliens and craters."

um, i dont ever talk about craters, i think you're confusing me with someone else.


the JASON society predicted, under eisenhowers command, the status of the globe from 1950 to 2000, and they said it DOESNT LOOK PRETTY.

the JASON society, for those who are sheep, is an elite group of the most advanced and recognized scientific heads across the WORLD, not just the united states. this group was called upon for several TOP-SECRET studies, mostly having to do with Aliens.

I shall leave the Alien part out of this story so as to not stir up a flamewar.

The JASON group studied several data from the world, mostly from secret black projects and whatnot, and they came up with this:

- population is becoming the number 1 threat to earth.
- according to climatic changes predicted, the earth is more likely to go into another ICE AGE
- by 2000 or shotly after the globe would enter a self destruction pattern if NOTHING was done, by either Man, Aliens, or God.

it is a Harsh reality check, and this was like 50 years ago my friends. this goes to show just how smart and advanced this JASON society really was.


"I don't think climate change is wacko myself. I think it will be a serious problem down the line, whether it is just a cycle the earth goes through or being pushed along by man. It's best to work on the solution now rather than wait for it to happen and threaten humanity. "

im glad you atleast feel that way about it.

but, if you could realize that there is GREAT potential for Power Sources, Energy Conservation, and Earth-safety within the Alien technologies we have recovered. there is no question to whether or not the government has alien ships and more in their secret bases.... the REAL question is this:

Have they figured it out yet? Can they utilize the energy and the technology that powers this ships?

if the answer is NO, then i think they should OPEN UP and let OTHER SCIENTISTS TRY THEIR HAND AT IT. we may then be able to use this new energy source and save our world from depletion.

if the answer is YES, they have figured them out, then i think it is QUITE SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE to STILL KEEP IT ALL A SECRET. WHY? why not STOP the oil depletion and energy crisis (which adds to the climatic changes by the way) and bring forward this new revolutionary technology ?

--=so , where do we stand? have they figured this technology out already and are just holding out like assholes? or are they still scratchin their heads wondering how the hell these 3-foot tall Greys fly around space so gracefully ? I DO NOT KNOW.

but ONE reason i think that the government is STILL keeping it a secret is because they are AFRAID of admitting they LIED, but furthermore, they will be caught RED-HANDED, with all the cover-ups, assasinations, and plethora of conspiracies that have emerged since this whole UFO/ALien thing started. this could be why they are hesitant to come out of the closet... stubborn


i know i got back into the alien theory even tho i said i wouldnt, i cant help it.

i really want you guys to know, and hope you guys realize.

"the oil industry is knowingly polluting, or perhaps have gathered their knowledge based upon tanker spills in the sea and how the oceans manage to deal with them"


open your eyes friends, they have been doing "Tests" like these for AGES, and not just for Oil Recovery purposes. they have been testing Drugs on people unknowingly (most notably during the Gulf War) and they've even been testing VIRII on people. you guys would drop to the floor if you knew the 1/2 of it.

we are begining to QUESTION the AUTHORITY, this is the first steps towards getting the TRUTH. the ESTABLISHMENT will crumble, let's just hope IT DOES BEFORE THE WORLD DOES....
let me take some of your points :
Global Warming and Ice ages
save me from augury,but you said Earth is going to go into an ICE age was a smart prediction? How?where's the ICE age? and BTW earth temperature is bound to rise after an ICE age,do you call that Global warming due to pollution and stuff? and global warming is yet not conclusive,the records of 19th and 18th century are NOT conclusive and dont provide direct evidence of this whatsoever.Vedas,might though provide some insight too,but most of them available today are either abridged or Banal forms of original,so an important piece may have been lost.Also,India has written records,Sutras etc in form of Vedas which have or may have been wrritten during ICE ages according to experts dated at about 6000 B.C.although not conclusive,Ayodhya has some evidence of it.

about people who talk about Solar activity in relation to weather,please guys these are just speculatory things,we cant for sure say that periodicity of sun spot appearance or other activities might have any sort of impact on terrestrial weather.

Curve fitting for day to day weather is difficult,you are making a generalization about next so many years.It is highly unlikely though that a fitting path of prediction could be made using predictor values.


I still dont understand the generalizations made by Global warming supporters that pollution is causing this,I know that CO2 is a GHG,but have you traced back from ICE ages untill now,the correct(And i mean accurate ) predictor values to plot a prediction graph and give predictions?Sometimes in our Data mining field,it is said that you wont need every piece of data for making a model that predicts,but you still need data to be accurate,isnt it? i dont buy this theory that temperatures shown during 19th and 18th and further back can be accurate,they are just speculations dont you think? pretty much like UFOs,Aliens,Robotic Beings,Poltergeists etc...

Kindly explain the logic of Global warming,because i feel skeptical of this phenomenon.

Zonabi, you bring up the mentioning of alien technology that people state is being withheld by governments, however I doubt personally that this is the case. If the governments were so much the conspirers to hide the technology then why not instead bring forth the technology that is alleged and use it under everyones noses? Afterall they wouldn't really have anything to fear being a government now would they?

This is why to me the "Alien technology scenario" doesn't wash, because it wouldn't be withheld, it might be leaked into society as appearing to be genuinely developed technology but it definitely wouldn't be shelved.

However there is one "Unless" to this equation, the only reason a government would shelve technology is if the technology itself would generate a paradox by being developed before the inventor came into being. (Namely something generated in the future, gets sent into the past, what would happen to the universe and most importantly the inventor who's intellectual rights should be protected?)

I can tell you that most greedy SOB's would quite happly reverse engineer someones work and put them out to pasture before they were even born, which would be the wrong thing to do not just for moral or ethical reasons, but because of the butterfly effect it would cause.

There are many places to datamine in relationship to weather patterns such as ice core samples from the poles that contain information about the temperature changes and atmospheric pollution, along with tree growth rates that too contain information about temperature changes based upon how think their layer of bark grows in a year etc.

This information can step back thousands of years, and has even identified dates to when volcanic erruptions occured that were only previously Approximated. (Like when Pompeii was actually buried)

There is apparent global weather patterns that occur in conjunction with planetary positioning as it orbits the sun, since our orbital path is eliptical not circular, tied with other planetary alignments can cause Lagrange shifts that alter our planets climate along with the orbit of the moon.

(also note that the orbit of the moon is degrading, which will also create greater effects over time on the earth.)

I'm not suggesting that we are all going to bake in a greenhouse (since Photochemical reactions do occur throughout our atmosphere constantly cycling gases from one state to another) and I'm not suggesting we are up for another Iceage either. However I am suggesting that pollutants and human interaction with the planet does alter the weather significantly, for instance farming can decrease the soil quality which in turn lowers the amount of water the soil can hold, this generates deserts in one region while increasing flooding in another.

However the systems still maintain an equilibrium where every action, has an equal and opposite one to balance it out.
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Here is some stuff that could predict the flood thing:

Recent Ice core samples have revealed Global Climate Changes going back 740,000 years into our planets history.

The results show that over this period of time the planet has experienced a number of ice ages, with warmer periods (Interglacials) in between.

The warmer spells normally only last about 10,000 years and by rights we should have already entered the beginning of a new ice age. However, this has not happened and the question is why?

The Ice core sample did show that a similar warm period (lasting 28,000 years) occured 440,000 years ago, but the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels now are much higher than previously recorded.

With the Earth's orbit the same now as it was in the last "extended" warm period, the climatic changes could be a natural phenomenon. However, with higher CO2 levels, man may have contributed to this effect.

Another possibility could be the changes in the planets magnetic levels, which have been dropping considerably (noticeable in the last 2000 years). Lower magnetic levels affect the planets ability to shield the Earth from harmful radiation emitted by the Sun and other areas in space. This can also raise the temperatures.

Then if temperature continues up, higher vaporization could cause higher level of water, rain, snow etc in a runaway pattern to a flood stage....
What are Ice Ages?
Ice Ages are intervals of time when large areas of the surface of the globe are covered with ice sheets (large continental glaciers).

The term is used to describe time intervals on two very different scales. It describes long, generally cool intervals of Earth history (tens to hundreds of millions of years) during which glaciers waxed and waned. The term also describes shorter time periods (tens of thousands of years) during which glaciers were near their maximum extent. These shorter intervals are also known as "glaciations."

In addition, the term "Ice Age" is sometimes used to refer to the last major glaciation that occurred in North America and Eurasia. When used in this way, the first letters of both words are often capitalized. This is the way the term Ice Age is used in the Midwestern U.S. 16,000 Years Ago exhibit.

When have Ice Ages occurred?
Many glacial advances and retreats have occurred during the last billion years of Earth history. These glaciations are not randomly distributed in time.Instead, they are concentrated into four time intervals. Large, important glaciations occurred during the late Proterozoic (between about800 and 600 million years ago), during the Pennsylvanian and Permian (between about 350 and 250 million years ago), and the late Neogene toQuaternary (the last 4 million years). Somewhat less extensive glaciations occurred during parts of the Ordovician and Silurian (between about 460 and 430 million years ago).

During each of these periods, many glacial advances and retreatsoccurred. For example, over 20 glacial advances and retreats have occurred during the last 2 million years.

If "ice age" is used to refer to long, generally cool, intervals during which glaciers advance and retreat, we are still in one today. Our modern climate represents a very short, warm period between glacial advances.

Taken from :
I think this will clarify.
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"Afterall they wouldn't really have anything to fear being a government now would they?"

dont you think they would be a little worried about the controversy that would entail from assasinations, with-holding information from PRESIDENTS, lying to presidents and presenting them with false information (like falsely accusing the Aliens as being a 'Threat' just so the military can continue their investigations), secret underground bases that could potentially be housing Aliens right beneath our feets ?

cant you see that they would have ALOT of explaining to do if they admitted this? this is why they choose the SUBTLE method of spreading awareness, with small doses of information given thru movies, shows, and interviews with scientists that claim they worked on UFO's (they then debunk the scientist they set up themselves so as to cover their asses even more)

its obvious to people who are enlightened, aren't zombies and can think for their own selves. forget what NASA says, they are also a potential scapegoat. plus they doctor their images, and are notorious for doing so. dont ask me for proof of this because it is ALL IN THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT PAPERS and videoconference, and in many other sources of informatin as well.


Global warming, the damned issue that no one knows what it REALLY IS or what it MEANS for the world.

there are THOUSaNDS of factors effecting our Globe my friends, as KMGuru explained some of the main ones. it is true our magnetic field is diminishing, our ozone has a hole, and we continue to pollute. of course this wil effect our world.

i dont care what some dictionary describes the Ice Age as, or what some website claims it is- they dont have all the facts straight. just like no one does. not even myself. but what i do know is that Ice Ages come periodically, and SHIFTS come with these ice ages, or perhaps ice ages come with these SHIFTS.

we KNOW that there are several climatic changes and strange occurences happening on Earth today. Quakes are on the rise, proving that theres some tectonic pressures building up, why? the Moon, as Stryder states, is seemingly out-of-place to those who know where it should be (or was according to previous years) we find speculation that the earth has tilted, and other anomolies.

what does it all mean guys ? why would this kind of information be existant ?

it is obvious from all the misinformation and controversy on global warming that is a perpetuated idea by power players to keep the world confused.

come on guys, why not consider the possibilities, instead of retreating to what you've been told is true ?
There is ICE Age and there is flood (from glaciers warming). Our government wants us to think about "Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management". Our government has allocated millions of dollars to come up with scenarios and best way to prevent or manage such crisis.

Now, assuming it is going to happen (either one) in say next ten years....irrespective of the cause...what are the plans for survival? What will you do to protect your loved ones? Is that not more constructive...
Money,is what people care about.People who work and earn their bread out of Weather and Global warming etc.Are they going to say anything that would harm their own bread and butter.It is highly unlikely.These are the people who have been earning a whole lot of money and have made a career out of Env. hazards etc.They will always be pro-Global warming etc...

I think crisis managment in States is pretty O.K if you see.In '97 when Dad was there in FL,he was impressed with the management of such a crisis.

Are you saying that it is not in the best interest of American Cancer Society with an annual fund of $1.2 billion or so to find a cure for cancer?....:D

OR are you saying, it is not in the best interest of prison systems which are more and more being managed privately - not to rehab the inmates so that they can keep up with the population growth?...:D

OR are you.....anyway, I am applying to one grant by Dept of Education on Crisis Management. I will post later what I find.